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Today, the "division" thought of "Reductionism" makes people feel helpless and gradually recognize the consequence of the social alienation. Based on 20 years' experience in America, 28 years' practice in China's space industry, and nearly 30 years' research in his later years, QIAN Xuesen integrated the Western Reductionism with the Eastern Holism to form the QIAN Xuesen think tank thought and the Hall for Workshop of Metasynthetic Engineering from qualitative to quantitative, promoting space internationalization to play an irreplaceable role in the development of technology, engineering and industrialization.  相似文献   

Systems science and systems engineering, as a new science and technology domain in modern science and technology, is developing rapidly, and showing greater and greater vitality. QIAN Xuesen is recognized as the pioneer and founder of systems science and systems engineering in China. His whole innovation process from systems thinking to systems practice has made pioneering contributions at different levels from engineering, technology, science to philosophy. These achievements and contributions have very important scientific value and practical significance. Presenting QIAN Xuesen's contribution in systems science and practice, this paper elaborates the development and application of systems science and systems engineering.  相似文献   

QIAN Xuesen published the article Technology of Organization and Management: Systems Engineering on September 27, 1978, pointing out that systems engineering is the technology of organization and management system that can be applied in all systems. The origin, formation and evolution of the systems engineering theory accompanied QIAN Xuesen's whole life. The systems engineering theory is the concentrated reflection of QIAN's achievements and theory in all aspects.  相似文献   

The most distinctive feature of the new era is integration and innovation. With the rapid development of information technology and big data technology, the data era brought by artificial intelligence is coming. The systems engineering theory and methods summarized from engineering practice show more and more its importance and indispensability. The overall design department thoughts founded by scientist QIAN Xuesen is the result of the practice of systematic engineering science theory. The new development of the overall design department will inject intellectual support and technical support into the modernization of the national governance system and capabilities.  相似文献   

The origin,formation and evolution of the systems engineering theory accompanied QIAN Xuesen's whole life.The systems engineering theory is the concentrated reflection of QIAN's achievements and theory in all aspects.From returning to China to pioneer China's space industry,creating a new management mode of "one overall design department,two command lines",publishing Organization and Management Technology:Systems Engineering,to proposing the theory of Open Complex Giant System(OCGS) and the theory of Metasynthetic Wisdom,all these mark the formation of the Chinese school of systems engineering.Guided by QIAN's academic ideas,various major Chinese space programs have been implemented successfully which verified the fact that the systems engineering is scientific.The systems engineering has been applied to different fields of the national economy and has a development process with the distinguished characteristics of Chinese systems science.On one hand,the systems engineering is put forward deeply along the traditional systems engineering thought and theory;on the other hand,a batch of innovations that break the traditional shackles have occurred,making the Chinese systems engineering unique and outstanding compared with foreign counterparts.  相似文献   

空间科学的发展使航天测控中遥感和图像等数据量日益增大,如何实现天地间大容量文件的传输已成为一个重要问题。鉴于测控网正在向全IP化的方向发展,提出一种在IP组网基础上的低轨航天器大容量文件的传输方案,并就方案中文件的分块传输及卫星在测控站间切换时文件的续传等关键问题进行探讨。在此基础上,对提出的方案进行实验分析,验证了其可行性。  相似文献   

根据飞行时间二次离子质谱学的新进展,用当代最先进的仪器首次对三种典型的我国地面空间环境模拟污染样品进行了探索性实验研究。结果表明:由于极高的检测灵敏度,具备分析微量航天污染物成分的能力;由于很高的质量分辨本领,具备检测航天污染物包含的所有元素、同位素和各种化合物的指纹鉴别能力;成像分析可获得航天污染物各成分面分布及一定的分层信息,从而可望揭示出各类污染物的形成过程。与国内外现有的各类检测手段相比,飞行时间二次离子质谱是航天污染物检测强有力的一种新手段。讨论了需要进一步研究解决的主要问题,如果能开发出可避免二次污染并分阶段取样、保存样品的装置与之配合,该技术有望在迅速崛起的航天污染系统工程中发展成为一种独具特色的航天污染检测新技术。  相似文献   

微纳卫星发展现状及在光学成像侦察中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对当前微纳卫星在空间环境感知、新技术空间演示验证、空间科学试验、通信与数据传输、对地或对空间目标进行光学成像观测等方面的主要应用形态进行了归纳总结,分析了采用微纳卫星实施光学成像侦察的优势,给出了应用实例,并提出在航天侦察应用中大力发展光学成像侦察微纳卫星的相关建议。从而为后续微纳卫星在航天光电侦察中的广泛应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

