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Medium energy neutral atom (MENA) imager for the IMAGE mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pollock  C.J.  Asamura  K.  Baldonado  J.  Balkey  M.M.  Barker  P.  Burch  J.L.  Korpela  E.J.  Cravens  J.  Dirks  G.  Fok  M.-C.  Funsten  H.O.  Grande  M.  Gruntman  M.  Hanley  J.  Jahn  J.-M.  Jenkins  M.  Lampton  M.  Marckwordt  M.  McComas  D.J.  Mukai  T.  Penegor  G.  Pope  S.  Ritzau  S.  Schattenburg  M.L.  Scime  E.  Skoug  R.  Spurgeon  W.  Stecklein  T.  Storms  S.  Urdiales  C.  Valek  P.  van Beek  J.T.M.  Weidner  S.E.  Wüest  M.  Young  M.K.  Zinsmeyer  C. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,91(1-2):113-154
The Medium Energy Neutral Atom (MENA) imager was developed in response to the Imaging from the Magnetopause to the Aurora for Global Exploration (IMAGE) requirement to produce images of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) in the energy range from 1 to 30 keV. These images will be used to infer characteristics of magnetospheric ion distributions. The MENA imager is a slit camera that images incident ENAs in the polar angle (based on a conventional spherical coordinate system defined by the spacecraft spin axis) and utilizes the spacecraft spin to image in azimuth. The speed of incident ENAs is determined by measuring the time-of-flight (TOF) from the entrance aperture to the detector. A carbon foil in the entrance aperture yields secondary electrons, which are imaged using a position-sensitive Start detector segment. This provides both the one-dimensional (1D) position at which the ENA passed through the aperture and a Start time for the TOF system. Impact of the incident ENA on the 1D position-sensitive Stop detector segment provides both a Stop-timing signal and the location that the ENA impacts the detector. The ENA incident polar angle is derived from the measured Stop and Start positions. Species identification (H vs. O) is based on variation in secondary electron yield with mass for a fixed ENA speed. The MENA imager is designed to produce images with 8°×4° angular resolution over a field of view 140°×360°, over an energy range from 1 keV to 30 keV. Thus, the MENA imager is well suited to conduct measurements relevant to the Earth's ring current, plasma sheet, and (at times) magnetosheath and cusp.  相似文献   

The low-energy neutral atom imager for IMAGE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Moore  T.E.  Chornay  D.J.  Collier  M.R.  Herrero  F.A.  Johnson  J.  Johnson  M.A.  Keller  J.W.  Laudadio  J.F.  Lobell  J.F.  Ogilvie  K.W.  Rozmarynowski  P.  Fuselier  S.A.  Ghielmetti  A.G.  Hertzberg  E.  Hamilton  D.C.  Lundgren  R.  Wilson  P.  Walpole  P.  Stephen  T.M.  Peko  B.L.  Van Zyl  B.  Wurz  P.  Quinn  J.M.  Wilson  G.R. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,91(1-2):155-195
The `Imager for Magnetosphere-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) will be launched early in the year 2000. It will be the first mission dedicated to imaging, with the capability to determine how the magnetosphere changes globally in response to solar storm effects in the solar wind, on time scales as short as a few minutes. The low energy neutral atom (LENA) imager uses a new atom-to-negative ion surface conversion technology to image the neutral atom flux and measure its composition (H and O) and energy distribution (10 to 750 eV). LENA uses electrostatic optics techniques for energy (per charge) discrimination and carbon foil time-of-flight techniques for mass discrimination. It has a 90°×° field-of-view in 12 pixels, each nominally 8°×°. Spacecraft spin provides a total field-of-view of 90°×360°, comprised of 12×45 pixels. LENA is designed to image fast neutral atom fluxes in its energy range, emitted by auroral ionospheres or the sun, or penetrating from the interstellar medium. It will thereby determine how superthermal plasma heating is distributed in space, how and why it varies on short time scales, and how this heating is driven by solar activity as reflected in solar wind conditions.  相似文献   

