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China's manned spaceflight missions have been introduced briefly, and the research planning of space sciences for China's Space Station (CSS) has been presented with the topics in the research areas, including:life science and biotechnology, microgravity fluid physics and combustion science, space material science, fundamental physics, space astronomy and astrophysics, earth sciences and application, space physics and space environment, experiments of new space technology. The research facilities, experiment racks, and supporting system planned in CSS have been described, including:multifunctional optical facility, research facility of quantum and optic transmission, and a dozen of research racks for space sciences in pressurized module, etc. In the next decade, significant breakthroughs in space science and utilization will hopefully be achieved, and great contributions will be made to satisfy the need of the social development and people's daily life.   相似文献   

Space Research Plan of China's Space Station   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
China's manned spaceflight missions have been introduced briefly,and the research planning of space sciences for China's Space Station(CSS) has been presented with the topics in the research areas,including:life science and biotechnology,microgravity fluid physics and combustion science,space material science,fundamental physics,space astronomy and astrophysics,earth sciences and application,space physics and space environment,experiments of new space technology.The research facilities,experiment racks,and supporting system planned in CSS have been described,including:multifunctional optical facility,research facility of quantum and optic transmission,and a dozen of research racks for space sciences in pressurized module,etc.In the next decade,significant breakthroughs in space science and utilization will hopefully be achieved,and great contributions will be made to satisfy the need of the social development and people's daily life.  相似文献   

With the complete success of the 2nd stage of Chinese Manned Space Program (CMSP), several science researches have been performed on Tiangong-1 experimental spacelab, which was docked with three Shenzhou spaceships one after another. The China's real spacelab, Tiangong-2 will be launched in 2015, docked with a Shenzhou spaceship soon. After six months, it will be docked with the first Chinese cargo ship (Tianzhou-1). More space science researches, involving with space biology, fluid physics, fundamental physics, materials science, Earth science, astronomy and space environmental science, will be operated on Tiangong-2 spacelab, and crewed and cargo spaceships. Furthermore, the considerable large-scale space utilization of Shina's Space Station is planned. The research fields include yet not limited to space medicine and physiology, space life science and biotechnology, fluid physics and combustion in microgravity, space material science, and fundamental physics in microgravity, space astronomy, Earth science, space physics and space environment utilization, technology demonstration.   相似文献   

空间物理学是人类进入空间时代后迅速发展起来的一门新兴的多学科交叉的前沿基础学科。其将太阳和太阳风控制的日球层空间作为一个系统,研究太阳/太阳风与行星/彗星的上层大气、电离层、磁层乃至星际介质之间的相互作用。空间物理学从本质上讲是一门实验科学,空间物理探测是空间物理学发展的基础。进入新世纪,随着空间基础设施和人类高技术活动的日益频繁,空间物理学进入新的发展阶段,强调科学与应用的密切结合。近年来,空间物理学取得了一系列重要进展。本文对接国家自然科学基金委地球科学部“宜居地球-地球系统科学”的顶层战略设计,梳理总结近年来空间物理各学科发展动态和趋势,凝练中国空间物理学未来发展的重点领域,优化学科布局,推进空间物理各学科的高质量发展。  相似文献   

The core module of China's Space Station (CSS) is scheduled to be launched around the end of 2020, and the experimental module I and II will be launched in the next two years. After on-orbit constructions, CSS will be transferred into an operation period over 10 years (2022-2032 and beyond) to continuously implement space science missions. At present, based on the project selection and research work in the ground development period of CSS, China is systematically making a utilization mission planning for the operation period, which focuses on the fields of aerospace medicine and human research, space life science and biotechnology, microgravity fluid physics, combustion science, materials science, fundamental physics, space astronomy and astrophysics, Earth science, space physics and space environment, space application technology, etc. In combination with the latest development trend of space science and technology, China will continue to update planning for science research and technology development, carry out project cultivation, payload R&D, and upgrade onboard and ground experiment supporting systems to achieve greater comprehensive benefits in science, technology, economy, and society.   相似文献   

