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We describe the design and calibration of the Far-Infrared Photometer (FIRP), one of four focal plane instruments on the Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS). The FIRP will provide absolute photometry in four bands centered at 150, 250, 400, and 700 μm with spectral resolution λ/Δλ ≈ 3 and spatial resolution ΔΘ = 0.5 degrees. High sensitivity is achieved by using bolometric detectors operated at 300 mK in an AC bridge circuit. The closed-cycle 3He refrigerator can be recycled in orbit. A 2 K shutter provides a zero reference for each field of view. More than 10% of the sky will be surveyed during the ≈3 week mission lifetime with a sensitivity of <10−13 W·cm−2·sr−1 per 0.5 degree pixel.  相似文献   

A technique has been developed which allows relatively accurate modelling of cometary gas production from nothing more than a visible light curve. Application to P/Halley suggests the production rate of parent molecules will be about 2.6 × 1029 per second on March 10, 1986, for example. The uncertainties and intrinsic limitations in this approach are outlined. The theory is then extended to predictions of abundance of other gaseous species, and a photometric model of these gases provided. Combined with the dust model of N. Divine, preliminary predictions of the luminance of P/Halley as seen in any direction from inside the coma or outside can be provided for λλ3000–7000.  相似文献   

A spectrometer for the Halley's Comet Investigation after the VEGA Project is described in the present work. It consists of a telescope and three spectral channels: UV (120 – 290 nm), resolution Δ λ / λ = 170; VIS (280 – 710 nm), resolution Δ λ / λ = 170; IR (950 – 1900 nm), resolution Δ λ / λ = 70.

With the help of two-coordinate scanner, the secondary mirror of the telescope allows spatial scanning of the Comet with a frame 2°×1,5° with 105 different pixels.  相似文献   

EUVITA is a set of 8 extreme UV normal incidence imaging telescopes, each of them sensitive in a narrow band (λ/Δλ = 15 to 80), centered at wavelengths between 50 and 175 Å. Each telescope has an effective area of a few cm2; a field of view of 1.2° and a spatial resolution of 10 arcsec.

EUVITA will be flown on the Russian mission SPECTRUM X-G. This satellite will be launched in a highly eccentric orbit with a period of 4 days, allowing long, uninterrupted observations (e.g. 105 seconds). EUVITA's narrow spectral bands allow the measurement of source parameters such as temperature or power law index as well as interstellar absorption, and will resolve groups of strong lines emitted by optically thin hot plasmas.  相似文献   

Strong interplanetary scintillations (IPS) of the quasar 2314+03 were recorded at 103 MHz at Thaltej-Ahmedabad, India with a transit type correlation interferometer on 18, 19 and 20 December 1985, as the radio source was predicted to be occulted by the ion tail of the comet Halley.

On 18th through 20th very strong scintillations, with periodicities of 1 sec average were observed, their amplitude progressively decreasing as the source approached the tail-end. The rms variations of scintillating flux of the source on 18, 19 & 20 were about 18, 11 & 4.7 Jy, as against 3.3 Jy on control days 17 and 21 December for solar elongation of 87°.

Assuming Gaussian irregularities with weak scattering, the rms density variations, ΔN, of 10, 6, 3 and 1 elec./cm3 on 18 through 21 December, from the comet nucleus towards its tail-end, varied as (ΔN) ∝ r−3.3 as against (ΔN) ∝ r−2 in the solar plasma.

Quasi-periodic modulations of the enhanced scintillating flux possibly imply 104 km scale-size ion condensations and mean electron density of 103 to 104 electrons/cm3 in the Halley's plasma tail.  相似文献   

The energy content of nonthermal particles in solar flares is shared between accelerated electrons and ions. It isimportant for understanding the particle acceleration mechanism in solar flares. Yohkoh observed a few intense flares which produced both strong gamma-ray lines and electron bremsstrahlung continuum. We analyze energy spectra of X-class solar flares on October 27, 1991(X6.1), November 6, 1997 (X9.4), July 14, 2000 (X5.7) and November 24, 2000 (X2.3). The accelerated electron and proton spectra are derived from a spectral analysis of their high-energy photon emission and the energy contents in >1 MeV electrons and >10 MeV protons are estimated to be 6×l028 – 4×1030 and 2×1028 – 5×1029 erg, respectively. We study the flare to flare variation in the energy content of >1 MeV electrons and >10 MeV protons for the four Yohkoh gamma-ray flares. Ratios of >1 MeV electron energy content to >10 MeV proton energy content are roughly within an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The Geminga light curve obtained with the “Gamma-1” telescope features two peaks separated by 0.5 ± 0.03 period. The light curve is pronounced for γ-quanta energies higher than 400 MeV. The pulsed flux upper limit (1σ) in the energy interval 50 – 300 MeV is 6·10−7 cm−2sec−1. For energies >300 MeV the pulsed component power law spectrum has an exponent 1.1 −0.3+1.1 and an integral flux (1.1±0.3)·10−6 cm−2sec−1.  相似文献   

