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陈丹 《太空探索》2008,(4):62-65
金牛座是冬季星空的代表星座,大约11月的傍晚之后,它便出现于东方天空,1月到2月它横越过头顶方向,直到4月的傍晚才降到西方天空.由于金牛座出现的时间长,升空的位置又相当高,因此,很利于大家观赏.在金牛座的"牛眼"附近有一颗闪耀着橙色光的亮星,中名毕宿五,学名金牛座α星,是全天21颗最亮恒星之一,在<中国大百科全书·天文学卷·最亮星表>中排名第13位.在毕宿五附近有7颗小星,与毕宿五一起排列成Y字形,这是著名的毕星团.由毕星团向西北方向寻去,可以找到6~7小星,这是金牛座的另一个著名星团--昴星团.毕宿五、毕星团和昴星团这三个天体就是本文的主角.  相似文献   

蓓容 《国际太空》2008,(5):24-27
□□长期以来,探索太空有两个主要原因.一是出于国家荣誉,想在其他国家首次实现特定目标之前先行一步,经典的案例就是美国与苏联为成为第一个载人登月国家而展开的竞争.二是纯粹为了获取科学知识,正是因此美国航空航天局促进了航天器技术在监视、成像及分析太阳系内外天体和现象方面应用的发展.  相似文献   

六月二十一日至七月二十日的生辰星座是巨蟹座.黄道十二宫1元硬币中的巨蟹座钱币正面与其他11枚一样为英国女王伊丽莎白二世带大王冠头像,下方为英文1美元,右方为英文库克群岛,左方为英文伊丽莎白二世;背面外圈为巨蟹图案,内圈为一小洞,内放巨蟹星座幸运宝石翡翠.  相似文献   

生辰星座的金牛座在4月21日~5月20日.黄道十二宫1元硬币中的金牛座钱币正面与其他11枚一样是英国女王伊丽莎白二世的大王冠头像,钱币背面的外圈为希腊神话中金牛星座图案,内圈为一小洞,内放金牛星座幸运宝石蓝宝石,下方是金牛座的符号(¤).  相似文献   

一般的流星是说来就来,就像散兵游勇,几乎没有规律可寻,也难以预料.但有时夜空中也会出现一些成群结队的"流星群",有时其规模与气势如倾盆大雨,能让人目瞪口呆,故也常称为"流星雨".据史载,11世纪中叶出现于日本的一场大流星雨,把当时的日本天皇吓得坐立不安,以为这是上天对他的执政不满而示警,为了平息上天的盛怒,他特地下了"大赦天下"的诏书.1533年莫斯科人看见"许多星星在天上像一条长长的带子,从东飞到严冬的西方……他们以为是"千百个天使在怒射",也有人形容说是"乌云中降下的倾盆大雨."  相似文献   

2005年4月27日,国防科工委系统一司委托航天203所在北京组织召开了风云-3卫星微波有效载荷地面定标方案评审会。参加会议的有国家卫星气象中心,中科院电子所、空间中心、国家航天局航天遥感论证中心、北京航空航天大学、北京理工大学、航天科技集团八院、五院504所、航天科工集团二院203所等单位的专家和代表。会议由国防科工委系统一司卫星处处级调研员曾开祥主持,航天科技集团八院孙敬良院士担任评审组组长。  相似文献   

上海世博会太空家园馆惊现神秘魔方外观以浩瀚的宇宙为背景,仿佛是太空飘来的神秘魔方悬浮在空中,以异型的支柱与地面轻盈连接,形成一种摆脱重力的效果……这就是灵动而富有创意的2010年上海世博会太空家园馆。太空家园馆将围绕和谐城市,人与太空的主题,运用互动体验手段,展示中国航天的辉煌成就和电子科技的先进技术。太空家园馆将通过天-地-人的展示脉络,展现航天技术发展对人类的贡献,以及绿色、安全、智能  相似文献   

1952年7月29日,美国新泽西州,帕塞克。1952年7月18日,法国,拉卡·夏维特。安德尔·弗莱格纳勒是一名工程师兼摄影家。1952年7月18日,为了拍摄出现在北部天空的不明飞行物,他在法国拉卡·夏维特湖附近徘徊了几  相似文献   

