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<正>自行车已悄然演变成一种强烈的运动文化,在世界各地影响人们的生活方式,它不仅是一种健康运动的时尚标志,也是一种低碳环保的绿色运动方式,这种运动文化鼓励人们健身锻炼,同时借此结交更多志趣相投的朋友。当今,在都市的大街小巷,夜骑渐渐成为潮流达人们追捧的生活方式。"夜骑人"是一群与众不同穿梭在道路上的骑车人,他们的自行车造型独特,都是"专业装备",骑行时变换着队形,享受工作之余在夜间骑行带来的  相似文献   

普罗旺斯,全称普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸,原为罗马帝国的一个行省,现为法国东南部的一个地区,毗邻地中海,和意大利接壤。中间有隆河流过。从阿尔卑斯山经里昂南流的罗讷河,在普罗旺斯附近分为两大支流,然后注入地中海。普罗旺斯是世界闻名的薰衣草故乡,并出产优质葡萄酒。普罗旺斯还是欧洲的"骑士之城",是中世纪重要文学体裁骑士抒情诗的发源地。普罗旺斯境内有艾克斯、马赛等名城,还有阿尔勒、葛德、阿维尼翁、尼姆等市镇组成。这里物产丰饶、阳光明媚、风景优美,从古希腊、古罗马时代起就吸引着无数游人,至今依然是旅游胜地。  相似文献   

大都市快节奏的生活方式,使得人们十分向往节日带来的轻松和愉快。对于崇尚个性、追求时尚的都市年轻人来说,圣诞节这个洋节日张扬自由,更加成为他们疯狂聚会、开心狂欢的盛宴。人们需要快乐的借口,需要放松心情、释放压力,更希望在  相似文献   

桃红葡萄酒诞生于法国普罗旺斯,多年来都是该地的一种特产。桃红葡萄酒是一种无法模仿的艺术,柔和、浅淡而清澈的酒裙,细腻而果味浓郁的干型酒香,使得桃红葡萄酒充满着浪漫气氛。近20年来,法国的桃红葡萄酒消费量翻了一番。自1994年起,法国人的桃红葡萄酒消费量就超过了白葡萄酒!桃红葡萄酒不仅是一种时尚现象,它还与现代社会新的消费趋势相适应。桃红葡萄酒烙印着自由和浪漫的气息,摆脱了传统的规章法则。  相似文献   

<正>在这物欲横流的人世间,人生一世实在够累。很长一段时间,身边的朋友总是在抱怨工作和生活的劳累。这种劳累分为两种:一种是本身很不自信,却拼命与别人攀比竞争,最后弄得自己身心疲惫甚至两败俱伤;另外一种是由于自己很出色,于是上司把什么工作都交给你干,一年到头得到能者多劳的夸赞不少,却把时间和健康都搭了进去。如此看来,一个人似乎无论如何都难免要受苦受累,生活当真没有希望了吗?  相似文献   

2012年7月21日上午至7月22日清晨,一场持续十几个小时的特大暴雨侵袭了首都北京,人民生命和财产安全都遭受了前所未有的威胁。我们亲眼目睹了城市道路严重积水导致交通停滞乃至人员伤亡,亲耳听到了受困者家属在雨夜中呼喊亲人的名字,并深刻体会到了都市发展在自然挑战下所暴露出的种种弊端。  相似文献   

90年11月3日,西安航专校工会组织本校青年教职工到蓝田县葛牌乡实地调研。在群山环绕中的蓝田县葛牌乡,是目前陕西较为贫困的地区。内有18个行政村,170个村民小组,共有人口1164人,以种植、养植业为主,兼搞采集木耳、药材等副业。由于葛牌乡位置偏僻,资源缺乏,土地贫瘠,所以人民的生活水平还没有实现温饱,一般由国家救济一半,自给自供一半。葛牌乡人民生活极为艰苦,洋芋、豆类成为他们的主食。但是,葛牌乡人民并没有被困难吓倒,他们以坚韧不拔的毅力,在贫瘠的土地上建设家园。  相似文献   

我们花太多的时间关注明星,我们梦想着他们那种比普通人更有滋味的生活,我们也想向他们的活法靠近。在有生之年,有一种生活方式我们不太难拥有——想象一下,假如你手腕上的一个标签也被一位大名鼎鼎的人所钟爱……  相似文献   

成克杰、胡长清贪污腐化,罪大恶极,处以极刑,罪有应得。他们由共产党的高级干部蜕变为人民的罪人,教训极其深刻,其中最核心的一条是背弃了共产主义信念,政治上蜕化变质,导致经济和生活腐败堕落。 社会主义的理想和信念是共产党人的精神支柱,是拒腐防变永葆先锋队性质和人民公仆本色的根本。小平同志曾语重心长地指出:“为什么我们过去能在非常困难的情况下奋斗出来,战胜千难万阻使革命胜利呢?就是因为我们有理想,有马克思主义信念,有共产主义信念。”人在社会生活,既需要一定的物质条件来满足生存的需要,更需要有一种理想和…  相似文献   

一百年前,50多人披荆斩棘,跨越一个世纪,凝聚起9100多万人的队伍.他们团结带领中国人民前仆后继、顽强奋斗,走出了一条民族独立、人民解放之路,走出了一条社会主义建设之路,走出了一条改革开放之路,走上了新时代中华民族伟大复兴之路. 他们就是中国共产党人.  相似文献   

