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Structure and thermal control of panel extension satellite (PETSAT)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Panel ExTension SATellite (PETSAT) [S. Nakasuka, Y. Nakamura, Panel extension satellite (PETSAT)—a novel satellite concept consisting of modular, functional and plug-in panels, in: 24th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, invited talk, 2004-o-2, 2004 [1]] is a satellite which is made of several “functional panels”. Each panel has a special dedicated function and various combinations of different kinds of functional panels enable PETSAT to deal with various mission requirement. Development of PETSAT requires four interface requirements. These are mechanical interface, thermal interface, electrical interface and information interface. In this paper, mechanical interface and thermal interface of PETSAT are especially focused on and introduced. In the development of PETSAT issues about mechanical interface corresponds to panel structure and deployment mechanism. The structure of PETSAT is designed so as to have light weigh, enough space for devices and high stiffness. And deployment system has simple mechanism to avoid vacuum metalizing and improve reliability. On the other hand, approaches for thermal interface [K. Higashi, S. Nakasuka, Y. Sugawara, H. Sahara, K. Koyama, C. Kobayashi, T. Okada, Thermal control of panel extension satellite (PETSAT), in: 25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2006-j-02, 2006 [2]] are homogenization of temperature within panel and between panels. Homogenization of temperature within panels can be realized by heat lane plate, and that between panels is realized by magnetic fluid loop with magnetic heat pump. These approaches for mechanical and thermal interface are demonstrated in SOHLA-2 [Y. Sugawara, S. Nakasuka, T. Eishima, H. Sahara, Y. Nakamura, K. Koyama, C. Kobayashi, T. Okada, Elemental technologies for realization of panel extension satellite (PETSAT), in: 25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2006-J-01, 2006 [3]] that is satellite of technology demonstration for PETSAT.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of the in-orbit performance testing of deployable and retractable umbrella and boom systems, which will be used as important subsystems of Boomerang/Tether satellites. The umbrella is one of the possible candidates of the aerodynamic braking system for boomerang satellite and the boom is also one of the possible candidates of relative position adjusting mechanism between center of mass and aerodynamic force center of the boomerang satellite and initial release/final recovery mechanism of the tethered satellite. For this technology verification, a small and inexpensive satellite, named DEBUT (Deployable Boom and Umbrella Test satellite), was developed in a short period of 1.5 years elapsing from the start of the detailed design until the launch of the mission. The lithium dry cell batteries were used as the primary power and functioned normally during 10 days mission lifetime.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(1):23-29
The Microwave Ionosphere Nonlinear Interaction Experiment (MINIX) is a sounding rocket experiment to study possible effects of strong microwave fields in case it is used for energy transmission from the Solar Power Satellite (SPS) upon the Earth's atmosphere. Its secondary objective is to develop high power microwave technology for space use. Two rocket-borne magnetrons were used to emit 2.45 GHz microwave in order to make a simulated condition of power transmission from an SPS to a ground station. Sounding of the environment radiated by microwave was conducted by the diagnostic package onboard the daughter unit which was separated slowly from the mother unit. The main design drivers of this experiment were to build such high power equipments in a standard type of sounding rocket, to keep the cost within the budget and to perform a series of experiments without complete loss of the mission. The key technology for this experiment is a rocket-borne magnetron and high voltage converter. Location of position of the daughter unit relative to the mother unit was a difficult requirement for a spin-stabilized rocket. These problems were solved by application of such a low cost commercial products as a magnetron for microwave oven and a video tape recorder and camera.  相似文献   

Old arguments that free O(2) must have been available at Earth's surface prior to the origin of photosynthesis have been revived by a new study that shows that aerobic respiration can occur at dissolved oxygen concentrations much lower than had previously been thought, perhaps as low as 0.05?nM, which corresponds to a partial pressure for O(2) of about 4?×?10(-8) bar. We used numerical models to study whether such O(2) concentrations might have been provided by atmospheric photochemistry. Results show that disproportionation of H(2)O(2) near the surface might have yielded enough O(2) to satisfy this constraint. Alternatively, poleward transport of O(2) from the equatorial stratosphere into the polar night region, followed by downward transport in the polar vortex, may have brought O(2) directly to the surface. Thus, our calculations indicate that this "early respiration" hypothesis might be physically reasonable.  相似文献   

This paper describes a computer simulation study that was undertaken to determine how well long-wavelength variations in the Earth's gravitational field can be recovered using data from the DedicatedGravitational Satellite (GRAVSAT) mission. This mission is to consist of two low altitude (160 km) spacecraft in essentially the same orbit but separated in phase by 100–300 km. Geodetic data are measurements of the relative range rate to an accuracy of about 1 μm/s at 4 sec intervals. Specifically, a Bayesian covariance simulation was used to investigate simultaneous recovery of the spacecraft ephemerides and a global distribution of 20° × 20° mean gravity anomaly blocks. Sources of errors considered were tracking station positions, gravitational constant, Earth body tides, tropospheric modeling and measurement noise. It should be noted that this simulation does not include as an error source variations in the gravity field that have a character different from what was modeled. Consequently, this study demonstrates the potential of the low-low system as configured to recover the long-wavelength variations in the gravity field.Using only one days worth of data, the mean of the standard deviations of the 162 20° × 20° gravity anomaly blocks is about 1 μgal. For a 6 month mission (assuming a reduction proportional to the square root of the data intervals) this projects to < 0.1 μgal. Because of the potential of increased measurement precision at shorter separation distances, and the relative insensitivity of the recovery process to separation distance, it should be possible to recover both long and short wavelength variations with a modest distribution of separation distances tailored primarily to the short wavelength recovery. Effects of the uncertainty in the gravitational constant and Love's numbers are negligible. In a simulation not reported on, increasing the altitude of the orbit to 200 km from 150 km, degraded, as expected, the accuracy of the recovered parameters by only 7%.  相似文献   