空间站微重力流体实验设备需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对国际空间站和中国科学实验卫星及载人飞行器上开展的微重力流体实验情况进行论述和分析,重点分析了国际空间站(ISS)微重力流体科学实验设备情况.根据中国空间微重力流体物理科学发展需求,结合国际空间站微重力流体科学实验对设备的需求,提出了未来在中国空间站开展微重力流体实验时空间实验设备需要重点考虑和解决的问题,同时提出相关设计建议.   相似文献   

As scientific experiment payloads, microgravity experiments of fluid physics, life science,combustion science, physics and accelerator measurement were conducted on board the Chinese recoverable satellite SJ-8 during 18-day orbital flight. The experimental payloads and an experiment support system constituted the microgravity experiment system of the flight mission. This article has presented the briefs of the scientific achievements of these space experiments, the composition and performance of the Microgravity Experimental System (MES) and the general picture of the overall flight mission, respectively.   相似文献   

SJ-10 is a recoverable scientific experiment satellite specially for the space experiments of microgravity physics science and space life science. This mission was officially started on 31 December 2012, and the satellite was launched on 6 April 2016. This paper introduces briefly the SJ-10 mission, the progress of SJ-10 engineering and the project constitution of sciences experiments onboard SJ-10. The purpose of this mission is to discover the law of matter movement and the rule of life activity that cannot be discovered on the ground due to the existence of gravity, and to know the acting mechanism on organisms by the complex radiation of space that cannot be simulated on the ground.   相似文献   

Space physics is not a subject typically found in the undergraduate curriculum, and it is rare even at the graduate level. On the other hand, the basis of space physics is electromagnetism and the motion of charged particles, which are common topics in both the introductory and advanced undergraduate physics curriculum, and examples from space physics can be used to enliven instruction. In this paper, I will discuss various topics commonly found in both introductory and upper-division electricity and magnetism classes where examples from space physics may facilitate student understanding or provide interesting, real-life examples of electromagnetism in action.  相似文献   

电场的标定方法   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
介绍了球载双球式电场仪、微火箭电场仪和地面旋转式电场仪等3种仪器的标定方法.电场涉及空间物理、空间环境和雷电及地震等多种自然现象的特征参数,对电场的探测或监测应用日益广泛.在我国目前尚未建立电场的国家标准和军用标准的情况下,通过研制的较简易的电场标定系统,对不同结构的电场仪进行标定,均获得了与理论计算相符的结果,为电场测量数据的可信度提供了依据.   相似文献   

The activities of Chinese space solar physics in 2014—2016 were mainly undertaken within the framework of Strategic Priority Program on Space Science, sponsored by CAS, which include:to accomplish the last version for the mid and long-term (2016—2030) plan of Chinese space solar physics;to subsidy a few of pre-study projects of space solar physics;to implement two intensive study projects, ASO-S and SPORT. This paper summarizes these activities briefly.   相似文献   

In the past two years, China's space life science has made great progress. Space biomedical and life science programs have carried out ground-based research for the first batch of projects, and are preparing to carry out space-based experiments along with the construction of China's space station. And space life science payload of the space station completed the development of positive samples. Thus, with the development of lunar exploration and Mars exploration projects, astrobiology research has also made a lot of basic achievements. On the basis of summarizing the development of space life science in China, this paper mainly introduces the important progress of payload technology and life science research.   相似文献   

In 1957, the launch of the first artificial satellite ushered in a new era for modern space science.The past 50 years' developments in China's space science have witnessed many major missions, and substantial progress has been achieved in space science study, exploration technology as well as experiment technology. Strategic Priority Program on Space Science was officially started in 2011. Through both self-developed space science missions and those with international cooperation,it is expected that the innovative breakthroughs will be realized, leapfrog development of related high-tech will be achieved to establish the important strategic status of space science in national development. To sum up, the implementation of the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science will definitely promote the rapid development of China's space science endeavor, making contributions to China's development and the progress of human civilization.   相似文献   