The observations of X-ray Nova in Musca (GRS1124-684) by two coded mask telescopes on board GRANAT observatory provided spectral data in broad 3 – 1300 keV band. During these observations, spanned over a year, the Nova was detected in a three apparently different spectral states, corresponding to different epochs of the soft X-ray light curve: (1) A spectrum with two distinct components (soft, below 8 keV and hard power law tail with slope 2.5, detected up to 300 keV). The soft emission changed gradually with characteristic decay time around 30 days, while power law component exhibited strong variability on the time scales of several hours and decreased much more slowly. (2) A soft spectrum (without hard power law tail), observed during the “kick” of the soft X-ray light curve. (3) A hard power law spectrum with slope 2.2. Thus, while the 3 – 300 keV luminosity decreased by more than order of magnitude, the source passed through all spectral states known for galactic black hole candidates (Cyg X-1, GX339-4, 1E1740.7-2942, GRS1758-258 etc.).

On January 20–21 1991, the SIGMA telescope aboard GRANAT detected a relatively narrow variable emission line near 500 keV (Fig.1,2) with net flux ≈ 6 · 10−3 phot/s/cm2, most probably related with electron-positron annihilation processes, occurring in the source /1–4/. Additional excess above power law continuum, centered around 200 keV, was found during this observation.  相似文献   

At the interface between the upper atmosphere and the radiation belt region, there exists a secondary radiation belt consisting mainly of energetic ions that have become neutralized in the ring current and the main radiation belt and then re-ionized by collisions in the inner exosphere. The time history of the proton fluxes in the 0.64 – 35 MeV energy range was traced in the equatorial region beneath the main radiation belts during the three year period from 21 February 1984 to 26 March 1987 using data obtained with the HEP experiment on board the Japanese OHZORA satellite. During most of this period a fairly small proton flux of −1.2 cm−2 s−1 sr−1 was detected on geomagnetic field lines in the range 1.05 < L < 1.15. We report a few surprisingly deep and rapid flux decreases (flux reduction by typically two orders of magnitude). These flux decreases were also long in duration (lasting up to three months). We also registered abrupt flux increases where the magnitude of the proton flux enhancements could reach three orders of magnitude with an enhancement duration of 1–3 days. Possible reasons for these unexpected phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Field-aligned currents (FAC) can be used to determine changes in the total plasma content (TPC) of convecting flux tubes. The observed steady-state FAC system is combined with the observed equipotential pattern to determine contours of TPC as mapped to the ionosphere. Criteria for a qualitative mapping of the FAC, equipotentials and TCP contours along magnetic field lines to the equatorial plane are set up and the result is shown in figure 3. Some interesting features are: (1) There is a considerable distortion, which is most obvious near midnight, due to the existence of FAC; (2) There is a dusk to dawn component of convection across the tail; (3) The reversal of this component in the pre-midnight quadrant produces the Harang discontinuity. A discussion of time-dependent flows suggests that both plasma depletion associated with FAC and neutral lines may be necessary in a substorm expansion. Between substorm expansions, convection is faster than FAC-produced collapse of flux tubes. Finally it is pointed out that the current and electric field are probably not parallel in the tail, requiring a rethinking of tail models.  相似文献   

PAMELA is a satellite-borne experiment that has been launched on June 15th, 2006. It is designed to make long duration measurements of cosmic radiation over an extended energy range. Specifically, PAMELA is able to measure the cosmic ray antiproton and positron spectra over the largest energy range ever achieved and will search for antinuclei with unprecedented sensitivity. Furthermore, it will measure the light nuclear component of cosmic rays and investigate phenomena connected with solar and earth physics. The apparatus consists of: a time of flight system, a magnetic spectrometer, an electromagnetic imaging calorimeter, a shower tail catcher scintillator, a neutron detector and an anticoincidence system. In this work a study of the PAMELA capabilities to detect electrons is presented. The Jovian magnetosphere is a powerful accelerator of electrons up to several tens of MeV as observed at first by Pioneer 10 spacecraft (1973). The propagation of Jovian electrons to Earth is affected by modulation due to Corotating Interaction Regions (CIR). Their flux at Earth is, moreover, modulated because every 13 months Earth and Jupiter are aligned along the average direction of the Parker spiral of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field.PAMELA will be able to measure the high energy tail of the Jovian electrons in the energy range from 50 up to 130 MeV. Moreover, it will be possible to extract the Jovian component reaccelerated at the solar wind termination shock (above 130 MeV up to 2 GeV) from the galactic flux.  相似文献   

