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Considerable technological progress has been made in the development of controlled environment facilities for plant growth. Although not all of the technology used for terrestrial facilities is applicable to space-based plant growth facilities, the information resident in the commercial organizations that market these facilities can provide a significant resource for the development of the plant growing component of a CELSS. In 1985, NASA initiated an effort termed the Centers for the Commercial Development of Space (CCDS). This program endeavors to develop cooperative research and technology development programs with industrial companies that capitalize on the strengths of industry-university working relationships. One of the these CCDSs, the Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics (WCSAR), deals with developing automated plant growth facilities for space, in cooperation with several industrial partners. Concepts have been developed with industrial partners for the irradiation, water and nutrient delivery, nutrient composition control and automation and robotics subsystems of plant growing units. Space flight experiments are planned for validation of the concepts in a space environment.  相似文献   

光纤光源温度动态特性分析及控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据半导体热电致冷器(TEC)工作的基本原理,分析了光纤光源模块的温度动态特性,建立了与之对应的数学模型.对光源模块进行了实际实验测试,采用多点频率的工作电流驱动TEC模块,通过光源模块内部的热敏元件采样光源管芯温度的动态数据,用最小二乘法进行数据拟合,得到了与数学模型十分接近的结果,因此可以确定数学模型中的待定参数.采用 MAX1978单片TEC控制器,根据温度动态特性数学模型设计了最优的比例积分微分(PID)补偿网络,实现了光纤光源的温度控制系统,得出了TEC温度控制系统对光源有良好的控制精度和稳定性.   相似文献   

载人航天器、飞机、潜艇等密闭微环境,随着人员停留时间的延长,舱室空气污染问题已成为危害工作人员生命安全的主要因素.为了提高上述密闭环境主动应对突发污染的能力,建立一种新的浓度离散随机模型,提出采用敏感性分析算法实现污染源定位及强度估计,利用隐式与显式卡尔曼滤波相结合的方法同时完成污染源散发特性的动态辨识及舱室空气污染物的浓度预测;分析了不同位置处的传感器可辨识区域,给出最优传感器布置策略.仿真结果证实了敏感性分析算法及隐式与显式卡尔曼滤波相结合方法能够实现污染源散发特性的快速准确辨识.  相似文献   

The radiation sources used for plant growth on a space base must meet the biological requirements for photosynthesis and photomorphogenesis. In addition the sources must be energy and volume efficient, while maintaining the required irradiance levels, spectral, spatial and temporal distribution. These requirements are not easily met, but as the biological and mission requirements are better defined, then specific facility designs can begin to accommodate both the biological requirements and the physical limitations of a space based plant growth system.  相似文献   

Among other problems the Institute of Biophysics is working on the development of physiological and fundamental aspects of intensive light cultivation of higher plants. These technologies can be used in life support systems for stationary space station such as a Lunar base, a planetary base or a large orbital station. The source of energy may be the Sun or a nuclear reactor. In certain conditions, such sources of energy allow the use of a very broad range of irradiance of plants, in particular in the light energy range up to 2-3 times the solar energy (up to 100-1200 W/m2 PAR). Our Institute was the first to show that under such a high irradiance, some plants (radish, wheat, for example) can actively photosynthesize and exhibit high productivity on a sowing area basis. These results were later confirmed in the laboratory of Prof. Salisbury (USA).  相似文献   

Constellation is required to be highly stable over several years for a space-based gravitational wave observatory. However, the stability of the constellation can be affected by orbit insertion errors. The effects of orbit insertion errors on the constellation are mainly studied in this paper. Firstly, Monte-Carlo, Unscented Transformation Covariance Analysis Method (UTCAM) and Spherical Simplex Unscented Transformation Covariance Analysis Method (SSUTCAM) are used for simulation. The results indicate that UTCAM and SSUTCAM are highly efficient in calculating, with a relative error of less than 6%. Therefore, it is concluded that because of their accuracy and high efficiency, UTCAM and SSUTCAM can be adequately used in orbit insertion error analysis for a space-based gravitational wave observatory. Secondly, SSUTCAM is used to study the effects of position and velocity errors on the constellation. For the case in this paper, when the position error does not exceed 300 km, and the velocity error does not exceed 4 cm/s, the constellation remains stable.  相似文献   

