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西方企业管理越来越突出人在现代企业中的主体地位,我国借鉴西方企业管理的经验并结合国内外形势的变化,对人本管理的研究取得了很多成果,但是随着经济全球化、信息网络化的高速度发展,改革开放以来我国企业的利益调整使得企业管理中的不和谐因素出现了很多新特点。因此,在社会经济转型的关键时期探讨如何运用人本管理思想来科学的指导现代企业发展具有重要的理论意义和深刻的现实意义。  相似文献   

结合航空学院自选课题《科研管理网络系统设计开发》的实践应用,对当前办公自动化和网络化技术在科技管理工作中的应用提出了一些实用性建议和思考,对一些工作中的实际性问题做了深入剖析,结合网络化办公的实际应用对今后的办公自动化和网络化发展方向做了展望。  相似文献   

航空企业安全绩效管理的探索与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>众所周知,安全绩效管理是航空企业安全战略落地的工具。几乎所有的航空企业对此都进行了不断的实践,收获了不少成功的经验,但也遇到了一些难以回避的问题,如安全绩效管理达到了SMS预期设计的期望价值吗?与实际绩效水平差距大吗?答案是差强人意的。这里笔者也把在安全绩效管理方面的探索和思考做个抛砖引玉。一、对安全绩效管理的理解与认识安全绩效就是将企业安全目标落实到个人行动的过程,并取得可测量的安全结果,同时,也是对安全结果进行评价和反馈的过程。安全绩效应可以测量,目的是为了管理安全、风险和质量,无法测量就不能管理;是为了监控已知的安全风险,  相似文献   

在我国经济转型、产业结构进一步调整的背景下,企业的管理模式也亟待变革。管理会计作为内嵌于企业的内部服务型会计,加强对其本土化、特色化研究日趋重要。然而,我国的管理会计学界的研究大多借鉴西方学说理论,缺乏根植于自身的研究。文章就管理会计本土化的概念、开展本土化管理会计研究的迫切性、可行性做出分析,并对如何加强管理会计本土化研究提出几点思考。  相似文献   

经过市场经济的磨练,国内企业的管理素质得到不断提升。在中国加入WTO后,给中国的企业带来了希望、带来了机遇。企业管理者迫切需要科学有效的管理方法和工具,对企业的经营活动进行统筹规划和合理的指导,从而达到对企业的有效经营和控制,否则企业将难以协调发展,最终的影响不仅是企业的效率和效益,甚至关系到企业的生死存亡。全面预算管理由此从西方引入国内并已进行了一定的理论研究和实践应用。  相似文献   

简要阐述了技术状态管理的内容和作用,描述了怎样进行技术状态管理,介绍了技术状态管理在国家某高新工程研制过程中的应用情况,并对在实践过程中出现的问题提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

目标管理方法自40年代在美国初创之后,作为一种现代化的管理科学,迅速地在各国大公司、企业内推广,人们普遍认为它是一种行之有效的现代化管理方法。然而并不是在所有的企业内推广都能获得成功,因为要很好地推行它,确实有一些困难,如目标难于确定和目标不易考评等,这样目标管理基本上流于形式,成为墙  相似文献   

成飞集团三航公司是成飞集团公司参股的股份制企业,历时一年半的成长与探索,发现其内部经营管理上有着与现代企业制度倡导的思想不相适应的殊多方面。为了从根本上寻找出问题实质,从而实事求是地去面对这些问题,接合十四届四中全会江主席的讲话精神,努力营造建立现代化企业制度氛围。笔者,对三航公司内部经营管理方面重点是分配机制、用工制度作有粗浅的思考,企业的希望在于打破旧的分配机制,建立现代企业人事制度和用工制度。  相似文献   

自科学人力资源管理理论创立以来,其理论在与人力资源管理实践相互融合的过程中得到了不断的凝练和升华,其存在与发展的基础也发生了很大的变化,逐渐产生了人性化人力资源管理理念和方式.人性化人力资源管理理论认为,企业员工是人力资源管理主客体的统一,人力资源管理过程就是人力资源管理的主客体双向互动的过程.无论是从价值层面上、技术层面上,还是从人性的需求动机层面上,人性化人力资源管理理论都具有丰富的哲学内涵.与西方企业相比,我国人性化人力资源管理比较落后,实现中国特色的人性化人力资源管理就要正确把握人性化人力资源管理与科学人力资源管理的关系,做到企业人力资源管理现代化和民族化的有机结合,人性化人力资源管理和社会主义基本制度的有机结合,人性化人力资源管理和人力资源管理创新的有机结合.  相似文献   