蛛缘志异2008年3月21日18时54分33秒,北京潭柘寺嘉福饭店门前的摄像头拍摄到一个光球在空中飘浮长达8分钟的画面,值班人员立即向北京UFO研究会及有关媒体报告。随后,北京UFO研究会秘书长周小强提取监控录像并发至网络。后来,北京天文馆朱进馆长进行过一次现场实验。他认为,这是一种光学现象.应该跟月亮有关,但因为实验时月光与事发当时的月光条件不吻合,因此这个假说没有获得证实。  相似文献   

中俄边界勘定概况 中国同俄罗斯有着漫长的边界线。中俄共同边界总长4209.3千米,其中,陆界650.3千米,江河界3489千米,湖泊界70千米。从地理上看,中俄东段边界线主要以河流为界,大体上由额尔古纳河、黑龙江和乌苏里江构成。此次中俄国界东段补充协定涉及的黑瞎子岛和阿巴盖图洲渚,前者为黑龙江与乌苏里江夹角之间的一个小三角洲,处在中国的东北角。  相似文献   

This paper reviews various progresses on the ionospheric studies by the scientists in China during the last two years.The main contents concern the 4 aspects of the ionospheric re-search:(1) ionospheric weather and coupling with magnetosphere(polar and auroral ionosphere,ionospheric response to substorms,ionospheric storms);(2) mid-and low-latitude ionospheric clima-tology(ionospheric properties,yearly variations and solar activity dependence,long term variation);(3) ionospheric coupling with neutral atmosphere(gravity waves,tides,planetary waves,background upper atmosphere,and ionospheric response);and(4) ionospheric diagnostics(observation,modeling,and prediction).  相似文献   

In the ionospheric research, various progresses have been made during the last two years. This paper reviews the recent works of Chinese scientists. For convenience, the contents include: ionospheric storms and space weather; ionospheric irregularities and scintillation; ionospheric variability; ionospheric disturbances; ionospheric response to solar eclipses; ionospheric coupling with atmosphere and lithosphere; ionospheric climatology; ionospheric modeling; and ionospheric prediction and application.   相似文献   

针对北京大学空间物理与应用技术研究所研制的两台大气波动监测仪近三年的观测数据,对这一时段内所观测到的重力波和次声波周期尺度扰动的形态特征、谱结构特征及其在时间分布上的统计特征进行了分析. 给出了几例雷暴、地震等事件中观测到的大气扰动,并揭示了这些事件期间观测到的与地面大气扰动周期尺度相类似的电离层扰动. 结果表明,北京大学研制的大气波动监测仪可有效记录到地面的微弱大气扰动,观测数据可用于进行岩石圈-大气层-电离层之间的耦合研究.   相似文献   

To develop an understanding of near-Earth space's response to solar activities and the coupling among different layers in geospace, China has initiated a ground base program to monitor China's geospace environment called the Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project (Chinese Meridian Project). The effort consists of a chain of 15 ground-based observatories located roughly along 120°E longitude and 30°N latitude. Each observatory is equipped with multiple instruments to measure key parameters such as the baseline and time-varying geomagnetic field, as well as the middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere from about 20 to 1000 kilometers. This project started collecting data in 2012. We will give a brief introduction to the Chinese Meridian Project, and present recent scientific results mainly in ionospheric and atmospheric studies.   相似文献   

There are two ways of external forcing of the lower ionosphere, the region below an altitude of about 100 km: (1) From above, which is directly or indirectly of solar origin. (2) From below, which is directly or indirectly of atmospheric origin. The external forcing of solar origin consists of two general factors – solar ionizing radiation variability and space weather. The solar ionization variability consist mainly from the 11-year solar cycle, the 27-day solar rotation and solar flares, strong flares being very important phenomenon in the daytime lower ionosphere due to the enormous increase of the solar X-ray flux resulting in temporal terminating of MF and partly LF and HF radio wave propagation due to heavy absorption of radio waves. Monitoring of the sudden ionospheric disturbances (SIDs – effects of solar flares in the lower ionosphere) served in the past as an important tool of monitoring the solar activity and its impacts on the ionosphere. Space weather effects on the lower ionosphere consist of many different but often inter-related phenomena, which govern the lower ionosphere variability at high latitudes, particularly at night. The most important space weather phenomenon for the lower ionosphere is strong geomagnetic storms, which affect substantially both the high- and mid-latitude lower ionosphere. As for forcing from below, it is caused mainly by waves in the neutral atmosphere, i.e. planetary, tidal, gravity and infrasonic waves. The most important and most studied waves are planetary and gravity waves. Another channel of the troposphere coupling to the lower ionosphere is through lightning-related processes leading to sprites, blue jets etc. and their ionospheric counterparts. These phenomena occur on very short time scales. The external forcing of the lower ionosphere has observationally been studied using predominantly ground-based methods exploiting in various ways the radio wave propagation, and by sporadic rocket soundings. All the above phenomena are briefly mentioned and some of them are treated in more detail.  相似文献   

