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在极紫外波段对太阳进行成像观测是研究太阳活动、日冕中等离子体物理特性的重要手段.传统极紫外成像仪或光谱仪无法同时实现高光谱分辨率和大视场的太阳成像.本文设计了一种新型太阳极紫外多谱段成像系统,采用无狭缝光栅分光方式实现了高光谱分辨率和空间分辨率的全日面成像,成像视场可达47',光谱分辨率每像素2×10-3 nm,空间分辨率每像素1.4',全日面时间分辨率优于60s.通过分析谱线的全日面成像图和系统响应,表明成像仪能大范围的观测太阳活动形态演化,为太阳物理研究和空间天气预报提供更完整的观测数据.   相似文献   

王臻 《国际太空》2000,(2):26-27
1 引言□□在卫星可见光成像技术领域 ,自 80年代初美国喷气推进实验室提出成像光谱仪新概念后 ,卫星遥感技术正在发生革命性飞跃。成像光谱仪能够在连续光谱段上对同一目标同时成像 ,并能直接反映出被观测对象的光谱特征。按光谱分辨率的不同 ,成像光谱仪技术目前大体可分为以下三个档次。·光谱分辨率在几十个谱段以内的一般称为多光谱型光谱仪 ( multi- spectral) ;·光谱分辨率在几百个谱段以内的一般称为超光谱型光谱仪 ( hyper- spectral) ;·光谱分辨率超过 1 0 0 0个谱段的则称为超高光谱型成像光谱仪 ( ultra- spec-tral)。成像光…  相似文献   

<正>NASA网站2019年2月20日报道,通过分析界面区域成像光谱仪(IRIS)的观测数据,发现太阳黑子中出现了独特的细长喷流,并向上喷发4800 km贯穿至内冕。这些喷流头大尾细形似蝌蚪,完全由等离子体构成,被称为拟似冲击波(pseudo-shocks)。该发现为破解为何日冕温度比太阳表面高200多倍这一  相似文献   

使用光学遥感设备开展地球大气层临边观测是研究中高层大气目标特性变化规律的重要手段之一.光学遥感设备的热状态对其光学精度及系统信噪比控制至关重要,能够直接影响观测数据质量乃至观测任务的实现.针对中高层大气OH自由基超分辨空间外差光谱仪在高空飞艇平台探测的热状态需求,分析了光谱仪吊舱的热环境,给出了光学吊舱的热平衡控制方程,并对上升/下降段和平飞段先后开展了热状态计算,得到光学吊舱在不同状态下的温度变化规律、光电部件的温度场等计算结果.结果表明热控方案能够满足光谱仪的热状态需求.根据热状态分析计算结果,制定了飞行前后及飞行过程中光学吊舱的热控策略.本文分析方法和飞行策略可为同类飞行设备热控状态设计及研究提供数据参考.   相似文献   

硬X射线调制望远镜(Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope,HXMT)的最重要的工作模式是扫描观测,包括巡天扫描观测和小天区深度扫描观测. HXMT的标准成像需要被观测天区完整的二维扫描观测数据,而同时利用HXMT的观测数据中包含的空间调制信息和旋转调制信息,快视成像可以在只有一维扫描的情况下获得被观测天区的较粗略的流强分布,从而可以在卫星的视场扫过一块天区后很快给出被观测天区的尽可能多的信息.本文详细介绍了快视成像的过程,并通过模拟计算给出了巡天扫描观测快视成像的灵敏度、定位精度和角分辨能力的分布.快视成像能提高HXMT发现暂现源的灵敏度,及时发现并定位出现在HXMT视场中的高能爆发现象,减少较强的暂现源和爆发对标准成像干扰将是标准成像的重要补充.   相似文献   

介绍了一种体积小(180mm×120mm×100mm)、重量轻(2.0kg)、功耗低(10.8W)并适合于在空间应用的紫外可见光谱仪. 同时提出一种将紫外可见光谱仪连接到空间生物舱总控器上的接口方案. 利用该方案设计的接口电路, 成功地将紫外可见光谱仪中的光谱数据传送到空间生物舱的总控器上, 使得地面监控人员能够直观地看到紫外可见光谱仪的测量数据. 介绍了紫外可见光谱仪与空间生物舱中总控器接口的通信协议和接口结构, 通过RS232接口从光谱仪中获取光谱测量数据, 通过CAN2.0B接口将光谱数据传送给空间生物舱的总控制器, 进而给出系统测试结果.   相似文献   

