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扫描架系统是现有紧缩场现场校准方法的核心测试设备,扫描架系统的各项技术指标对于紧缩场校准至关重要,其中具有代表性的关键指标是扫描范围和扫描平面度。为提高紧缩场现场计量校准的适应性,本文设计了一种大型模块化扫描架系统,具有自调整机构和多种安装方式,在最大模式下扫描半径可达到3000mm、中心高可达12m、扫描平面度可达0.05mm(RMS);在最紧凑模式下扫描直径为3000mm、中心高可降至4m;可适用于国内多数紧缩场。目前,该系统完成技术指标的检测,可应用于多型紧缩场现场校准测试。  相似文献   

扫描架是紧缩场现场校准系统的关键测试设备。扫描架扫描平面度是影响校准准确度的关键指标。本文针对自研的扫描区域为φ6m的大型极化扫描架,设计了一套扫描架平面度实时补偿系统。该实时补偿系统可以实时检测扫描架扫描平面相对于基准平面的位置偏差,并通过伺服补偿机构完成补偿。测试结果表明该实时补偿系统可以准确、快速完成平面度的补偿,与半实时补偿方式相比具有更高的效率及精度。目前,该系统已成功应用于紧缩场现场校准。  相似文献   

风云一号气象卫星地面应用系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了风云一号气象卫星资料接收处理系统,此系统由北京、广州、乌鲁木齐三个地面站和设于卫星气象中心的资料处理中心组成,也能兼顾接收处理NOAA 和GMS 气象卫星的资料。  相似文献   

紧缩平面场扫描架系统研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紧缩平面场(CATR)是在较小的微波暗室里模拟远场的电磁环境,以行进各种天线的测量和研究.其最终性能指标要由紧缩平面场扫描架评定.根据紧缩平面场扫描测量原理,及其对扫描架平面度、直线度、定位精度及自动化程度的要求,研制了极坐标型紧缩场扫描架系统,通过采用高精度直线导轨、平面度微调方式和基于工业控制计算机的数字控制技术,达到了所要求的检测精度,满足了紧缩平面场扫描测量的要求.  相似文献   

<正>9月17日,"奋进"号乘坐改进过的波音747客机飞往加州科学中心。这是最后一架航天飞机告别蓝天,开启与公众亲密接触的博物馆生涯。去年4月12日,在美国航天飞机首次执行任务30周年之际,美国航宇局局长博尔登宣布了4架航天飞机退役后的归宿,他们将分别被安放在全美4个博物馆,供民众与游客参观。第一架测试用航天飞机"企业"号从史密森学会国家航空航天博物馆转移到了在纽约的无畏号航空母舰海  相似文献   

1959年10月7日,国民党空军RB-57D侦察机被我地空导弹部队击落后,使台湾和美国受到震撼,两年零三个月内不敢对我纵深地区进行战略侦察。1960年7月美国将两架U-2型飞机交给台湾当局(至1971年美国共交给台湾当局U-2型飞机18架)。经过一年半的训练和准备,1962年U-2飞机开始对大陆进行侦察,每次侦察时,美国人决定它的侦察目标、出动时间、往返航线;侦察结束后由美国处理所得信息。甚至它的机务维护工作也完全由美国人  相似文献   

由于贯彻党的教育方针,学校大搞生产,在型架制造中实行两条腿走路,土洋结合的方法,获得一定的成绩。这里总结出两种简易的型架装配机,就它的构造原理,安装精度,以及在生产中发生的问题加以叙述;并提出一些改进的意见供作参考。 它适合设备简陋的学校进行快速度试制,对于工厂用以减轻生产准备的工作量;和缩短周期方面也有一定的作用。  相似文献   

位于莫斯科东南方640千米的萨拉托夫镇曾是前苏联防守最严密的航空航天研究中心。俄罗斯技术人员正在这里建造世界上第一架圆碟形飞机。这架碟形飞机完全是设计人员丰富想象力的结晶。15年前,由列夫·舒金(1974年美苏两国阿波罗—联盟号飞船太空对接方案的设计...  相似文献   

5 我国可接收的气象卫星资料评估分析□□未来 10年正是气象卫星更新换代的时刻 ,我国可以接收的气象卫星资料是十分丰富的 ,可以接收到 4个国家的业务极轨气象卫星资料和 3个国家的业务静止气象卫星资料。除了业务气象卫星资料外 ,科研实验气象卫星资料 ,如“地球观测系统” (EOS)等的资料也可以接收到。我国气象卫星地面应用系统不仅承担我国“风云”气象卫星 (FY)资料的接收和处理 ,而且还要承担国外气象卫星资料的接收和处理。因此 ,国家级卫星气象中心应能接收所有我们能接收到的气象卫星资料 ,以拥有完整的、不同的气象卫星资料。…  相似文献   