This paper presents the global spatial (latitude and altitude) structure and temporal variability of the ∼23-day ionospheric zonally symmetric (s = 0) planetary wave (PW) seen in the Northern winter of 2008/2009 (October 2008–March 2009). It is shown that these ∼23-day ionospheric oscillations are forced from PWs propagating from below. The COSMIC ionospheric parameters foF2 and hmF2 and electron density at fixed altitudes and the SABER temperatures were utilized in order to define the waves which are present simultaneously in the atmosphere and ionosphere. The long-period PWs from the two data sets have been extracted through the same data analysis method. The similarity between the lower thermospheric ∼23-day (s = 0) temperature PW and its ionospheric electron density response provides valuable and strong experimental evidence for confirming the paradigm of atmosphere–ionosphere coupling.  相似文献   

内重力波传播的3维传输函数模式研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在考虑背景风场及大气耗散的条件下,建立了3维内重力波传输函数数值模式.分析了300 km高度3维传输函数在频率波数域的特性,并以近地面单位脉冲点源为激发源,得到了内重力波在3维空间中的时空分布.讨论了不同时空尺度地面方波源激发的内重力波在电离层高度的能量分布特征.结果表明,(1)对内重力波而言,背景大气相当于一个带通滤波器,只有波动周期和波长分别在15~30 min和200~400 km之间的重力波扰动最容易上传到300km高度;(2)在背景风场的作用下水平面上以同心圆扩散的波阵面以及垂直方向上成漏斗状的波阵面发生了变形,并且逆风方向比顺风方向更有利于声重力波由对流层向电离层高度传播;(3)300km高度对时间尺度和空间尺度分别在20~30 min和150~250 km之间的地面方波源响应的总能量最强.   相似文献   

The present work is an attempt to evaluate the impact of changing space weather condition over sub-auroral ionosphere during high solar activity year 2014. In view of this, the GPS based TEC along with Ionosonde data over Indian permanent scientific base “Maitri”, Antarctica (70°46′00″S, 11°43′56″E) has been utilized. The results suggested that the nature of ionospheric responses to the geomagnetic disturbances not only depended upon the status of high latitudinal electro-dynamic processes but also influenced by the seasonal variations. The results revel both negative and positive type of ionospheric response in a single year but during different seasons. The study suggested that the combination of equator-ward plasma transportation along with ionospheric compositional changes causes a negative ionospheric impact especially during summer and equinox seasons. However, the combination of pole-ward contraction of the oval region along with particle precipitation may lead to exhibit positive ionospheric response during the winter season. The plasma transportation direction has been validated with the help of convection boundary (HM boundary) deduced with the help of SuperDARN observations. The ground based ionosonde observations clearly provided the evidence of deep penetration of high energetic particles up to the E-layer heights which results a sudden and strong appearance of E-layer. The strengthening of E-layer is responsible for modification of auroral electrojet and field-aligned current system. Also, the sudden appearance of E-layer along with a decrease in F-layer electron density suggested the dominance of NO+ over O+ in a considered region under geomagnetic disturbed condition.  相似文献   

The vertical field in the stratosphere around 35 km is predominantly of atmospheric origin whereas the horizontal electric field at these altitude is mainly of ionospheric origin. The electrical coupling between ionosphere and atmosphere is not known for low latitudes. Balloon borne electric field measurements are planned from Hyderabad, India (geographic latitude 17.5° N) to understand this coupling. Measurement of stratospheric electric fields are also important from the point of view of the sun-weather relationship. It si suggested that the balloon borne electric field measurements are important to understand the electrodynamics of the middle atmosphere.  相似文献   

本文导出了大气重力波的非线性方程,研究了重力波的非线性性质。利用等离子体的连续性方程,计算了电离层对重力波的非线性响应,讨论了非线性电离层扰动(TID)的形态。结果表明,非线牲效应使TID表现为多种不规则形态。   相似文献   

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