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Some morphological features of solar magnetic fields in the chromosphere and corona are considered based on studying various observational data. These data are compared to the results of observation of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field, as well as to the data on fluxes of solar cosmic rays. New specific features are found in the solar wind structure, and new additional indications of sources of the solar wind are obtained. The properties of the active regions and coronal holes are considered. A model of the ascending stream-like plasma flow is suggested. It flows around the discrete arched magnetic field tubes in the solar atmosphere and stretches them out into interplanetary space.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition and concentrations of helium are investigated in 9 samples taken from different depths of a soil column delivered by the Luna-24 mission. It is demonstrated that, with allowance made for random errors, the isotopic composition of helium remains invariable. The concentrations of helium are subject to considerable variations, the increases and decreases relative to the average value reaching a factor of 1.5–2. Assuming that the full length of the soil column was formed due to long-term accumulation of lunar clastic rocks (regolith), based on measurements of cosmogenic isotopes, a method of determining the rate of regolith accumulation has been developed, as well as a method of determining the age of the column soil samples. It is found that the rate of regolith accumulation is variable, and it changes over the column length within the limits (0.2–0.8 cm)/106 years. The range of the time for formation of the investigated part of the column is 100–600 million years. The observed decreases of concentration (at 250 and 600 million years) can be associated with both solar and lunar processes. In particular, a possibility of diffusion losses of helium due to the mechanism of jump-like diffusion is discussed, and diffusion parameters are found. A comparison of time periods of the observed variations in the solar wind with paleontological epochs and periods is made.  相似文献   

Methods of localizing coronal sources of the solar wind (SW), such as coronal holes, quasi-stationary fluxes from active regions, and transient sources associated with small-scale active phenomena are considered based on vacuum-ultraviolet (EUV) images of the corona at low solar activity during the initial period of the 24th solar cycle (2010). It is shown that a SW velocity profile can be calculated from the relative areas of coronal holes (CH) at the central part of the disk based on the images in the ranges of 193 and 171 Å. The images in the 193 Å describe the geometry of large HCs that represent sources of fast SW well. The images in 171 Å are a better visualization of small CHs, based on which the profile of a slow SW component was calculated to a high accuracy (up to 65 km/s). According to Hinode/EIS data of October 15, 2010, using the Doppler spectroscopy method at the streamer base over the active region 11112, the source of the outgoing plasma flux with the mean velocity of 17 km/s was localized in the magnetic field region with an intensity of less than 200 Gauss. According to the estimate, the density of the plasma flux from this source is an order of magnitude greater than the value required for explaining the distinction between the calculated and measured profiles of a slow SW velocity. For finding the transient SW component based on small-scale flare activity, SW parameters were analyzed for the periods of flares accompanied by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and for the periods without flares, according to the data obtained in 2010 from the ACE and GOES satellites and by coronagraphs on the STEREO-A and -B spacecraft. The ion ratios C+6/C+5 and O+7/O+6 and the mean charge of Fe ions for periods with flares were shown to be shifted toward large values, suggesting the presence of a hot SW component associated with flare activity. A noticeable correlation between the maximum charge of Fe ions and the peak power of a flare, previously observed for flares of a higher class, was confirmed. The mean value of the SW flux density during the periods of flares was 30% higher than that in the periods without flares, which is possibly associated also with the growth of fluxes from other sources with an increasing solar activity level. Based on the example of a series of flares of October 13–14, 2010, it was supposed that transient SW fluxes from the weak flares at low solar activity can manifest themselves in the form of interplanetary ICME-transients.  相似文献   

We investigate the relative occurrence rate for various types of the solar wind and their geoeffectiveness for magnetic storms with Dst < —50 nT. Both integrated effect for the entire time 1976–2000 and variations during this period of 2.5 cycles of solar activity are studied As raw data for the analysis we have used the catalog of large-scale types of the solar wind for the period 1976-2000 (see ftp://ftp.iki.rssi.ru/omni/) created by us with the use of the OMNI database (http://omni.web.gsgc.nasa.gov) [1] and described in detail in [2]. The average annual numbers of different type of events are as follows: 124 ±81 for the heliospheric current sheet (HCS), 8 ±6 for magnetic clouds (MC), 99 ±38 for Ejecta, 46 ±19 for Sheath before Ejecta, 6 ±5 for Sheath before MC, and 63 ±15 for CIR. The measurements that allowed one to determine a source in the solar wind were available only for 58% of moderate and strong magnetic storms (with index Dst < —50 nT) during the period 1976–2000. Magnetic clouds (MC) are shown to be the most geoeffective (~61%). The CIR events and Ejecta with Sheath region are three times less geoeffective (~20–21 %). Variations of occurrence rate and geoeffectiveness of various types of the solar wind in the solar cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

