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This paper presents a Lagrangian formulation for studying the dynamics and control of the proposed Space Station based Mobile Servicing System (MSS) for a particular case of inplane libration and maneuvers. The simplified case is purposely considered to help focus on the effects of structural and joint flexibility parameters of the MSS on the complex interactions between the station and manipulator dynamics during slewing and translational maneuvers. The response results suggest that under critical combinations of parameters, the system can become unstable. During maneuvers, the deflection of the MSS can become excessive, leading to positioning error of the payload. At the same time the libration error can also be significant. A linear quadratic regulator is designed to control the deflection of the manipulator and maintain the station at its operating configuration.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the solar radiation forces and moments acting on a square plate (platform) in orbit is obtained by considering the plate mode shapes as combinations of free-free beam shape functions. The moment expressions for a plate of arbitrary reflectivity coefficient are obtained as a function of the solar incidence angle. It is seen that only the first three flexible modes of the plate generate a first order net moment about the center of mass, and that the solar radiation pressure does not influence the flexible modes of the plate for small amplitude vibrations. The solar radiation disturbance model is then included in the dynamic model of a square plate nominally oriented along the local vertical and having the major surface of the plate normal to the orbital plane. The roll angle of the plate is seen to increase steadily due to the solar radiation pressure whereas the pitch and yaw motions oscillate with an amplitude of approximately 0.2° for a 100 m square thin aluminum plate in synchronous orbit. To control the shape and orientation of the plate two point actuators are assumed—one whose force axis is normal to the plane of the plate, the second with a force axis in the plane of the plate. The control law and the feedback gain values are obtained based on linear quadratic Gaussian methods. Transient responses and control requirements are simulated for local vertical and horizontal orientations.  相似文献   

General dynamics of a large class of flexible satellite systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K.W. Lips  V.J. Modi   《Acta Astronautica》1980,7(12):1349-1360
The paper presents a general formulation for librational dynamics of satellites with an arbitrary number, type and orientation of deploying flexible appendages. In particular, the case of beam-type flexible appendages deploying from a satellite in an arbitrary orbit is considered. The governing nonlinear, nonautonomous and coupled equations for vibration of the appendages and libration of the satellite are integrated numerically. Several cases of practical importance are considered making the system progressively more general and hence complex: (i) planar case representing pitch and appendage oscillations in the orbital plane; (ii) general attitude motion with planar vibrations of flexible members; (iii) above two cases together with the out-of-plane component of vibrations. Results show that under critical combinations of the system parameters the combined effect of flexibility and deployment can be substantial.  相似文献   

中心刚体-柔性悬臂梁系统的位置主动控制   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
蔡国平  洪嘉振 《宇航学报》2004,25(6):616-620
以往对中心刚体-柔性悬臂梁系统的主动控制研究多是基于零次近似模型和线性化模型进行的,而且认为零次近似模型为足够精确动力模型,但是已有研究结果显示出,零次近似模型在对系统动力学行为进行描述时存在某些局限性。本文采用一次近似模型对中心刚体-柔性悬臂梁系统的位置主动控制进行研究,其中控制律采用最优跟踪控制理论进行设计。仿真结果显示,传统的零次近似模型存在着失效的可能,最优跟踪控制方法能使中心刚体-柔性悬臂梁系统到达期望的指定位置,并可使系统的残余振动得到抑制。  相似文献   