With the human space exploration activities, space life science is an emerging interdiscipline, which covers a wide range of researches. Based on our country's manned space station and recoverable satellite science experimental platform, the development of space life science research is very important to acquire new knowledge or new technological innovation, to give further services to the human space exploration activities, to improve the national economic and social development. Both ground-based and flight applied studies were continuously performed in the previous 2 years. Here, we review and summarize the researches on space life sciences contributed by Chinese scientists.   相似文献   

星载铷原子钟物理部分作为星载铷原子钟的重要组成部分,其热设计在很大程度上决定了星载铷原子钟的性能与使用寿命。应用Flotherm软件对铷原子钟物理部分进行建模、仿真求解,对热设计进行优化,满足了星载铷原子钟物理部分设计要求。  相似文献   

吴季 《空间科学学报》2018,38(2):139-146
人类进入太空以来已经发射了近1万个人造航天器,其中大约10%执行的是空间科学和探测任务.近年来中国经济快速发展,提供了更多的基础研究经费,经济转型也对创新驱动发展提出了更高需求,中国对空间科学的投入开始逐年增加.2015年以来先后成功发射了悟空号、实践十号、墨子号和慧眼号4颗科学卫星,天宫2号空间实验室也成功实施了一系列空间科学实验.重要科学发现和成果正在不断地产出.空间科学卫星任务(或称计划)与应用卫星从提出到评价都有很大不同,因此有必要对其所具有的特点进行分析,从而引导空间科学界从科学团队、技术团队到管理团队提高认识,确保未来的空间科学任务发挥最大效益,获得最大科学产出.   相似文献   

“2019全国时间频率学术会议”是由四个专业委员会联合每两年举办一次的20周年纪念会。20年来,我国原子钟事业已有长足发展,成为世界上原子钟研制与开发的大国。但总体上说,我们的工作还是以跟随为主,真正属于自主创新的较少。不改变这种局面,我们还难以成为独立自主的时间频率强国,为国家经济和国防建设作出应有贡献。本文回顾了我国原子钟研发的情况,提到一些从基础研究上属于原始创新的案例。阐述了这些案例是在简陋的实验条件下依靠对原子钟内各类实验现象进行深入的物理分析基础上出现的。同时,也指出了在比较粗糙的工艺条件下实现精细的技术指标中能工巧匠所起的特殊作用。文章也约略提到国内各单位间无私协作的崇高精神。本文将讲述一些故事,并就原子钟产业的问题表示一点看法。中国要实现“强国梦”,阻力和困难还很多很艰巨,我们必须拥有丰富的原始创新来加以克服。为此,坚韧的奋斗钻研精神和传统仍不失借鉴与继承意义。  相似文献   

分析对比了空间目标与可控飞行器轨道确定的不同,论述了太阳翼定向模式的不同对轨道运动特性的影响。通过地面站的测距与测角数据,推算出测量数据的地心距频谱。假定一种太阳翼定向模式,利用测量数据进行轨道确定,利用定轨数据计算地心距频谱并与测量数据的频谱比对,由此可确定太阳翼定向模式。利用数值仿真对近地太阳同步轨道和地球静止轨道两种情况进行了验证,仿真结果表明该思路和方法是有效的。  相似文献   

高精度时间频率在空间科学技术中的应用探讨CSCD   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自上世纪50年代原子频标出现以后,极大促进了科学技术的发展,随着原子频标的发展,高精度时间频率信息在空间科学技术中将发挥重要的作用。本文介绍了空间高精度时间频率在空间科学、基础物理以及卫星导航技术方面应用前景,并对国外正在开展的空间高精度时间频率技术方面的计划、准备开展的相关应用研究,以及对毫秒脉冲星守时技术也进行了初步探讨,最后给出了开展空间高精度时间频率技术研究的一些建议。  相似文献   

With the human space exploration activities, space life science is an emerging interdisciplinary and it covers a wide range of research. Based on our country's manned space station and recoverable satellite science experimental platform, the development of space life science research is very important to acquire new knowledge or new innovation in technology, to give further services to the human space exploration activities, to improve the national economic and social development. Based on present situation, both theoretical and applied researches were continuously performed in 2015. Here, we review and summarize the researches on space life sciences which were contributed by Chinese scientists.   相似文献   

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