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The analysis of a single-axis rate gyroscope mounted in a vehicle which is spinning with uncertain angular velocity about the spin axis of the gyro is presented. The nonlinearity in the equation of motion of the gimbal is retained. Using circle criterion, it is shown that the gimbal motion is globally asymptotically stable if Nyquist plot of the linear transfer function of the gyro lies in the interior of a certain disk. A simple analytical relation for the selection of gyro parameters for stability is derived.  相似文献   

A stability analysis of a single-axis rate gyroscope mounted in a space vehicle which is spinning with uncertain angular velocity ?z about the spin axis of the gyro is presented. The complete nonlinear equation of motion, which includes the fundamental and second harmonic nonlinear terms, arising due to ?z, is considered. For time-varying ?z(t), using the circle criterion, it is shown that the gimbal motion is globally asymptotically stable if the Nyquist plot of the linear transfer function of the gyro lies in the interior of a certain disk. For the case of uncertain constant ?z, using the Lyapunov approach, conditions for global asymptotic stability (GAS) and asymptotic stability are derived. Stable regions in parameter space of the gyro and state space are obtained. Analytical relations for the selection of gyro parameters are derived.  相似文献   

An analysis of the motion of a single-axis rate gyroscope mounted in a space vehicle which is spinning with uncertain constant angular velocity xz about the spin axis of the gyro is presented. The nonlinearity in the equation of motion of the gimbal is retained. Using the Lyapunov approach, regions are obtained in the k-xz plane where k is the torsional spring constant, for asymptotic stability and for global asymptotic stability, and an estimate of the region of stability in state space is presented. Analytical relations for the selection of the gyro parameters are derived.  相似文献   

Transient performance of a single-axis rate gyroscope mounted in a spacecraft which is spinning about the spin axis of the gyro is presented. Analytical expressions for various time-domain and frequency-domain specifications as functions of the spin rate of the vehicle are obtained. Numerical results are presented which are useful in selecting the gyro parameters if it is to be used for the measurements of the angular velocity in spinning space vehicles.  相似文献   

It is shown that when the gyro spin vector is in opposition to the spin vector of the vehicle, the output differential equation of the gyro becomes unstable for large vehicle spin values. When the gyro is used with its spin vector along the spin vector of the vehicle, the steady-state response of the gyro is a nonlinear function of the roll rate of the vehicle.  相似文献   

提出了一种完全新型的旋转式水下运载器的系统结构,简要介绍了系统的工作原理,设计了模糊控制器。通过计算机仿真,说明该水下运载器的系统结构是可行的。  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the motion of a single axis rate gyroscope mounted in a space vehicle, which is simultaneously accelerating and spinning about the output and spin axis, respectively, of the gyro. The time-varying acceleration and deceleration ?x(t) and the spin rate ?z(t) of the vehicle are unknown but bounded functions of time t. It is shown that the motion of the gyro remains bounded if the bound ?*2 on the uncertainty in ?z(t) does not exceed some threshold ?*2 and that this threshold depends on the various parameters of the gyro. Furthermore, by a proper selection of the gyro parameters, its motion can be forced to remain in a small neighborhood (called region of ultimate boundedness) of the origin in ?-? plane after a certain finite interval of time for any bounded uncertain ?x(t) and ?z(t). Analytical relations are derived for the selection of gyro parameters to keep the error caused in the measurement of the input rate due to ?x and ?z within any given limit.  相似文献   

本设备为某大型立式三旋轮强力数控旋压机,采用封闭式整体框架结构,以加工薄壁筒形件为主。毛坯材料为超高强度钢、不锈钢和有色金属,设计要求旋轮座径向最大推力500kN/轮,轴向最大推力333kN/轮,机床轴向坐标行程1600mm,径向和轴向定位精度分别为0.02mm和0.04mm。设备旋压吨位大、行程长、位置精度高,控制系统采用数控系统控制液压驱动的全闭环控制模式。本文论述了采用Siemens840D数控系统和西门子液压驱动模块控制高频响比例伺服阀,驱动非对称液压油缸的大型立式旋压机系统稳定性的调节。  相似文献   

An analysis of the motion of a single-axis rate gyroscope mounted in a space vehicle which has uncertain time-varying acceleration and deceleration ?x(t) about the output axis of the gyro is presented. Using a Lyapunov function, a condition for boundedness of the gyro motion is derived. It is shown that by a proper selection of the parameters of the gyro, its motion can be forced to remain in a small neighborhood (called region of ultimate boundedness) of the origin in ? - ? plane after a certain finite interval of time for any bounded uncertain ?x(t). Analytical relations for the selection of gyro parameters to keep the error caused in the measurement of the input rate due to ?x within desirable limits are derived.  相似文献   