首先本文给出了天线跟踪控制系统组成及原理框图,阐述了系统闭环工作流程;其次,针对天线跟踪目标过程中,跟踪接收机输出的目标与天线波束中心角误差受随机误差分量的影响,采用Kalman滤波算法对获得的实时角位置数据进行滤波处理;然后,对天线跟踪控制系统进行了建模,给出了系统动力学模型,对采用的双电机消隙设计方案进行了仿真;最后,通过挂飞试验验证了系统工作的可靠性。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1987,15(11):823-832
The paper presents design of a near optimal orbit and attitude control system for a very large flexible rectangular flat plate-like spacecraft in geostationary orbit, with its normal kept in the orbital plane in an inertial orientation. First, assuming the plate to be rigid, an optimal control system is designed. Two control systems are needed: one to balance the gravity gradient torque and the other to control the plate's orbit and attitude against disturbances. The interaction of the structural dynamics with the control system is investigated next. It is shown that the structural dynamics destabilizes the control system. The control design is modified to reduce the interactions, by including just a couple of flexural modes into the control logic and by optimally locating the thrusters a little away from the corners. The control structure interaction which is measured by the residual flexural energy after an orbit or attitude correction, is shown to be reduced by several orders of magnitude by the simple modifications. An approach to find an optimal location of actuators and a concept of “associated modes” are also proposed to help the designer evolve a very simple coupled orbit and attitude controllers with minimum control/structure interactions for very large flexible space systems of the future. This configuration considered represents the proposed solar power satellite, solar reflectors, communication platforms, etc.  相似文献   

柔性多体撞击系统的精细H∞控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在柔性多体撞击系统动力学方程的基础上 ,将撞击看成是一种扰动 ,设计了一个稳定的控制器以使撞击扰动对控制输出的影响达到最小的目的 ,在分析过程中采用 H∞ 控制原理对该问题进行了研究。在计算中 ,将精细积分法应用于状态动力学方程和 Riccati方程的求解中 ,使计算精度得到大幅度提高。最后通过数值例题说明了本文方法的有效性  相似文献   

针对相控阵天线测控系统小型化的需求,提出一种相控阵天线转台伺服控制系统设计方法,采用集成化的设计思想,将伺服控制系统集成到转台内部。系统设计有波束控制器,具有波束控制功能和自动跟踪目标的功能,以及利用网络通信方式实现对多套伺服控制系统的远程控制功能。系统的伺服控制器采用参数自适应模糊PID控制结合时间最优控制的复合控制算法,阶跃信号、正弦信号测试和跟踪测试结果表明,伺服控制系统具有优异的动态性能和较高的跟踪精度。该伺服控制系统功能丰富,控制性能良好,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The large assembly antenna in space can meet future requirements of both high frequency and large aperture. This paper proposes an experiment on assembling a large antenna at the Space Station, and discusses a realizable procedure of the experiment. The objective of this experiment is that a large antenna of a 10-m diameter is assembled in space and at the same time problems occurring in the assembling process are clarified by conducting the following experiments: assembly of test articles by manipulators, measurement of both mechanical and electrical performance of the assembled antenna, test of the pointing control system, and operational test. In the operational test, the weather radar development test and the large aperture microwave radiometer development test are conducted. Furthermore, the problem areas and items of further study are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

以往的空间环境模拟器大多采用分散独立控制的模式,导致多套设备并行试验时人力投入大、设备管理困难。针对这一问题,文章提出了一种基于SCADA(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition,监控与资料搜集)系统和以太网的分布式集中控制系统。该系统采用B/S架构,将控制网络和企业局域网相结合,为操作用户和管理用户提供方便灵活的远程数据服务。系统对关键模块采用了必要的冗余设计,增加了可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   

姿态控制系统安全阀排放研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
恒压挤压式姿态控制系统一般采用压力调节器对气瓶中的高压气体进行调节,并采用安全阀保证系统的安全。设计时一般保证压力调节器节流口在任何情况下均为临界截面,气体通过压力调节器节流口后压力降低,一般远高于大气压力。由于节流口后气流涡流和管路摩擦的作用,气流在到达安全阀排放口后,仍然为临界流动状态。因此,可以采用收缩喷嘴节流公式计算压力调节器节流口和安全阀排放口的压力和流量参数。根据该数学模型,计算了姿态控制系统安全阀前气体压力和流量,试验结果表明所采用的计算方法可行。  相似文献   