The primary objective of Experiment M151 was to study by means of time and motion analytic techniques the inflight adaptation of Skylab crewmen to a variety of task situations involving different types of activity. A parallel objective was to examine astronaut inflight performance for any behavioral stress effects associated with the working and living conditions of the Skylab environment. Training data provided the basis for comparison of preflight and inflight performance. Efficiency was evaluated through the adaptation function, namely, the relation of performance time over task trials. The results indicate that the initial changeover from preflight to inflight (or, from 1-G to zero-G) was accompanied by a substantial increase in performance time for most work and task activities. Equally important was the finding that crewmen adjusted rapidly to the weightless environment and became proficient in developing techniques with which to optimize task performance. By the end of the second inflight trial, most of the activities were performed almost as efficiently as on the last preflight trial. In addition, the analysis demonstrated the sensitivity of the adaptation function to differences in task and hardware configuration. The function was found to be more regular and less variable inflight than preflight. Translation and control of masses (large or small) were accomplished easily and efficiently through the rapid development of the arms and legs (and the entire body) as subtle guidance and restraint systems. Finally, the adaptation function provided no evidence of behavioral stress effects attributable to the Skylab environment.  相似文献   

The estimation of land surface fluxes has been recognized in the last ten years as a major scientific issue for the improvement of our knowledge on heat and water budgets and therefore of models in meteorology, hydrology, agriculture and environment. Remote sensing is an adequate mean for filling the gap which exists between small scale instruments or modeling (10m) and the regional or global scales where they have to be determined with a typical grid element of the order of 1 to 10 km. IRSUTE (for Infra Red miniSatellite Unit for Terrestrial Environment) is a scientific small satellite mission providing thermal imagery for the determination and analysis of soil/vegetation/atmosphere processes at the field scale and therefore for providing the necessary data for a scaling-up of these processes from local to regional scales. The main specifications, will allow this instrument to optimize the correction of the sensed radiance and to retrieve the fluxes with an accuracy of the order of 50w/m2 (or 0.8mm/day). IRSUTE is designed to have high spatial resolution (50m), across and along track viewing capabilities, 5 channels : visible/NIR, 3.7 μ, and 3 TIR in the 8–11 μm band with a good radiometric sensitivity (NEΔT = 0.1 K). The instrument is to be implemented onboard a small satellite (typically a PROTEUS platform) placed on a sun-synchronous orbit allowing high repetitivity (1 to 3 days). It is based on the push-broom technique which uses IR-CCD linear array detectors positioned in the cryocooled focal plane of a large bandwidth collecting optics.  相似文献   

基于并行禁忌遗传算法(PTGA)的预警卫星传感器调度研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
对预警卫星的传感器调度进行了研究,提出了传感器管理调度的系统组成。通过对传感器调度的分析,建立起相应的数学模型,定义了评价指标。结合并行遗传算法和禁忌搜索的特点,提出了一种新的解决预警卫星传感器调度问题的并行禁忌遗传算法(PTGA)。该算法采用多种群和禁忌搜索思想改进遗传算法的性能,从而提高整个算法的收敛速度和精度。实验结果表明该算法有效地解决了多目标情况下的传感器实时调度问题,并优于一般启发式算法。  相似文献   

The concept of a European remote sensing satellite (ERDSAT) launched by ARIANE is characterized by a model payload, consisting of a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and an optical multispectral scanner with 9 channels, for land applications or coastal zone missions. The mission goal of ERDSAT is based on European user requrements where a strong need for optical and microwave sensor operation on board the same satellite in a simultaneous or sequential mode is expressed. A data collection system is included. The proposed spacecraft is three-axes-stabilized and has a Sun-synchronous, near polar circular orbit with 750 km altitude. The selected configuration separates payload module and bus module. A thermostable carbon fibre grating structure is the central framework of the satellite. Each major subsystem is housed in a separate compartment and can be integrated and tested individually. First mass estimates resulted in 450 kg for the payload and 880 kg for the bus. The maximum power needed is 1750 W (for 6 min three times a day), which will be provided by a 1330 W solar array and two batteries. A “low cost” model philosophy is defined; the time schedule envisages a program start in late 1980 and a launch possibility end of 1985.  相似文献   

We present a summary of the physical principles and design of the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument onboard NASA's 2009 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. The DAN instrument will use the method of neutron-neutron activation analysis in a space application to study the abundance and depth distribution of water in the martian subsurface along the path of the MSL rover.  相似文献   

