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空间站燃烧科学实验系统设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
建立空间站燃烧实验系统,可满足未来空间微重力燃烧实验系统需求.通过空间站微重力燃烧实验研究,可拓展空间燃烧学研究.根据所要实现的功能及燃烧实验需求,对中国空间站燃烧柜的燃烧科学实验系统进行了设计和分析.燃烧科学实验系统由8个子系统组成,是一个适合开展气、液、固多种燃料燃烧实验的综合性实验系统.考虑到强度设计要求,在完成方案设计后,对系统进行了有限元分析,并在研制的结构件上进行了力学环境实验.实验与分析结果表明,本文设计的实验系统能够满足环模实验的要求,结构合理可行.   相似文献   

正国内动态17国9个项目入选中国空间站首批科学实验6月12日,中国载人航天工程办公室与联合国外空司在奥地利维也纳举办的联合国外空委第62届会议期间,共同组织召开发布会,宣布了联合国/中国围绕中国空间站开展空间科学实验的第一批项目入选结果,共有来自17个国家、23个实体的9个项目成功入选。这标志着中国空间站国际合作进入新阶段。项目涉及的领域包括空间天文学、微重力流体物理与  相似文献   

空间站材料科学加工试验炉的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国际空间站上各国准备选用的材料科学试验加工炉进行了介绍. 主要呈现以下特点: 高度集成化的材料制备、测试、分析和处理等综合实验能力; 更高的精度、稳定性以及更长的使用寿命; 模块化、标准化和组合式; 应用遥科学实验技术. 从1998 年开始, 为适应未来中国空间站试验的需求, 发展了几类遥科学的空间加工炉及在长时间无人条件下由机器人照料的任意次更换样品的遥操作原型炉. 提出在中国载人航天工程第三步, 即空间站阶段的前期关键技术预研中, 设计和研发功能专业化, 结构模块化和接口标准化的典型功能实验单元, 通过技术集成可以在短时间内高效可靠地完成空间实验设备的配置、集成化和空间应用.   相似文献   

Don Pettit 是美国NASA 的资深宇航员, 2002 年11 月至2003 年5 月, 在国际空间站工作期间, 进行了一系列名为Saturday Morning Science的微重力实验. Don Pettit 实验揭示了微重力下一些令人惊奇的现象, 涉及流体力学、气泡动力学、晶体生长以及运动学的诸多基础问题, 是能够获得的国际空间站为数不多的微重力实验资料, 具有重要研究意义. 实验包括14 组流体实验和7 组力学实验, 而流体实验又大致分为水膜实验和水球实验, 包括大尺寸水膜制备、扩散和对流、Marangoni 对流、薄膜结晶、水球/气泡旋转等. 本文对Don Pettit 实验的流体部分进行了介绍, 并对其中的Marangoni对流和薄膜结晶实验现象进行了解析.   相似文献   

由中国空间科学学会微重力科学与应用研究专业委员会和日本微重力科学与应用学会联合主办的第五届中日微重力科学讨论会于2002年9月3至6日在甘肃省敦煌市举行.中方和日方各有40余名代表参加了会议.会上双方各有3篇邀请报告,两个分会场的报告共64篇(双方各32篇).其中微重力流体物理和燃烧研究方面的报告24篇,微重力材料科学和热物理性质研究方面报告23篇,生命科学和生物技术研究报告10篇,实验技术和设备研究报告6篇,微重力科学培训和技术方面1篇.除了报告近年来中日双方在微重力科学领域取得的新研究结果之外,中方报告了今年3月末4月初在“神舟3号”飞船上所进行的微重力科学实验的一些初步结果.日方报告了准备2005年升空的国际空间站日本  相似文献   

本文通过回顾国外微重力空间实验的发展,着重分析研究发展趋向及微重力流体科学在空间材料科学中的地位。基于我们理论和地面实验工作基础,提出对微重力流体科学空间实验的一些设想。最后,我们着重说明为什么把Marangoni对流和液体桥的稳定作为近期重点跟踪课题。  相似文献   

<正>国际空间站是人类历史上第一座国际合作建设的空间站,建造这个空间站的主要目的是利用太空的特殊环境(例如辐射、真空、微重力)进行地面无法进行的科学实验。国际空间站的参与国自空间站一开始建立,就利用它进行了各种科学实验,至2011年11月2日"国际空间站"有人值守的11周年之日,共进行了1400多项科学实验。这些实验促进了地面医药、生物、环境科学等方面的发展,并加深了人类对宇宙的了解。美国航宇局认为他的科学实验成果可以向美国的纳税人作交待,在向国会申请航天飞  相似文献   

