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论儒家文化与现代企业文化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在经济全球化发展的今天,企业要保持持续发展的良好势头,离不开文化力量的支撑.而要建设好现代企业文化,需要对我国传统文化进行客观地、实事求是地分析、继承和发扬.儒家文化是中国传统文化的主流,对整个中华民族的民族心理和民族性格的影响是巨大的.文章分析了儒家文化和企业文化的内涵和特征,论述了儒家文化所提倡的以人为本、以和为贵、义利并重等内容对现代企业文化建设的积极作用.  相似文献   

城镇化是现代化的必由之路,尽管在发展的硬指标上新型城镇化的任务还比较艰巨,但也不能因此而忽视城镇化的软指标,即人的现代化.人的现代化的核心在于文化观念的转换,传统文化的观念系统存在着诸多影响现代化发展的因素.开展持久的关于现代文化意识的启蒙教育,在政治、经济制度领域实现彻底的现代转型,是实现人的现代化的关键.  相似文献   

当前,中国正处于社会转型的历史时期,社会正发生着深刻的变化。与此同时,中国的政治文化也发生着相应的变革。政治文化对一个国家或民族的政治现代化起着巨大的制约作用,每一个走向现代化的发展中国家都面临着发达国家政治文化的冲击和挑战。通过探讨跨文化比较研究方法在中国政治文化研究中的应用,把本国的政治文化与发达国家的政治文化进行比较,为我国政治文化建设提供一个参照系,以期进一步推动国内政治文化研究的深入发展。  相似文献   

文化的民族性决定了有多少个民族就有多少种各具特色的民族文化.在全球化浪潮中,面对多元异质的民族文化,我们既要有能力采撷其他民族文化的精华,又要善于在世界文化宝库中闪耀中华民族文化的灿烂光辉.在宽容中交流互动,在宽容中理解融合,是构建和谐社会的价值取向,是文化全球化的内在要求.如费孝通先生所言:各美其美、美人之美、美美与共、和而不同.  相似文献   

从抑制消费到刺激消费是中国经济转型过程中的重大制度变迁,而抑制消费日益增大的成本导致了人们对这一制度的不满意,因而成为制度变迁的诱因.以定量配给制为例分析了抑制消费为政府管理所带来的直接成本和间接成本;通过观察消费者在市场上的购买过程和购买行为,分析了抑制消费发生在消费者身上的成本.  相似文献   

中华文化的正根、正统是中原文化,发展文化产业的基础是资源.中原经济区有着明显的文化资源优势,文化产业的振兴是中原崛起的重要支柱,没有文化内涵、文化资源缺乏合理配置的中原经济区不能成为真正意义上的中原经济区.中原经济区底蕴深厚、内涵丰富的文化具有走向现代、面向全国乃至世界的天然优势,但底蕴的彰显需要现代科学理念和机制构建来推动.因此,在推动中原经济区文化产业发展的进程中,深入探讨如何从激励机制的构建来进一步盘活中原经济区城乡文化资源的配置,是一项有重大意义的课题.激励机制的研究有利于提高城乡文化资源的高效配置,更好地为建设繁荣和富强的中原经济区文化而服务,有利于进一步促进和加快中原经济区城乡文化资源向文化产品和文化产业方向的顺势转型.  相似文献   

针对贵州面临的生态危机,以及生态区主要分布于少数民族聚居地的特点,认为生态文明建设必须尊重民族文化和习惯,只有取得各族群众的支持,才能实现人与自然、人与社会的和谐发展.贵州省急需进行战略性调整,从硬性政策推进向积极吸收各民族生态经验转化.将纯朴的民族生态观引入生态建设体系.  相似文献   

看到宝来轿车就让人产生一种忍不住要驾驶它的冲动和欲望.同德国大众其它车型一样,"Bora"同样以"风"的名字命名,它是亚得里亚海清新的海风.在中国一汽大众赋予它一个具有民族文化特色且吉祥如意的名字"宝来".它是大众品牌旗下的全尺寸轿车,A级平台的最新杰作,是与国际同步的产品,是现代轿车性能和品质的领导者.  相似文献   

古希腊哲人曾说过“只有民族的才是世界的”。悠久的历史赋予了中华民族博大而丰富的文化遗产,甲骨文、青铜器、长城、景德镇等极具特色的传统文化,以及现代的玻璃工艺,构成了中华民族独特而灿烂的文明景观。她们是传承中的载体,更是发展的依托,她们不仅是我们国家和民族的骄傲,更是全人类的共同财富。被称为现代玻璃艺术之父的王侠军,擅长运用现代艺术的审美观念和富有时代感的表现形式,重新诠释中国文化历史的悠远情怀和精致,传达中国人对生活的热情及体悟。1988年,王侠军从美国带回了“玻璃工作室运动”的观念和技术,成立华人第一个玻璃…  相似文献   

