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The results of simultaneous analysis of plasma and magnetic field characteristics measured on the INTERBALL/Tail Probe, WIND and Geotail satellites on March 2, 1996, are presented. During these observations the INTERBALL/Tail Probe crossed the low-latitude boundary layer, and the WIND and Geotail satellites measured the solar wind’s and magnetosheath’s parameters, respectively. The plasma and magnetic field characteristics in these regions have been compared. The data of the Corall, Electron, and MIF instruments on the INTERBALL/Tail Probe satellite are analyzed. Fluctuations of the magnetic field components and plasma velocity in the solar wind and magnetosheath, measured onboard the WIND and Geotail satellites, are compared. The causes resulting in appearance of plasma jet flows in the low-latitude boundary layer are analyzed. The amplitude of magnetic field fluctuations in the magnetosheath for a studied magnetosphere boundary crossing is shown to exceed the magnetic field value below the magnetopause near the cusp. The possibility of local violation of pressure balance on the magnetopause is discussed, as well as penetration of magnetosheath plasma into the magnetosphere, as a result of magnetic field and plasma flux fluctuations in the magnetosheath.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis of 327 sessions of radio occultation on satellite-to-satellite paths are presented. The data are taken in the nighttime polar ionosphere in the regions with latitudes of 67°–88°, and in the period of high solar activity from October 26, 2003 to November 9, 2003. Typical ionospheric changes in the amplitude and phase of decimeter radio waves on paths GPS satellites-CHAMP satellite are presented. It is demonstrated that these data make it possible to determine characteristics of the sporadic E s structures in the lower ionosphere at heights of 75–120 km. Histograms of distribution of the lower and upper boundaries, thickness, and intensity of the E s structures are presented. Dispersion and spectra of amplitude fluctuations of decimeter radio waves caused by small-scale irregularity of the ionospheric plasma are analyzed. The relation of the polar E s structures and intensity of small-scale plasma irregularity to various manifestations of solar activity is discussed. The efficiency of monitoring the ionospheric disturbances caused by shock waves of the solar wind by the radio occultation method on satellite-to-satellite paths is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The features of the excitation of spatially localized long-period (10–15 min) irregular pulsations with a maximum amplitude of ~200 nT at a geomagnetic latitude of 66° in the morning sector 5 MLT are considered. Fluctuations were recorded against the background of substorm disturbances (maximum AE ~ 1278 nT). Antiphase variations of plasma density and magnetic field accompanied by vortex disturbances of the magnetic field both in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere have been recorded in the magnetosphere in this sector. Compression fluctuations corresponding to a slow magnetosonic wave have been recorded in the interplanetary medium in the analyzed period. It is assumed that pulsations have been excited in the localization of the cloud of injected particles in the plasma sheet by compression fluctuations caused by variations of the dynamic pressure of solar wind.  相似文献   

In the first part of this study of the substorm of March 12, 1991, the space-time structure of substrorm disturbance and dynamics of auroral ions were considered. This second part presents an analysis of measurements of auroral electrons onboard the CRRES satellite. It is demonstrated that enhancements of the electron flux (injections) during large-scale and local dipolarizations of the magnetic field are determined by a combination of field-aligned, induction, and betatron mechanisms of acceleration with an effect of displacement of the drift shells of particles. The relative contributions of these mechanisms in relation to the energy of auroral electrons are determined.  相似文献   

