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A series of major accidents - the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger, the destruction of Titan and Delta launchers, and failures of the Ariane rocket series - has led to a reexamination of Western space programmes. In the short term, all satellite launches have been delayed. This is not an insurmountable obstacle, although it will inevitably delay the first space-based tests of SDI hardware. The author outlines the growing gap between the immediate needs of organizations which launch satellites and the more uncertain ambitions of the ‘conquerors’ of space. The former are now bearing the costs of the latter, who are aiming at manned space flights and a human presence in space. In the longer term, these objectives have justifications other than simple industrial and commercial logic. The author suggests that an attempt should be made to reconcile immediate military and industrial needs with the human desire to overcome the ‘Icarus complex’ in the long-term future.  相似文献   

This article traces the development of satellite launch vehicles from the derivatives of long-range ballistic missiles to the current Ariane and Space Shuttle programmes. Looking to the next generation of launchers, the author outlines current thinking on reusable vehicles, focusing particularly on the British Aerospace/Rolls Royce HOTOL concept.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1987,3(1):2-4
The Director General of the European Space Agency describes the progress which has been made since the ESA Council agreed a long-term programme in 1985. Europe's space programme is based both on partnership with the USA, particularly over the Space Station, and on developing an autonomous European capability in space, particularly with Ariane and the Hermes spaceplane.  相似文献   

The Mars Sample Return Project.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Mars Sample Return (MSR) Project is underway. A 2003 mission to be launched on a Delta III Class vehicle and a 2005 mission launched on an Ariane 5 will culminate in carefully selected Mars samples arriving on Earth in 2008. NASA is the lead agency and will provide the Mars landed elements, namely, landers, rovers, and Mars ascent vehicles (MAVs). The French Space Agency CNES is the largest international partner and will provide for the joint NASA/CNES 2005 Mission the Ariane 5 launch and the Earth Return Mars Orbiter that will capture the sample canisters from the Mars parking orbits the MAVs place them in. The sample canisters will be returned to Earth aboard the CNES Orbiter in the Earth Entry Vehicles provided by NASA. Other national space agencies are also expected to participate in substantial roles. Italy is planning to provide a drill that will operate from the Landers to provide subsurface samples. Other experiments in addition to the MSR payload will also be carried on the Landers. This paper will present the current status of the design of the MSR missions and flight articles.  相似文献   

The concept of an Electronuclear Orbital Transfer Vehicle, associated with Ariane V, is currently studied at CNES and CEA. The objective is to increase European Space Transportation Competitivity after 2000 for high energy orbits. The system appears to be feasible and economically interesting; it offers impressive performance and a very large growth potential.  相似文献   

This paper examines the debate within the USA over how to meet the perceived competition from the successful European Ariane launcher and the loss of US market share for space launch services that it represented. In particular, it explores the origins of the 1983 Reagan Administration policy to turn over expendable launch vehicle production and operation to private industry. The Administration's other decisions to: (1) use the Space Shuttle to fly all government payloads, and (2) allow NASA to market Space Shuttle services commercially, conflicted with this commercialization policy. These policies effectively caused US industry to delay entry into the international competition for launch services until after the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger in January 1986.  相似文献   

欧洲再入大气层试验飞行器是简单的不载人座舱式飞行器。它将随“阿里安5”火箭的第二次鉴定飞行发射升空。这是欧洲载人航天计划中的重要一步,旨在试验航天器返回地面的全套回收技术、获取在再入大气层阶段的各种参数,为正式设计载人飞船提供依据。文中对这种试验飞行器的总体及试验测量技术作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

