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Based on analysis of Global Positioning System (GPS) multipath signals recorded by a geodetic GPS receiver, GPS Reflectometry (GPS-R) has demonstrated unique advantages in relation to sea level monitoring. Founded on multipath reflectometry theory, sea level changes can be measured by GPS-R through spectral analysis of recorded signal-to-noise ratio data. However, prior to estimating multipath parameters, it is necessary to define azimuth and elevation angle mask to ensure the reflecting zones are on water. Here, a method is presented to address azimuth selection, a topic currently under active development in the field of GPS-R. Data from three test sites: the Kachemak Bay GPS site PBAY in Alaska (USA), Friday Harbor GPS site SC02 in the San Juan Islands (USA), and Brest Harbor GPS site BRST in Brest (France) are analyzed. These sites are located in different multipath environments, from a rural coastal area to a busy harbor, and they experience different tidal ranges. Estimates by the GPS tide gauges at azimuths selected by the presented method are compared with measurements from physical tide gauges and acceptable correspondence found for all three sites.  相似文献   

目前基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的残差卡方检测法已在接收机自主进行GPS卫星故障检测方面得到广泛应用,但该方法存在依赖系统数学模型、检验延迟等问题。文章提出一种基于小波分析的GPS卫星故障检测法,利用小波分析在时频域表现出良好的细节处理特性,将GPS接收机的可测数据即伪距观测数据和位置定位数据作为处理对象,进行多尺度下的分析,通过识别异常点来判断故障的发生。仿真结果表明,该方法具有高效灵敏、简洁直观、易于工程实现等特性,有助于保证导航系统的可靠性和稳定性。  相似文献   

基于遥测数据动态特征的卫星异常检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于遥测参数分析异常是保证卫星正常在轨运行的基础,通常采用阈值法判断遥测参数是否超差来判断卫星工作状态,由于其无法检测在阈值范围内变化的卫星遥测数据异常,因而会导致故障漏报.本文利用遥测参数动态变化特性,提出一种基于遥测数据变化规律检测异常的方法.利用周期图谱法求解遥测参数周期,根据遥测数据各周期之间参数值的相似性,按照遥测参数周期对数据进行采样,得到平稳差分序列,对其建立自回归移动平均混合模型,通过精确的预测结果与实测遥测数据比较来发现异常.利用该方法对实际在轨运行的某卫星2012年5月太阳能帆板转动异常故障进行验证,结果表明其能够有效避免故障漏报.  相似文献   

The principal objective of this study is to analyze structures of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) using a wavelet technique. We use data measured with the SOHO/LASCO coronographs C2–C3, EIT and STEREO COR1A–B, COR2A–B. We have found that different structures show up in a CME at different spatial scales of wavelets. We also study the orientation of the most intense flux and find the orientation of the structures in the CME.  相似文献   

Ground-based vertical incidence soundings are well suited to model the bottom-side ionosphere but are not so good for dependably modelling the topside ionosphere. This study aims to combine vertical incidence sounding and dual-frequency GPS measurements to reconstruct the topside profile. The reconstruction technique relays on the use of the so-called vary-Chap approach that use an α-Chapman function with a continuously varying scale height.  相似文献   

This paper reports the ionospheric anomalies observed during strong local earthquakes (M?5.0) which occurred mostly in and around Uzbekistan in seismically active zones, during years 2006 to 2009 within approximately 1000 km distance from the observing GPS stations located in Tashkent and Kitab, Uzbekistan. The solar and geomagnetic conditions were quiet during occurrence of the selected strong earthquakes. We produce Total Electron Content (TEC) time series over both sites and apply them to detect anomalous TEC signals preceding or accompanying the local earthquakes. The results show anomalous increase or decrease of TEC before or during the earthquakes. In general the anomalies occurred 1–7 days before the earthquakes as ionospheric electromagnetic precursors. To identify the anomalous values of TEC we calculated differential TEC (dTEC). dTEC is obtained by subtracting monthly averaged diurnal vTEC from the values of observed vTEC at each epoch. This procedure removes normal diurnal variations of vTEC. The present results are in good agreement with the previous observations on ionospheric earthquake precursors reported by various researchers.  相似文献   