During the observation of solar cosmic rays on the Prognoz 6 and Helios 1 and 2 spacecrafts, several events with anomalous composition of accelerated particles (higher abundance of 3-He or Fe nuclei) occurred. We found seven such events from the period September to December 1977 for which data from the Prognoz 6 solar X-ray photometer are available. This material together with published optical and radio data from terrestrial observatories enabled us to identify more reliably the source flares and describe their characteristics. It turned out that the character of X-ray emission accompanying the emission of accelerated particles with anomalous composition shows no pronounced difference from other flares. No correlation has been found among the ratio 3-He/4-He and the angular distance between the field lines connected with the source flare and the place of observation. If a solar flare with anomalous ratio 3-He/4-He appears in a given active region, this region will probably produce other anomalous events.  相似文献   

The past two decades have witnessed a renewed interest in low frequency radio astronomy, with a particular focus on frequencies above 30 MHz e.g., LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) in the Netherlands and its European extension ILT, the International LOFAR Telescope. However, at frequencies below 30 MHz, Earth-based observations are limited due to a combination of severe ionospheric distortions, almost full reflection of radio waves below 10 MHz, solar eruptions and the radio frequency interference (RFI) of human-made signals. Moreover, there are interesting scientific processes which naturally occur at these low frequencies. A space or Lunar-based ultra-low-frequency (also referred to as ultra-long-wavelength, ULW) radio array would suffer significantly less from these limitations and hence would open up the last, virtually unexplored frequency domain in the electromagnetic spectrum.A roadmap has been initiated by astronomers and researchers in the Netherlands to explore the opportunity of building a swarm of satellites to observe at the frequency band below 30 MHz. This roadmap dubbed Orbiting Low Frequency Antennas for Radio Astronomy (OLFAR), a space-based ultra-low frequency radio telescope that will explore the Universe’s so-called dark ages, map the interstellar medium, and study planetary and solar bursts in the solar system and search them in other planetary systems. Such a radio astronomy system will comprise of a swarm of hundreds to thousands of satellites, working together as a single aperture synthesis instrument deployed sufficiently far away from Earth to avoid terrestrial RFI. The OLFAR telescope is a novel and complex system, requiring yet to be proven engineering solutions. Therefore, a number of key technologies are still required to be developed and proven. The first step in this roadmap is the NCLE (Netherlands China Low Frequency Explorer) experiment, which was launched in May 2018 on the Chinese Chang’e 4 mission. The NCLE payload consists of a three monopole antenna system for low frequency observations, from which the first data stream is expected in the second half of 2019, which will provide important feedback for future science and technology opportunities.In this paper, the roadmap towards OLFAR, a brief overview of the science opportunities, and the technological and programmatic challenges of the mission are presented.  相似文献   

Levels of adenylate metabolism have been studied in cells of Nicotiana tabacum growing in vitro, and in root apex extracts of Pisum sativum irradiated at the 95-in. isochronous cyclotron U-240, Institute for Nuclear Research, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv. Particle beams of accelerated helium ions with energy 9.34 keV/micrometer were used. Replacement and rapid freezing of the irradiated plants samples in liquid nitrogen were carried out with a manipulator and a remote control system. After doses of 5, 20, 50, and 100 Gy of gamma-irradiation, as well as 50 and 100 Gy 4He irradiation, the cellular ATP/ADP ratio increased during early stages of the response. This effect was absent at higher doses and after exposure to sparesly-ionizing radiation, when a rapid decline in the cellular ATP concentration and the ATP/ADP ratio occurred.  相似文献   

