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对四旋翼无人机进行建模与控制.在建模时采用了物理机理建模方法,尤其是对电机和螺旋桨进行了详细的建模,然后应用四元数对所建的模型进行了姿态角的控制.首先将欧拉角转换为四元数,然后求出误差四元数,接着由误差四元数推导出所要转动的角度和所要绕的轴.在此基础上,又对各个方向上的速度进行了控制,并与PID控制结果进行了对比.仿真结果表明,基于四元数的控制律更能有效地控制四旋翼速度较大的情况.  相似文献   

Strapdown inertial navigation using dual quaternion algebra: error analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a strapdown inertial navigation system (INS), the general displacement of a rigid body is traditionally separately modeled and analyzed, i.e., direction cosine matrix or quaternion for rotation analysis and vector for translation analysis. As a subsequent work of a companion paper (Wu et al., 2005), this paper adopts dual quaternion algebra, a most concise and unified mathematical tool for representing the general displacement of a rigid body, to analyze error characteristics of the strapdown INS. Two new error models in terms of quaternion algebra are developed: the additive dual quaternion error (ADQE) model and multiplicative dual quaternion error (MDQE) model. Both are expected to facilitate the future inertial navigation-based integrated navigation filter.  相似文献   

基于旋转坐标系转轴振动信号的滚动轴承故障诊断方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验验证了基于旋转坐标系转轴振动信号的滚动轴承局部故障诊断方法.建立起滚动轴承故障实验台, 采用压电晶体加速度传感器测取转轴的振动.通过滚动轴承内环、外环、滚动体和保持架四种典型故障的实验分析结果, 证明了该方法的可行性, 并发现转轴振动信号的传递路径相对简单, 对轴承内环、滚动体和保持架早期微小故障的发现与诊断可能是有利的.   相似文献   

It is argued, on the basis information obtained by the NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS), that the majority of errors made by aircrew members are cognitive errors, not control errors, and that a major contributing factor is fatigue. The ASRS incident reports indicate some aircrews often receive less than six hours of sleep, experience desynchronosis, and lack proper nutrition. The ways in which all these factors affect both individual performance and group (crew) performance are discussed  相似文献   

One of the steps in creating a mathematical model of a system is to test the model after it has been fully specified, to see whether it is performing adequately. Often, it is found that the model is not performing acceptably (e.g. the model is not giving accurate predictions of the performance of the actual system). The same lack of fidelity can also be observed in established models that had been performing well, indicating a change in the actual system. At this point, it is necessary to diagnose where the problem in the model lies; a process called error isolation. An error isolation technique for detecting the misspecified parameter (or set of parameters) is described. This technique is especially designed for use on state-space models of large-scale systems. The authors report on an example of an application of the methodology to localizing errors in the model of an inertial navigation system  相似文献   

The author analyzes the effects of phase errors on synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The theory is applied to the following question: how does the achievable resolution vary with the carrier frequency when optimum quadratic focus and/or optimum processing interval (synthetic aperture length) are used? Numerous related results are given, so that much of the material is tutorial. For phase errors corresponding to uncompensated motion, the best achievable RMS resolution with any phase error spectrum satisfies the derived equation. For motion-induced phase errors it is seen that resolution improves with increasing carrier frequency when the first term in the expression applies (e.g. for phase errors concentrated at low frequencies) and resolution is independent of carrier frequency when R δ/v/v is the smaller term (e.g. with broad band or high frequency phase errors)  相似文献   

GPS based systems become extremely competitive for space applications because of their all-weather capabilities and continual information on position, velocity, precise time and even attitude to increase mission effectiveness, reduce mission cost, minimize requirements of on-board devices. In this paper, space application environment and error sources have been systematically analyzed, including geometric location of user with GPS satellites, dynamic state, physical environment and the effects on positioning accuracy. Several special differential GPS technologies to space use are proposed  相似文献   

