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Growth and development of etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) and maize (Zea mays L. cv. Golden Cross Bantam) seedlings grown under simulated microgravity conditions were intensively studied using a 3-dimensional clinostat as a simulator of weightlessness. Epicotyls of etiolated pea seedlings grown on the clinostat were the most oriented toward the direction far from cotyledons. Mesocotyls of etiolated maize seedlings grew at random and coleoptiles curved slightly during clinostat rotation. Clinostat rotation promoted the emergence of the 3rd internodes in etiolated pea seedlings, while it significantly inhibited the growth of the 1st internodes. In maize seedlings, the growth of coleoptiles was little affected by clinostat rotation, but that of mesocotyls was suppressed, and therefore, the emergence of the leaf out of coleoptile was promoted. Clinostat rotation reduced the osmotic concentration in the 1st internodes of pea seedlings, although it has little effect on the 2nd and the 3rd internodes. Clinostat rotation also reduced the osmotic concentrations in both coleoptiles and mesocotyls of maize seedlings. Cell-wall extensibilities of the 1st and the 3rd internodes of pea seedlings grown on the clinostat were significantly lower and higher as compared with those on 1 g conditions, respectively. Cell-wall extensibility of mesocotyls in seedlings grown on the clinostat also decreased. Changes in cell wall properties seem to be well correlated to the growth of each organ in pea and maize seedlings. These results suggest that the growth and development of plants is controlled under gravity on earth, and that the growth responses of higher plants to microgravity conditions are regulated by both cell-wall mechanical properties and osmotic properties of stem cells.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) clinostat equipped with two rotation axes placed at right angles was constructed, and various growth processes of higher plants grown on this clinostat were compared with ground controls, with plants grown on the conventional horizontal clinostat, and with those under real microgravity in space. On the 3-D clinostat, cress roots developed a normal root cap and the statocytes showed the typical polar organization except a random distribution of statoliths. The structural features of clinostatted statocytes were fundamentally similar to those observed under real microgravity. The graviresponse of cress roots grown on the 3-D clinostat was the same as the control roots. On the 3-D clinostat, shoots and roots exhibited a spontaneous curvature as well as an altered growth direction. Such an automorphogenesis was sometimes exaggerated when plants were subjected to the horizontal rotation, whereas the curvature was suppressed on the vertical rotation. These discrepancies in curvature between the 3-D clinostat and the conventional ones appear to be brought about by the centrifugal force produced. Thus, the 3-D clinostat was proven as a useful device to simulate microgravity.  相似文献   

Adenylate state is acknowledged to be among the most convenient approaches in the study of physiological changes in plant cells under simulation of altered gravity condition with the clinostat. Adenylate levels and the ATP/ADP ratio in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial extracts of cultivated cells of Haplopappus gracilis and algae cells of Chlorella vulgaris under initial stages of the fast-rotating and slow-rotating clinorotation, as well as the long-term clinorotation, have been investigated. For analysis of ATP and ADP levels in the plant cells under the clinorotation, we applied a high-sensitive bioluminescence method using the luciferase and piruvate kinase enzyme systems. It has been shown that the adenylate ratio is already increased during at the start of clinorotation with the different speed of rotation in the biological material tested. The considerable changes in mitochondrial ultrastructure of Chlorella cells, as well as the rising ATP level and dropping of the ATP/ADP ratio appear after long-duration clinorotation if compared to control material. It is probably connected with the distinctions in ATP-synthetase functioning in mitochondria of the cells under the clinorotation conditions.  相似文献   

Iodine is used to disinfect potable water on United States spacecraft. Iodinated potable water will likely be used to grow plants in space. Little is known about the effects of iodine disinfection products on plants. Seeds of select higher plants were germinated in water iodinated using the Shuttle Microbial Check Valve, and water to which measured amounts of iodide was added. Percent germination was decreased in seeds of most species germinated in iodinated water. Beans were most affected. Germination rates, determined from germination half-times, were decreased for beans germinated in iodinated water, and water to which iodide was added. Development was retarded and rootlets were conspicuously absent in bean and several other plant species germinated in iodinated water. Iodide alone did not elicit these responses. Clearly iodine disinfection products can affect higher plants. These effects must be carefully considered for plant experimentation and cultivation in space, and in design and testing of closed environmental life support systems.  相似文献   

