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鲁迅杂文中的隐喻从语义上构建起作者对现实二元对立的认知思维模式,通过它传递情感,启发民众,表达作者对现实的理解及作者的创作意图,这是杂文作者诠释和构建主客观世界、与客体对话的根本手段。  相似文献   

对中英两种语言及其文化进行深入地对比研究,发现两种语言中颜色隐喻的异同,为英语学习者在学习颜色同时提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

哈代小说中引用了大量民谣,主要分为描写爱情和表达人生观念两类,它们或者构成与情节的暗合,或与情节形成对话.哈代受到威塞克斯民谣隐喻特征的影响,在小说中利用民谣的隐喻功能,建构了民谣对小说情节的隐喻叙述以表达自己的价值观念.  相似文献   

隐喻能力的培养有利于帮助二语习得者更深入地学习和掌握语言知识,加深了解目标语背后的文化知识与认知方式,使其有能力把底层的概念结构和话语的表层结构进行准确匹配,全面提高语言能力。以概念隐喻理论为支撑,外语教师对学生进行概念隐喻输入,一方面可以有效地帮助学生掌握并拓展词汇,另一方面可以提高学生的跨文化交际水平。  相似文献   

语气是汉语在一定的语境中表达作者主观意旨的重要内容,同时还体现一定的言语功能。新闻评论标题的语气不仅体现在其句式选择上,还体现在对语气隐喻的偏好上。研究在新闻评论和新闻消息言语体裁,句式选择上会呈现出不同的规律和取向,最终评论标题的语气表达功能和语义表达内容是统一的。  相似文献   

三大航空集团成立后,合理地调整航线成为企业再生产的基础。航线资源的重组要符合航空公司经营策略,即低成本策略、差异策略还是集中一点策略。在分析经营战略特点的基础上.研究了航线重组的策略。每种策略都要本着提高航线网络的质量和航班效率的原则。  相似文献   

比喻是英语中最常见也是最常用的修辞手法之一,它的作用是使文章更加的优美、显浅易懂。从明喻、暗喻、夸张、拟人、反语这五方面来体现比喻这一修辞手法,让读者能够从最直观的角度认识以及学习到有关英语修辞手法的正确应用。  相似文献   

基于双目视觉的类脑三维认知地图构建方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于大脑导航神经细胞机理的类脑认知地图构建方法,为发展智能同步定位与地图构建(SLAM)技术提供了新思路.针对现有类脑认知地图构建精度不高的问题,提出了一种基于双目视觉的类脑三维认知地图构建方法.首先阐述了类脑三维认知地图系统的工作原理,然后论述了不同视觉里程计对认知地图精度的影响,研究了基于双目视觉里程计的类脑三维认知地图精度优化方法,最终完成了基于视觉数据集的类脑三维认知地图构建试验.试验结果表明,所提方法构建的视觉里程计地图的三维位置误差为总行程的2.14%,认知地图的三维位置误差为1.56%;认知地图精度与里程计精度呈正相关;系统通过模板匹配进行回环检测与校正,提高了认知地图的精度.  相似文献   

认知能力是影响航天员在轨绩效的重要因素,长期在轨认知能力监测是航天员在轨状态评估的重要方面.总结梳理了自和平号空间站以来在不同时期采用的在轨认知能力监测方法,并对目前取得的中短期和长期在轨认知能力研究成果进行分析.在轨监测的研究结果表明,航天员在轨认知能力下降主要出现在飞行适应初期和返回地球后,在轨期间没有发现明显的认...  相似文献   

危机管理的多重研究向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究危机管理,既要运用管理学的基本原理,又要借助多学科的思想方法。考虑到管理学的形成历史、美国杰出CEO的人格特征、企业的内外环境等因素,管理学、传记文学、军事学、心理学是值得关注的研究向度。相关学科的滋养和支撑,为危机管理提供了新的审视角度和研究策略,昭示出认知、反思、预测诸功能,契合人性、贴近理论、反哺实践,呈现独特的学术价值和应用价值。  相似文献   

探讨了英、汉两种语言所反映的文化、用词和修辞形式。语言和文化是密切相关的,而修辞学是一种特定文化的表现,修辞方法因文化而异,文化思维模式决定了修辞学的方法及方式。儒家思想反映了中国文化的思维模式,而亚里士多德哲学反映了英语国家的思维模式。非母语英语课程的学习者总是无意识地把本国语言和文化的修辞形式应用到英语写作中,因此产生学习和交流上的障碍。了解文化差异对修辞的影响,会缩小这种差距。  相似文献   

通过对Kaplan跨文化思维格式的比较,对比分析了东西方学生在写作中存在的差异,认为由于思维方式及传统教育背景的差异,世界各地的学生在很大程度上都存在文化差异,并且表现在他们的写作当中。  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》确实是以其精辟的军事实战思想和军事哲学思想成为世界兵学圣典的。但是,在该书的久远流传中,“语句精练,用词准确”、“辞格多样,灵活自然”、“注重诵读,音韵和谐”的修辞特色也不容忽视。  相似文献   