The Radio Plasma Imager investigation on the IMAGE spacecraft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reinisch  B.W.  Haines  D.M.  Bibl  K.  Cheney  G.  Galkin  I.A.  Huang  X.  Myers  S.H.  Sales  G.S.  Benson  R.F.  Fung  S.F.  Green  J.L.  Boardsen  S.  Taylor  W.W.L.  Bougeret  J.-L.  Manning  R.  Meyer-Vernet  N.  Moncuquet  M.  Carpenter  D.L.  Gallagher  D.L.  Reiff  P. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,91(1-2):319-359
Radio plasma imaging uses total reflection of electromagnetic waves from plasmas whose plasma frequencies equal the radio sounding frequency and whose electron density gradients are parallel to the wave normals. The Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) has two orthogonal 500-m long dipole antennas in the spin plane for near omni-directional transmission. The third antenna is a 20-m dipole along the spin axis. Echoes from the magnetopause, plasmasphere and cusp will be received with the three orthogonal antennas, allowing the determination of their angle-of-arrival. Thus it will be possible to create image fragments of the reflecting density structures. The instrument can execute a large variety of programmable measuring options at frequencies between 3 kHz and 3 MHz. Tuning of the transmit antennas provides optimum power transfer from the 10 W transmitter to the antennas. The instrument can operate in three active sounding modes: (1) remote sounding to probe magnetospheric boundaries, (2) local (relaxation) sounding to probe the local plasma frequency and scalar magnetic field, and (3) whistler stimulation sounding. In addition, there is a passive mode to record natural emissions, and to determine the local electron density, the scalar magnetic field, and temperature by using a thermal noise spectroscopy technique.  相似文献   

The Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS) for the polar mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The science objectives of the Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS) are to investigate the transfer of solar wind energy and momentum to the magnetosphere, the interaction between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere, the transport processes that distribute plasma and energy throughout the magnetosphere, and the interactions that occur as plasma of different origins and histories mix and interact. In order to meet these objectives the TIMAS instrument measures virtually the full three-dimensional velocity distribution functions of all major magnetospheric ion species with one-half spin period time resolution. The TIMAS is a first-order double focusing (angle and energy), imaging spectrograph that simultaneously measures all mass per charge components from 1 AMU e–1 to greater than 32 AMU e–1 over a nearly 360° by 10° instantaneous field-of-view. Mass per charge is dispersed radially on an annular microchannel plate detector and the azimuthal position on the detector is a map of the instantaneous 360° field of view. With the rotation of the spacecraft, the TIMAS sweeps out very nearly a 4 solid angle image in a half spin period. The energy per charge range from 15 eV e–1 to 32 keV e–1 is covered in 28 non-contiguous steps spaced approximately logarithmically with adjacent steps separated by about 30%. Each energy step is sampled for approximately 20 ms;14 step (odd or even) energy sweeps are completed 16 times per spin. In order to handle the large volume of data within the telemetry limitations the distributions are compressed to varying degrees in angle and energy, log-count compressed and then further compressed by a lossless technique. This data processing task is supported by two SA3300 microprocessors. The voltages (up to 5 kV) for the tandem toroidal electrostatic analyzers and preacceleration sections are supplied from fixed high voltage supplies using optically controlled series-shunt regulators.  相似文献   

We summarize the theory and modeling efforts for the STEREO mission, which will be used to interpret the data of both the remote-sensing (SECCHI, SWAVES) and in-situ instruments (IMPACT, PLASTIC). The modeling includes the coronal plasma, in both open and closed magnetic structures, and the solar wind and its expansion outwards from the Sun, which defines the heliosphere. Particular emphasis is given to modeling of dynamic phenomena associated with the initiation and propagation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The modeling of the CME initiation includes magnetic shearing, kink instability, filament eruption, and magnetic reconnection in the flaring lower corona. The modeling of CME propagation entails interplanetary shocks, interplanetary particle beams, solar energetic particles (SEPs), geoeffective connections, and space weather. This review describes mostly existing models of groups that have committed their work to the STEREO mission, but is by no means exhaustive or comprehensive regarding alternative theoretical approaches.  相似文献   