The French Space Agency (CNES) is currently operating thirteen satellites among which five remote sensing satellites. This fleet is composed of two civilian (SPOT) and three military (HELIOS) satellites and it has been recently completed by the first PLEIADES satellite which is devoted to both civil and military purposes. The CNES operation board decided to appoint a Working Group (WG) in order to anticipate and tackle issues related to the emergency End Of Life (EOL) operations due to unexpected on-board events affecting the satellite. This is of particular interest in the context of the French Law on Space Operations (LSO), entered in force on Dec. 2010, which states that any satellite operator must demonstrate its capability to control the space vehicle whatever the mission phase from the launch up to the EOL. Indeed, after several years in orbit the satellites may be affected by on-board anomalies which could damage the implementation of EOL operations, i.e. orbital manoeuvres or platform disposal. Even if automatic recovery actions ensure autonomous reconfigurations on redundant equipment, i.e. setting for instance the satellite into a safe mode, it is crucial to anticipate the consequences of failures of every equipment and functions necessary for the EOL operations. For this purpose, the WG has focused on each potential anomaly by analysing: its emergency level, as well as the EOL operations potentially inhibited by the failure and the needs of on-board software workarounds… The main contribution of the WG consisted in identifying a particular satellite configuration called “minimal Withdrawal From Service (WFS) configuration”. This configuration corresponds to an operational status which involves a redundancy necessary for the EOL operations. Therefore as soon as a satellite reaches this state, a dedicated steering committee is activated and decides of the future of the satellite with respect to three options: a/. the satellite is considered safe and can continue its mission using the redundancy, b/. the EOL operations must be planned within a mid-term period, or c/. the EOL operations must be implemented as soon as possible by the operational teams. The paper describes this management and operational process illustrated with study cases of failures on SPOT and PLEIADES satellites corresponding to various emergency situations.  相似文献   

Space education is a discipline that has evolved at an unprecedented rate over the past 25 years. Although program proceedings, research literature, and historical documentation have captured fragmented pieces of information about student space experiments, the field lacks a valid comprehensive study that measures the educational impact of sounding rockets, Skylab, Ariane, AMSAT, and Space Shuttle. The lack of this information is a problem for space educators worldwide which led to a national study with classroom teachers. Student flown experiments continue to offer a unique experiential approach to teach students thinking and reasoning skills that are imperative in the current international competitive environment in which they live and will work. Understanding the history as well as the current status and educational spin-offs of these experimental programs strengthens the teaching capacity of educators throughout the world to develop problem solving skills and various higher mental processes in the schools. These skills and processes enable students to use their knowledge more effectively and efficiently long after they leave the classroom. This paper focuses on student space experiments as a means of motivating students to meet this educational goal successfully.  相似文献   

NASAs early efforts in satellite communications development brought confidence in space technology use for improved telecommunications. New, worldwide satellite communications systems have resulted, and are now on a commercial, self-sustaining operational basis. Since 1973, NASA has conducted hundreds of user experiments and demonstrated newer technology using ATS-1, -3, -6 and CTS. Now, projections show that the commercial demand will continue to increase, soon exceeding the current technology's capacity.As a result, U.S. Space Policy affirmed in 1978 that NASA should embark again on a research and development program for satellite communications with specific, characterized goals. The resulting plan's elements include 3020GHz Ka-band technology, extending the current work in advanced multi-beam antennas; a narrowband system and technology study that could lead to mobile and transportable communications developments; and studies of future uses of technology in communications. The program plan and its evolution are described, followed by a report of current progress and future expectations.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(10):607-621
The JANUS multimission platform has been designed to minimize the cost of the satellite (by a maximum reuse of equipment from other proprogrammes) and of its associated launch by Aŕiane (by a piggy-back configuration optimized for Ariane 4).The paper describes the application of the JANUS platform to an Earth observation mission with the objective to provide a given country with a permanent monitoring of its earth resources by exploitation of spaceborne imagery. According to this objective, and to minimize the overall system and operational cost, the JANUS Earth Observation Satellite (JEOS) will provide a limited coverage with real time transmission of image data, thus avoiding need for on-board storage and simplifying operations.The JEOS operates on a low earth, near polar sun synchronous orbit. Launched in a piggy-back configuration on Ariane 4, with a SPOT or ERS spacecraft, it reaches its operational orbit after a drift orbit of a few weeks maximum. In its operational mode, the JEOS is 3-axis stabilised, earth pointed.After presentation of the platform, the paper describes the solid state push-broom camera which is composed of four optical lenses mounted on a highly stable optical bench. Each lens includes an optics system, reused from an on-going development, and two CCD linear arrays of detectors. The camera provides four registered channels in visible and near IR bands. The whole optical bench is supported by a rotating mechanism which allows rotation of the optical axis in the across-track direction. The JEOS typical performance for a 700 km altitude is then summarized: spatial resolution 30 m, swath width 120 km, off-track capability 325 km,…The payload data handling and transmission electronics, derived from the French SPOT satellite, realizes the processing, formatting, and transmission to the ground; this allows reuse of the standard SPOT receiving stations. The camera is only operated when the spacecraft is within the visibility of the ground station, and image data are directly transmitted to the ground station by the spacecraft X-band transmitter.Finally, the paper presents a set of typical Earth observation missions which can be realized with JEOS, for countries which wish to have their own observation system, possibly also as a complement to the SPOT and/or LANDSAT observation data.  相似文献   