气象卫星遥感海面温度的资料处理方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
气象卫星遥感海面温度的资料处理关键环节是云检测(筛选晴空区)和大气削弱订正。目前卫星气象中心的卫星海面温度处理业务系统中,针对美国的NOAA 卫星是利用国际上普遍使用的红外窗区多通道法。对于中国发射的风云一号(FY-1)气象卫星,由于星载辐射计只有一个红外窗区通道能用于大气削弱订正,为此专门开发了单通道海面温度处理方法。文章介绍了两种方法的基本原理、算法和处理结果举例,并对两种方法的特点作了简要评价。  相似文献   

提出了用矢阵表示的张量对时间的相对导数的概念.研究表明,通过借助于矢阵概念,在涉及多个坐标系时,张量的相对导数得到了更加清晰和严格地描述.由此,并借助于反对称张量,给出了张量的一阶绝对导数和相对导数之间的关系式,并又进一步给出了张量的二阶绝对导数和相对导数之间的关系.结果表明,当运动需要分别在两个转动坐标系中进行描述时,由于张量的特殊性,其"速度"(广义的)合成和"加速度"(广义的)合成既类似于矢量的速度合成和加速度合成又有着本质的差别,为此还提出了关于张量的"速度"和"加速度"合成定理,特别是又进一步将它们推广到任意两个转动坐标系的情形.  相似文献   

以室外视频监控中帧间平移运动为研究对象,提出一种基于平衡位置修正与自适应存储帧更新的实时全分辨率数字稳像方法。首先利用卡尔曼滤波在线估计镜头的主动运动,预先确定抖动图像补偿后的平衡位置;然后针对图像补偿后产生的空白区域,通过选择合适的参考帧及预存帧构成存储帧队列,根据存储帧队列的覆盖范围对平衡位置进行修正,实现修正后空白区域像素的全部拼接填补;最后以修正后的平衡位置为基准,根据同时满足左上、右上、左下和右下4个偏移方向的原则对参考帧队列进行自适应在线更新,用最新采集帧替换时间上较早、空间内容上冗余的参考帧,使得存储帧队列在有限长度内保证尽可能大的空间覆盖。本文提出的方法可以满足实时数字全分辨率稳像的要求,适用于集成式、嵌入式等各类视频监控系统。   相似文献   

Optical survey is a main technique for observing space debris, and precisely measuring the positions of space debris is of great importance. Due to several factors, e.g. the angle object normal to the observer, the shape as well as the attitude of the object, the variations of observed characteristics for low earth orbital space debris are distinct. When we look at optical CCD images of observed objects, the size and brightness are varying, hence it’s difficult to decide the threshold during centroid measurement and precise astrometry. Traditionally the threshold is given empirically and constantly in data reduction, and obviously it’s not suitable for data reduction of space debris. Here we offer a solution to provide the threshold. Our method assumes that the PSF (point spread function) is Gaussian and estimates the signal flux by a directly two-dimensional Gaussian fit, then a cubic spline interpolation is performed to divide each initial pixel into several sub-pixels, at last the threshold is determined by the estimation of signal flux and the sub-pixels above threshold are separated to estimate the centroid. A trail observation of the fast spinning satellite Ajisai is made and the CCD frames are obtained to test our algorithm. The calibration precision of various threshold is obtained through the comparison between the observed equatorial position and the reference one, the latter are obtained from the precise ephemeris of the satellite. The results indicate that our method reduces the total errors of measurements, it works effectively in improving the centering precision of space debris images.  相似文献   

We analyse the inter-boresight angles (IBA) measured by the star trackers on board the GOCE satellite and find that they exhibit small offsets of 7–9″ with respect to the ones calculated from the rotation of the star tracker reference frames to the satellite reference frame. Further, we find small variations in the offsets with a peak-to-peak amplitude of up to 8″, which correlate with variations of the star trackers’ temperatures. Motivated by these findings, we present a method for combining the attitude quaternions measured by two or more star trackers that includes an estimation of relative attitude offsets between star trackers as a linear function of temperature. The method was used to correct and combine the star tracker attitude quaternions within the reprocessing of GOCE data performed in 2018. We demonstrate that the IBA calculated from the corrected star tracker attitude quaternions show no significant offsets with respect to the reference frame information. Finally, we show that neglecting the star tracker attitude offsets in the processing would result in perturbations in the gravity gradients that are visible at frequencies below 2?mHz and have a magnitude of up to 90?mE. The presented method avoids such perturbations to a large extent.  相似文献   