Various studies have been performed to investigate the accuracy of troposphere zenith wet delays (ZWDs) determined from GPS. Most of these studies use dual-frequency GPS data of large-scale networks with long baselines to determine the absolute ZWDs. For small-scale networks the estimability of the absolute ZWDs deteriorates due to high correlation between the solutions of the ZWDs and satellite-specific parameters as satellite clocks. However, as relative ZWDs (rZWDs) can always be estimated, irrespective of the size of the network, it is of interest to understand how the large-scale network rZWD-performance of dual-frequency GPS using an ionosphere-float model compares to the small-scale network rZWD-performance of single-frequency GPS using an ionosphere-weighted model. In this contribution such an analysis is performed using undifferenced and uncombined network parametrization modelling. In this context we demonstrate the ionosphere weighted constraints, which allows the determination of the rZWDs independent from signals on the second frequency. Based on an analysis of both simulated and real data, it is found that under quiet ionosphere conditions, the accuracy of the single-frequency determined rZWDs in the ionosphere-weighted network is comparable to that of the large-scale dual-frequency network without ionospheric constraints. Making use of the real data from two baselines of 15?days, it was found that the absolute differences of the rZWDs applying the two strategies are within 1?cm in over 90% and 95% of the time for ambiguity-float and -fixed cases, respectively.  相似文献   

The total electron content (TEC) estimation by the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be seriously affected by the differential code biases (DCB), referred to as inter-frequency biases (IFB), of the satellite and receiver so that an accuracy of GPS–TEC value is dependent on the error of DCBs estimation. In this paper, we proposed the singular value decomposition (SVD) method to estimate the DCB of GPS satellites and receivers using the Korean GPS network (KGN) in South Korea. The receiver DCBs of about 49 GPS reference stations in KGN were determined for the accurate estimation of the regional ionospheric TEC. They obtained from the daily solution have large biases ranging from +5 to +27 ns for geomagnetic quiet days. The receiver DCB of SUWN reference station was compared with the estimates of IGS and JPL global ionosphere map (GIM). The results have shown comparatively good agreement at the level within 0.2 ns. After correction of receiver DCBs and knowing the satellite DCBs, the comparison between the behavior of the estimated TEC and that of GIMs was performed for consecutive three days. We showed that there is a good agreement between KASI model and GIMs.  相似文献   

To analyze midlatitude medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) over Kazan (55.5°N, 49°E), Russia, the sufficiently dense network of GNSS receivers (more than 150 ground-based stations) were used. For the first time, daytime MSTIDs in the form of their main signature (band structure) on high-resolution two-dimensional maps of the total electron content perturbation (TEC maps) are compared with ionosonde data with a high temporal resolution. For a pair of events, a relationship between southwestward TEC perturbations and evolution of F2 layer traces was established. So F2 peak frequency varied in antiphase to TEC perturbations. The ionograms show that during the movement of plasma depletion band (overhead ionosonde) the F2 peak frequency is the highest, and vice versa, for the plasma enhancement band, the F2 peak frequency is the lowest. One possible explanation may be a greater inclination of the radio beam from the vertical during the placement of a plasma enhancement band above the ionosonde, as evidenced by the absence of multiple reflections and the increased occurrence rate of additional cusp trace. Another possible explanation may be the redistribution of the electron content in the topside ionosphere with a small decrease in the F peak concentration of the layer with a small increase in TEC along the line-of-sight. Analysis of F2 peak frequency variation shows that observed peak-to-peak values of TEC perturbation equal to 0.4 and 1 TECU correspond to the values of ΔN/N equal to 13% and 28%. The need for further research is evident.  相似文献   

根据给定某型号导弹的技术参数,综合考虑了各种因素,对该导弹飞行过程中弹上接收GPS卫星的情况进行了模拟和分析,从而论证了该导弹利用GPS作为外测手段的可行性。  相似文献   

The Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) is one of the major scientific infrastructures, mainly using Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements, to monitor crustal deformation in the Chinese mainland. In this paper, decade-long coordinate time series of 26 continuous GPS sites of CMONOC are analyzed for their noise content using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). We study the noise properties of continuous GPS time series of CMONOC for the unfiltered, filtered solutions and also the common mode signals in terms of power law plus white noise model. In the spatial filtering, we remove for every time series a common mode error that was estimated from a modified stacking of position residuals from other sites within ∼1000 km of the selected site. We find that the common mode signal in our network has a combination of spatially correlated flicker noise and a common white noise with large spatial extent. We demonstrate that for the unfiltered solutions of CMONOC continuous GPS sites the main colored noise is a flicker process, with a mean spectral index of ∼1. For the filtered solutions, the main colored noise is a general power law process, indicating that a major number of the filtered regional solutions have a combination of noise sources or local effects. The velocity uncertainties from CMONOC continuous GPS coordinate time series may be underestimated by factors of 8–16 if a pure white noise model is assumed. In addition, using a white plus flicker noise model, the median values of velocity errors for the unfiltered solutions are 0.16 (north), 0.17 (east) and 0.58 (vertical) mm/yr, and the median values for the filtered solutions are 0.09 (north), 0.10 (east) and 0.40 (vertical) mm/yr.  相似文献   

