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探索改进涡方法来生成大涡模拟的非定常进口条件.改进方法中,为了避免局部漩涡数量过多或者过少,采用密度分布方式放置漩涡场.并用Langevin方程控制漩涡运动,模拟实验方法中的蜂窝器,使改进后的涡方法生成的脉动速度场更加符合湍流的特征.在已知雷诺平均的流场结果下,利用涡方法产生漩涡场,进而生成能满足大涡模拟所需要的非定常进口流场.为了检验改进后的涡方法在生成脉动速度过程中的效果,在槽道中进行了对比数值试验,并借助于直接数值模拟数据做对比,对比分析槽道进出口的平均速度、涡量以及雷诺应力统计,证明改进后的涡方法在生成大涡模拟进口条件下是非常有效的.   相似文献   

应用直接数值模拟方法研究了聚合物对槽道湍流的减阻特性.数值计算方法采用谱方法,时间积分采用二阶精度的时间分裂格式.应用FENE-P模型对聚合物槽道湍流进行定压降的直接数值模拟计算,揭示了聚合物湍流减阻的启动(onset)现象;应用O-B模型进行定流量的直接数值模拟计算,分析了其流动特征.计算结果表明:在低减阻形式中聚合物对湍流的影响主要发生在壁面区,而高减阻形式中聚合物对湍流的影响则遍及全流场.  相似文献   

已有的研究证实,在均匀各向同性湍流中速度梯度张量(VGT)演化的无量纲时间是当地Kolmogorov时间。本文使用大涡模拟的方法,计算了一个雷诺数7 000的槽道流场,以到壁面的无量纲距离的大小将流场分为不同区间,使用当地Kolmogorov时间对不同区间的应变率张量的拉格朗日时间自相关函数进行无量纲化。发现不同区间自相关函数的下降曲线不完全重合:在对数区中不同区间自相关函数的下降曲线基本重合,但在靠近壁面的黏性底层和过渡层中则无此现象。因此,当地Kolmogorov时间不是槽道中速度梯度张量演化的普适无量纲时间。  相似文献   

微尺度流动中的混合一直是微流系统研制中的一个大问题,对壁面zeta势非均匀分布情况下的二维微槽道电渗流进行了数值分析,重点分析了这种情况下的微流动混合增强.基于电渗流的Helmholtz-Smoluchowski滑移速度模型,应用SIMPLE方法计算了4种滑移速度在整个壁面上的分布不均匀一致时的微槽道电渗流动的流场及被动标量在其中的混合.计算结果表明,滑移速度的非均匀一致导致微槽道电渗流中的流线发生剧烈的转折,从而使得微槽道流动的混合效率有很大的提高.流场中流线的转折越剧烈、转折的次数越多,微槽道流动混合效率的提高就越大.  相似文献   

为了解展向存在匀速流动时湍流槽道流动的特性,应用直接数值模拟方法研究了壁面的展向运动对湍流槽道流动的影响.采用标准谱方法对固定质量流率条件下,上壁面展向运动速度分别等于零、流向流量平均速度以及两倍于流向流量平均速度等3种情况进行了直接数值模拟.结果表明,壁面的展向运动会导致表面摩擦力的增大,二阶湍流统计量诸如均方根速度脉动、雷诺剪切应力和均方根涡量脉动等都会随着壁面展向运动速度的增大而显著增长,同时,槽道截面上的均方根速度脉动也变得更均匀.   相似文献   

使用球坐标系下的FDTD和球坐标系下Mur型二阶吸收边界条件计算了 GTEM小室中放置被测物后的场分布,分析了被测物对GTEM小室中电磁场的扰动情况  相似文献   

低雷诺数圆柱绕流中存在着复杂的流动过程,比如,尾迹中涡的发展显然不是理想的轴对称卷绕和扩散的过程.针对上述问题,用场观点和拉各朗日观点分别分析了固定时刻的流场特征和不同时刻的流动过程.首先通过等压线和相对流线的叠加,分析了相邻涡间通道内的流动.其次从涡结构的角度解释了尾迹中流体速度随时间的变化规律,并利用流体在不同时刻受不同流动结构控制的观点解释了染色线多次折回中粒子间的显著间断现象.最后对绕圆柱附近的流动进行了分区界定,分析了其中部分流体的变形情况和运动过程.  相似文献   

对低磁雷诺数近似下流向磁场作用的二维磁流体槽道湍流进行了直接数值模拟(DNS,Direct Numerical Simulation),给出了 Re=10 000时不同磁相互作用数下二维磁流体槽道湍流的近壁速度分布、湍流脉动速度均方根、雷诺应力等统计量的变化,并与中性流体二维槽道湍流进行了比较.结果表明:流向磁场作用会导致对数区上移;雷诺应力最大值随磁相互作用数呈线性变化;随着磁相互作用数的增大,下壁面平均涡量的时间演化由拟周期性向周期性转变,且脉动周期逐渐增大并当流动层流化后下壁面平均涡量成为常值.   相似文献   