Main sequence M stars pose an interesting problem for astrobiology: their abundance in our galaxy makes them likely targets in the hunt for habitable planets, but their strong chromospheric activity produces high-energy radiation and charged particles that may be detrimental to life. We studied the impact of the 1985 April 12 flare from the M dwarf AD Leonis (AD Leo), simulating the effects from both UV radiation and protons on the atmospheric chemistry of a hypothetical, Earth-like planet located within its habitable zone. Based on observations of solar proton events and the Neupert effect, we estimated a proton flux associated with the flare of 5.9?×?10? protons cm?2 sr?1 s?1 for particles with energies >10?MeV. Then we calculated the abundance of nitrogen oxides produced by the flare by scaling the production of these compounds during a large solar proton event called the Carrington event. The simulations were performed with a 1-D photochemical model coupled to a 1-D radiative/convective model. Our results indicate that the UV radiation emitted during the flare does not produce a significant change in the ozone column depth of the planet. When the action of protons is included, the ozone depletion reaches a maximum of 94% two years after the flare for a planet with no magnetic field. At the peak of the flare, the calculated UV fluxes that reach the surface, in the wavelength ranges that are damaging for life, exceed those received on Earth during less than 100?s. Therefore, flares may not present a direct hazard for life on the surface of an orbiting habitable planet. Given that AD Leo is one of the most magnetically active M dwarfs known, this conclusion should apply to planets around other M dwarfs with lower levels of chromospheric activity.  相似文献   

为减小船摇扰动对船载天线伺服系统指向及跟踪精度的影响,引入线性自抗扰控制器(LADRC)对伺服系统位置环进行改进。首先对天线伺服系统模型进行简要分析,建立系统状态空间方程;然后利用LADRC对系统进行改进,并对其参数设计进行了详细介绍,同时为提高系统动态跟踪性能,利用TD微分器提取目标速度信息进行前馈补偿;最后经实验测试验证,LADRC相对于传统PID控制器能够保持天线伺服系统动态性能不下降,同时有效提高系统的抗船摇性能。  相似文献   

可展开天线研制过程中需对其进行地面展开指向精度测试以验证天线在轨实际指向性能.为了实现大型网状天线展开指向精度的地面测量,基于天线实际结构特点,从影响天线展开指向精度的因素入手,在建立的统一卫星坐标系分析模型下采用了一种基于展开臂、反射器和馈源阵等多个组成子部件单独展开指向精度直接测量的模式,并在各子部件测量结果的基础...  相似文献   

本文针对目前战术导弹广泛使用捷联系统这个现状,以及对大机动飞行器采用姿态角误差反馈进行控制有时出现的奇异问题,提出并研究了基于四元数进行大机动战术导弹姿态控制系统的设计问题.首先,给出了大机动飞行情况下基于四元数描述的弹体动力学模型,然后,基于非线性控制系统综合方法设计了姿态控制系统,并验证了系统的稳定性.研究结果表明,基于四元数进行姿态控制系统的设计,既解决了姿态角表示法存在的奇异性问题,又可减少捷联计算机的计算量,对战术导弹具有重要实际意义.最后,通过数值仿真验证了本文提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This is the second part of the investigation, the first part being “stability”. It is demonstrated that by monitoring the deformations of the flexible elements of a satellite, the effectiveness of the satellite control system can be increased considerably with the same given control system. A simple model of a flexible satellite was analyzed in the first part of this work. The same model is used here for digital computer simulations.  相似文献   

天线反射器型面精度是衡量、评价天线质量的重要指标之一,天线型面精度的高低将直接影响天线的电性能指标。大型环形可展开天线型面精度测试,目前多采用高精度工业数字化摄影测量技术进行,在使用高精度数字化摄影测量系统对大型环形可展开天线开展型面测试过程中,系统测量精度主要受摄影基准选用、测量距离、测量靶标大小、测量角度、测量拍照数量、相机参数等多项工艺参数影响。就如何使用数字化摄影测量系统对大型环形可展开天线开展高精度型面测试方法开展研究,通过对高精度长基准尺的设计及布局研究,以及对摄影测量系统最优匹配工艺参数研究及验证,得到一种针对大型环形可展开天线开展高精度型面测试的方法。试验证明,该方法可靠有效,能够满足大型环形可展开天线开展型面高精度测试的测量需求。  相似文献   