航天材料基因工程及其若干关键技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
材料基因工程的理念和将空间环境与效应纳入到航天材料研制全流程的思路将对航天材料的开发带来颠覆性的革命。文章在对国内外材料基因组计划和航天材料需求分析的基础上,首先对航天材料基因工程的内涵进行阐述,进而对基于航天材料基因工程的航天材料研制流程进行分析,最后结合空间环境效应及材料基因工程,从计算工具、试验工具、数字化数据三个维度,提出空间多因素环境与航天材料的耦合作用机理、航天材料空间多因素环境效应等效评价方法、空间复杂使役环境下航天材料性能演化模型、航天材料空间环境效应数据库、基于材料基因工程的航天材料设计模型、航天材料研制的不确定性及优化方法等关键技术和发展方向。  相似文献   

空间天气科学与有效和平利用空间   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
空间天气科学是一门新兴的前沿交叉科学。文章首先从发展历程、发展现状和发展态势角度对空间天气科学进行了系统介绍,并指出空间天气科学是经济社会发展的"助推器"、助力科技革命的"加速器"和关系空间安全的"倍增器";接着对空间天气科学与有效和平利用空间的关系进行了阐述;最后对我国空间天气科学的发展和对人类的服务前景进行了展望,并给出了制定和实施"国家空间天气十年计划"和"空间天气科学服务和平利用空间国家专项"建议的初步构想。  相似文献   

碘工质电推进储供系统设计及实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
霍尔推力器越来越多地用于空间电推进,由于高纯度氙气获取难度大、成本高昂,故需要寻找其他种类的工质代替氙气用于空间推进。碘的升华温度较低,且常温储存时为固态,作为推力剂具有减小系统体积、降低成本等优势,但是适配的储供系统尚不成熟。通过比较碘和其他工质的相关特性,阐明碘作为空间电推进工质的优势,总结了国内外相关实验,说明使用碘作为推进剂的可行性,设计新型热辐射加热储罐,完成了碘工质储供系统的初步实验,对系统设计进行规划。实验结果表明:热辐射加热储罐相比于传统外部加热储罐具有更好的调节性能。  相似文献   

随着空袭能力的快速提高,防空防天装备呈现出新的发展态势。首先分析了空天威胁环境,从预警探测、指挥控制、防御拦截3个方面阐述了国外防空防天装备的发展现状。最后指出了防空防天装备今后可能的发展方向,认为更精确的预警探测能力、更高自动化的指挥控制系统、一体化的拦截系统是今后技术发展的主要方面。  相似文献   

我国航天器搭载试验包括空间材料实验、航天医学实验和航天新技术验证试验,具有数据量大、需要实时传输、工作模式多样等特点。文章根据试验项目的需求,设计了应用于低轨道航天器的支持各类空间搭载试验项目的公用试验平台。地面测试验证和在轨运行情况表明,该平台在不影响飞行器平台安全的同时,满足了对试验项目的工作控制、遥测监视及试验数据传输管理的任务要求。  相似文献   

随着卫星互联网和我国航天测控技术的不断进步,航天测控网络朝着智能化、一体化的方向发展,在自主测控、资源分配等方面进展良好。因此,建立智能天地一体化的航天测控网是我国航天未来发展的重要目标。针对智能航天测控网中的跟踪测轨、遥测和遥控三个方面,分别介绍了相关原理与技术。同时,结合CCSDS提出的空间数据链路标准协议详细介绍了TM、TC、AOS、Proximity-1以及USLP标准,分析了不同标准所使用的技术与实际应用。本文从数据链路层和物理层的角度介绍了智能航天测控系统的工作原理及技术要求,为我国智能天地一体化卫星测控通信网的研究提供参考并予以展望。  相似文献   

航天ATS快速测试体系结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速发射是未来空间信息作战和导弹武器发展面临的新课题,快速测试是快速发射的重要环节。航天ATS快速测试需要遵循一定的体系结构而发展。以国际通用测试系统体系结构为背景,结合我国航天测试的需求,提出了航天ATS快速测试体系结构,分析了航天ATS快速测试的测试流程并行化、关键参数连续监测化和测试数据处理快速化等目标,以及所涉及到的图形化程序开发、仪器可互换等关键技术。结论有利于促进航天ATS快速测试技术的进步,并为其发展提供参考。  相似文献   