It has been justifiably questioned if the black hole candidates (BHCs) have “hard surface” why Type I X-ray bursts are not seen from them [Narayan, R., Black holes in astrophysics, New J. Phys, 7, 199–218, 2005]. It is pointed out that a “physical surface” need not always be “hard” and could be “gaseous” in case the compact object is sufficiently hot [Mitra, A., The day of the reckoning: the value of the integration constant in the vacuum Schwarzschild solution, physics/0504076, p1–p6, 2005; Mitra, A., BHs or ECOs: A review of 90 years of misconceptions, in: Focus on Black Holes Research, Nova Science Pub., NY, p1–p94, 2005]. Even if a “hard surface” would be there, presence of strong intrinsic magnetic field could inhibit Type I X-ray burst from a compact object as is the case for Her X-1. Thus, non-occurrence of Type I bursts actually rules out those alternatives of BHs which are either non-magnetized or cold and, hence, is no evidence for existence of Event Horizons (EHs). On the other hand, from the first principle, we again show that the BHCs being uncharged and having finite masses cannot be BHs, because uncharged BHs have a unique mass M = 0. Thus the previous results that the so-called BHCs are actually extremely hot, ultramagnetized, Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Objects (ECOs) [Robertson, S., Leiter, D., Evidence for intrinsic magnetic moment in black hole candidates, Astrophys. J., 565, 447–451, (astro-ph/0102381), 2002 ; Robertson, S., Leiter, D., MECO model of galactic black hole candidates and active galactic nuclei, in: New Developments in Black Hole Research, Nova Science Pub., NY, p1–p44, astro-ph/0602453, 2005] rather than anything else get reconfirmed by non-occurrence of Type I X-ray bursts in BHCs.  相似文献   

The data from the synchronous-orbit satellites of the Gorizont series are used to study the dependences of the ion flux variation amplitudes in the synchronous altitude region (the diurnal behaviour) on particle energies and on the form and rigidity of the particle energy spectrum. The proton fluxes were measured in the energy range E 60–120 keV, and the [N,0]2+ and [C,N,0]4+ ion fluxes in the energy range E 60–70 keV/e.

The ratio of the diurnal variation amplitudes of the studied ions is shown to correspond to the similarity of their energy spectra in the E/Q representation. The magnetically-quiet time gradient of the distribution function F(μ,J,L) in the synchronous-orbit region is shown to be (∂F/∂L)=0 for the H+ and [N,0]2+ ions and (∂F/∂L) > 0 for the [C,N,0]4+ ions (at the values of μ corresponding to the examined energy ranges). During magnetically-disturbed periods the inner boundary of the (∂F/∂L)=0 region shifts to lower L and (∂ F/∂L) = O in the synchronous altitude region must be also for the [C,N,O]4+ ions.  相似文献   

The multiple scattering of solar radiation in the cometary atmosphere is treated with the method of successive scattering. Referring to in situ measurements of comet Halley about the size and spatial distributions of dust, the optical thickness τ1 of dust has been estimated, i.e. τ1=0.03 at wavelength λ=0.62μm in a quiet time, but τ1=0.3 when the outbursts/jets occur. In the derivation of τ1, optical properties of dust including a mixing ratio of absorbing to silicate grains, are determined based on the polarimetry of P/Halley at λ=0.62μm observed during the phase angles over Nov. 1985 to May 1986 at the Dodaira Station of Tokyo Astronomical Observatory.

It is found that a temporary enhancement of τ1 leads an increase of the upward reflected intensity when the surface albedo A of the nucleus is less than 0.04, but the reverse is true when A>0.04. On the other hand, the intensity of the downward radiation at the surface of the nucleus always decreases as an increase of τ1.  相似文献   

The paper deals with five selected issues of the dynamical coupling of the near-Earth plasma sheet and magnetosphere, (1) substorm initiation, (2) dipolarization, (3) pressure release of the outer magnetosphere via the auroral energy conversion process, (4) magnetization of the very high beta plasma assembling at the inner edge of the tail, and (5) penetration of energetic particles into the ring current below L 4. One outstanding and strongly debated subject is not discussed here, the origin of the substorm current wedge. The main conclusions (or personal preferences) are: (1) the substorm is initiated by formation of a near-Earth neutral line; (2) dipolarization occurs through magnetic flux transport by the earthward reconnection flow and not by current diffusion; (3) the auroral energy conversion process, the “auroral pressure valve”, contributes substantially to the pressure release during the substorms; (4) high beta ( 10) plasma breaks up into smaller scale blobs under slow magnetization; and (5) deep and prolonged penetration of hot plasma sheet plasma into the middle magnetosphere produces currents and electric fields which lead to the growth of the storm-time ring current.  相似文献   