Structure and thermal control of panel extension satellite (PETSAT)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Panel ExTension SATellite (PETSAT) [S. Nakasuka, Y. Nakamura, Panel extension satellite (PETSAT)—a novel satellite concept consisting of modular, functional and plug-in panels, in: 24th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, invited talk, 2004-o-2, 2004 [1]] is a satellite which is made of several “functional panels”. Each panel has a special dedicated function and various combinations of different kinds of functional panels enable PETSAT to deal with various mission requirement. Development of PETSAT requires four interface requirements. These are mechanical interface, thermal interface, electrical interface and information interface. In this paper, mechanical interface and thermal interface of PETSAT are especially focused on and introduced. In the development of PETSAT issues about mechanical interface corresponds to panel structure and deployment mechanism. The structure of PETSAT is designed so as to have light weigh, enough space for devices and high stiffness. And deployment system has simple mechanism to avoid vacuum metalizing and improve reliability. On the other hand, approaches for thermal interface [K. Higashi, S. Nakasuka, Y. Sugawara, H. Sahara, K. Koyama, C. Kobayashi, T. Okada, Thermal control of panel extension satellite (PETSAT), in: 25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2006-j-02, 2006 [2]] are homogenization of temperature within panel and between panels. Homogenization of temperature within panels can be realized by heat lane plate, and that between panels is realized by magnetic fluid loop with magnetic heat pump. These approaches for mechanical and thermal interface are demonstrated in SOHLA-2 [Y. Sugawara, S. Nakasuka, T. Eishima, H. Sahara, Y. Nakamura, K. Koyama, C. Kobayashi, T. Okada, Elemental technologies for realization of panel extension satellite (PETSAT), in: 25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2006-J-01, 2006 [3]] that is satellite of technology demonstration for PETSAT.  相似文献   

The manufacture in Space of products for use on Earth is a possibility for the 1990s. The MINOS project is based on the idea of a free-flyer station for the current medium-level production of either unique products (which cannot be made on Earth), or of economic yields of products which cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities on Earth.At present, only the main system may be defined from general specifications: electrical power (10 kW), residual acceleration (10?5 g), processing cycle duration (10 hr).The launch vehicle is Ariane I and its improved versions (models II, III and IV).The outer structure of the spececraft is described with solar panels, energy storage (battery and inertial storage) and control systems.The definition of orbital parameters capable of accommodating the basis specifications, especially the high energy level and the re-entry conditions on the Guiana base, is a major problem. The re-entry vehicle is studied from a pure ballistic trajectory point of view. From the results of orbital performance, the mass of the spacecraft and also the mass of the ascent vehicle are evaluated. For this latter value, its determination is directly related to the cost of space-processed materials.A general overview is given of the other spacecraft sub-systems such as satellite tracking, communications, ground stations, resources requirements, telemetry, onboard computing system etc.  相似文献   

Space Policy is here reprinting edited extracts from two reports — one French, one American — which aim to forecast the market for space applications and launch services over the next 10 and 15 years respectively. Euroconsult 1986 edition of The World Space Industry Survey: Ten-Year Outlook gives a country-by-country analysis of policies and programmes; an evaluation of markets for space applications and a forecast of the market for launch systems. The Report on the 1986 Outside Users Payload Model, prepared by Battelle, Columbus Division, for the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, provides an estimate of demand for launch services for payloads in a range of mission categories flown by countries outside the Soviet bloc. Using different starting points and methodologies, the two reports nevertheless draw convincingly similar conclusions.  相似文献   