企业文化是企业的“灵魂”,在企业的经营发展中具有无法替代的核心作用。企业文化建设是制度创新的重要内容,也是企业持续、健康发展的重要保证。 因此,海航创立之初,海航领导人就提出“内修中国传统文化之精华,外兼西方先进的管理技术”的企业经营管理思想,在海航领导人和广大员工的共同参与下,海航企业文化建设不断深化,逐渐培育出了中西合璧的独特的企业文化,既汲取了中国传统文化的精华,又注重吸收西方文明成果,形成了开放的、和谐统一的文化,实现了“中学为体,西学为用”思想,在建设企业文化方面可谓独树一帜,这是许多国内企业所孜孜以…  相似文献   

As many have intuitively sensed, if not outright admitted to themselves, American corporate society has turned their focus to the bottom line. Do you use Cost-As-an-Independent-Variable (CAIV) to meet the bottom line today so you can live to fight another day? Do you stand on your principles so that, when tomorrow comes, you will be prepared? Can you do both? What happens when you guess wrong? This paper explores the question of management for the bottom line versus management for technical excellence  相似文献   

我不是一口气读完《大目标:我们与这个世界的政治协商》的,因为,刚读该书给人一种业余写手习作的感觉,里面充满了自以为是的主观和非专业论述。后来看到一些标题想再读,在渐渐适应了作者写作风格之后,觉得该书有一种独特之处。作者们虽然年轻,但经历丰富,古今中外,并能从人类发展的历史中概括出自己的结论;思考虽有偏激,但没有人云亦云;语言论述不够专业,但立场非常正确,对国家充满希望,对人民满腔热忱;没有严谨的结构,但所研究问题紧贴现实,都属于这个世界和时代的基本问题,有较深刻的哲学思维,能引发读者的共鸣和更深思考,等等。因此,可以说《大目标:我们与这个世界的政治协商》不失为一本极具阅读价值的书。后来知道作者是一群80后,更感到震撼和欣慰。当今社会对  相似文献   

Freddy 《航空港》2012,(9):72-76
你可曾遇到过这样的尴尬?带着一家人去旅行,经过一家高尔夫俱乐部后兴致大发,但动辄4个多小时的一场球却不得不让上你"抛妻弃子"……对于大部分家庭而言,高尔夫是一项"孤独"的运动,但好在,顾家的男士们还有高尔夫度假村可以选择,当你在阳光下沙坑里挥汗如雨地救球时,你的太太可能正在泳池里沐浴阳光高尔夫度假村让高尔夫变得不再孤单……  相似文献   

In this introductory presentation, material is categorized according to our state of knowledge: What do we know, what do we think we know but don’t know certainly, and what do we not know but often describe it as if it were a well-established fact about comets, their nuclei, their composition, and processes within comets and their nuclei. The material is presented not with the intend to criticize laboratory work simulating condition in comet nuclei, or observers analyzing their observations, nor modelers using data from both these sources to improve our understanding and make predictions. The intent is to provoke discussion and dialog between these groups to avoid overstating the results. What is a Comet? A comet is a diffuse appearing celestial phenomenon moving in an orbit about the Sun. The central body, the nucleus, is composed of ice and dust. It is the source of all cometary activity, including comae and tails. We distinguish between molecular (including atoms and ions) and dust comae. At heliocentric distances of about 1 AU and less, the hydrogen coma typically has dimensions larger than the Sun. The tails are composed of dust, neutral atoms and molecules, and plasma.  相似文献   

Electronics and computers have long been associated with aviation, defense and aerospace. Many aerospace advances would have been impossible without digital computers, and digital computers would not have progressed as rapidly without aerospace. In some sense you may thank aerospace for the computer on your desk and Internet in your life. DoD and NASA programs drove computer technology for the first 25 years, but in the 80s the primary thrust transitioned to the commercial sector. Aerospace computation requirements have driven the development of many electronic components such as transistors, ICs and memory technology. Advances in memory technology progressed from delay lines to electrostatic tubes to magnetic cores and now solid-state memory. As the need for number crunching grew, computers transitioned from batch processing, time-sharing, real-time computing, networking to the ubiquitous PC and Internet. How far is it from your hand-held PDA to the nano computer?  相似文献   

