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Chang'E-1, the first lunar mission in China, was successfully launched on October 24,2007, which opened the prelude of China's Lunar Exploration Program. Later on, the Chang'E-2 and Chang'E-3 satellites were successfully launched in 2010 and 2013, respectively. In order to achieve the science objectives, various payloads boarded the spacecraft. The scientific data from these instruments were received by Beijing and Kunming ground stations simultaneously. Up to now, about 5.628 Terabytes of raw data were received totally. A series of research results has been achieved. This paper presents a brief introduction to the main scientific results and latest progress from Chang'E-3 mission.  相似文献   

Chang'E-1 lunar Orbiter was launched by Long March 3A rocket from Xichang Satel-lite Launch Center at 18:05BT(Beijing Time) Oct.24,2007.It is the first step of its ambitious three-stage moon program,a new milestone in the Chinese space exploration history.The primary science objectives of Chang'E-1 lunar orbiter are to obtain three-Dimension(3D) stereo images of the lunar surface,to analyze the distribution and abundance of elements on the surface,to investigate the thickness of lunar soil,evaluate helium-3 resources and other characteristics,and to detect the space environment around the moon.To achieve the above four mission objectives,eight sets of scientific instruments are chosen as the payloads of the lunar orbiter,including a CCD stereo camera(CCD),a Sagnac-based interferometer spectrometer(ⅡM),a Laser Altimeter(LAM),a Microwave Radiometer(MRM),a Gamma-Ray Spectrometer(GRS),an X-ray spectrometer(XRS),a High-Energy Particle Detector(HPD),and two Solar Wind Ion Detectors(SWID).The detected data of the payloads show that all payloads work well.This paper introduces the status of payloads in the first phase and preliminary scientific results.  相似文献   

中国月球探测进展(2011-2020年)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
回顾2011至2020年10年来中国月球探测的进展,重点介绍嫦娥三号和嫦娥四号任务工程实施情况以及取得的主要科学探测成果,展望中国月球和行星探测的未来发展.  相似文献   

Chang'E-1 Lunar Mission:An Overview and Primary Science Results   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chang'E-1 is the first lunar mission in China, which was successfully launched on Oct. 24th, 2007. It was guided to crash on the Moon on March 1, 2009, at 52.36ºE, 1.50ºS, in the north of Mare Fecunditatis. The total mission lasted 495 days, exceeding the designed life-span about four months. 1.37 Terabytes raw data was received from Chang'E-1. It was then processed into 4 Terabytes science data at different levels. A series of science results have been achieved by analyzing and applicating these data, especially "global image of the Moon of China's first lunar exploration mission'. Four scientific goals of Chang'E-1 have been achieved. It provides abundant materials for the research of lunar sciences and cosmochemistry. Meanwhile these results will serve for China's future lunar missions.  相似文献   

China's Chang'E-4 probe successfully landed on 3 January 2019 in Von Kármán crater within the South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin on the lunar far side. Based on the data acquired by the scientific payloads onboard the lander and the rover, the researchers obtained the related information such as the geologic and tectonic setting of the landing area, compositional characteristics of the landing surface materials, dielectric permittivity and density of the lunar soil. The experiments confirmed the existence of materials dominated by olivine and low-calcium pyroxene in the SPA basin on the lunar far side, which preliminary revealed the geological evolution history of the SPA basin and even that of the early time lunar crust, as well as the tectonic setting and formation mechanism of the materials in the lunar interior. The researchers also inves-tigated the particle radiation, Linear Energy Transaction (LET) spectrum, and so forth on the lunar surface. The low-frequency radio observations were carried out on the lunar far side for the first time as well. This article summarizes the latest scientific results in the past years, focusing on the Chang'E-4 mission. Key words CLEP, Chang'E-4, Scientific objectives, Scientific payloads, Scientific results  相似文献   

我国探月工程技术发展综述   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
我国的探月工程,在2020年前分“绕、落、回”三步实施。本文以我国探月工程各次任务为脉络,针对目前已经完成的“嫦娥1号”“嫦娥2号”“嫦娥3号”及“嫦娥5号”高速再入试验任务,简述了工程和科学目标,介绍了实施效果,总结了主要技术成就。在此基础上,展望了探月工程未来的发展趋势,给出了月球后续任务的总体思路和框架。  相似文献   

Latest Scientific Results of China's Lunar Exploration Program   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Through the implementation of China's Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP), a large amount of data has been acquired. This paper will present the latest scientific results based on these data involving the composition, topography, space environment, subsurface structure of the Moon, and asteroid exploration and moon-based observations, etc.  相似文献   