This work presents a review of studies of the Martian magnetic fields during the early Soviet missions to Mars in 1971–1974, which never approached Mars by closer than 1000 km before the experiment with the Magnetometer/Electronic Reflectometer (MAG/ER) on board the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, which could descend to altitudes of 80–100 km. At present, the experiment with the magnetometer (MAG) onboard the American MAVEN spacecraft adds new data, but the map of distribution of remnant magnetic fields of Mars and the picture of their interaction with the solar wind are already formed and, at its core, obviously, will not be revised. Thus, it would be very instructive to consider the following in detail: (a) what is already known regarding the features and distribution of remnant magnetic fields on Mars; (b) how they control the interaction of solar wind with a weakly magnetized planet (Mars); and (c) what is its distinction from another nonmagnetized planet (Venus).  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of studying the helium component of the solar-wind ion-flux measurement by the BMSW instrument on the Spektr-R satellite with a time resolution of 3 s. In contrast to most previous works that presented values averaged over large (hourly average or daily average) intervals, we have shown that the relative helium-ion abundance in the solar wind experiences considerable (by a few percent and even 10%) variations on such short intervals as 10 seconds or even several seconds.  相似文献   

The electric solar wind sail (E-sail) is a novel, efficient propellantless propulsion concept which utilises the natural solar wind for spacecraft propulsion with the help of long centrifugally stretched charged tethers. The E-sail requires auxiliary propulsion applied to the tips of the main tethers for creating the initial angular momentum and possibly for modifying the spinrate later during flight to counteract the orbital Coriolis effect and possibly for mission specific reasons. We introduce the possibility of implementing the required auxiliary propulsion by small photonic blades (small radiation pressure solar sails). The blades would be stretched centrifugally. We look into two concepts, one with and one without auxiliary tethers. The use of small photonic sails has the benefit of providing sufficient spin modification capability for any E-sail mission while keeping the technology fully propellantless. We conclude that small photonic sails appear to be a feasible and attractive solution to E-sail spinrate control.  相似文献   

The results of comparison of the characteristics of sharp boundaries of small-scale and medium-scale solar wind structures in the case of their simultaneous observation on widely spaced spacecraft are described. It is shown that even very sharp boundaries, with duration of several seconds or fractions of a second, retain their amplitude and remain very sharp during solar wind propagation to distances of up to a million kilometers.  相似文献   

In this experimental study, cells of the radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans were exposed to several different sources of radiation chosen to replicate the charged particles found in the solar wind. Naked cells or cells mixed with dust grains (basalt or sandstone) differing in elemental composition were exposed to electrons, protons, and ions to determine the probability of cell survival after irradiation. Doses necessary to reduce the viability of cell population to 10% (LD(10)) were determined under different experimental conditions. The results of this study indicate that low-energy particle radiation (2-4?keV), typically present in the slow component of the solar wind, had no effect on dehydrated cells, even if exposed at fluences only reached in more than 1000 years at Sun-Earth distance (1 AU). Higher-energy ions (200?keV) found in solar flares would inactivate 90% of exposed cells after several events in less than 1 year at 1 AU. When mixed with dust grains, LD(10) increases about 10-fold. These results show that, compared to the highly deleterious effects of UV radiation, solar wind charged particles are relatively benign, and organisms protected under grains from UV radiation would also be protected from the charged particles considered in this study.  相似文献   

On the basis of an analysis of the data of multi-satellite observations of magnetic clouds at the path Venus-Earth, the dependence of their geoeffectiveness on the orientation in the ecliptic plane and position relative to the Sun-Earth line is determined in the paper. The cloud parameters were determined on the basis of the model of a force-free cylindrical flux rope. The search for magnetic clouds in the flow of data from the monitoring space vehicle was performed using a special-purpose computer program.  相似文献   

We have considered the possible causes of discrepancies between the predicted and observed at 1 AU parameters of the recurrent solar wind (SW) streams in the maximum of the 24th solar cycle. These discrepancies have been observed in both the SW velocity profile and the SW stream arrival time, as well as in the absence of the expected high-speed SW stream. The degree of discrepancy depends on the model used for the SW prediction; however, in some cases, different prediction methods provide a similar discrepancy with the observed SW parameters at 1 AU. For several cases, we show that the probable cause of the discrepancies can be a deflection of the high-speed SW stream from the radial direction due to the interaction with the transient SW streams at certain configuration of the magnetic fields of high-speed and transient SW sources in the solar corona.  相似文献   

A brief review is given of contemporary approaches to solving the problem of medium-term forecast of the velocity of quasi-stationary solar wind (SW) and of the intensity of geomagnetic disturbances caused by it. At the present time, two promising models of calculating the velocity of quasi-stationary SW at the Earth’s orbit are realized. One model is the semi-empirical model of Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) which allows one to calculate the dependence V(t) of SW velocity at the Earth’s orbit using measured values of the photospheric magnetic field. This model is based on calculation of the local divergence f S of magnetic field lines. The second model is semi-empirical model by Eselevich-Fainshtein-Rudenko (EFR). It is based on calculation in a potential approximation of the area of foot points on the solar surface of open magnetic tubes (sources of fast quasistationary SW). The new Bd-technology is used in these calculations, allowing one to calculate instantaneous distributions of the magnetic field above the entire visible surface of the Sun. Using predicted V(t) profiles, one can in EFR model calculate also the intensity of geomagnetic disturbances caused by quasi-stationary SW. This intensity is expressed through the K p index. In this paper the EFR model is discussed in detail. Some examples of epignosis and real forecast of V(t) and K p (t) are discussed. A comparison of the results of applying these two models for the SW velocity forecasting is presented.  相似文献   