Suki 《航空港》2012,(6):37-41
2012年第65届戛纳国际电影节于5月16日至27日在法国举行,随着伊万·麦克格雷格、戴安·克鲁格、爱德华·诺顿、蒂尔达·斯文顿等影坛明星陆续亮相,今年的戛纳依旧闪耀着金棕榈的光芒。而今年恰逢好莱坞巨星玛丽莲·梦露逝世50周年,已走过65个年头的戛纳国际电影节本次也将玛丽莲·梦露吹生日蛋糕蜡烛的照片作为影展主海报作为对这一位巨星的致敬。在开幕式上,组委会特意邀请歌手演唱重新编曲的埃尔顿·约翰的经典作品《风中之烛》,向玛丽莲·梦露致敬。  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(1-2):33-35
In July 2000, the European Commission issued a consultation paper based on draft proposals to revise the 1993 regulation on airport slot allocation. This long awaited document was the culmination of seven years of thinking within the Commission as to how best to improve the current system of slot allocation at capacity constrained airports within the European Union. One of the proposals contained in the consultation paper involves allowing airlines to buy and sell slots. The aim of this paper is to highlight and address some of the key issues involved.  相似文献   

As the Earth-orbit International Space Station (ISS) grows, it needs more power which is generated by solar panels. For periods in which the planet Earth occults sunlight, energy is stored in the biggest set of batteries ever flown in space. Reliability of power is important in a space station because a failure requires costly launch of replacement components. Even greater importance results when astronauts work in the station. A power failure that causes the astronauts to perish would be a very serious event. The first battery-containing "integrated equipment module" was launched November 30, 2000 and installed on port 6 of the International Space Station. Two more modules will be launched by the United States; to be launched in 2004 is the European Space Agency's "attached COLUMBUS APM laboratory," which will have its own power system. Unexpected battery-related events occurred in the integrated equipment module during its first year-and-a-half in orbit. The problems and their solutions were described in papers presented at the 37/sup th/ Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. Since the International Space Station carries more battery cells than any other spacecraft, the in-flight performance data from its battery assembly can be useful to engineers who design power supplies for other spacecraft. We, therefore, summarize the battery development process, the adopted design, and an unexpected in-flight battery degradation and its correction.  相似文献   

The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), a programme of the European Space Agency, is an astronomical satellite operating at wavelength from 2.5 to 200 m. It will be launched in 1995.The ISO optical subsystem is a cryogenically cooled telescope with its baffling system (main baffle and sunshade). The telescope, a 60 cm Ritchey-Chrétien type, focuses the beam to the four scientific instruments located in its focal plane. The extremely low temperature, 1.8 K, is provided by the payload module (PLM) cryostat, filled with superfluid He.This paper presents the main choices done for the telescope design together with their rationale and the performances achieved on the flight model (FM) of the telescope. The FM telescope is presently installed inside the payload module, ready for the system final verifications.  相似文献   

A catalogue is presented of all the low-resolution IUE spectra of dwarf novae and nova-like stars that were recorded until the end of 1987. All spectra have been reduced, and are displayed, in a homogeneous way. In addition to details about these data, to the extent available, their position in the outburst light curves is given, physical information about each system, and a comprehensive list of references for published observations in all wavelength ranges.In collaboration with Janet A. Mattei, American Association of Variable Star Observers, 25 Birch Street, Cambridge, MA 02138-1205, U.S.A.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期。美国的对华政策分为三个阶段。抗战初期,美国对日本的侵华行为采取妥协退让与援华制日的双重政策,在“中立”和“不干涉”的幌子下,既对中国给予一定的援助,又与日本大作军火生意,给中国战场的反法西斯战争带来了很大的困难。珍珠港事件发生后,美国为了联合中国打败日本,采取了“联蒋抗日”和“援蒋抗日”的积极政策,在物资上给予中国很大的援助,在政治上确立中国的大国地位。在二战结束前夕,美国从战后国际格局及其远东地区的利益考虑,实行“扶蒋反共”的政策。战时中美关系的演变对战后数十年的中国内政和对外政策有着重大的影响。  相似文献   

A catalogue is presented of all the low-resolution IUE spectra of dwarf novae and nova-like stars that were recorded until the end of 1987. All spectra have been reduced, and are displayed, in a homogeneous way. In addition to details about these data, to the extent available, their position in the outburst light curves is given, physical information about each system, and a comprehensive list of references for published observations in all wavelength ranges.In collaboration with Janet A. Mattei, American Association of Variable Star Observers, 25 Birch Street, Cambridge, MA 02138-1205, U.S.A.  相似文献   

This is a review of current knowledge about Earth’s nearest planetary neighbour and near twin, Venus. Such knowledge has recently been extended by the European Venus Express and the Japanese Akatsuki spacecraft in orbit around the planet; these missions and their achievements are concisely described in the first part of the review, along with a summary of previous Venus observations. The scientific discussions which follow are divided into three main sections: on the surface and interior; the atmosphere and climate; and the thermosphere, exosphere and magnetosphere. These reports are intended to provide an overview for the general reader, and also an introduction to the more detailed topical surveys in the following articles in this issue, where full references to original material may be found.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2000,2(2):90-96
The aerospace societies of 8 European countries — France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and The United Kingdom - ten years ago formed a Confederation to help member societies and their 25 000 individual members through collaborative efforts: ‘Confederation of European Aerospace Societies’ - CEAS. What is its history? What are its objectives? What is its present status and perspectives for the future? At the time of European mergers in aerospace industry, is the CEAS an opportunity for Europe?  相似文献   

贩毒吸毒是人类丑恶行为表现出的社会丑恶现象,在人类正常的生活环境中时有发生。特别近年来有的国家或地区呈现流行的趋势,各国对此都十分关注。建立三个描述贩毒吸毒社会丑恶现象的微分方程模型。借助于微分方程定性论的基本理论,分析微分方程模型基本理论,分析贩毒吸毒流行的趋势,流行的结局,得到基本符合实际的效果。  相似文献   

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