文章从几个方面对太空气象预报系统进行了简单的介绍,包括:当前太空气象预报系统的水平;模板预报方案实施细则;实施模板方案的难度与可行性。作者关心我国对太空气象预报系统的研究,为进一步降低航天器发射风险、提高航天器运行可靠性而献计献策。  相似文献   

抗单粒子效应加固是宇航器件研发和卫星电路系统设计面临的重要难题.准确、有效的单粒子效应试验评估对此问题的解决有巨大帮助.中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心于近十年在国内自主发展了用于单粒子效应评估的脉冲激光试验相关装置、试验技术和方法,对宇航器件和卫星电路开展了初步应用.通过脉冲激光试验,能够快速甄别、定位宇航器件试样的...  相似文献   

空天防御作战是指在国家最高空天防御指挥机构统一指挥下,综合运用陆基、海基、空基和天基作战力量,对航空、航天空间各类来袭目标及其武器系统实时的先制、抗击和防护作战行动.简述了美俄的导弹空天防御体系建设思路,结合空天防御的热点,总结出航天电子对抗的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

Paolo Santini  Paolo Gasbarri   《Acta Astronautica》2009,64(11-12):1224-1251
Multibody dynamics for space applications is dictated by space environment such as space-varying gravity forces, orbital and attitude perturbations, control forces if any. Several methods and formulations devoted to the modeling of flexible bodies undergoing large overall motions were developed in recent years.Most of these different formulations were aimed to face one of the main problems concerning the analysis of spacecraft dynamics namely the reduction of computer simulation time. By virtue of this, the use of symbolic manipulation, recursive formulation and parallel processing algorithms were proposed. All these approaches fall into two categories, the one based on Newton/Euler methods and the one based on Lagrangian methods; both of them have their advantages and disadvantages although in general, Newtonian approaches lend to a better understanding of the physics of problems and in particular of the magnitude of the reactions and of the corresponding structural stresses. Another important issue which must be addressed carefully in multibody space dynamics is relevant to a correct choice of kinematics variables. In fact, when dealing with flexible multibody system the resulting equations include two different types of state variables, the ones associated with large (rigid) displacements and the ones associated with elastic deformations. These two sets of variables have generally two different time scales if we think of the attitude motion of a satellite whose period of oscillation, due to the gravity gradient effects, is of the same order of magnitude as the orbital period, which is much bigger than the one associated with the structural vibration of the satellite itself. Therefore, the numerical integration of the equations of the system represents a challenging problem.This was the abstract and some of the arguments that Professor Paolo Santini intended to present for the Breakwell Lecture; unfortunately a deadly disease attacked him and shortly took him to death, leaving his work unfinished. In agreement with Astrodynamics Committee it was decided to prepare a paper based on some research activities that Paolo Santini performed during almost 50 years in the aerospace field. His researches spanned many arguments, encompassing flexible space structures, to optimization, stability analysis, thermal analysis, smart structure, etc. just to mention the ones more related to the space field (Paolo Santini was also one the pioneers of the studies of composite wing structures, aeroelasticity and unsteady aerodynamics for aeronautical applications). Following notes have been prepared by Paolo Gasbarri who was one of Paolo Santini collaborators for almost 15 years, they will attempt to offer a sketch of Professor Santini's activity by focusing on three main topics: the stability of flexible spacecrafts, the dynamics of multibody systems and the use of the smart structure technology for the space applications.  相似文献   

Market-based systems are those systems in which currency is used to express demand for a limited resource. In these systems, users `own' currency and exchange it for a desired commodity. Though used for thousands of years, market-based applications to space missions are still in their infancy. The first successful application was in 1992 with the Cassini Mission to Saturn. In this case, the sum total of mass and dollars for the science instruments had to fit within the allocated resource envelope. Results from the use of a market-based system show that the entire science payload grew from original estimates by only +1% for cost, and by –7% for mass. The next application was for Space Shuttle Secondary Payloads. In this application, available shuttle lift mass, number of lockers for secondary payloads, and available astronaut time had to be allocated between 5 NASA Users. Experiments showed that a market-based system can reduce the size of the required workforce needed to produce a manifest of the same quality as one produced `by committee.' Finally, a market-based system was experimentally applied to LightSAR science planning, a proposed joint NASA/Commercial RADAR mission. In this application, users were able to produce a conflict-free timeline of events remotely, of high science value, in about half the time required by more traditional methods.  相似文献   

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