针对矩形芯片提出了Y形构形微通道的芯片内部冷却结构,通过三维数值计算比较了Y形构形微通道与传统直微通道中的流体层流流动和换热特性,并对Y形构形微通道的重要结构参数进行了优化.研究表明:在相同对流换热面积和水利直径的条件下,Y形构形微通道具有比直微通道更高的传热效率和更低的进出口压降,可以满足高热负荷需求.在研究范围内通道级数为3级、分叉角度为60°、分支个数为2时,散热器的综合换热性能最好.以上结论为Y形构形微通道的结构设计提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

圆柱绕流尾迹中涡的特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在低雷诺数圆柱绕流中,卡门涡街中涡的形状随着其向下游的发展是不断变化的,而且它也不是理想轴对称的.针对该问题,利用有限元法进行数值模拟,研究了由涡量等值线表示的涡的形状特征.由流场中几种等值线的对比可以得到,主要是涡量等值线与压力等值线之间的差异造成了涡的形状变化.利用广义的茹柯夫斯基变换描述涡相对于轴对称的变形状态.结果表明,描述涡的主要3个参数随半径的变化规律不同,即椭圆率的抛物形分布,偏心率的线性分布和弯度的近似常量的分布.在此基础上给出了3个参数各自对应的运动学量表达式,两者对比的结果还是比较相符的.  相似文献   

V形尾缘喷管流场与红外特性的数值模拟   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用有限体积QUICK格式和重整化群(RNG) k-ε 湍流模型,并结合壁面函数,同时利用离散坐标法DOM(Discrete Ordinates Method)计算热辐射,以灰气体加权模型WSGGM(Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Model)确定气体介质的辐射性质,求解N-S方程、固壁中的热传导方程、考虑吸收-发射性气体介质的辐射传输方程.采用此耦合计算模型对V形尾缘的收敛喷管进行了数值模拟,计算所得数据与试验吻合良好.在此基础上,对有/无V形尾缘收-扩喷管的内外流场与红外特性开展了数值模拟.结果表明:V形尾缘在尾喷流的剪切层中产生了强烈的流向涡,促进了内外流的强化混合,明显缩减了喷管出口附近喷流的红外辐射.   相似文献   

Since the bubbly flow has extensive applications in the space field, it is very necessary to comprehend the dependence of hydrodynamic characteristics on gravity. In this paper, the dependence of the microbubble distribution and the liquid turbulence modulation by the microbubbles on gravity was investigated in detail with the Euler–Lagrange method. The liquid Navier–Stokes equation was solved using direct numerical simulations (DNS), and the microbubble motion was tracked with Newtonian motion equation considering drag force, shear lift force, added mass force, pressure gradient force, and wall lift force. The coupling between the gas and the liquid phases regarded the interphase force as a momentum source term in the momentum equation of the liquid. The results showed that the phase profile and the turbulence modulation by the microbubbles strongly depend on the magnitude of gravity. When the influence of gravity is relatively weak, the microbubbles approximately uniformly disperse in the wide central region of the channel, and the average statistics of the liquid turbulence are almost not influenced due to the addition of the microbubbles. However, when the influence of gravity is comparatively important, the majority of the microbubbles accumulate near the wall of the channel, and the injection of the microbubbles modifies the profiles of the liquid average statistics.  相似文献   

Cassini radio and plasma wave surveys aim to study radio emissions, plasma waves, thermal plasma and dust near Saturn. Using the characteristic solution and dynamics method, the influence of electron beam on the loss cone and bi-Maxwellian distribution of whistler mode waves in the parallel alternating electric field and magnetic field is studied. The dispersion relation and the growth rate of Saturn's magnetic layer were deduced and calculated in detail. Parameter analysis is performed by changing the parameters of the plasma like number density, AC frequency, temperature anisotropy, etc. The influence of AC frequency on Doppler shift and the comparative study of growth rate of oblique and parallel propagating waves are analyzed using generalized distribution function. We found temperature anisotropy AT=1.25 can explain the linear spatiotemporal growth rate of whistler mode waves. It provides the majority of the observed frequency integral power. It can be seen that the effective parameters for the generation of Whistler mode waves are not only temperature anisotropy, but also the relativistic factors discussed in the results and discussion section, and the AC field frequency and width of the loss cone distribution function.  相似文献   

The propagation of a strong cylindrical shock wave in an ideal gas with azimuthal magnetic field, and with or without axisymmetric rotational effects, is investigated. The shock wave is driven out by a piston moving with time according to power law. The ambient medium is assumed to have radial, axial and azimuthal component of fluid velocities. The fluid velocities, the initial density and the initial magnetic field of the ambient medium are assumed to be varying and obey power laws. Solutions are obtained, when the flow between the shock and the piston is isothermal. The gas is assumed to have infinite electrical conductivity and the angular velocity of the ambient medium is assumed to be decreasing as the distance from the axis increases. It is expected that such an angular velocity may occur in the atmospheres of rotating planets and stars. The shock wave moves with variable velocity and the total energy of the wave is non-constant. The effects of variation of the initial density and the Alfven-Mach number on the flow-field are obtained. A comparison is also made between rotating and non-rotating cases.  相似文献   

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