针对海洋一号卫星观测任务规划需求,提出并实现了基于遗传策略的任务规划框架,解决了卫星实际使用中成像任务受卫星其他业务影响的多类型约束成像规划问题。基于海洋一号卫星实际规划业务要求,对任务规划约束和优化目标建立数学模型,提出了由预处理、窗口约束处理和组合约束处理与优化组成的三阶段规划框架。设计了多约束任务规划优化目标函数,并利用交叉、变异和种群选择等遗传机制对优化问题进行了求解。基于海洋一号卫星实际观测需求数据,对提出的算法进行了有效性和性能验证,结果表明本算法能够给出满足多类型约束的观测规划方案,并在观测时间、观测覆盖率等方面较其他策略有显著提升。研究结果表明通过优化目标函数的设计遗传算法能够实现复杂约束条件的成像规划求解,算法框架可为与海洋卫星具有相似业务特点的对地观测规划系统设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

云层覆盖是影响对地观测卫星成像的一个重要问题,如果遥感图像中云层比例太高,或者特定目标不可见,则遥感图像就会失效。对地观测卫星能够根据云层预测信息,在多个观测目标之间进行选择。面向对地观测卫星任务规划的应用,设计了大区域范围的短期云层预测方法,首先通过光流法获取云运动矢量,然后依据云运动矢量外推获得预测的云层图像,同时引入拉普拉斯算子刻画云层运动过程中的扩散现象,利用风云二号卫星的真实云图序列数据,通过神经网络的反向传播算法优化扩散因子,以提升云层预测的效果。通过对结果进行分析,引入的拉普拉斯算子方法能够提高云层预测的精度,80%分位数的云层覆盖率误差约为11.7%,该精度的云层预测可以用于指导对地观测卫星任务规划。  相似文献   

正随着极化干涉成像雷达、卫星编队雷达、多平台(星载/机载/无人机/地基)雷达与数字波束形成合成孔径雷达等新技术的出现,国际先进雷达对地观测任务计划的提出和实施以及中国自主研发的成像雷达系统的快速发展,成像雷达呈现多种获取技术交叉利用与综合发展的格局,雷达对地观测进入大数据时代。成像雷达对地观测高级学术研讨会自2011年起已成功举办4届,是目前国内成像雷达对地观测领域规模最大且影响范围广泛的学术研讨会。为进一步扩大该学术研讨会的影响力,第五届全国雷达对地观测大会定于2021年11月10-12日在广西桂林召开,由桂林理工大学、可持续发展大数据国际研究中心和中国科学院空天信息创新研究院联合承办,中国空间科学学会空间地球科学专业委员会协办。  相似文献   

面向海洋观测的成像卫星是一种轨道较高的可见光对地观测卫星,主要用于探测海上船舶活动以及监测海洋环境参数等。对地观测卫星任务规划问题是一个复杂的组合优化问题,通过分析面向海洋观测的成像卫星工作特点及约束条件,建立了一种考虑多数传模式共存的数学模型,提出了一种基于最大收益损失比的卫星任务规划算法。试验结果表明该方法能够有效解决面向海洋观测的成像卫星任务规划问题。  相似文献   

在目前仪器特点和性能的基础上, 结合中国现有卫星特点和技术基础, 提出了一种新型太阳极紫外多波段成像仪, 采用小型化设计, 利用一台仪器实现对日冕和色球层4个不同波段的高分辨率成像, 不仅能有效利用卫星资源, 提高空间探测水平, 还能实现对日冕和色球的同时观测, 推动空间天气研究, 提高空间天气预报水平.   相似文献   

The SOHO Solar EUV Monitor has been in operation since December 1995 onboard the SOHO spacecraft. This instrument is a highly stable transmission grating solar extreme ultraviolet spectrometer. It has made nearly continuous full disk solar irradiance measurements both within an 8 nm bandpass centered at 30.4 nm and throughout the 0.1 to 50 nm solar flux region since launch. The 30.4 nm flux, the 0.1 to 50 nm flux and the extracted soft X-ray (0.1 to 5 nm) flux are presented and compared with the behavior of solar proxies.  相似文献   