至今,一共有59个国家参与“国际空间站”的建造或应用。美国航空航天局目前正在与“国际空间站”其他成员国共同努力拓展“国际空间站”的应用,以便使科研人员拥有更多机会进行站上微重力实验。该站有两个主要功能:进行科学实验的国家实验室和开发新技术的试验平台。“国际空间站”已基本建成,正成为近地轨道上有人直接参与各种科学研究活动的基地。它能进行最先进的生物学、化学、物理学及其他学科的研究,并有望执行载人绕月飞行任务。由于“国际空间站”将至少工作到2020年,所以可充分利用其设备开展多项科研;美国也将借助私营商用飞船将航天员送入“国际空间站”。因此,它不仅将发挥更大的作用,还将采用新的运营模式。  相似文献   

1 总体概述 目前,不少国家的科学家们都想利用多种方式打造微重力环境开展研究,比如抛物线飞机、探空火箭、宇宙飞船和空间站等实验平台,但它们有的只能提供几分钟甚至更短的微重力环境,有的则价格昂贵,带回样品比较有限,周期也较长, 这对空间生命科学等一些短周期科学实验有较大限制,要想进行周期和价格都合适的微重力研究,返回式卫星是一个很好的选择.返回式卫星运行周期短,适合开展短周期的空间科学实验.这种卫星技术现已比较成熟,且比较便宜.其外形类似于弹头,所以发射时不需要整流罩,卫星的星体就承担了整流罩的作用.  相似文献   

空间在轨流体输运双槽道微重力实验装置通过在微重力环境下对开口槽道中的流动进行观察,可以分析研究微重力下流体输运的稳定特性.双槽道形式的实验装置在单次实验中可同时对两种不同截面,不同流量的槽道流动进行观测,同时可有效提升落塔实验效率,减少不同槽道对比实验中的不确定因素.针对双槽道流体实验装置设计的关键问题,例如密封、压力补偿、设备布局等,提出了实验装置的系统结构及落塔实验步骤.在落塔短时微重力环境中,采用氟化液(HFE7500)流体介质,利用本实验装置成功观测到槽道流体输运流动与失稳现象.   相似文献   

Space Research Plan of China's Space Station   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
China's manned spaceflight missions have been introduced briefly,and the research planning of space sciences for China's Space Station(CSS) has been presented with the topics in the research areas,including:life science and biotechnology,microgravity fluid physics and combustion science,space material science,fundamental physics,space astronomy and astrophysics,earth sciences and application,space physics and space environment,experiments of new space technology.The research facilities,experiment racks,and supporting system planned in CSS have been described,including:multifunctional optical facility,research facility of quantum and optic transmission,and a dozen of research racks for space sciences in pressurized module,etc.In the next decade,significant breakthroughs in space science and utilization will hopefully be achieved,and great contributions will be made to satisfy the need of the social development and people's daily life.  相似文献   

China's manned spaceflight missions have been introduced briefly, and the research planning of space sciences for China's Space Station (CSS) has been presented with the topics in the research areas, including:life science and biotechnology, microgravity fluid physics and combustion science, space material science, fundamental physics, space astronomy and astrophysics, earth sciences and application, space physics and space environment, experiments of new space technology. The research facilities, experiment racks, and supporting system planned in CSS have been described, including:multifunctional optical facility, research facility of quantum and optic transmission, and a dozen of research racks for space sciences in pressurized module, etc. In the next decade, significant breakthroughs in space science and utilization will hopefully be achieved, and great contributions will be made to satisfy the need of the social development and people's daily life.   相似文献   

As scientific experiment payloads, microgravity experiments of fluid physics, life science,combustion science, physics and accelerator measurement were conducted on board the Chinese recoverable satellite SJ-8 during 18-day orbital flight. The experimental payloads and an experiment support system constituted the microgravity experiment system of the flight mission. This article has presented the briefs of the scientific achievements of these space experiments, the composition and performance of the Microgravity Experimental System (MES) and the general picture of the overall flight mission, respectively.   相似文献   

With the complete success of the 2nd stage of Chinese Manned Space Program (CMSP), several science researches have been performed on Tiangong-1 experimental spacelab, which was docked with three Shenzhou spaceships one after another. The China's real spacelab, Tiangong-2 will be launched in 2015, docked with a Shenzhou spaceship soon. After six months, it will be docked with the first Chinese cargo ship (Tianzhou-1). More space science researches, involving with space biology, fluid physics, fundamental physics, materials science, Earth science, astronomy and space environmental science, will be operated on Tiangong-2 spacelab, and crewed and cargo spaceships. Furthermore, the considerable large-scale space utilization of Shina's Space Station is planned. The research fields include yet not limited to space medicine and physiology, space life science and biotechnology, fluid physics and combustion in microgravity, space material science, and fundamental physics in microgravity, space astronomy, Earth science, space physics and space environment utilization, technology demonstration.   相似文献   