The Space Shuttle Orbiter will be used as an orbital base for near-term space operations. Its payloads will range from compact satellites to large, flexible antennas. This paper addresses the problem of the dynamics and control of the Orbiter with a flexible payload. Two different cases are presented as examples. The first is a long, slender beam which might be used as an element in a large orbiting structure. The second is a compact satellite mounted on a spin table in the Orbiter payload bay. The closed loop limit cycles are determined for the first payload and the open loop eigenvalues are calculated for the second. Models of both payloads are mechanized in a simulation with the Shuttle on-orbit autopilot. The vehicle is put through a series of representative maneuvers and its behavior analyzed. The degree of interaction for each payload is determined and strategies are discussed for its reduction.  相似文献   

NASA's EPOXI mission observed the disc-integrated Earth and Moon to test techniques for reconnoitering extrasolar terrestrial planets, using the Deep Impact flyby spacecraft to observe Earth at the beginning and end of Northern Hemisphere spring, 2008, from a range of ~1/6 to 1/3 AU. These observations furnish high-precision and high-cadence empirical photometry and spectroscopy of Earth, suitable as "ground truth" for numerically simulating realistic observational scenarios for an Earth-like exoplanet with finite signal-to-noise ratio. Earth was observed at near-equatorial sub-spacecraft latitude on 18-19 March, 28-29 May, and 4-5 June (UT), in the range of 372-4540?nm wavelength with low visible resolving power (λ/Δλ=5-13) and moderate IR resolving power (λ/Δλ=215-730). Spectrophotometry in seven filters yields light curves at ~372-948?nm filter-averaged wavelength, modulated by Earth's rotation with peak-to-peak amplitude of ≤20%. The spatially resolved Sun glint is a minor contributor to disc-integrated reflectance. Spectroscopy at 1100-4540?nm reveals gaseous water and carbon dioxide, with minor features of molecular oxygen, methane, and nitrous oxide. One-day changes in global cloud cover resulted in differences between the light curve beginning and end of ≤5%. The light curve of a lunar transit of Earth on 29 May is color-dependent due to the Moon's red spectrum partially occulting Earth's relatively blue spectrum. The "vegetation red edge" spectral contrast observed between two long-wavelength visible/near-IR bands is ambiguous, not clearly distinguishing between the verdant Earth diluted by cloud cover versus the desolate mineral regolith of the Moon. Spectrophotometry in at least one other comparison band at short wavelength is required to distinguish between Earth-like and Moon-like surfaces in reconnaissance observations. However, measurements at 850?nm alone, the high-reflectance side of the red edge, could be sufficient to establish periodicity in the light curve and deduce Earth's diurnal period and the existence of fixed surface units.  相似文献   

针对星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)长寿命、高可靠的需求,从天线的类型选择、构型设计和实现途径等方面介绍了某大型星载SAR平面相控阵天线的技术路线,确定采用真空钎焊技术的整块缝隙波导天线为研究对象;从机电热全面分析其在空间力学环境、热环境、真空环境和带电粒子辐射环境下的适应性设计关键技术和难点,如:通过合理减重、结构分块和布局优化等设计,解决天线的刚强度问题;对天线全流程工艺进行控制以获得满足热控要求的阳极氧化膜;采用游离设计减小天线在高低温环境下的热变形;通过合理确定电场最强处两个金属面的间距来消减天线在真空环境下的微放电现象;通过选择聚酰亚胺材料作为射频连接器的介质支撑来提高天线的抗辐射能力。环境试验和在轨验证结果证明,该缝隙波导天线设计合理,环境适应性良好,能够稳定正常工作。  相似文献   

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