The multipath signals of GNSS can act as a tide gauge via a technology called Global Navigation Satellite Systems multipath reflectometry (GNSS-MR), which is based on the relationship between multipath frequency and height to sea surface. In addition to the traditional frequency extraction method of Lomb–Scargle periodogram (LSP), wavelet analysis can be applied to extract instantaneous multipath frequencies of GPS L1, thus improving data utilization. However, because of the sensitivity of instantaneous frequency to noise and the introduction of more signals, multi-constellation retrievals exhibit many outliers and errors. The aim of this study is to apply wavelet analysis to multi-constellation multi-frequency signals and most importantly to find a method to avoid noise. We used coherent superposition to overlap the intra-track inter-signal instantaneous frequency spectrograms to enhance effective information and to weaken noise. This coherent superposition method can achieve intra-track inter-signal combination. The multi-GNSS data from two Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) stations were used. The results showed that the coherent superposition spectrogram has a clear energy concentration, and the frequencies calculated from it depict sea-level changes. To compare the method with the LSP method and to combine inter-track retrievals, a robust regression method was used to combine retrievals and to produce equally spaced retrieval series. The results show that the combined retrievals from the coherent superposition method have a slightly higher accuracy than those from the classical LSP method. Because this method can be used to retrieve sea-level data from instantaneous frequency, it increases data utilization and provides a way to obtain details of SNR arcs, which is a potential method to benefit GNSS-MR, especially for sites with narrow reflecting sensing zones in a small sea azimuth range.  相似文献   

The gravity field model AIUB-CHAMP02S, which is based on six years of CHAMP GPS data, is presented here. The gravity field parameters were derived using a two step procedure: In a first step a kinematic trajectory of a low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellite is computed using the GPS data from the on-board receiver. In this step the orbits and clock corrections of the GPS satellites as well as the Earth rotation parameters (ERPs) are introduced as known. In the second step this kinematic orbit is represented by a gravitational force model and orbit parameters.  相似文献   

Galileo系统与GPS卫星定位系统相位组合观测值的模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍Galileo系统空间信号的基础上,以模糊度保持整数为前提,给出了Galileo系统的4个频率载波与GPS L2载波的组合相位观测值的定义,并对有关误差影响加以分析,最后根据一定的组合标准论述了具有相应特性的组合观测值,并给出一些典型的组合.   相似文献   

Ionospheric response to tropical cyclones (TCs) was estimated experimentally on the example of three powerful cyclones – KATRINA (23–31 August 2005), RITA (18–26 September 2005), and WILMA (15–25 October 2005). These TCs were active near the USA Atlantic coast. Investigation was based on Total Electron Content (TEC) data from the international network of two-frequency ground-based GPS receivers and the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data. We studied the spatial–temporal dynamics of wave TEC disturbances over two periods of ranges (02–20 min and 20–60 min). To select the ionospheric disturbances which were most likely to be associated with the cyclones, maps of TEC disturbances were compared with those of meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

The real-time recognition and precise correction of baseline shifts in strong-motion records is a critical issue for GPS and accelerometer combined processing. This paper proposes a method to adaptively recognize and correct baseline shifts in strong-motion records by utilizing GPS measurements using two phases Kalman filter. By defining four kinds of learning statistics and criteria, the time series of estimated baseline shifts can be divided into four time intervals: initialization, static, transient and permanent. During the time interval in which the transient baseline shift is recognized, the dynamic noise of the Kalman filter system and the length of the baseline shifts estimation window are adaptively adjusted to yield a robust integration solution. The validations from an experimental and real datasets show that acceleration baseline shifts can be precisely recognized and corrected, thus, the combined system adaptively adjusted the estimation strategy to get a more robust solution.  相似文献   

电离层延迟误差是全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)中的重要误差源之一.目前在电离层延迟改正模型中,应用最广泛的是Klobuchar参数模型,但是该模型的改正率仅能达到60%左右,无法满足日益增长的精度需求.将国际GNSS监测评估系统(internation...  相似文献   

This paper presents annual, seasonal and diurnal variations of integrated water vapor (IWV) derived from Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements for a tropical site, Hyderabad (17.4° N, 78.46° E). The zenith wet delay (ZWD) due to the troposphere has been computed using GPS observations and collocated meteorological data. ZWD is converted to IWV with very little added uncertainty. Mean monthly IWV values show maximum in July (~50 kg m−2) and minimum in December (~15 kg m−2). Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Harmonic analyses methods have been adopted to extract amplitudes and phases of diurnal (24 h), semi-diurnal (12 h) and ter-diurnal (8 h) oscillations which yielded comparable results. Amplitude of the 24 h component is observed to be maximum in spring whereas 12 h and 8 h components maximize in summer. A cross-correlation study between available daily IWV values and corresponding surface temperatures over one year produced a good correlation coefficient (0.44). The correlation obtained for different seasons got reduced to 0.25, 0.02, −0.39 and 0.21 for winter, spring, summer and autumn seasons respectively. The correlation between IWV and rainfall is poor. The coefficients obtained for the whole year is 0.05 and −0.13 for the rainy season.  相似文献   