MICROSCOPE is a French space mission for testing the weak equivalence principle (WEP). The mission goal is the determination of the Eötvös parameter η with an accuracy of 10?15. The French space agency CNES is responsible for the satellite which is developed and produced within the Myriade series. The satellite's payload T-SAGE (Twin Space Accelerometer for Gravitation Experimentation) is developed and built by the French institute ONERA. It consists of two high-precision capacitive differential accelerometers. One accelerometer is used as reference sensor with two test masses of platinum, the science sensor contains a platinum and a titanium proof mass. The detection of the test mass movement and their control is done via a complex electrode system. As a member of the MICROSCOPE performance team, the German department ZARM will be involved in the data analysis of the MICROSCOPE mission. For this purpose, mission simulations and the preparation of the mission data evaluation in close cooperation with the French partners CNES, ONERA and OCA are realised. The development status of the simulation tool which will represent the complex spacecraft dynamics and all error sources in order to design and test data reduction procedures is presented and some features are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

As part of the first Master of Space Studies degree, begun in 1995 and run by the International Space University (ISU), students were required to complete team design projects encompassing the theme of ‘Space of service to humanity’. Below we present summaries of two of the projects: the Space Assisted Network against Desertification (SAND) and the Distant Operational Care Center (DOCC). The first investigates ways countries affected by desertification can gain easier access to high resolution data on the problem. The second provides a model of a remote integrated medical facility capable of treating injured astronauts and others in remote locations.  相似文献   

Two techniques are able to permit a significant progress in the global measurement of the Earth gravity field: satellite to satellite tracking and gradiometry. The preliminary results concerning the study of a gradiometric satellite to be launched by Ariane are presented.After stating the scientific objectives and the mission specifications, one focuses on the definition of the gradiometer and the gradiometric satellite. After analysis of the problems associated with gradiometry based upon differential accelerometry, one presents the Cactus accelerometer design evolution and the implications on the satellite configuration and interfaces with the gradiometer. Finally a short mission analysis is presented.  相似文献   

The effect of residual microaccelerations on the distribution of a dopant in a semiconductor melt located in a heated closed cavity onboard an Earth-orbiting satellite is considered in the context of a model problem of thermal convection. The amplitude–frequency characteristics of the response of this distribution to the perturbing microaccelerations are obtained. It is demonstrated that the effect of low-frequency microaccelerations decreases when the frequency increases. A comparison is made of the macroscopic inhomogeneities of the dopant concentration due to the actual low-frequency (quasi-static) component of microaccelerations onboard different spacecraft: the orbital station Mir, the satellite Foton-11, a Space Shuttle orbiter, and the International Space Station. A substantial effect of the rotational motion of the spacecraft on the character of the time behavior of a macroscopic inhomogeneity is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A powerful statistical tool, paired-comparison, was tested as a method to determine the relative value American people place on two possibly competing paradigms in the United States Space Program: “Space as a Place to Explore” and “Civil and Commercial Uses of Space”. A limitation of the results, but not the methodology, is the participants were college students, not “voting” adults. Reliability and validity of items were developed and tested in two studies suggesting that the paired-comparison method is a reliable and powerful tool for measuring the relative value the public may place on programs within the US Space Program.  相似文献   

The Ariane transfer vehicle (ATV), an Ariane 5 borne, unmanned propulsion vehicle, is designed to transport the logistics needed to resupply the International Space Station (ISS) and the man tended free flyer (MTFF) step 2 with pressurized and unpressurized cargo and to dispose the waste. The ATV is an expendable vehicle and is disposed of by a safe atmospheric burn up. In accordance with the AR5 schedule it should be operational in 1996 for missions toward ISS and beyond the year 2000 for MTFF 2 missions. The main constituents of the proposed ATV are the modified AR5 third stage L5, an upgraded VEB steering the launcher as well as the ATV and the P/L-adaptor providing mechanical and umbilical links to the payload. The mechanical part of the RVD-kit will be placed on the payload-module, the main RVD sensors are located on the adaptor and the needed computer intelligence will be integrated on the VEB. To minimize the development, and recurring costs, the ATV concept fully complies to the idea of maximum use of existing hardware and software, mainly from the AR5, Hermes and Columbus programs thus minimizing development and recurring costs. The ATV is compatible to ISS, MTFF and OMV and is able to transport logistic modules compatible with NSTS and U.S.-expendable launchers.  相似文献   

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