The core module of China's Space Station (CSS) is scheduled to be launched around the end of 2020, and the experimental module I and II will be launched in the next two years. After on-orbit constructions, CSS will be transferred into an operation period over 10 years (2022-2032 and beyond) to continuously implement space science missions. At present, based on the project selection and research work in the ground development period of CSS, China is systematically making a utilization mission planning for the operation period, which focuses on the fields of aerospace medicine and human research, space life science and biotechnology, microgravity fluid physics, combustion science, materials science, fundamental physics, space astronomy and astrophysics, Earth science, space physics and space environment, space application technology, etc. In combination with the latest development trend of space science and technology, China will continue to update planning for science research and technology development, carry out project cultivation, payload R&D, and upgrade onboard and ground experiment supporting systems to achieve greater comprehensive benefits in science, technology, economy, and society.   相似文献   

The assembly of the International Space Station (ISS) as a permanent experimental outpost has provided the opportunity for quality plant research in space. To take advantage of this orbital laboratory, engineers and scientists at the Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics (WCSAR), University of Wisconsin-Madison, developed a plant growth facility capable of supporting plant growth in the microgravity environment. Utilizing this Advanced Astroculture (ADVASC) plant growth facility, an experiment was conducted with the objective to grow Arabidopsis thaliana plants from seed-to-seed on the ISS. Dry Arabidopsis seeds were anchored in the root tray of the ADVASC growth chamber. These seeds were successfully germinated from May 10 until the end of June 2001. Arabidopsis plants grew and completed a full life cycle in microgravity. This experiment demonstrated that ADVASC is capable of providing environment conditions suitable for plant growth and development in microgravity. The normal progression through the life cycle, as well as the postflight morphometric analyses, demonstrate that Arabidopsis thaliana does not require the presence of gravity for growth and development.  相似文献   

空间科学实验通用地面检测系统研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
分析了地面检测设备在空间有效载荷研制过程中的作用,提出一种用于对多种空间微重力科学实验设备(载荷)进行地面测试的通用地面检测设备设计方法.通过载荷特性分析,对载荷中的控制对象进行分类.针对不同控制对象使用不同的操作进行控制.将载荷实验过程分解为一系列固定时刻执行的操作,通过配置静态配置表、动作配置表和动态配置表,实现对载荷实验过程的控制.地面检测设备由计算机、电源和RS422通信接口构成.针对不同载荷,使用规格一致的电缆和通信接口,保证地面监测设备的通用性.地面检测设备配合多功能炉、骨髓培养箱、辐射基因箱、煤燃烧箱、蒸发对流箱、导线特性箱及胶体材料箱7台载荷开展研制工作,在各载荷试验参数确定、空间试验流程确定、设备性能测试、环境模拟实验、电磁兼容实验、地面匹配实验以及载荷设备验收等过程中发挥了重要作用.   相似文献   

Space sciences and application projects arranged in Tiangong-2 space laboratory and Tianzhou-1 cargo ship have been described in detail, covering research areas of the fundamental physics, space astronomy, microgravity fluid physics and materials science, space life science, and earth science. These experiments and researches will hopefully produce great scientific results and social benefits in several fields, including:universe evolution, quantum communication, material development, global climate change and earth environment, etc.   相似文献   

中国微重力科学研究回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
微重力科学主要研究微重力环境中物质运动的规律,以及不同重力环境中重力对物质运动的影响.中国微重力科学研究起步于20世纪60年代,兴起于80年代中后期,经过多年发展,目前已初具规模,在一些重要方向具有明显特色和一定优势.本文回顾了中国微重力科学研究的早期历程,评述了近年来中国微重力科学研究进展,特别是利用实践十号科学实验...  相似文献   

SJ-10 is a recoverable scientific experiment satellite specially for the space experiments of microgravity physics science and space life science. This mission was officially started on 31 December 2012, and the satellite was launched on 6 April 2016. This paper introduces briefly the SJ-10 mission, the progress of SJ-10 engineering and the project constitution of sciences experiments onboard SJ-10. The purpose of this mission is to discover the law of matter movement and the rule of life activity that cannot be discovered on the ground due to the existence of gravity, and to know the acting mechanism on organisms by the complex radiation of space that cannot be simulated on the ground.   相似文献   

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