Focusing on the key scientific questions of deep space exploration which include the origin and evolution of the solar system and its planets, disastrous impact on the Earth by the solar activities and small bodies, extraterrestrial life, this paper put forward a propose about the roadmap and scientific objectives of China's Deep-space Exploration before 2030.  相似文献   

China has carried out four unmanned missions to the Moon since it launched Chang'E-1, the first lunar orbiter in 2007. With the implementation of the Chang'E-5 mission this year, the three phases of the lunar exploration program, namely orbiting, landing and returning, have been completed. In the plan of follow-up unmanned lunar exploration missions, it is planned to establish an experimental lunar research station at the lunar south pole by 2030 through the implementation of several missions, laying a foundation for the establishment of practical lunar research station in the future. China successfully launched its first Mars probe on 23 July 2020, followed in future by an asteroid mission, second Mars mission, and a mission to explore Jupiter and its moons.  相似文献   

嫦娥三号巡视器是中国首个地外天体表面巡视探测器, 其制导、导航及控制 (GNC)技术与地球卫星等航天器完全不同. 探测器实现月表巡视探测需要在地 外天体表面确定自身位置、航向及姿态, 识别周围地形环境并寻找安全路径, 控制巡视器沿规划路径安全行驶等. 本文针对嫦娥三号巡视器月面巡视对GNC系统的 任务要求及工作性能, 对月面自主导航定姿定位、协调运动控制、环境感知、 路径规划、激光探测避障以及地面试验等重要技术环节进行了分析, 研究月面制 导、导航与控制特性并进行实验验证, 进而对巡视器GNC技术进行了模拟仿真.  相似文献   

China's first Mars exploration mission is scheduled to be launched in 2020. It aims not only to conduct global and comprehensive exploration of Mars by use of an orbiter but also to carry out in situ observation of key sites on Mars with a rover. This mission focuses on the following studies:topography, geomorphology, geological structure, soil characteristics, water-ice distribution, material composition, atmosphere and ionosphere, surface climate, environmental characteristics, Mars internal structure, and Martian magnetic field. It is comprised of an orbiter, a lander, and a rover equipped with 13 scientific payloads. This article will give an introduction to the mission including mission plan, scientific objectives, scientific payloads, and its recent development progress.  相似文献   

月球主要构造特征:嫦娥一号月球影像初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
月球在31亿年前已基本停止地质活动,从而保留了其形成初期的信息.这些信息对于认识月球、地球乃至太阳系的形成演化具有重要意义.在已有研究成果的基础上,结合嫦娥一号探月卫星CCD影像数据,从月海穹窿、撞击坑、月岭、断裂、月坑链、月溪及月谷等方面介绍了月球主要构造形式的地质特征、形貌特征及遥感影像特征,对其成因以及所隐含的地质意义进行了分析.结果表明,嫦娥一号CCD影像信息丰富,影像清晰,利用其CCD影像数据进一步研究月球的构造现象是可行的.  相似文献   

The current lunar exploration has changed from a single scientific exploration to science and resource utilization. On the basis of the previous lunar exploration, Chinese scientists and technical experts have proposed an overall plan to preliminarily build a lunar research station on the lunar South Pole by several missions before 2035, exploring of the moon, as well as the use of lunar platforms and in-site utilization of resources. In addition, China will also explore Mars, asteroids and Jupiter and its moons. This paper briefly introduces the ideas of Chinese scientists and technical experts on the lunar and deep space exploration.  相似文献   

月球表面的辐射剂量是影响航天员安全和月表驻留时间的重要参数,通过对月表的粒子辐射测量可以为航天员的辐射安全防护提供重要依据.利用嫦娥四号着陆器上搭载的月表中子与辐射剂量探测仪二年的观测数据得到:月表粒子辐射在硅中的平均总吸收剂量率为12.66±0.45μGy·h-1,中性粒子吸收剂量率为2.67±0.16μGy·h-1.辐射剂量率随时间出现缓慢的下降,LET谱的变化则很小.同时观测到了2020年12月太阳活动末期由于银河宇宙线福布斯下降导致的辐射剂量率降低.  相似文献   

嫦娥四号任务科学目标和有效载荷配置   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
嫦娥四号探测器由中继星、着陆器和巡视器组成.其科学目标为:月基低频射电天文观测研究,月球背面巡视区浅层结构探测研究以及月球背面巡视区形貌与矿物组分探测研究.共配置6台有效载荷设备,其中3台载荷设备配置在着陆器上,分别为降落相机、地形地貌相机和低频射电谱仪,其余3台配置在巡视器上,分别为全景相机、测月雷达和红外成像光谱仪.本文主要论述了嫦娥四号任务的科学目标、着陆区概况、有效载荷配置及系统设计、各有效载荷任务和主要技术指标等.  相似文献   