For the study of gravity's role in the processes of plant cell differentiation in-vitro, a model "seed-seedling-callus" has been used. Experiments were carried out on board the orbital stations Salyut-7 and Mir as well as on clinostat. They lasted from 18 to 72 days. It was determined that the exclusion of a one-sided action of gravity vector by means of clinostat and spaceflight conditions does not impede the formation and growth of callus tissue; however, at cell and subcellular levels structural and functional changes do take place. No significant changes were observed either on clinostat or in space concerning the accumulation of fresh biomass, while the percentage of dry material in space is lower than in control. Both in microgravity (MG) and in control, even after 72 days of growth, cells with a normally developed ultrastructure are present. In space, however, callus tissue more often contains cells in which the cross-section area of a cell, a nuclei and of mitochondria are smaller and the vacuole area--bigger than in controls. In microgravity a considerable decrease in the number of starch-containing cells and a reduction in the mean area of starch grains in amyloplasts is observed. In space the amount of soluble proteins in callus tissue is 1.5 times greater than in control. However, no differences were observed in fractions when separated by the SDS-PAGE method. In microgravity the changes in cell wall material components was noted. In the space-formed callus changes in the concentration of ions K, Na, Mg, Ca and P were observed. However, the direction of these changes depends on the age of callus. Discussed are the possible reasons for modification of morphological and metabolic parameters of callus cells when grown under changed gravity conditions.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of changes in the gravity vector on osteoblast behaviour, using the clinostat set at 8 rpm. Two sources of osteoblasts were used: secondary cultures of fetal rat bone cells, and the rat osteosarcoma line 17/2.8 (ROS). Cell number was determined by incubation with 3-(4,dimethyl-2yl)-2,3 diphenyl) tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and measurement of optical density at 570 nm (OD). Alkaline phosphatase activity was detected by standard cytochemical methods. Dividing cells were localised by labelling dividing nuclei with Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), detected by immunofluorescence. Cell culture was initiated at densities between 1-4x10(4) cells ml-1. Growth rates in all cultures during the first 48 hours exposure to clinostat rotation were less than in stationary controls. After 3 days, ROS cell numbers were 35% lower, and calvarial cells 39% lower than their respective controls. Alkaline phosphatase activity in calvarial control cultures was uniformly present in characteristically polygonal cells, but after culture in the clinostat the enzyme was present sporadically, and the cells were cuboid. There was also no BrdU uptake in nuclei, but it was present in cell cytoplasms. We conclude that the clinostat decreases cell numbers and cell division. Both cell shape and the distribution of alkaline phosphatase activity in calvarial cell cultures were also affected. This implies that changes in the gravity vector can affect osteoblasts directly, without interaction with other cell types.  相似文献   

Most bioregenerative life support systems (BLSS) are based on gravitropic higher plants which exhibit growth and seed generation disturbances in microgravity. Even when used for a lunar or martian base the reduced gravity may induce a decreased productivity in comparison to Earth. Therefore, the implementation of aquatic biomass production modules in higher plant and/or hybrid BLSS may compensate for this and offer, in addition, the possibility to produce animal protein for human nutrition. It was shown on the SLS-89 and SLS-90 space shuttle missions with the C.E.B.A.S.-MINI MODULE that the edible non gravitropic rootless higher aquatic plant Ceratophyllum demeresum exhibits an undisturbed high biomass production rate in space and that the teleost fish species, Xiphophorus helleri, adapts rapidly to space conditions without loss of its normal reproductive functions. Based on these findings a series of ground-based aquatic food production systems were developed which are disposed for utilization in space. These are plant production bioreactors for the species mentioned above and another suitable candidate, the lemnacean (duckweed) species, Wolffia arrhiza. Moreover, combined intensive aquaculture systems with a closed food loop between herbivorous fishes and aquatic and land plants are being developed which may be suitable for integration into a BLSS of higher complexity. Grant numbers: WS50WB9319-3, IVA1216-00588.  相似文献   

根据炮兵阵地地形选取的要求,深入研究了现有的空间聚类技术和方法,构造了三维空间的结构元.提出了一个基于数学形态学的三维聚类算法,给出了空间数据挖掘过程,实现了炮阵地选取决策支持系统.该聚类算法通过闭合运算,将空间对象聚成类,一次完成三维空间聚类,可以快速处理非凸的、复杂的聚类形状.由于该算法基于数学形态学,所以易于实现其高性能并行算法.实验表明,将该算法应用于炮阵地选取决策支持系统,可以发现空间数据库中存在的潜在关系和规则,为炮兵阵地选取的计算机实现提供了一种有效的解决方案,从而可以辅助决策者做出科学的决策.   相似文献   

球形零件坐标测量的数据处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种用坐标法测量球形零件的数据处理方法。该方法消除了在用坐标测量机进行测量时由于被测球心位置与原点距离的不同而引起的评定结果的误差。同时,该方法具有通用性,不但适用于等间隔采点的数据处理,也适用于不等间隔采点的数据处理。  相似文献   

Research in cellular reproduction, differentiation and vital activity, i.e. processes underlying the development and functioning of organisms, plants included, is essential for solving fundamental and applied problems of space biology. Detailed anatomical analysis of roots of higher plants grown on board the Salyut 6 orbital research station show that under conditions of weightlessness for defined duration mitosis, cytokinesis and tissue differentiation in plant vegetative organs occur essentially normally. At the same time, certain rearrangements in the structural organization of cellular organelles--mainly the plastid apparatus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and nucleus--are established in the root meristem and cap of the experimental plants. This is evidence for considerable changes in cellular metabolism. The structural changes in the subcellular level arising under spaceflight conditions are partially absent in clinostat experiments designed to simulate weightlessness. Various clinostatic conditions have different influences on the cell structural and functional organization than does space flight. It is suggested that alterations of cellular metabolism under weightlessness and clinostatic conditions occur within existing genetic programs.  相似文献   