The aurorae are the result of collisions with the atmosphere of energetic particles that have their origin in the solar wind, and reach the atmosphere after having undergone varying degrees of acceleration and redistribution within the Earth's magnetosphere. The global scale phenomenon represented by the aurorae therefore contains considerable information concerning the solar-terrestrial connection. For example, by correctly measuring specific auroral emissions, and with the aid of comprehensive models of the region, we can infer the total energy flux entering the atmosphere and the average energy of the particles causing these emissions. Furthermore, from these auroral emissions we can determine the ionospheric conductances that are part of the closing of the magnetospheric currents through the ionosphere, and from these we can in turn obtain the electric potentials and convective patterns that are an essential element to our understanding of the global magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere-mesosphere. Simultaneously acquired images of the auroral oval and polar cap not only yield the temporal and spatial morphology from which we can infer activity indices, but in conjunction with simultaneous measurements made on spacecraft at other locations within the magnetosphere, allow us to map the various parts of the oval back to their source regions in the magnetosphere. This paper describes the Ultraviolet Imager for the Global Geospace Sciences portion of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics program. The instrument operates in the far ultraviolet (FUV) and is capable of imaging the auroral oval regardless of whether it is sunlit or in darkness. The instrument has an 8° circular field of view and is located on a despun platform which permits simultaneous imaging of the entire oval for at least 9 hours of every 18 hour orbit. The three mirror, unobscured aperture, optical system (f/2.9) provides excellent imaging over this full field of view, yielding a per pixel angular resolution of 0.6 milliradians. Its FUV filters have been designed to allow accurate spectral separation of the features of interest, thus allowing quantitative interpretation of the images to provide the parameters mentioned above. The system has been designed to provide ten orders of magnitude blocking against longer wavelength (primarily visible) scattered sunlight, thus allowing the first imaging of key, spectrally resolved, FUV diagnostic features in the fully sunlit midday aurorae. The intensified-CCD detector has a nominal frame rate of 37 s, and the fast optical system has a noise equivalent signal within one frame of 10R. The instantaneous dynamic range is >1000 and can be positioned within an overall gain range of 104, allowing measurement of both the very weak polar cap emissions and the very bright aurora. The optical surfaces have been designed to be sufficiently smooth to permit this dynamic range to be utilized without the scattering of light from bright features into the weaker features. Finally, the data product can only be as good as the degree to which the instrument performance is characterized and calibrated. In the VUV, calibration of an an imager intended for quantitative studies is a task requiring some pioneering methods, but it is now possible to calibrate such an instrument over its focal plane to an accuracy of ±10%. In summary, very recent advances in optical, filter and detector technology have been exploited to produce an auroral imager to meet the ISTP objectives.  相似文献   

The Voyager Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS) is an objective grating spectrometer covering the wavelength range of 500–1700 Å with 10 Å resolution. Its primary goal is the determination of the composition and structure of the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and several of their satellites. The capability for two very different observational modes have been combined in a single instrument. Observations in the airglow mode measure radiation from the atmosphere due to resonant scattering of the solar flux or energetic particle bombardment, and the occultation mode provides measurements of the atmospheric extinction of solar or stellar radiation as the spacecraft enters the shadow zone behind the target. In addition to the primary goal of the solar system atmospheric measurements, the UVS is expected to make valuable contributions to stellar astronomy at wavelengths below 1000 Å.  相似文献   

The Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) for the upcoming CloudSat Mission is a spaceborne 94-GHz nadir-looking radar that measures the power backscattered by clouds as a function of distance from the radar. This sensor is expected to provide cloud measurements at a 500-m vertical resolution and a 1.5 km horizontal resolution. CPR will operate in a short-pulse mode and will yield measurements at a minimum detectable sensitivity of -28 dBZ.  相似文献   

Italian satellite mission development history is dominated by the need to explore increasing frequency ranges and characterizing, through experimental results, communications channels, in order to render them useful for the design of operational systems using these frequency ranges. the DAVID (DAta and Video Interactive Distribution) Programme is a multi-experiment mission of the Italian Space Agency (ASI - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana). As the frequency range expands, today's frontiers will be in full use tomorrow; the series provides the status and main achievements of the program to date. DAVID will pioneer the use of the W-band (94 GHz channel) for telecommunications experiments that can contribute to the exploitation of that frequency range for future high-capacity operational services.  相似文献   

Several advanced capacitor designs that might be used in high average power space applications are described. Each type is fundamentally limited by breakdown phenomena. All are intrinsically limited to maximum fields on the order of 1000 MV/m. None of these units has been space rated for energy storage applications. Several problems that must be solved before use in space are presented as well as the current state of the art and estimates of developmental potential  相似文献   