虚拟产品研发是企业文化的又一次变迁  相似文献   

商佳尚 《航空计测技术》2009,29(4):12-16,21
差值法与比值法对不同测量系统的误差修正效果不一样。本文将两种方法的比较用一个比值来描述,并用推得的公式进行量化表示。在进一步的应用研究中,理论分析与实验数据相互印证,同时得到许多有益的结论,有助于全面掌握测量系统的误差来源,从而灵活选择各种修正方法以获得更加准确的测量结果。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes some of the discussions of working group 8–9 during the ISSI Conference on The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium. Because the subject of these working groups has become significantly broader during the last ten years, we have selected three topics for which recent observations have modified and improved our knowledge of the heliosphere and the surrounding interstellar medium. These topics are the number densities and ISM ionization states of hydrogen and helium, the newly discovered hot gas from the H wall seen in absorption, and the comparison between ISM and heliospheric minor element abundances. Papers from this volume in which more details on these topics can be found are quoted throughout the report.  相似文献   

本文运用嵌套网格方法严格考虑机翼切口和襟翼端面几何形状生成了合理的计算网格,并应用雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程和Johnson-King湍流模型计算了带双襟翼三维机翼的粘性绕流,特别是大迎角下机翼襟翼上的分离流、襟翼槽与剪切口流动.计算实践表明,用该方法可以很好地预计最大升力.  相似文献   

吸尘器振动与噪声试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对某型号吸尘器噪音和振动大的问题进行试验研究,用声强法对吸尘器的噪音进行测量分析,同时对吸尘器的振动进行了测量并对振动信号用DASP软件进行了频谱分析,识别了吸尘器的主要振动源和噪声源.在试验分析的基础上,提出了一些改善其振动和噪音性能的措施.  相似文献   

Now extinct short-lived radioactive isotopes were apparently extant in the early solar system. Their abundances can be inferred from isotopic effects in their daughter nuclei in primitive meteorites, and the deviation of these abundances from expectations from continuous galactic nucleosynthesis yields important information on the last nucleosynthetic events that contributed new nuclei to the solar system and on the general circumstances of the Sun's birth. In this paper we present a rudimentary model that attempts to reconcile the abundances of ten short-lived radioactivities in the early solar system. In broad outlines, the picture requires 1) that Type Ia supernovae maintained a steady ISM supply of 53Mn and 146Sm, 2) that the r-process events that slowly admixed new 107Pd, 129I, 182Hf, and 244Pu nuclei to the solar system occurred over an interval of several hundred million years prior to solar system formation, and 3) that a massive star, by injecting only material outside its helium-exhausted core into the proto-solar nebula, contributed 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca, 60Fe, and 182Hf no more than one million years prior to the Sun's birth. In this picture, the live 182Hf present in the early solar system was not due to r-process production but rather to a fast s-process in helium or carbon burning shell in the massive star. We conclude with a possible chemical-memory explanation for the putative 53Cr/52Cr gradient in the solar system. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the concept of the impact of an action or human error. We begin from an informal definition of impact as: the effect that an action or sequence of actions has on the safe and successful operation of a system; and develop a quantitative measure of the impact of specified behaviours. It is important that human-machine interface designers should understand the relationship between operator actions and the hazards associated with a system. We demonstrate how impact can be assessed prior to, or in parallel with, the design of the human-machine interface, and show how impact assessments could be used to allow risk analysts to inform designers about the relationship between operator actions and system hazards. To illustrate our approach we present a simple case study,  相似文献   

This review concentrates on recent ideas involving a relationship between the early solar system and supernova explosions. It summarizes briefly the data that has helped inspire those ideas. Because the true relationship is still unknown and generates controversy, the distinct ideas are introduced singly in the historical context of their origins, and the active sense of surprise and controversy is visible. Quotations from pivotal papers are used as part of the exposition. The subject involves equally the isotopic anomalies detected in meteorites and the dynamic events of galactic evolution, nucleosynthesis, and protosolar collapse. Whatever the correct situation is, new connections have been found between the origin of the elements and the formation of the solar system. The objective of this review is to enable interested space scientists to quickly identify the competing points of view and the experiments and theories that have led to them.  相似文献   

Aging avionics have become a problem because aircraft are being kept in service far longer than the original plan. This paper discusses the four key problems of aging avionics: (1) determining the systems that are the high cost drivers in order to select those that should receive priority; (2) determining the requirements for the replacement; (3) identifying alternative technologies that will satisfy the requirements and are affordable; and (4) determining the funding required and acquiring the funding needed to replace the aging avionics. Challenges encountered in solving these problems include management and technical. The problem of aging avionics is not limited to a single aircraft, but occurs across all aircraft. Cost-effective modernization requires cutting horizontally across all aging aircraft, and coordination with the end users and the existing management structure. A key technical challenge is to select an architecture that is upgradeable since the funding limitations may ensure parts will become obsolete prior to the completion of a drawn-out production.  相似文献   

In this paper, a physical model of gas flows through the channels is refined. The influence of gas absorbed by the walls of a channel on its conductance is shown. The experimentally obtained minimum on the channel conductance-pressure dependence (as the Knudsen paradox) is interpreted.  相似文献   

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