Under NASA's Space Environment Effects (SEE) program, we are developing new models for the low-altitude (250–1000 km, L < 1.5) trapped radiation environment based on data from the TIROS/NOAA polar orbiting spacecraft. The unique features of this data base and model include the long time series (more than one complete solar cycle) obtained from the TIROS/NOAA data and the use of a coordinate system more applicable to the low-altitude environment. The data show a strong variation (as much as a factor of 10) over the solar cycle and a hysteresis effect between the rising and falling portions of the solar cycle. Both the solar cycle variation and the hysteresis are functions of L. In addition to the hysteresis effect, the flux during a given cycle appears to be a function of the previous cycle. Superimposed on the gradual variation over the solar cycle, transient effects, correlated with solar particle events (SPEs), can be clearly seen. Comparison with the AP8 models shows that the measured flux is a factor of 2–3 higher than the model. These data have important implications for the development and use of trapped radiation models, and will also contribute to our knowledge of the source and loss mechanisms at work in the inner zone.  相似文献   

We report a study of the numeric solution to the diffusive transport equation for energetic protons magnetically trapped in the Earth's equatorial magnetosphere. The analysis takes into account the pertinent physical processes in this region, including deceleration of protons by Coulomb collisional interactions with free and bound electrons, the charge exchange process, cosmic ray albedo neutron decay source, and electric and magnetic radial diffusion. These results were obtained using the Finite Element Method with magnetic moment and geomagnetic L-shell as free variables. Steady state boundary conditions were imposed at L=1 as zero distribution function and at L=7 with proton distribution function extracted from ATS 6 satellite observations. The FEM-code yields unidirectional proton flux in the energy range of 0.1–1000 MeV at the equatorial top of the geomagnetic lines, and the results are found to be in satisfactorily agreement with the empirical NASA AP-8 model proton flux within the energy range of 0.5–100 MeV. Below 500 keV, the empirical AP-8 model proton fluxes are several orders of magnitude greater than those computed with the FEM-code at L<3. This discrepancy is difficult to explain by uncertainties of boundary spectrum parameters or transport coefficients.  相似文献   

This paper will review the present state of knowledge of plasma, magnetic field and plasma wave characteristics of the Jovian magnetotail, near Jupiter and to distances as great as 9,000 Jupiter radii, and from both the large and small scale perspectives. Our knowledge of Jupiter's tail, especially the distant tail, comes primarily from data from five experiments onboard Voyager 2, some of which will be presented. The Jovian tail has many unusual properties, such as the large scale sausage-string shape of its outer boundary, but shares some important properties with earth's magnetotail, such as a central current sheet and a surrounding region resembling a plasma sheet consisting of hot ions (E > 28 keV). This new interpretation of the existence of a “plasma sheet” clears up the dilemma of the so-called core regions, which we will discuss. There is a significant flow of plasma of solar wind origin in the distant tail lobes having (tailward) speeds and densities suggestive of boundary layer plasma. We will discuss tail size, estimated magnetic flux content, degree of field helicity, magnetic turbulence (in near vs. far tail regions), and evidence for the tearing away of the tail (probably by field reconnection) at the time of an interplanetary magnetic sector boundary passage.  相似文献   

A dark reddish organic solid, called tholin, is synthesized from simulated Titanian atmospheres by irradiation with high energy electrons in a plasma discharge. The visible reflection spectrum of this tholin is found to be similar to that of high altitude aerosols responsible for the albedo and reddish color of Titan. The real (n) and imaginary (k) parts of the complex refractive index of thin films of Titan tholin prepared by continuous D.C. discharge through a 0.9 N2/0.1 CH4 gas mixture at 0.2 mb is determined from x-ray to microwave frequencies. Values of n (1.65) and k (0.004 to 0.08) in the visible are consistent with deductions made by ground-based and spaceborne observations of Titan. Many infrared absorption features are present in k(λ), including the 4.6 μm nitrile band. Molecular analysis of the volatile component of this tholin was performed by sequential and non-sequential pyrolytic gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. More than one hundred organic compounds are released; tentative identifications include saturated and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, substituted polycyclic aromatics, nitriles, amines, pyrroles, pyrazines, pyridines, pyrimidines, and the purine, adenine. In addition, acid hydrolysis produces a racemic mixture of biological and non-biological amino acids. Many of these molecules are implicated in the origin of life on Earth, suggesting Titan as a contemporary laboratory environment for prebiological organic chemistry on a planetary scale.  相似文献   

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