In order to keep telecommunication infrastructure in the stricken area after a heavy earthquake, wireless ad-hoc mesh networks with satellite communication functions are studied as a survivability application. By using new control software for mesh network, the overall throughput of “KIZUNA” (WINDS) demonstration system was kept at around 25 Mbps.  相似文献   

晓雨 《中国航天》2006,(3):41-44
“金星快车”的有效载荷由各种光谱仪、光谱成像装置及覆盖紫外到热红外波长范围的成像装置、等离子体分析仪和磁强计组成。这些仪器将能对金星的大气、等离子环境和表面进行非常详细的研究。研究的目的在于加深对金星大气成分、循环和演化史的认识。该探测器将探讨金星的表面特性及大气与表面的相互作用,并将寻找火山活动的迹象。  相似文献   

5.进入火星轨道,在火卫一表面软着陆 探测器在行星际轨道上经过几次轨道修正后将抵达火星.最后两次确保探测器进入火星椭圆轨道的修正,在飞抵火星的前20~30天和前7~10天完成,到火星的距离分别为600万千米和300万千米.  相似文献   

短期预报的主力 为了极大地改善区域性短期天气预报,中国还积极研制了静止轨道气象卫星,并于1997年6月10日成功发射了第一颗试验型静止轨道气象卫星风云2号A。该卫星是中国第一颗地球静止轨道遥感卫星,采用东方红2号甲卫星平台。星体外形呈圆柱体,高1.606米.直径2.1米,  相似文献   

In the commented paper the authors consider a model for a damped satellite partially filled with liquid. They claim to prove the existence of Sil'nikov homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits using the undetermined coefficient method. It is enough to read their Theorem 3 to understand that their results are incorrect: according to it, if the equilibria are saddle-foci the existence of Sil'nikov homoclinic and heteroclinic connections is guaranteed. As we show along this comment, their conclusions are erroneous because the form of the function they assume for the global connections is incongruous.  相似文献   

将Zn(MAA)2和Mg(MAA)2分别添加到EPDM/NBR橡胶中,制成强粘接型柔性绝热层材料,分别研究了其各自用量对绝热层材料与45#钢之间粘合性能的影响.结果显示,即使不使用任何表面粘合剂,向EPDM/NBR橡胶中添加少量Zn(MAA)2或Mg(MAA)2后,均能显著提高绝热层与45#钢之间的粘接强度;但随着Zn(MAA)2用量增加,绝热层材料与金属的扯离强度先增加后急剧降低,当Zn(MAA)2用量为2 phr时,粘接强度达最佳值,扯离试样的破坏方式主要为界面破坏;而随着Mg(MAA)2用量增加,绝热层与45#钢之间的粘接强度不断增大,且均大于添加相同量Zn(MAA)2时的强度,粘接试样的破坏形式均为橡胶本体破坏,当Mg(MAA)2用量为2~7 phr时,粘接强度均高于4.58 MPa.  相似文献   

Fluid and electrolyte shifts occuring during human spaceflight have been reported and investigated at the level of blood, cardio-vascular and renal responses. Very few data were available concerning the cerebral fluid and electrolyte adaptation to microgravity, even in animal models. It is the reason why we developed several studies focused on the effects of spaceflight (SLS-1 and SLS-2 programs, carried on NASA STS 40 and 56 missions, which were 9- and 14-day flights, respectively), on structural and functional features of choroid plexuses, organs which secrete 70–90 % of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and which are involved in brain homeostasis. Rats flown aboard space shuttles were sacrificed either in space (SLS-2 experiment, on flight day 13) or 4–8 hours after landing (SLS-1 and SLS-2 experiments). Quantitative autoradiography performed by microdensitometry and image analysis, showed that lateral and third ventricle choroid plexuses from rats flown for SLS-1 experiment demonstrated an increased number (about x 2) of binding sites to natriuretic peptides (which are known to be involved in mechanisms regulating CSF production). Using electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry, we studied the cellular response of choroid plexuses, which produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in brain lateral, third and fourth ventricles. We demonstrated that spaceflight (SLS-2 experiment, inflight samples) induces changes in the choroidal cell structure (apical microvilli, kinocilia organization, vesicle accumulation) and protein distribution or expression (carbonic anhydrase II, water channels,…). These observations suggested a loss of choroidal cell polarity and a decrease in CSF secretion. Hindlimb-suspended rats displayed similar choroidal changes. All together, these results support the hypothesis of a modified CSF production in rats during long-term (9, 13 or 14 days) adaptations to microgravity.  相似文献   

陆征  杭仁 《中国航天》2004,(9):38-42
惠更斯着陆器直径2.7米,呈铁饼状,重319千克,由防热外罩和降落舱组成。防热外罩由多层耐热材料制成,用于在进人大气层时保护罩内的降落舱。降落舱由上/下平台、前盖和后锥组成,其中上平台用于安装降落伞、S频段发射机和天线等服务系统,下平台的两个面用于安装科学仪器。软件采用Ada程序语言,电源采用5组锂-二氧化硫蓄电池,总容量1600瓦时。  相似文献   

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