The relationship between proton aurora and geomagnetic pulsations Pc1, which are an indicator of development of ion-cyclotron instability in the equatorial magnetosphere, are studied on the basis of the observations of proton aurora from the IMAGE satellite, observations of particle fluxes onboard the low-orbiting NOAA satellites, and geomagnetic pulsation observations at the Lovozero observatory. A conclusion is drawn that the subauroral spots in the proton emission projected into the magnetosphere near the plasmapause are two-dimensional images at the ionospheric “screen” of the region of intense scattering of energetic protons into the loss cone at the development of an ion-cyclotron instability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyzed the thermal and energy characteristics of the plasma components observed during the magnetic dipolarizations in the near tail by the Cluster satellites. It was previously found that the first dipolarization the ratio of proton and electron temperatures (T p/T e) was ~6–7. At the time of the observation of the first dipolarization front T p/T e decreases by up to ~3–4. The minimum value T p/T e (~2.0) is observed behind the front during the turbulent dipolarization phase. Decreases in T p/T e observed at this time are associated with an increase in T e, whereas the proton temperature either decreases or remains unchanged. Decreases of the value T p/T e during the magnetic dipolarizations coincide with increase in wave activity in the wide frequency band up to electron gyrofrequency f ce. High-frequency modes can resonantly interact with electrons causing their heating. The acceleration of ions with different masses up to energies of several hundred kiloelectron-volts is also observed during dipolarizations. In this case, the index of the energy spectrum decreases (a fraction of energetic ions increases) during the enhancement of low-frequency electromagnetic fluctuations at frequencies that correspond to the gyrofrequency of this ion component. Thus, we can conclude that the processes of the interaction between waves and particles play an important role in increasing the energy of plasma particles during magnetic dipolarizations.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the polarization jet (PJ) are considered on the basis of measurements made in 1989–1992 at the ionospheric stations Yakutsk (L = 3.0, λ = 129.6°) and Podkamennaya Tunguska (L = 3.0, λ = 90.0°) separated in longitude. Using the data of these stations, the result obtained earlier (that the formation of PJ during disturbances in the near-midnight sector occurs at the expansion phase of a substorm) is confirmed. At isolated magnetic disturbances with AE > 500 nT in the 11:00–16:00 UT interval, the PJ band covers an MLT sector of 3 h between the Yakutsk and Podkamennaya Tunguska stations. The time of the PJ beginning at the Podkamennaya Tunguska station for the majority of events is 45–60 min behind the PJ beginning at the Yakutsk station. This corresponds to the westward motion of a PJ source with a velocity of ~3 MLT h per hour.  相似文献   

Injections of energetic electrons with a dispersion over energies were observed during the February 23, 2004 (at about 03:20 UT) substorm onboard the Cluster satellites in the vicinity of perigee near the midnight meridian. The delays in the particle observation caused by the energy dependence of the magnetic drift velocities made it possible to determine the position and time of the beginning of the drift, tracing the trajectories of the leading center of particles back in time in the magnetospheric model. The comparisons of the measurements of four satellites allowed us to determine the radial propagation of the injection front with a velocity of 100–150 km/s at a distance of 7–9 R E. The comparison with a few previous measurements shows a substantial slowing down of injections as they approached the Earth, and this confirms the prospects of this method for more detailed study of propagation of plasma injection into the inner magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Based on the comparison of solar activity indices (annual average values of the relative number of sunspots Rz12 and solar radio emission flux at a wavelength of 10.7 cm F12) with the ionospheric index of solar activity IG12 for 1954–2013, we have found that the index F12 is a more accurate (than Rz12) indicator of solar activity for the long-term forecast of foF2 (the critical frequency of the F2-layer). This advantage of the F12 index becomes especially significant after 2000 if the specific features of extreme ultraviolet radiation of the Sun are additionally taken into account in the minima of solar cycles, using an appropriate correction to F12. Qualitative arguments are given in favor of the use of F12 for the long-term forecast of both foF2 and other ionospheric parameters.  相似文献   

The spectrum analyzer AKR-X onboard the Interball-1 satellite at the beginning (August–October 1995) and at the end (August–October 2000) of satellite operation in perigees of its orbital motion recorded and analyzed electromagnetic emissions of the inner regions of the Earth’s plasmasphere in the frequency band 100–1500 kHz at distances of 1.1–1.8 R E. The observations have shown that the electromagnetic modes (the Z and LO modes escaping the magnetosphere) which are formed at the altitudes 600–4000 km are associated with the subauroral nonthermal continuum and with the recently discovered kilometric continuum. There are noticeable differences in the spectral character of these emissions during the minimum (1996) and maximum (2000) solar activity, when, as a rule, the LO mode escaping the plasmaphere and the continua are not present.  相似文献   

An analysis of the electron density measurements (Ne) along the flyby trajectories over the high-latitude region of the Northern Hemisphere under winter conditions in 2014 and 2016 has shown that the main large-scale structure observed by Swarm satellites is the tongue of ionization (TOI). At the maximum of the solar cycle (F10.7 = 160), the average value of Ne in the TOI region at an altitude of 500 km was 8 × 104 cm–3. Two years later, at F10.7 = 100, Ne ~ 5 × 104 cm–3 and Ne ~2.5 × 104 cm–3 were observed at altitudes of 470 and 530 km, respectively. During the dominance of the azimuthal component of the interplanetary magnetic field, the TOI has been observed mainly on the dawn or dusk side depending on the sign of B y . Simultaneous observations of the convective plasma drift velocity in the polar cap show the transpolar flow drift to the dawn (By < 0) or dusk side (B y < 0). Observations and numerical simulation of the Ne distribution have confirmed the significant role of the electric field of the magnetospheric convection in the generation of large-scale irregularities in the polar ionosphere.  相似文献   