法律适用的过程是将法律规则内含的旨意表达出来并使相关人接受、使相关事务得到合理解决的过程,最终使人与人之间的关系归于有序。而人与人之间的关系协调最终是需要通过语言使双方的意图被彼此接受,而法律只是其中的一部分。因此,从语言的角度讨论法律的适用,实质是研究如何使法律更好地得到实施的方法或途径之一。通过研究法律语言的现状从修辞学角度探究法律适用。  相似文献   

为及时有效处置卫星寿命末期在轨突发情况,有针对性地做好卫星离轨的各项准备,控制与减小突发异常危害和不良影响,根据离轨控制要求,对异常情况下实施离轨的控制策略进行分析,提出了在燃料受限情况下"小步逼近"的多批次双脉冲离轨控制策略,以及在离轨控制时间受限情况下"大步远离"的短时间大控制量离轨控制策略,并通过仿真对控制策略进行了验证。结果表明,"小步逼近"控制策略能在燃料受限时尽可能地逼近坟墓轨道,"大步远离"控制策略能在较短的时间内将卫星送入坟墓轨道,该策略适用于GEO(Geostationary Earth Orbit,地球静止轨道)卫星寿命末期异常情况下的离轨控制。  相似文献   

This article discusses one of the main strategies which China has implemented to develop its competency in the aviation field. It is strategic for China to boost its aviation industry via international cooperation and several models of involvement into the global aviation value chain with leading aviation industries. As it is depicted as a strategy here, it is not necessary to say that a formal strong national strategy in encouraging exists. Actually, it is clearly a way China’s aero industry takes to develop its competency and business at the context it encounters. From an observer’s perspective, it is indeed a critical strategy. This article describes this strategy via the context, policies, program cases, as well as the evolution of the cooperation models in order to synthesize the strategy.  相似文献   

The metaphor of the unique and strictly bifurcating tree of life, suggested by Charles Darwin, needs to be replaced (or at least amended) to reflect and include processes that lead to the merging of and communication between independent lines of descent. Gene histories include and reflect processes such as gene transfer, symbioses and lineage fusion. No single molecule can serve as a proxy for the tree of life. Individual gene histories can be reconstructed from the growing molecular databases containing sequence and structural information. With some simplifications these gene histories can be represented by furcating trees; however, merging these gene histories into web-like organismal histories, including the transfer of metabolic pathways and cell biological innovations from now-extinct lineages, has yet to be accomplished. Because of these difficulties in interpreting the record retained in molecular sequences, correlations with biochemical fossils and with the geological record need to be interpreted with caution. Advances to detect and pinpoint transfer events promise to untangle at least a few of the intertwined histories of individual genes within organisms and trace them to the organismal ancestors. Furthermore, analysis of the shape of molecular phylogenetic trees may point towards organismal radiations that might reflect early mass extinction events that occurred on a planetary scale.  相似文献   

The Nash strategy in game theory has often been criticized as being ineffective in competitive multi-team target assignment problems, especially when compared with other simplistic strategies such as the random or greedy targeting strategies. This criticism arises from the fact that the Nash strategies may yield unpredictable results when paired with non-Nash strategies in non-zero sum games. In addition, the Nash equilibrium is generally more difficult to compute than strategies which do not attempt to anticipate the strategy of the other side. The authors seek to show that in multi-team target assignment problems the Nash strategy is superior to such simplistic strategies while also remaining computationally feasible. To demonstrate this point, an attrition model was considered, consisting of two teams of nonhomogeneous fighting units simultaneously targeting each other and compare the outcomes when various combinations of four targeting strategies are used on each side. The four strategies are: 1) the random strategy where each unit selects its target randomly, 2) the unit greedy strategy where each unit chooses the target that optimizes its own performance only, 3) the team optimal strategy where the units coordinate their choice of targets so as to optimize the overall team performance while ignoring the possible strategy choices by the other team, and 4) the team Nash strategy, calculated under the assumption that the other team is also using a Nash strategy. Because the computational requirements for calculating the team Nash strategies may become unfeasibly large, an efficient method was discussed for approximating the Nash strategies using a neighborhood search algorithm called unit level team resource allocation (ULTRA). The results were compared for all 16 possible combinations of these four targeting strategies and show that for each team the Nash strategy outperforms all other strategies irrespective of the strategy employed by the other team  相似文献   

针对传统控制策略对小型无人机系统计算能力要求高、结构要求复杂的特点,提出了一种新的控制策略,即只采用角速率陀螺和GPS传感器配置,控制器结构采用两层回路实现(即角速率回路和轨迹控制回路)。利用输出反馈二次调节器设计方法得到了相应的控制器结构参数。最后,通过仿真比较了新控制策略和传统控制策略在轨迹控制过程中的控制效果。仿真结果表明,所提出的控制策略具有与传统控制策略相似的控制效果,但新策略下的控制器结构和系统复杂程度都更简单。  相似文献   

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