本文根据用光电等高仪测定太阳直径的基本原理,给出了用CCD作探测器测定太阳直径的处理方法,并用模拟方法对不同的seeing值产生了几组太阳曝光的CCD底片。通过对这些CCD底片的数字图象的处理和计算,对太阳直径的测定精度进行了估计和分析。计算分析表明,不论对单像还是双像方案,CCD等高仪都能以好于0."05的精度测定太阳的直径。   相似文献   

The satellite gravity gradiometry (SGG) data can be used for local modelling of the Earth’s gravity field. In this study, the SGG data in the local north-oriented and orbital frames are inverted to the gravity anomaly at sea level using the second-order partial derivatives of the extended Stokes formula. The emphasis is on the spatial truncation error and the kernel behaviour of the integral formulas in the aforementioned frames. The paper will show that only the diagonal elements of gravitational tensor at satellite level are suitable for recovering the gravity anomaly at sea level. Numerical studies show that the gravity anomaly can be recovered in Fennoscandia with an accuracy of about 6 mGal directly from on-orbit SGG data.  相似文献   

影响地球环境的太阳质子事件的时间过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1966年以来的大量太阳耀斑以及相应质子事件的资料,分析研究了质子事件到达时间和极大时间同耀斑经度位置的统计关系.结果表明当耀斑位置处于经过地球的行星际大尺度场磁力线足点位置附近时,上述两种时间过程最短.这个结果支持了太阳耀斑粒子经日冕传播再向行星际空间传播的二阶段传播模型.   相似文献   

一种基于恒星分布的星敏感器导航星库制作方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了进一步提升星敏感器的定姿精度,分析了恒星的空间几何分布对姿态精度的影响,提出了一种基于恒星分布的星敏感器导航星库制作方法。在分析对比了现有星库的基础上,选择了精度较高的依巴谷星库作为基础星库,并剔除了暗星和双星以精简星库。遍历全天球对每个视场的星库中的空间几何分布进行分析对比,删除定姿较差的3颗星。对星库进行遍历补偿,保证了星库中恒星分布的均匀性。实验结果表明,全天球轨道测试中,本文方法制作星库的全天识别率为100%,且星颗分布数10颗以上天区占到97.64%,具有良好的覆盖性,同时有效提升了姿态精度。  相似文献   

In recent years, Kalman filtering has emerged as a suitable technique to determine terrestrial reference frames (TRFs), a prime example being JTRF2014. The time series approach allows variations of station coordinates that are neither reduced by observational corrections nor considered in the functional model to be taken into account. These variations are primarily due to non-tidal geophysical loading effects that are not reduced according to the current IERS Conventions (2010). It is standard practice that the process noise models applied in Kalman filter TRF solutions are derived from time series of loading displacements and account for station dependent differences. So far, it has been assumed that the parameters of these process noise models are constant over time. However, due to the presence of seasonal and irregular variations, this assumption does not truly reflect reality. In this study, we derive a station coordinate process noise model allowing for such temporal variations. This process noise model and one that is a parameterized version of the former are applied in the computation of TRF solutions based on very long baseline interferometry data. In comparison with a solution based on a constant process noise model, we find that the station coordinates are affected at the millimeter level.  相似文献   

A brief review is provided of recent progress in understanding the ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) at high latitude. Firstly, naturally occurring resonances of the IAR as detected by pulsation magnetometers in the auroral zone at Sodankylä and in the polar cap at Barentsburg are considered. The characteristics of the IAR in the two regions are broadly similar, although the effects of solar illumination are less clear at the higher latitudes. Secondly we review recent attempts to stimulate the IAR through high-power radio frequency experiments both in the auroral zone at Tromsø with the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) heater, and within the polar cap at Longyearbyen with the Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar (SPEAR) facility. In the auroral zone at, Tromsø the stimulated IAR has been observed by ground-based magnetometers, and through electron acceleration observed on the FAST spacecraft. At SPEAR in the polar cap, the stimulated IAR has been investigated, with ground magnetometers, with the first results indicative of a positive detection.  相似文献   

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