基于激光三角法的三维扫描光探测系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了一种基于激光三角法的非接触式三维光学测量系统。文中给出了该种方法的测量原理、硬件系统、信号处理方法、测量结果、分辨力和误差分析,并指出了这种测量系统在工业生产和装配线上的广泛应用。  相似文献   

70年代初,Miele A等人提出SGRA方法用于优化飞行轨迹计算。但方法存在时间加权系数难于确定、长时间的飞行轨迹计算积分精度不易控制及要计算数字微分等不足。对此提出一改进梯度方法,并计算了某型战斗机从亚音速三维转弯升高到超音速的最短时间飞行轨迹。结果表明,本方法稳定有效,为解决飞机最快机动轨迹的优,乜提供了一种行之有效的手段。  相似文献   

采用kε双方程湍流模型,以SIMPLE 计算程式求解翼柱型装药固体火箭发动机燃烧室内三维非定常不可压流NS 方程.在建立翼柱型装药简化模型的基础上采用边界标志法来表达燃面推移,采用从二维到三维的初场给定方法结合多重网格法求出了多个时间步的非稳态流场结构.计算结果表明燃烧室内旋涡运动呈现一定的空间与时间分布,周向加质导致燃气通道横断面上轴向速度分布的极不均衡.  相似文献   

三维表面粗糙度的均方根波长评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于分形几何理论,通过分析随机粗糙表面的轮廓谱矩和表面谱矩的特性,提出了具有均一性和随机性的三维表面的均方根波长评定方法,并给出了理论推导及计算公式.还通过仿真模拟和对平面磨削试件的实测,验证了该方法的正确性.结论表明,对于不满足均一和随机性的表面,一般其加工纹理比较明显,可直接在垂直于加工纹理的方向上进行测量和评定,以此来表示三维表面的均方根波长.  相似文献   

采用k-ε双方程湍流模型,以SIMPLE计算程式求解翼柱型装药固体火箭发动机燃烧室内三维非定常不可压流N-S方程.在建立翼柱型装药简化模型的基础上采用边界标志法来表达燃面推移,采用从二维到三维的初场给定方法结合多重网格法求出了多个时间步的非稳态流场结构.计算结果表明燃烧室内旋涡运动呈现一定的空间与时间分布,周向加质导致燃气通道横断面上轴向速度分布的极不均衡.   相似文献   

Ethylene production by 20-m2 stands of wheat, soybean, lettuce and potato was monitored throughout growth and development in NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) Biomass Production Chamber. Chamber ethylene concentrations rose during periods of rapid growth for all four species, reaching 120 parts per billion (ppb) for wheat, 60 ppb for soybean, and 40 to 50 ppb for lettuce and potato. Following this, ethylene concentrations declined during seed fill and maturation (wheat and soybean), or remained relatively constant (potato). Lettuce plants were harvested during rapid growth and peak ethylene production. The highest ethylene production rates (unadjusted for chamber leakage) ranged from 0.04 to 0.06 ml m-2 day-1 during rapid growth of lettuce and wheat stands, or approximately 0.8 to 1.1 nl g-1 fresh weight h-1. Results suggest that ethylene production by plants is a normal event coupled to periods of rapid metabolic activity, and that ethylene removal or control measures should be considered for growing crops in a tightly closed CELSS.  相似文献   

We present evidences that emergence of new flux in the lower atmosphere leads to magnetic reconnection of field lines. In a first phase the phenomenon is observed in the chromosphere by the formation of dark filaments (arch filament system) which are overlaid by bright loops visible in soft X-rays. Different types of event appear according to the magnetic field configuration and the amount of energy involved. 3-D modelling of the photospheric magnetic field provides a new tool for understanding reconnection in real configurations. The observed chromospheric and coronal loops are good diagnostics for the modelling. We document our statement by examples obtained during coordinated campaigns with the H Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass spectrographs-MSDP (Pic du Midi and Tenerife) and the Yohkoh instruments.  相似文献   

角区三维漩涡流动的新分离结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别用数值计算和PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry)实验方法研究角区层流边界层三维定常分离的流动结构,证实了角区确实存在有别于传统分离现象的附着鞍点结构,对称面上游的流线并非从壁面向上抬起从壁面分离,而是经由空间某个奇点向壁面附着.角区马蹄涡的传统分离鞍点结构和附着鞍点结构之间存在着一定的演化规律,影响参数包括模型头部钝度、边界层厚度和雷诺数.一定的边界层和雷诺数条件下随着模型头部钝度减小,角区马蹄涡将从传统的分离鞍点结构逐步过渡为附着鞍点结构;对一定的模型若雷诺数越大、边界层越厚则角区流动越趋向于传统的分离鞍点结构,反之则倾向于附着鞍点结构.  相似文献   

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