Regenerative Fuel Cell System (RFCS) technology for energy storage has been a NASA power system concept for many years. Compared to battery-based energy storage systems, RFCS has received relatively little attention or resources for development because the energy density and electrical efficiency were not sufficiently attractive relative to advanced battery systems. Even today, RFCS remains at a very low technology readiness level (TRL of about 2 indicating feasibility has been demonstrated). Commercial development of the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells for automobiles and other terrestrial applications and improvements in lightweight pressure vessel design to reduce weight and improve performance make possible a high energy density RFCS energy storage system. The results from this study of a lightweight RFCS energy storage system for a remotely piloted, solar-powered, high altitude aircraft indicate an energy density up to 790 wh/kg with electrical efficiency of 53.4% is attainable. Such an energy storage system would allow a solar-powered aircraft to carry hundreds of kilograms of payload and remain in flight indefinitely for use in atmospheric research, Earth observation, resource mapping, and telecommunications. Future developments in the areas of hydrogen and oxygen storage, pressure vessel design, higher temperature and higher pressure fuel cell operation, unitized regenerative fuel cells, and commercial development of fuel cell technology will improve both the energy density and electrical efficiency of the RFCS  相似文献   

多阶段任务系统可靠性建模研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
随着系统复杂性和自动化程度的提高,多阶段任务系统(PMS)的应用越来越多。与单一阶段系统相比,PMS的可靠性分析由于阶段之间的相关性而变得更加复杂。在对PMS作简要介绍基础上,文中对PMS可靠性建模的故障树方法作了系统描述,并以某个多阶段系统为例,进行了比较计算分析。  相似文献   

The main purpose of the LISA Pathfinder mission is to provide in-orbit validation of the critical technologies necessary for LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), aiming at detecting gravitational waves generated by very massive objects such as black holes. The spacecraft consists of a Science Module (SCM) and a Propulsion Module (PRM). The former performs the science experiment, and the later provides the propulsive capability to raise the spacecraft from the injection orbit to the operational orbit at around L1 and is then separated from the former. The Spacecraft Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS) is actually composed of three distinct systems to fulfill the needs of the whole mission: – Composite AOCS, used to reach L1, aims at raising the Perigee through a succession of about 10 boosts performed with high thrust chemical propulsion; – Micro-propulsion AOCS takes over once the separation of the SCM from PRM has occurred and is based on micro-propulsion systems (micro-Newton electrical thrusters); – Drag-Free Attitude Control System (DFACS) is then used to perform science experiments. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the AOCS architecture, requirements, selected sensors and actuators, system design & evolution, and achieved performances. It focuses in particular on the Composite AOCS and the Micro-propulsion AOCS and will analyze the challenges of using micro-Newton electric propulsion.  相似文献   

中性聚合物键合剂对硝胺推进剂相界面的作用   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
采用溶胀比测试和原位拉伸扫描电镜观测等手段,研究中性聚合物键合剂(NPBA)对硝胺填充固体推进剂界面作用的影响。结果表明,NPBA能在硝胺颗粒周围形成一层高模量中间相,有效地解决“脱湿”问题,提高了推进剂的拉伸性能。  相似文献   

Decades ago, glass fiber promised to be the future of communications offering large bandwidth, low attenuation, and electromagnetic compatibility. For the long haul applications, this promise has been fulfilled. Today, glass fibers have yielded simple, reliable, and economic means of communicating worldwide. However, when it comes to shorter distances and rugged environments, glass fiber optics has not been the answer. Unforeseen rapid developments in software and display technology have enabled communications in the form of multimedia, E-mail, web pages, and video conferencing. These developments are pushing data rates higher and higher in application environments that are more severe, uncontrolled and require shorter connected intensive links. To achieve desired data rates and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) using copper systems, shielded cable and connectors or parallel links are necessary, driving up cost and complexity. Glass fiber optic systems provide more than adequate bandwidth and superior EMC but cannot offer a cost effective, robust, user-friendly system. Recent developments have poised plastic optical fiber (POF) to fill the physical layer gap. This paper will discuss the recent developments in plastic fiber including appropriate application space, types of plastic optical fiber, ARPA-funded HSPN team, and recent POF developments  相似文献   

程龙  张方华  谢敏  王愈  邹花蕾 《航空学报》2018,39(10):322129-322129
越来越多的电力电子装置应用到多电飞机(MEA)电力系统中,导致MEA用电负荷功率呈现脉动特性,采用混合储能系统(HESS)平抑负荷功率脉动。为减少HESS重量,提出了一种高功率密度的优化配置方法。为建立负荷功率与储能介质之间的关系,提出了等效时间(ET)的概念,比较两者的ET常数作为储能系统类型选取的依据。进一步提出空间矢量法,采用能量型储能介质矢量和功率型储能介质矢量合成负荷功率,确定最优单体和截止频率,实现了HESS高功率密度配置。同时,从能量约束和功率约束两个方面进行HESS的容量的计算。最后,通过算例配置和仿真分析验证了本文所提方法的可行性和正确性。  相似文献   

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