深空探测任务中的轨道机动是保证探测器进入预定轨道的关键环节, 也是实际测控 任务中的重点和难点. 在轨道机动过程中, 探测器通过点火产生自身加速度, 此过程会造成飞行状态不稳定, 使得对卫星机动过程的预测和判定变得更加复杂. 针对这些问题, 结合中国第一个深空探测任务嫦娥一号(CE-1)卫星, 对其轨道机动段, 特别是近月点入轨制动这一关键弧段, 提出了基于视向速度对探测器飞行状态进行实时监测估计的原理和方法, 进一步建立了相应的实时监测系统, 并应用于实际工程任务, 同时对该系统的表现进行评估, 为未来深空探测中的类似问题提供了一种有效的解决方法.  相似文献   

One of the highest-priority issues for a future human or robotic lunar exploration is the lunar dust. This problem should be studied in depth in order to develop an environment model for a future lunar exploration. A future ESA lunar lander mission requires the measurement of dust transport phenomena above the lunar surface. Here, we describe an instrument design concept to measure slow and fast moving charged lunar dust which is based on the principle of charge induction. LDX has a low mass and measures the speed and trajectory of individual dust particles with sizes below one micrometer. Furthermore, LDX has an impact ionization target to monitor the interplanetary dust background. The sensor consists of three planes of segmented grid electrodes and each electrode is connected to an individual charge sensitive amplifier. Numerical signals were computed using the Coulomb software package. The LDX sensitive area is approximately 400 cm2. Our simulations reveal trajectory uncertainties of better than 2° with an absolute position accuracy of better than 2 mm.  相似文献   

中国月球探测面临新发展态势,给月球探测任务的规划论证、总体设计、系统研制和在轨探测等提出了更高要求,当前基于模型的系统工程、并行工程等新方法及新手段受到广泛关注。本文从MBSE(基于模型的系统工程)流程、方法、工具及应用层面对MBSE的现状进行研究,分析其发展趋势。结合中国探月工程任务需求和面临的挑战,设计中国探月工程基于模型的并行协同论证框架,论述了基于依赖图的跨专业、层级、地域的模型一致性维护和基于OSLC(面向生命周期协作的开放服务)的一体化协同论证环境构建等技术方案。通过国际月球科研站的论证设计开展初步应用验证,实现多岗位角色的协同论证,为探月工程全面推进基于模型的系统工程实施提供参考。  相似文献   

中国探月工程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
"嫦娥4号"于2019年1月3日成功实现人类航天器首次在月球背面软着陆,"玉兔2号"月球车率先在月背刻上了中国足迹。至今,国际月球探测活动共实施126次,期间出现两个探月高潮。20世纪50—70年代,美苏两个航天大国之间的竞争引起第一轮探月高潮。20世纪末至今,各航天国家意识到月球探测的战略意义,纷纷提出月球探测计划并积极实施,月球成为各国争先探测的热点,掀起第二轮探月热潮。中国自2004年首次绕月探测工程立项实施以来,共开展了"嫦娥1号""嫦娥2号""嫦娥3号""嫦娥4号"及再入返回飞行试验共5次月球探测任务,实现"五战五捷",在空间技术、空间科学与应用、国际合作等方面取得了非凡成就,积累了丰富的经验,后续将继续开展以无人月球科研站为主的月球探测活动。  相似文献   

In accordance with its charter, the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) reports to COSPAR, and a summary was given at the Beijing COSPAR 2006 Assembly on ILEWG activities conducted since the previous COSPAR 2004 assembly held in Paris. This included reports from the 6th and 7th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilization of the Moon, held respectively in Udaipur, India on 22–26 November 2004 (ICEUM6) and in Toronto, Canada on 18–23 September 2005 (ICEUM7). We give in this issue of Advances in Space Research the “lunar declarations” from these ICEUM conferences, as well as for the ICEUM8 conference held in Beijing immediately after the 2006 COSPAR Assembly. One year after the COSPAR Beijing assembly, the 9th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilization of the Moon (ICEUM9), was held in Sorrento, Italy on 18–23 September 2007. We report also in this issue the “Sorrento Lunar Declaration” in advance of the ILEWG formal report to be given at the COSPAR Assembly to be held in Montreal, Canada in July 2008.  相似文献   

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