许丹  陈云霞  梁媛  康锐 《航空学报》2013,34(6):1319-1325
 力矩器作为动力调谐陀螺(DTG)的关键器件,影响着陀螺在贮存条件下的长期稳定性。力矩器标度因数是衡量陀螺稳定性的重要参数。为研究动力调谐陀螺仪力矩器标度因数的变化原理和规律,以故障模式、机理和影响分析(FMMEA)方法为基础,分析贮存条件下陀螺力矩器标度因数变化主机理,确定影响其变化的机理部位和应力类型;结合底层主机理部件胶蠕变和磁钢退磁随环境应力、时间的变化趋势,建立系统层力矩器标度因数变化量的长期预报模型;以某DTG为例,结合其贮存剖面,进行基于模型的贮存稳定性分析,计算得到5年内力矩器标度因数变化值,与历史数据相比较,二者趋势一致,证明本文研究方法的正确性;同时利用建立的变化模型进行陀螺加速性分析,得到陀螺参数的加速因子,为加速退化试验的设计提供依据。  相似文献   

文章阐述了陀螺永磁力矩器的工作原理及误差模型,分析了影响永磁力矩器力矩系数的各种因素,确定了影响陀螺永磁永磁力矩器力矩系数稳定性的主要因素,提出了提高力矩温度系数稳定性的改进措施,试验结果验证了改进措施的有效性.  相似文献   

杨昊  程谋森 《飞行力学》2007,25(3):21-25
针对环聚焦的Myrabo构型激光推进飞行器在大气中飞行现象,建立了激光推力器冲量模型,给出了光船飞行六自由度动力学模型。设计算法解决了脉冲力作用下,光船动力学方程的解算精度与效率折中问题;仿真分析了激光脉冲频率、脉冲能量和升力线斜率大小对光船运动稳定性影响。结果表明:在垂直方向,光船上升速度呈锯齿状,且存在脉冲频率下限;在侧向,激光脉冲频率越高,回复速度越快,回复曲线也越光滑,升力线斜率的增加能够使光船以更短的时间趋于稳定。  相似文献   

激光陀螺作为惯性系统的核心器件之一,其性能的优劣直接影响惯性系统的精度.目前激光陀螺的性能提升主要得益于相关电路方面的改进.而稳频电路作为激光陀螺控制电路的重要组成部分,其对激光陀螺的性能起到至关重要的作用.本文主要研究了二频机抖激光陀螺稳频电路的研究进展情况,介绍稳频电路的发展历史及趋势,概括了其工作原理及实现方式,...  相似文献   

旋转导弹风洞六自由度自由飞动导数实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
风洞六自由度自由飞实验,是国内首次开展的一项新的风洞实验研究。实验设备为0.2米×0.2米的超声速风洞,求流马赫数为2和2.5。当超声速流场建立后,将以每分钟一万多转的高速旋转导弹模型,向实验段上游发射。模型在风洞观察窗区飞行时,用高速立体摄影拍摄模型飞行姿态随时间的变化。然后根据飞行姿态记录,通过数据辨识,求得俯仰力矩系数斜率,俯仰阻尼力矩系数和马格努斯力矩系数。实验精度优于国外弹道靶自由飞实验结果,尤其是动导数数据取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

关于飞船的动态稳定问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文研究了以平衡攻角为中心作俯仰振荡的飞船,其动态稳定形态随来流马赫数M∞R YO WX 。  相似文献   

无人飞行器航向静稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳玉甜  陈欣 《飞行力学》2004,22(2):11-14
主要介绍了航向静稳定性概念及放宽航向静稳定性飞行器横侧向运动特性;讨论了无人机三种不同航向静稳定性补偿方法:侧滑角反馈、偏航角速率反馈和侧向过载反馈;最后对三种补偿方式的结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed development of the equations of motion for the stable member of a three-axis platform. Kinematic relations are presented for an x, z, y Euler sequence. This development includes the effects of friction, inertia, and torque motors. A set of six first-order differential equations of state are presented representing the equations of motion of the system members. These equations may be integrated and the resulting Euler angles and rates used to describe the stable member motions. When combined with the servo loops, the motion of the stable member represents the angular motion environment of the stable member mounted instruments.  相似文献   

MEMS陀螺仪体积小、功耗低的优点扩展了惯性器件的应用领域,对于制导武器的小型化具有重要的意义.但国内MEMS陀螺仪精度相对偏低、噪声大,这限制了它在高精度军事领域的应用.陀螺阵列可以利用冗余信息有效提高MEMS陀螺的精度,实现低精度陀螺的高精度应用,而不需要技术和工艺的突破.介绍了MEMS陀螺阵列的基本原理,总结了陀螺阵列近年来的研究进展.在此基础上,提出了陀螺阵列的4大关键技术:陀螺冗余系统配置,误差分析、建模与标定,故障诊断以及信息融合.最后,分析了陀螺阵列的发展特点以及研究重点,给出了MEMS陀螺阵列技术未来的发展思路.  相似文献   

以解决小平面封底、二次曲线型、大直径、厚壁头罩类壳体旋压成形难题为目的,提出集成了厚壁板坯短剪切渐进成形轨迹设计、普旋预成形与短剪切成形轨迹配合设计、镜像双旋轮同步旋压精确控制、加热旋压控温曲线标定等技术内容,有别于传统的剪切旋压、普通旋压的单模具剪普复合旋压方法。通过试验,摸索了多道次普旋预成形和单模具剪普复合旋压成形基本规律,总结了旋压轨迹设计方法。实现了二次曲线厚壁头罩单模具一次成形,直径、壁厚、轮廓度等主要精度误差均小于0.2 mm。  相似文献   

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