Depleted narrow (localized in longitude) regions (field tubes) in the plasmasphere, recently discovered in He+ radiation measurements on the IMAGE spacecraft, were first directly observed by the Magion-5 satellite. The low-density regions (notches) occupy <~ 10–30° in longitude and extend from L ~ 2–3 to the plasmasphere boundary in neighboring plasmasphere regions with larger densities. The Magion-5 data give evidence that in the low-density regions temperature is enhanced as compared to the neighboring denser plasmasphere regions. Formation of notches in the plasmasphere is, apparently, associated with AE intensification during weak magnetic storms, while strong magnetic storms usually result in the overall reduction of plasmasphere dimensions. However, even a strong magnetic storm on April 6–7, 2000 (max K p = 9-and min D st ~ ?290 nT), but accompanied by an isolated AE impulse, resulted in a density decrease only in the longitudinally limited post-midnight sector of the plasmasphere.  相似文献   

The results of studies of longitudinal and LT variations in parameters of the ionosphere–plasmasphere system, obtained using the Global Self-Consistent Model of the Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Protonosphere (GSM TIP), assimilation ionospheric model IRI Real-Time Assimilation Mapping (IRTAM), and satellite and ground-based observational data are presented in the paper. The study of the main morphological features of longitudinal and LT variations in the critical frequency of the ionospheric F2 layer (foF2) and total electron content (TEC) depending on latitude in the winter solstice during a solar-activity minimum (December 22, 2009) is carried out. It is shown that the variations in foF2 and TEC, on the whole, are identical, and so mutually substitutable, while creating empirical models of these parameters in quiet geomagnetic conditions. The longitudinal and LT variations in both foF2 and TEC are within an order of magnitude everywhere except for the equator anomaly region, where LT variation is larger by an order of magnitude than longitudinal variation. According to the results of the study, in the American longitudinal sector at all latitudes of the Southern (summer) Hemisphere, maxima of foF2 and TEC are formed. The near-equatorial and high-latitudinal maxima are separated out from these. The estimate of the contribution into the longitudinal variation in foF2 and TEC for various local time sectors and at various latitudes has been obtained for the first time. In the Southern (summer) Hemisphere, longitudinal variation in foF2 and TEC is formed in the nighttime.  相似文献   

An analysis of energy-dispersed structures of protons and populations of electrons has been made using the Interball-2 satellite data for the apogee parts of 1579 (September 13, 1997) and 1276 (July 2, 1997) orbits. At each orbit, the satellite crossed the auroral zone twice at altitudes of 13500–19000 km moving first poleward (the first crossing) and then equatorward (the second crossing). A transformation of the types of energy-dispersed structures near the outer boundary of the auroral zone was observed at the first and second crossings: VDIS into TDIS (orbit 1579) and TDIS into VDIS (orbit 1276). The VDIS represent solitary structures of 0.3–10 keV consisting of several small-scale structures 2–5 min long, while the TDIS are repeating injections of 1–14 keV 1–3 min long with the repetition period of 2–4 min. It is shown that the VDIS-to-TDIS and TDIS-to-VDIS transformations are distinctly related to the phase of a substorm. The VDIS were observed under magnetically quiet conditions before a substorm or at the recovery phase of a substorm, while TDIS were observed during the main phase of a substorm.  相似文献   

Radio bursts in the frequency range of 100–1500 kHz, recorded in 1997–2000 on the INTERBALL-1 satellite during the solar flares preceding the strong geomagnetic storms with D st < ?100 nT, are analyzed in this paper. The observed long-wave III-type radio bursts of solar origin at frequencies of 1460 and 780 kHz were characterized by large values of the flux S f = 10?15 ?10?17 W/m2 Hz and duration longer than 10 min. The rapid frequency drift of a modulated radio burst continued up to a frequency of 250 kHz, which testified that the exciting agent (a beam of energetic electrons) propagated from the Sun to the Earth. All such flares were characterized by the appearance of halo coronal mass ejections, observed by the LASCO/SOHO, and by the presence of a southward Bz-component of the IMF, measured on the ACE and WIND spacecraft. In addition, shortly after radio bursts, the INTERBALL-1 satellite has recorded the fluxes of energetic electrons with E > 40 keV.  相似文献   

