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China’s Space Astronomy and Solar Physics in 2011-2012   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the first part of this paper, we describe briefly the mid and long-term plan of Chinese space astronomy, its preliminary study program, the current status of satellite missions undertaken, and the current status of astronomy experiments in China’s manned space flight program. In the second part, the recent research progress made in the fields of solar physics is summarized briefly, including solar vector magnetic field, solar flares, CME and filaments, solar radio and nonthermal processes, EUV waves, MHD waves and coronal waves, solar model and helioseismology, solar wind and behavior of solar cycle.  相似文献   

In 2008 to 2010, the main activities in Chinese space astronomy were focused on: fulfilling the long-term plan of Chinese space astronomy; initiating the long-term plan of Chinese space astronomy; undertaking some astronomical missions set by CNSA in ``Development Program of Space Science for 2006--2010'. This paper summarizes in brief all these activities.  相似文献   

The activities of Chinese space solar physics in 2018-2020 are going on smoothly. Besides the missions of ASO-S and CHASE which are in the engineering phases, there are quite a number of projects which are in the pre-study stage (conception study) or have finished the pre-study stage, constituting a rich pond for the selection of next solar mission(s). This paper describes in brief the status of all these related projects.  相似文献   

The activities of Chinese space solar physics in 2016-2018 can be divided into two categories:prestudy projects and mission-level projects. Both projects were undertaken smoothly. Especially the ASO-S, after several years' promotion, finally got formal approval at the end of 2017. This paper describes in brief the status of all related projects.  相似文献   

The Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S) was formally approved at the end of 2017. In the past two years, ASO-S underwent its official Phase-B and Phase-C studies. The Phase-B study was successfully accomplished by the end of April 2019, and the Phase-C study is being now undertaken until August 2020. Then the flight model is planned to finish within 16 months. Around the end of 2021, ASO-S will be ready in the launch state. We briefly summarize the history of ASO-S, the phase-B studies, and the phase-C studies.  相似文献   

The progress of China Spaceflight makes a great impetus for the development of space medicine. With the developing of China Space Station, the national space medicine has attained great achievements. In this paper, the basic research of Space Medicine and its application in China during 2014-2016 are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

In the past two years, much progress is made in magnetospheric physics by using the data of Double Star Program, Cluster, THEMIS, RBSP, Swarm missions etc., or by computer simulations. This paper briefly reviews these works based on papers selected from the 191 publications from January 2014 to December 2015. The subjects cover various sub-branches of magnetospheric physics, including geomagnetic storm, magnetospheric substorm, magnetic reconnection, solar windmagnetosphere-ionosphere interaction, radiation belt, outer magnetosphere, magnetotail, plasmasphere, geomagnetic field, auroras and currents.  相似文献   

Solar transients and their related interplanetary counterparts have severe effects on the space environments of the Earth. Therefore, the research of solar corona and interplanetary physics has become the focus of study for both solar and space scientists. Considerable progress has been achieved in these aspects by the solar and space physics community of China during 2012–2014, which will be given in this report. The brief report summarizes the research advances of solar corona and interplanetary physics into the following parts: solar wind origin and turbulence, coronal waves and seismology, solar eruptions, solar energetic particle and galactic cosmic ray, magnetic reconnection,Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) models and their applications, waves and structures in solar wind,propagation of ICMEs/shocks and their arrival time predictions. These research achievements have been achieved by Chinese solar and space scientists independently or via international collaborations.  相似文献   

In the past two years, many progresses have been made in magnetospheric physics by using the data of Double Star Program, Cluster, THEMIS and RBSP missions, or by computer simulations. This paper briefly reviews these works based on papers selected from the 126 publications from March 2012 to March 2014. The subjects cover various sub-branches of magnetospheric physics,including geomagnetic storm, magnetospheric substorm and magnetic reconnection.  相似文献   

The virtual absence of gravity-dependent phenomena in microgravity allows an in-depth understanding of fundamental events that are normally obscured and therefore are difficult to study quantitatively on Earth. Of particular interest is that the low-gravity environment aboard space provides a unique platform to synthesize alloys of semiconductors with homogeneous composition distributions, on both the macroscopic and microscopic scales, due to the much reduced buoyancy-driven convection. On the other hand, the easy realization of detached solidification in microgravity suppresses the formation of defects such as dislocations and twins, and thereby the crystallographic perfection is greatly increased. Moreover, the microgravity condition offers the possibilities to elucidate the liquid/solid interfacial structures, as well as clarify the microstructure evolution path of the metal alloys (or composites) during the solidification process. Motivated by these facts, growths of compound semiconductors and metal alloys were carried out under microgravity by using the drop tube, or on the scientific platforms of Tiangong-2 and SJ-10. The following illustrates the main results.   相似文献   

The main activities of Chinese space solar physics in 2012–2014 include: to continue studying the mid and long-term(2016–2030) plan of Chinese space solar physics; to arrange a group of pre-study projects of space solar physics; to initiate and continue a few solar mission-level projects.This paper summarizes all these activities briefly.  相似文献   

The solar physics studies in China during 2004-2006 from solar interior to solar atmospheres and solar-interplanetary space are summarized. These researches are arranged under the topics of solar interior, photosphere, chromosphere and transition region, corona, flares and CMEs (and the associated radio bursts, X-ray/γ-ray bursts and particle acceleration), solar wind, solar cycle, and ground-based instrumentation.  相似文献   

The progress on Chinese Space Solar Telescope (SST) in 2004-2006 is introduced. The scientific objectives are further clarified and the ground operation system has been planned. The 7 key technical problems of SST satellite platform and payloads have been tackled, which lay solid scientific and technological foundations for engineering prototype phase of the SST project. At present the SST project undergoes evaluation by CNSA and CAS so as to enter the engineering prototype phase of the SST project if it is finally approved.  相似文献   

More and more proposals, or potential projects have been proposed in recent two years. We try to briefly outline these new proposals, although most of them are in fact only in their conception studies. The progress of previously mentioned projects, like Space Solar Telescope (SST), the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT), as well as newly initiated LUnar Resource Explorer (LUREX), will be introduced elsewhere.  相似文献   

The progress on Chinese Space Solar Telescope (SST) in 2002-2004 is introduced. The documentations on plans and outlines based on the standards of Chinese aerospace industry for SST mission has been fulfilled. The key technical problems of SST satellite platform and payloads are tackled during pre-study stage of the mission. The laboratory assembly and calibration of the main optical telescope of 1.2 m spherical mirror and 1 m plain mirror have been carried out with the accuracy of λ/40 and λ/30, respectively. The prototype at 17.1 nm for extreme ultraviolet telescope is under development and manufacture with a diameter of 13 cm. Its primary and secondary mirrors have a manufacturing error of 5nm with a roughness degree of less than 0.5 nm and a multiplayer reflection factor of better than 20%. The on-board scientific data processing unit has been developed. Prototypes for other payloads such as H and white light telescope, wide band spectroscopy in high energy and solar and interplanetary radio spectrometer have been developed accordingly.  相似文献   

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