The rainfall process of Chengdu region in autumn has obvious regional features. Especially, the night-time rain rate of this region in this season is very high in China. Studying the spatial distribution and temporal variation of regional atmospheric precipitable water vapor (PWV) is important for our understanding of water vapor related processes, such as rainfall, evaporation, convective activity, among others in this area. Since GPS detection technology has the unique characteristics, such as all-weather, high accuracy, high spatial and temporal resolution as well as low cost, tracking and monitoring techniques on water vapor has achieved rapid developments in recent years. With GPS–PWV data at 30-min interval gathered from six GPS observational stations in Chengdu region in two autumns (September 2007–December 2007 and September 2008–December 2008), it is revealed that negative correlations exist between seasonally averaged value of GPS–PWV as well as its variation amplitude and local terrain altitude. The variation of PWV in the upper atmosphere of this region results from the water vapor variation from surface to 850 hPa. With the help of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), it is found that the autumn PWV in Chengdu region has a multi-scale feature, which includes a seasonal cycle, 22.5 days period (quasi-tri-weekly oscillation). The variation of the GPS–PWV is related to periodical change in the transmitting of the water vapor caused by zonal and meridional wind strengths’ change and to the East Asian monsoon system. According to seasonal variation characteristics, we concluded that the middle October is the critical turning point in PWV content. On a shorter time scale, the relationship between autumn PWV and ground meteorological elements was obtained using the composite analysis approach.  相似文献   

To ensure the compatibility and interoperability with modernized GPS, Galileo satellites are capable of broadcasting navigation signals on carrier phase frequencies that overlap with GPS, i.e., GPS/Galileo L1-E1/L5-E5a. Moreover, the GPS/Galileo L2-E5b signals have different frequencies with wavelength differences smaller than 4.2?mm. Such overlapping and narrowly spaced signals between GPS and Galileo bring the opportunity to use the tightly combined double-differenced (DD) model for precise real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning, resulting in improved performance of ambiguity resolution and positioning with respect to the classical standard or loosely combined DD model. In this paper, we focus on the model and performance assessment of tightly combined GPS/Galileo L1-E1/L2-E5b/L5-E5a RTK for short and long baselines. We first investigate the tightly combined GPS/Galileo DD observational model for both short and long baselines with simultaneously considering the GPS/Galileo overlapping and non-overlapping frequencies. Particularly, we introduce a reparameterization approach to solve the rank deficiency that caused by the correlation between the DISB parameters and the DD ionospheric parameters for both overlapping and non-overlapping frequencies. Then we present performance assessment for the tightly combined GPS/Galileo RTK model with real-time estimation of the differential inter-system bias (DISB) parameters for short and long baselines in terms of ratio value, ambiguity dilution of precision (ADOP), ambiguity conditional number, decorrelation number, search count, empirical success rate, time-to-first-fix (TTFF), and positioning accuracy. Results from both static and kinematic experiments demonstrated that compared to the loosely combined model, the tightly combined model can deliver improved performance of ambiguity resolution and precise positioning with different satellite visibility. For the car-driven short baseline experiment with 10° elevation cut-off angle, the tightly combined model can not only significantly increase the ratio value by approximately 27.5% (from 16.0 to 20.4), but also reduce the ambiguity ADOP, the conditional number, and the search count in LAMBDA by approximately 22.2% (from 0.027 to 0.021 cycles), 14.9% (from 199.2 to 169.6), and 25.4% (from 150.1 to 112.0), respectively. Comparable decorrelation number, empirical success rate, and positioning accuracy are also obtained. For the car-driven long baseline experiment, it is also observed that the ambiguity resolution performance in terms of the ratio value, the decorrelation number, the condition number, and the search count are significantly improved by approximately 18.5% (from 2.7 to 3.2), 22.0% (from 0.186 to 0.227), 55.9% (from 937.6 to 413.7), and 10.3% (from 43.8 to 39.3), respectively. Moreover, comparable ADOP, empirical success rate, and positioning accuracy are obtained as well. Additionally, the TTFF can be reduced (from 54.1 to 51.8 epochs with 10° elevation cut-off angle) as well from the results of static experiments.  相似文献   

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