“嫦娥一号”卫星观测近月太阳风离子特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"嫦娥一号"卫星的太阳风离子探测器(SWIDs)的科学目标是研究太阳风与月球的相互作用以及相应的近月空间等离子体环境。文章利用"嫦娥一号"卫星SWIDs探测器在2007年12月30日的观测数据对近月太阳风等离子体环境,包括向阳侧太阳风离子、"拾起"离子以及在月球尾迹边界处的太阳风离子的特征进行分析,得到以下主要观测结果:1)在慢速太阳风中观测到双峰结构,分别为太阳风中的氢离子和二价氦离子;2)在行星际磁场具有明显昏向(+By)分量期间,在月球向阳侧持续观测到有月表散射或反射后被拾起的太阳风离子;3)与入射的太阳风离子不同,这些拾起的太阳风离子具有明显的角度分布特征;4)在行星际磁场昏向(晨向)期间,太阳风中的氢离子在月球尾迹北半球的边界处呈现减速(加速)特征并进入尾迹;而并未发现氦离子进入尾迹的特征。"嫦娥一号"卫星的这些观测数据对于认识近月空间等离子体环境有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The paper presents the study of turbulent properties of the solar wind plasma, namely, the intermittency of fluctuations of the solar wind ion flux in the earlier unexplored region of comparatively high frequencies (0.01–1 Hz). Special attention is given to a comparison of intermittency for solar wind observation intervals containing sharp (shorter than 10 min) and high-amplitude (greater than 20%) changes of the ion flux to intervals without such changes. The solar wind observation intervals containing sharp changes of the flux are found to be essentially more intermittent than the intervals of quiet solar wind. Such a comparison allows one to reveal the fundamental difference in turbulent properties of the solar wind depending on the presence or absence of sharp boundaries in plasma structures.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the errors in analyzing solar-terrestrial relationships, which result from either disregarding the types of interplanetary drivers in studying the magnetosphere response on their effect or from the incorrect identification of the type of these drivers. In particular, it has been shown that the absence of selection between the Sheath and ICME (the study of so-called CME-induced storms, i.e., magnetic storms generated by CME) leads to errors in the studies of interplanetary conditions of magnetic storm generation, because the statistical analysis has shown that, in the Sheath + ICME sequences, the largest number of storm onsets fell on the Sheath, and the largest number of storms maxima fell at the end of the Sheath and the beginning of the ICME. That is, the situation is observed most frequently when at least the larger part of the main phase of storm generation falls on the Sheath and, in reality, Sheath-induced storms are observed. In addition, we consider several cases in which magnetic storms were generated by corotating interaction regions, whereas the authors attribute them to CME.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the causes of seasonal dependence of geomagnetic activity, taking into account orientation of large-scale plasma structures (of the magnetic cloud type) of the solar wind. The contribution of magnetic clouds of different orientation in the periods of equinoxes and solstices is demonstrated. It is established that in equinox periods the geomagnetic activity increases due to ejections with small angles of inclination of their axis to the ecliptic plane, most frequently detected in near-Earth space. In solstice periods, such clouds are not geoeffective structures because of a decreased magnitude of projection of the magnetic field of cloud axis onto the Earth’s magnetic dipole during such intervals. This effect reveals itself in a reduced level of geomagnetic activity in summer and winter.  相似文献   

为对近地环境太阳风状况进行可靠预测,引入基于深度学习的多步预测方法来预测在太阳与地球之间的拉格朗日点1(L1)处距离输入观测数据序列未来24、48、72、96 h的太阳风速度。采用SDO的图像数据提取冕洞面积等特征信息,并从NASA OMNIWEB数据集提取其他输入特征,形成多变量的时序数据作为太阳风速度预测的输入信息,输出未来某时刻附近几个小时的太阳风速度。预测过程中分别采用单一LSTM模型、编解码器LSTM模型和CNN-LSTM编解码器模型3种深度学习预测模型作为基模型,融合多步输出端数据进行对比分析。实验表明,多步预测相较于单步输出预测,对未来24、48、72、96 h的太阳风速度预测的相关系数和精度均有所提高,其中单一LSTM模型对于未来24 h太阳风速度的多步预测结果最佳——与观测数据的相关系数为0.789,均方根误差为62.469 km/s,平均绝对误差为46.476 km/s。  相似文献   

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