目前对于地球同步轨道(GEO)空间目标的探测和识别主要依靠反射太阳光的光度变化进行分析识别并判断.基于空间目标表面漫反射性质的可见光反射特性计算模型分析,研究了不同形状反射体可见光反射特性,并提出一种采用不同形状反射体控制改变空间目标可见光反射特性的方法.以GEO卫星为例,采用基于蒙特卡罗的非序列光线追迹方法,仿真分析椎体、球体和圆柱体作为反射控制体对卫星光变特性的影响.结果表明该方法可改变卫星原有可见光反射光变曲线,降低卫星被探测识别概率,提高空间目标隐蔽性.  相似文献   

Under ESA contract an industrial consortium including Aboa Space Research Oy (ASRO), the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB), and the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR), proposed the observation concept, developed a suitable sensor architecture, and assessed the performance of a space-based optical (SBO) telescope in 2005. The goal of the SBO study was to analyse how the existing knowledge gap in the space debris population in the millimetre and centimetre regime may be closed by means of a passive optical instrument. The SBO instrument was requested to provide statistical information on the space debris population in terms of number of objects and size distribution. The SBO instrument was considered to be a cost-efficient with 20 cm aperture and 6° field-of-view and having flexible integration requirements. It should be possible to integrate the SBO instrument easily as a secondary payload on satellites launched into low-Earth orbits (LEO), or into geostationary orbit (GEO). Thus the selected mission concept only allowed for fix-mounted telescopes, and the pointing direction could be requested freely. Since 2007 ESA focuses space surveillance and tracking activities in the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) preparatory program. Ground-based radars and optical telescopes are studied for the build-up and maintenance of a catalogue of objects. In this paper we analyse how the proposed SBO architecture could contribute to the space surveillance tasks survey and tracking. We assume that the SBO instrumentation is placed into a circular sun-synchronous orbit at 800 km altitude. We discuss the observation conditions of objects at higher altitude, and select an orbit close to the terminator plane. A pointing of the sensor orthogonal to the orbital plane with optimal elevation slightly in positive direction (0° and +5°) is found optimal for accessing the entire GEO regime within one day, implying a very good coverage of controlled objects in GEO, too. Simulations using ESA’s Program for Radar and Optical Observation Forecasting (PROOF) in the version 2005 and a GEO reference population extracted from DISCOS revealed that the proposed pointing scenario provides low phase angles together with low angular velocities of the objects crossing the field-of-view. Radiometric simulations show that the optimal exposure time is 1–2 s, and that spherical objects in GEO with a diameter of below 1 m can be detected. The GEO population can be covered under proper illumination nearly completely, but seasonal drops of the coverage are possible. Subsequent observations of objects are on average at least every 1.5 days, not exceeding 3 days at maximum. A single observation arc spans 3° to 5° on average. Using a simulation environment that connects PROOF to AIUB’s program system CelMech we verify the consistency of the initial orbit determination for five selected test objects on subsequent days as a function of realistic astrometric noise levels. The initial orbit determination is possible. We define requirements for a correlator process essential for catalogue build-up and maintenance. Each single observation should provide an astrometric accuracy of at least 1”–1.5” so that the initially determined orbits are consistent within a few hundred kilometres for the semi-major axis, 0.01 for the eccentricity, and 0.1° for the inclination.  相似文献   

Regenerative Life Support Systems (RLSS) will be required to regenerate air, water, and wastes, and to produce food for human consumption during long-duration missions to the Moon and Mars. It may be possible to supplement some of the materials needed for a lunar RLSS from resources on the Moon. Natural materials at the lunar surface may be used for a variety of lunar RLSS needs, including (i) soils or solid-support substrates for plant growth, (ii) sources for extraction of essential, plant-growth nutrients, (iii) substrates for microbial populations in the degradation of wastes, (iv) sources of O2 and H2, which may be used to manufacture water, (v) feed stock materials for the synthesis of useful minerals (e.g., molecular sieves), and (vi) shielding materials surrounding the outpost structure to protect humans, plants, and microorganisms from harmful radiation. Use of indigenous lunar regolith as a terrestrial-like soil for plant growth could offer a solid support substrate, buffering capacity, nutrient source/storage/retention capabilities, and should be relatively easy to maintain. The lunar regolith could, with a suitable microbial population, play a role in waste renovation; much like terrestrial waste application directly on soils. Issues associated with potentially toxic elements, pH, nutrient availability, air and fluid movement parameters, and cation exchange capacity of lunar regolith need to be addressed before lunar materials can be used effectively as soils for plant growth.  相似文献   