察颜观色,通过对方一个不经意的小表情、小动作破解其深藏的内心奥秘,是行走于百态人问人们的一个普遍心愿。世界太复杂,准不想拥有一双火眼金睛,探知动作、表情背后潜藏的危机呢?美国电视剧《Lie to Me》(别对我说谎)的热播,更是点燃了人们破解微动作、微表情的热情火药。一时间各路"神仙"纷纷著书立说,鱼龙混杂,那么究竟人们的表情、动作能否透露内心深藏的秘密?中国"应激心理微反应"学科带头人姜振宇,在《姜振宇教你察言观色》一书中破除了诸多不靠谱的"读心"神话,带领读者从科学的角度出发,一步步破解人类的丛林基因密码,帮助读者分析  相似文献   

The first observations of solar cosmic rays were made simultaneously by many investigators at worldwide cosmic-ray stations in the periods of powerful chromospheric flares on February 28 and March 7, 1942. The discovery of these and the investigation of cosmic-ray solar-daily variations with maximum time near noon led some authors (Richtmyer and Teller, 1948; Alfvén, 1949, 1950) to a model of apparent cosmic-ray solar origin. We present here the results of the properties of solar cosmic rays from ground events (experimental and theoretical investigations). We also discuss important information from solar experimental data relating to these ground events observed in September and October 1989 and May 1990. Some experimental evidence of acceleration processes in associated phenomena with flares and long-term (solar cycle) variation of the average flux of solar cosmic rays is discussed as also cornal and interplanetary propagation, and that in the terrestrial magnetosphere. Note that the energy spectrum of solar cosmic rays varied very strongly from one flare to another. What are the causes of these phenomena? What is the nature of chemical and isotopic contents of solar cosmic rays? How can its changes occur in the energy spectrum and chemical contents of solar cosmic rays in the process of propagation? Is it possible to recalculate these parameters to the source? What makes solar cosmic rays rich in heavy nucleus and3He? The important data about electrons, positrons, gamma-quanta and neutrons from flares will be discussed in a subsequent paper (Dorman and Venkatesan, 1992). The question is: What main acceleration mechanism of solar flare and associated phenomena are reliable? These problems are connected with the more general problem on solar flare origin and its energetics. In Dorman and Venkatesan (1993) we will consider these problems as well as the problem of prediction of radiation hazard from solar cosmic rays (not only in space, but also in the Earth's atmosphere too).  相似文献   

La sola 《航空港》2012,(9):123
作为一个常年混迹于网络的看客,相信近几年国内发生的诸多热点事件大家部不会错过,当潜规则被搬上桌面,成为心照不宣的秘密;当躲猫猫、俯卧撑、楼脆脆这些荒唐的事件接二连三地发生;当一个个"范跑跑"、"郭美美"越来越理直气壮地跳出来时,我们一边围观、谴责,又一边逃避着,这些事也层出不穷,竟成为常态。这个世界到底怎么了?一个接一个令人发指的荒唐事件的上演,短暂的警示后,却反成了人们茶余饭后的谈资,少有人会真正地去思考:我们生活的社会正在遭遇一场什么样的变故?近期有幸读了华中科技大学出版社策划出版的《中国刻不容缓——拯救我们的道德》一书,不说醍醐灌顶,却有如读了《警世钟》的感觉,国民的道德信念日渐式微,以陕西周老虎事件和河北三鹿  相似文献   

"I can't get that stupid kite in the air! I can't! I can't!" "Oh, come on now, Charlie Brown ... that's no way to talk. The whole trouble with you is that you don't believe in yourself! You don't believe in your own abilities. You've got to say to yourself, 'I believe that I can fly this kite.' Now, go ahead, say to yourself, ' I believe that I can fly this kite.'" "I believe that I can fly this kite." "All right, now say it out loud. Say it over and over." "I believe that I can fly this kite! I believe that I can fly this kite! I actually believe I can fly this kite!" "You do? I'll bet you ten-to-one you're wrong!"  相似文献   

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