The results of five-year (1995–2000) continuous observations of the auroral radio emission (ARE) in the hectometric wavelength range on the high-apogee INTERBALL-1 satellite are presented. Short intense bursts of the auroral hectometric radio emission (AHR) were observed at frequencies of 1463 and 1501 kHz. The bursts were observed predominantly at times when the terrestrial magnetosphere was undisturbed (in the quiet Sun period), and their number decreased rapidly with increasing solar activity. The bursts demonstrated seasonal dependence in the Northern and Southern hemispheres (dominating in the autumn-winter period). Their appearance probably depends on the observation time (UT). A qualitative explanation of the AHR peculiarities is given.  相似文献   

A brief review is given of contemporary approaches to solving the problem of medium-term forecast of the velocity of quasi-stationary solar wind (SW) and of the intensity of geomagnetic disturbances caused by it. At the present time, two promising models of calculating the velocity of quasi-stationary SW at the Earth’s orbit are realized. One model is the semi-empirical model of Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) which allows one to calculate the dependence V(t) of SW velocity at the Earth’s orbit using measured values of the photospheric magnetic field. This model is based on calculation of the local divergence f S of magnetic field lines. The second model is semi-empirical model by Eselevich-Fainshtein-Rudenko (EFR). It is based on calculation in a potential approximation of the area of foot points on the solar surface of open magnetic tubes (sources of fast quasistationary SW). The new Bd-technology is used in these calculations, allowing one to calculate instantaneous distributions of the magnetic field above the entire visible surface of the Sun. Using predicted V(t) profiles, one can in EFR model calculate also the intensity of geomagnetic disturbances caused by quasi-stationary SW. This intensity is expressed through the K p index. In this paper the EFR model is discussed in detail. Some examples of epignosis and real forecast of V(t) and K p (t) are discussed. A comparison of the results of applying these two models for the SW velocity forecasting is presented.  相似文献   

Using modern models of the plasmasphere and exosphere, radial profiles of the rates of ionization losses of protons with μ = 0.3–10 keV/nT (μ is the first adiabatic invariant) of the Earth’s radiation belts (ERBs) have been constructed. To calculate Coulomb losses of protons, we used the ISEE-1 satellite data at L = 3–9 and CRRES satellite data at L ≤ 3 (L is the McIlwain parameter). The relation of contributions of Coulomb losses and charge exchange in the rate of ionization losses of protons has been considered. We have discovered the effect of subtracting Coulomb losses from charge exchange of ERB protons for small μ and L, which can imitate a local particle source. It has been demonstrated that, with decreasing L, the rate of ionization losses of ERB protons decreases as a whole. The radial dependence of this rate only has a negative gradient in the narrow range (ΔL ~ 0.5) in the region of the plasmapause and only for protons with μ > 1.2 keV/nT.  相似文献   

This work is a continuation of investigation [1] of the behavior of the solar wind’s and interplanetary magnetic field’s parameters near the onset of geomagnetic storms for various types of solar wind streams. The data of the OMNI base for the 1976–2000 period are used in the analysis. The types of solar wind streams were determined, and the times of beginning (onsets) of magnetic storms were distributed in solar wind types as follows: CIR (121 storms), Sheath (22 storms), MC (113 storms), and “uncertain type” (367 storms). The growth of variations (hourly standard deviations) of the density and IMF magnitude was observed 5–10 hours before the onset only in the Sheath. For the CIR-, Sheath-and MC-induced storms the dependence between the minimum of the IMF B z-component and the minimum of the D st -index, as well as the dependence between the electric field E y of solar wind and the minimum of the D st -index are steeper than those for the “uncertain” solar wind type. The steepest D st vs. B z dependence is observed in the Sheath, and the steepest D st vs. E y dependence is observed in the MC.  相似文献   

Five hot flow anomalies (HFA) recorded by the Tail Probe of the INTERBALL satellite in 1996 are analyzed in present work. For the five chosen events the authors determined the characteristics of current sheets whose interaction with the bow shock front led to formation of an HFA, as well as the directions of external electric fields and the directions of motion of these HFAs over a shock front. The analysis of plasma convection in an HFA body is carried out; the average velocities of plasma motion in the HFA are determined in a coordinate system linked with the normal to a current layer and with the normal to the bow shock. According to the character of plasma convection in an HFA body, these five events may be divided into two types, which also differ in the direction of the motion over the front of the bow shock. In the first-type HFAs, the convection of plasma has a component directed from the intermediate region confirming its identification as a source of energy for the formation of an HFA. In the second-type HFAs, plasma motion from the intermediate region in leading and trailing parts is less expressed. This fact, as well as the great variation of peculiar velocities in the body of anomalies, allowed the assumption that second-type anomalies are nonstationary. Evidence is presented that the anomalies considered in the paper are bordered with shocks formed in solar wind passing a large-scale, decelerated body of heated plasma.  相似文献   

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