半导体激光器常用于抽运与检测激光光源用于原子物理实验与量子科学仪器的研究,而半导体激光器的各特性参数,如阈值电流、峰值波长、输出功率、使用寿命等,均与温度相关,因此对其进行温度控制很重要.根据激光器输出功率与温度之间的关系,提出一种基于光电二极管(PD)的激光器温度控制系统,通过激光管内部集成的PD所获得的激光器光功率,进而得出激光器发光芯片温度,与热敏电阻相结合,以半导体制冷芯片为执行器,构成双闭环控制系统,可实现高精度长期稳定激光器温度控制,稳定度优于±5 m K,能够满足原子物理实验与研究对半导体激光器的要求.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated temperatures of 35 and 45 degrees C (at the intensities of photosynthetically active radiation 322, 690 and 1104 micromoles m-2 s-1) on the photosynthesis, respiration, and qualitative and quantitative composition of the volatiles emitted by wheat (Triticum aestuvi L., cultivar 232) crops was investigated in growth chambers. Identification and quantification of more than 20 volatile compounds (terpenoids--alpha-pinene, delta 3 carene, limonene, benzene, alpha- and trans-caryophyllene, alpha- and gamma-terpinene, their derivatives, aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.) were conducted by gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry. Under light intensity of 1104 micromoles m-2 s-1 heat resistance of photosynthesis and respiration increased at 35 degrees C and decreased at 45 degrees C. The action of elevated temperatures brought about variations in the rate and direction of the synthesis of volatile metabolites. The emission of volatile compounds was the greatest under a reduced irradiation of 322 micromoles m-2 s-1 and the smallest under 1104 micromoles m-2 s-1 at 35 degrees C. During the repair period, the contents and proportions of volatile compounds were different from their initial values, too. The degree of disruption and the following recovery of the functional state depended on the light intensity during the exposure to elevated temperatures. The investigation of the atmosphere of the growth chamber without plants has revealed the substances that were definitely technogenic in origin: tetramethylurea, dimethylsulfide, dibutylsulfide, dibutylphthalate, and a number of components of furan and silane nature.  相似文献   

A compact Dopplergraph/magnetograph placed in a continuous solar-viewing orbit will allow us to make major advancements in our understanding of solar internal structure and dynamics. An international program is currently being conducted at JPL and Mt. Wilson to develop such an instrument. By combining a unique magneto-optical resonance filter with CID and CCD cameras we have been able to obtain full- and partial-disk Dopplergrams and magnetograms. Time series of the velocity images are converted into k-ω power spectra which show clear- the solar nonradial p-mode oscillations. Magnetograms suitable for studying the long-term evolution of solar active regions have also been obtained with this instrument. A flight instrument based on this concept is being studied for possible inclusion in the SOHO mission.  相似文献   

The far UV resonance lines of a sample of 21 early-type stars, which were observed in the soft X-Ray band with the Einstein satellite, are examined using I.U.E. high resolution spectra to search for possible correlation between the X-Ray coronal emission and far UV spectral properties. In particular, those quantities that can give information on the structure of the outer envelope (such as wind terminal velocities, emission-absorption ratios) are measured and compared with the observed X-Ray flux.  相似文献   