The progress on Chinese Space Solar Telescope (SST) in 2002-2004 is introduced. The documentations on plans and outlines based on the standards of Chinese aerospace industry for SST mission has been fulfilled. The key technical problems of SST satellite platform and payloads are tackled during pre-study stage of the mission. The laboratory assembly and calibration of the main optical telescope of 1.2 m spherical mirror and 1 m plain mirror have been carried out with the accuracy of λ/40 and λ/30, respectively. The prototype at 17.1 nm for extreme ultraviolet telescope is under development and manufacture with a diameter of 13 cm. Its primary and secondary mirrors have a manufacturing error of 5nm with a roughness degree of less than 0.5 nm and a multiplayer reflection factor of better than 20%. The on-board scientific data processing unit has been developed. Prototypes for other payloads such as H and white light telescope, wide band spectroscopy in high energy and solar and interplanetary radio spectrometer have been developed accordingly.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new topic for imaging plasmasphere density with CT techniques. Both parallel-beam and fan-beam reconstruction formulas are derived with a special weighting function. Different from the traditional X-ray CT, the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation may be totally absorbed by the Earth. Only the portion between the Earth and the detector enters the EUV sensor and be measured. The key step in our derivation is to remove the complete absorption effect with a specific weighting function. Computer-simulation studies are present to verify our formulas for the plasmasphere density.  相似文献   

We present first results from the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) aboard the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). CDS is a double spectrometer operating in the 151–785 Å range. This region of the solar spectrum is rich in emission lines from trace elements in the solar atmosphere, which can be used to derive diagnostic information on coronal and transition region plasmas. Early spectra are presented and well identified lines are listed. In addition, examples of images in selected wavelength ranges are shown, for a prominence, a loop system and a bright point, demonstrating well the power of such extreme ultraviolet observations.  相似文献   

Observations in the far ultraviolet and soft x-ray bands suggest that the interstellar medium contains several components of high temperature gas and should be emitting in the extreme ultraviolet. Indeed diffuse radiation has been detected in the extreme ultraviolet with photometric instruments, but no spectral measurements exist below 520Å. We have designed a unique grazing incidence spectrometer to study the diffuse emission between 80 and 650Å with 10 to 20Å resolution. The instrument was launched on a Black Brant sounding rocket from White Sands Missile Range on April 22, 1986. Our preliminary analysis shows the expected geocoronal and interplanetary HeI 584Å emission, and possibly other features which may originate in the hot ionized interstellar gas. Flux limits to these possible emission lines are compatible with previous broad band measurements.  相似文献   

天基X射线掠入射式成像望远镜发展现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了太阳X射线成像观测在空间天气预报中的地位和作用,叙述了掠入射式X射线聚焦成像的基本原理,简要介绍了在轨成功运行的天体X射线成像望远镜和太阳X射线成像望远镜的基本设计和技术指标,并介绍了国内正开发研制的专门服务于空间天气预报的太阳X射线成像望远镜基本设计和主要特点.  相似文献   

The hydrogen Lyman (Lyα, 121.267 nm and Lyβ, 102.572 nm) lines are important contributors to the solar extreme ultra violet (EUV) flux which illuminates the upper Earth’s atmosphere. From high resolution spectral observations performed with the solar ultraviolet measurement of emitted radiations (SUMER) spectrometer on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), the detailed profiles of these two lines have been obtained. Some insights into the variation of the shape of the profiles, sampled throughout the present solar cycle 23, are given and discussed.  相似文献   

Extreme and far ultraviolet imaging spectrometers are proposed for the low-altitude orbiter of the BepiColombo mission. The UV instrument, consisting of the two spectrometers with common electronics, aims at measuring (1) emission lines from molecules, atoms and ions present in the Mercury’s tenuous atmosphere and (2) the reflectance spectrum of Mercury’s surface. The instrument pursues a complete coverage in UV spectroscopy. The extreme UV spectrometer covers the spectral range of 30–150 nm with the field of view of 5.0°, and the spectrum from 130 to 430 nm is obtained by the far UV spectrometer. The extreme UV spectrometer employs multi-layer coating technology to enhance its sensitivity at particular emission lines. This technology enables us to identify small ionospheric signatures such as He II (30.4 nm) and Na II (37.2 nm), which could not be detected with conventional optics.  相似文献   

近年来,不断发射的空基观测台持续传送回海量日面图像及日地间气象数据,为采用人工智能技术对太阳活动进行预报预警提供了数据基础。但是,极端天气爆发少,样本量较少;中等程度爆发稍多,样本量较多;常规无爆发天气常见,样本较为集中,样本不均衡状况严重影响机器学习方法在空间天气领域的广泛应用。本文面向多源多通道多尺度日面图像信息,构建了来自SOHO和SDO的1996-2015年日面活动区图像数据集;针对数据分布的不平衡,对太阳活动区图像作耀斑分级与预报。在对比分析元学习算法的基础上,设计了结合分类头设计和卷积核初始化的生成式模型;在使网络轻量化的基础上,能够将M和X级耀斑预报的检测率指标相较于普通的深度学习模型和无监督度量式模型分别提升10%和7%。  相似文献   

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