Motion compensation errors: effects on the accuracy of airborne SAR images   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This work addresses the study of the effect of residual uncompensated motion errors due to positioning measurement instrument and digital elevation model inaccuracies on the accuracy of airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. It is shown that these not only introduce phase errors following pure geometric considerations, but they also cause additional aberrations related to their interaction with the SAR processing procedure. Extension to the repeat pass airborne interferometry is also included to show their impact on the resulting interferograms.  相似文献   

Do you know what Firewire is? If not, you soon will, IEEE 1394, or Firewire, is an up-and-coming electronics industry standard that will soon be in wide use for interconnecting a massive variety of electronic equipment. It will be used for connecting CD-ROMs and scanners to computers, and it will be used for connecting VCRs, DVDs and satellite dishes to digital televisions. How does this affect Test & Measurement? This paper discusses Firewire, along with it's lower-end companion, USE, and how they can and will be utilized in T&M applications to replace T&M specific technologies, such as IEEE 488, and MXI. The advantages-and disadvantages-of these new technologies are discussed along with what the Test & Measurement industry should do to support these new technologies.  相似文献   

This paper describes the latest trends in the IEEE 1394 (“firewireTM” or “iLinkTM”) standards and why it is becoming the connectivity standard of choice for automatic test applications. Why move to IEEE 1394, what are the possible risks with doing so, what are some of the myths associated with IEEE 1394 and a practical example of an automatic test application will all be presented with the prime emphasis on giving the latest information that will help you get IEEE 1394 integrated into your automatic test system  相似文献   

While it is certain that the fast solar wind originates from coronal holes, where and how the slow solar wind (SSW) is formed remains an outstanding question in solar physics even in the post-SOHO era. The quest for the SSW origin forms a major objective for the planned future missions such as the Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus. Nonetheless, results from spacecraft data, combined with theoretical modeling, have helped to investigate many aspects of the SSW. Fundamental physical properties of the coronal plasma have been derived from spectroscopic and imaging remote-sensing data and in situ data, and these results have provided crucial insights for a deeper understanding of the origin and acceleration of the SSW. Advanced models of the SSW in coronal streamers and other structures have been developed using 3D MHD and multi-fluid equations.However, the following questions remain open: What are the source regions and their contributions to the SSW? What is the role of the magnetic topology in the corona for the origin, acceleration and energy deposition of the SSW? What are the possible acceleration and heating mechanisms for the SSW? The aim of this review is to present insights on the SSW origin and formation gathered from the discussions at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) by the Team entitled “Slow solar wind sources and acceleration mechanisms in the corona” held in Bern (Switzerland) in March 2014 and 2015.  相似文献   

Modulation models based on the numerical solution of Parker's transport equation for galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere make clear predictions about modulation in the high latitude heliosphere. However, for these predictions certain assumptions have to be made, for example, what the heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) looks like above the solar poles and what the spatial dependence of the diffusion coefficients are. For this presentation the general predictions of a standard drift model for the modulation of cosmic rays in the high latitude heliosphere, in particular predictions for the Ulysses trajectory, are discussed and critically reviewed. Preliminary results from Ulysses show a significant increase in the solar wind speed towards higher latitudes. The effects of this strong latitudinal dependence together with different modifications of the HMF at these high latitudes on the apparently too large diffusion and drifts predicted by current models are also shown.  相似文献   

Computer systems operating in space environment are subject to different radiation phenomena, whose effects are often called “Soft Error”. Generally, these systems employ hardware techniques to address soft-errors, however, software techniques can provide a lower-cost and more flexible alternative. This paper presents a novel, software-only, transient-fault-detection technique, which is based on a new control flow checking scheme combined with software redundancy. The distinctive advantage of our approach over other fault tolerance techniques is the lower performance overhead with the higher fault coverage. It is able to cope with transient faults affecting data and the program control flow. By applying the proposed technique on several benchmark applications, we evaluate the error detection capabilities by means of several fault injection campaigns. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can detect more than 98% of the injected bit-flip faults with a mean execution time increase of 153%.  相似文献   