Comprehensive spectroscopic monitoring of plant health and growth in bioregenerative life support system environments is possible using a variety of spectrometric technologies. Absorption spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry in combination allow for direct, on-line, reagentless monitoring of plant nutrients from nitrate and potassium to micronutrients such as copper and zinc. Fluorometric spectrometry is ideal for the on-line detection, identification and quantification of bacteria and fungi. Liquid Atomic Emission Spectrometry (LAES) is a new form of spectrometry that allows for direct measurement of atomic emission spectra in liquids. An electric arc is generated by a pair of electrodes in the liquid to provide the energy necessary to break molecular bonds and reduce the substance to atomic form. With a fiber probe attached to the electrodes, spectral light can be transmitted to a photodiode array spectrometer for light dispersion and analysis. Ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectrometry is a long-established technology, but applications typically have required specific reagents to produce an analyte-specific absorption. Nitrate and iron nutrients have native UV absorption spectra that have been used to accurately determine nutrient concentrations at the +/- 5% level. Fluorescence detection and characterization of microbes is based upon the native fluorescent signatures of most microbiological species. Spectral and time-resolved fluorometers operating with remote fiber-optic probes will be used for on-line microbial monitoring in plant nutrient streams.  相似文献   

Our experiments examined enhancing tolerance of the photosynthesizing component to possible deviations in thermal or illumination conditions inside a bioregenerative life support system (BLSS). In the event of one parameter getting beyond its optimum, the values of other parameters may ensure minimal damage to the plant component during the period of environmental stress. With wheat plants (one of key elements of the plant component) as an example the work considers whether it is possible to enhance thermal tolerance by varying light intensity. Increase of air temperature to 35 degrees C or 45 degrees C with light intensity of 60 W/m2 PAR has been shown to substantially inhibit the photosynthesis processes; at 150 W/m2 PAR photosynthesis decreases from 50% to 100%, respectively; when light intensity is increased to 240 W/m2 PAR photosynthesis increased more than 70% at 35 degrees C and decreased at 45 degrees C by only 20%. Thus, light intensity can be increased to avoid or decrease the inhibiting effect of high temperatures. On the other hand, tolerance of wheat plants to prolonged absence of light can be substantially enhanced by decreasing during this period air temperature to temperatures close to 0 degrees C.  相似文献   

Controlled ecological life support systems (CELSS) have been proposed to make long-duration manned space flights more cost-effective. Higher plants will presumably provide food and a breathable atmosphere for the crew. It has been suggested that imbalances between the CO2/O2 gas exchange ratios of the heterotrophic and autotrophic components of the system will inevitably lead to an unstable system, and the loss of O2 from the atmosphere. Ratio imbalances may be corrected by including a second autotroph with an appropriate CO2/O2 gas exchange ratio. Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 is a large unicellular N2-fixing cyanobacterium, exhibiting high growth rates under diverse physiological conditions. A rat-feeding study showed the biomass to be edible. Furthermore, it may have a CO2/O2 gas exchange ratio that theoretically can compensate for ratio imbalances. It is suggested that Cyanothece spp. could fulfill several roles in a CELSS: supplementing atmosphere recycling, generating fixed N from the air, providing a balanced protein supplement, and protecting a CELSS in case of catastrophic crop failure.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高电子束流发生系统工作的可靠性和稳定性,提高电子束加工质量,采用AC-DC-AC-DC-AC-DC的拓扑电路、新型功率变压器、高压脉冲检测技术、优化的束流反馈控制与灯丝加热电流闭环反馈控制技术等,分别优化了高压加速电源、偏压电源与灯丝加热电源。将所研制逆变电源与150 k V/30 k W电子枪、真空系统等组成了一套电子束流发生系统,测试了该电子束流发生系统输出的高压、最大束流以及灯丝加热电流、偏压变化对束流输出的影响。试验结果表明:经过优化的逆变电源高压输出达到-150 k V,高压输出线性度较好,最大束流达到200 m A;高压、灯丝加热电流给定时,随着偏压降低,束流输出逐渐增大;高压、偏压给定时,随着灯丝加热电流增大,束流输出存在死区、线性增大区和恒流区。  相似文献   

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