三维地形的生成是许多模拟器中的一项关键技术。文中给出了地形基准数据库的基本概念和一般的建立方法,并给出了形成计算机模拟三维地形的统计特性和产生方法。最后通过大量的计算仿真试验,对三维地形在不同地形条件下的变化进行了仿真评估。仿真结果为三维地形技术在实际的模拟器中的应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

The ability to generate rational models of time series plays an important role in such applications as adaptive filtering, spectral estimation, digital control, array processing, and forecasting. A method for effecting an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model estimate is presented which possesses a number of admirable properties: 1) it has an elegant algebraic structure, 2) its modeling performance in spectral estimation applications has been empirically found to typically exceed that of such contemporary techniques as the periodogram, the Burg method, and the Box-Jenkins method on a variety of problems, 3) it is implementable by computationally efficient algorithms, and 4) it is based on pseudomaximum likelihood concepts. Taken in combination, these properties mark this method as being an effective tool in challenging applications requiring high modeling performance in a real time setting.  相似文献   

A typical approach and landing operation is described. The microwave landing system (MLS) is then examined, its design characteristics and how it works are shown, and how the MLS design fulfils the user's operational requirements by protecting the guidance signal from reflected signal interference is highlighted. MLS angle system accuracy is discussed in great detail, and its reliability, integrity, and coverage volume are briefly considered. MLS availability at any runway to all aircraft types and their landing scenarios, which is accomplished using narrow scanning beam antennas, is examined  相似文献   

基于C/S架构的ERP中物流系统研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍的是ERP系统中的物流子系统的开发过程,本系统前端采用Microsoft Visual Basic.net开发,后端利用SQL Server2000开发。系统采用了一种基于局域网的C/S为主体架构模式,以.NET与SQL SERVER2000中的.基于.NET数据库开发的DATASET思想,在具体实现中运用OLEDB控件与DATAGRID控件及T_SQL语句,用DataRelation对象来描述数据集中表问的关系。利用Toolbar控件与imagelist控件来实现主界面的设计。该系统是以一个合资企业为模型设计开发的物流信息管理系统。  相似文献   

基于传统结构优化设计方法,综合考虑结构参数和材料性能对涡扇发动机涡轮后框架性能的影响,提出涡轮后框架结构/材料一体化优化设计方法.将原设计问题分解为结构级优化和材料级优化,分别应用可行方向法和并行遗传算法进行求解.应用C语言开发了分布式并行优化设计平台.应用该平台对某型涡扇发动机涡轮后框架进行结构/材料一体化优化设计,得到最佳材料组合和结构参数.优化结果表明:与单一材料的结构优化方法相比,提出的结构/材料一体化优化方法进一步减少了结构的质量,算例中最优选材比最差选材质量减少29.0%.   相似文献   

This paper focuses on the design of a super fast battery charger based on National's proprietary neural network based NeuFuz technology. In this application, we have used a NiCd battery pack as the test vehicle. However, this technology can be extended to other chemistries such as Ni-MH, Li-ion, etc. This technology allows the designer to accurately model the charge controller using a neural network, based on battery charge characteristics provided by the manufacturer. This approach continuously monitors the battery status, and modifies the charge current accordingly. It also eliminates the need for standard charge termination methods used in today's conventional chargers. The result is super fast charging in 20 to 30 minutes, and increased battery life. A low cost embedded controller (COP8) performs all the fuel-gauging and charge control functions by processing data obtained from the battery circuitry  相似文献   

Array errors are inherent in a realistic phased array radar system. The influence of array errors on the clutter degrees of freedom and the clutter subspace in an airborne phased array radar is analyzed. Based on the presented theoretic results, a method of short-time processing followed by coherent integration is proposed for clutter suppression in airborne phased array radars. It can approximate the two-dimensional optimal processor well even in the presence of array errors, clutter fluctuations and aircraft drift, with a considerable saving in computations  相似文献   

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