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<正>QC小组是在生产工作岗位上的职工,围绕企业的经营战略、方针目标和现场存在的问题,以改进质量,降低消耗,提高人的素质和经济效益为目的组织起来,运用质量管理的理论和方法开展活动的小组,是企业中群众性质量管理活动的一种有效组织形式。通过广泛开展QC小组活动,激发员工的积极性和创造性,增强团结协作精神,实现全员参与管理,建立文明、心情舒畅的生产服务工作环境。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的不断深化,开展员工职业生涯管理,促进员工职业理想与组织发展目标的有机结合、协同发展,确保组织员工队伍的稳定,特别是核心岗位人才的稳定,已成为企业与组织生存、发展关注的焦点问题。管制员是我国民航空管系统的核心岗位人才,开展管制员职业生涯管理,稳定一线管制队伍,进一步激发管制员的工作积极性,已逐步成为民航空管各单位的共识。  相似文献   

激励理论与人力资源管理中员工的有效激励   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
激励作为一种组织内部的管理手段,对组织内部发展和员工的积极性提高方面有着不可估量的作用.结合传统的激励理论对组织内部激励策略的解释,分析了激励对提高组织绩效、优化组织管理、增强组织向心力等方面的作用,以及如何依据组织内部条件对员工进行有效激励.  相似文献   

正面对激烈的市场竞争,人才已经被看作经济社会发展的核心竞争力,"人才争夺战"持续升级。作为企业,在招募和吸引优秀人才的同时,积极创造条件整合现有人力资源,充分挖掘现有人员的潜在优势,留住现有人才显得尤为重要。要实现留住人才、人尽其才,必须构建有效的激励机制。在管理心理学中,激励被看成是持续激发内心动机的心理过程。正确使用激励,可以释放员工潜能,调动员工工作积极性,体现员工个人价值的同时,推动企业战  相似文献   

探寻影响员工工作投入的消极前因并有效规避,对于引导员工工作投入至关重要。基于社会交换理论和情感事件理论,构建了一个被调节的中介模型。探究了辱虐管理对员工工作投入的作用机制,并分别检验了心理契约违背的中介作用及公平敏感性的调节作用,结合331份企业微观数据进行回归分析后发现:辱虐管理负向预测员工的工作投入水平,心理契约违背在两者之间具有中介作用;公平敏感性正向调节了辱虐管理与员工工作投入之间的关系、辱虐管理与员工心理契约违背之间的关系,以及心理契约违背在辱虐管理与员工工作投入之间的中介作用。从员工管理的角度出发,探索了影响员工工作投入的消极前因,为组织提升员工工作投入水平提供启示。  相似文献   

管理面临着一个有趣的问题,他们对某种任务的完成负有责任,但管理自己不能完成这些任务,要靠全体职工的努力,管理所要做的是如何调动人的积极性去完成这些任务。人的积极性是与需要相联系的,是由人的动机推动的。因此,只有了解人的需要和机动的规律性,才能预测人的行为,进而引导人的行动,调动人们的积极性。本简介了几种激励理论,并结合科研工作的特点,分析了科研人员激励问题。最后论述了科研人员的工作绩效与激励的关系和科研人员的绩效评价,通过这些分析,对科研管理有效地开发,利用科研人才具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

以人为本的现代含义,最根本的是对人的平等权利的尊重和对公正的渴求。中国的多数企业是将以人为本作为一种管理方法引入企业行为中的,在有些企业管理者看来,以人为本只是一种获利的工具。这种随意曲解已经在管理中产生了误导,并造成了很坏的影响。一是以人为本的内涵变浅薄了,变成了以控制人为本,将“充分调动人的积极性”作为管理的核心。二是将员工的权利视为可以发放的福利,认为搞好员工的福利就是尊重了员工的权利。这种说法实质上是以福利代替权利来掩盖员工利益与管理层利益的冲突,忽略了人的生存权和发展权是一种必然权利这一重要内涵。三是将人与生产工具混为一谈,将员工视为可以不断“挖掘潜力”的生产工具,“充分挖掘人的潜力”只是对生产工具的不断改善,把人的生物逻辑降低为机器逻辑,而实际被尊重的只是人的赚钱手段而不是人的权利和尊严。这种将以人为本视为管理手段而不是管理目标的做法无疑会使企业的管理成本和道德风险加大。  相似文献   

现代企业管理理论认为,企业管理发展到高层阶段应该是文化管理,就是通过企业文化建设,不断提高企业职工的综合素质,使每个职工把企业的发展和兴旺作为自己的奋斗目标,有效地激发员工的积极性、创造性,使企业不断地形成新的凝聚力。民航深化体制改革,转换企业经营机制,建立现代企业制度,方向明确、任务艰巨、过程复杂。建设企业文化是民航改革顺利进行、企业健康发展不可忽视的重要条件和有力保障。建设企业文化是民航深化改革的客观要求通过深化体制改革,建立现代企业制度是民航企业市场化的目标。民航企业逐步建立产权清晰、权责明…  相似文献   

组织气候是企业文化的构成要素之一,对调动员工积极性,促进企业健康发展具有重要意义,本文就组织气候的含义,作用,营造方法等方面进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

运用双因素理论有效激励民航管制员   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言激励是指在管理过程中将有意识的外部刺激转化为被管理者的自觉行动,从而最大限度调动被管理者的积极性和能动性,实现管理目标的过程。美国哈佛大学教授W.James研究发现,在不存在激励的条件下,员工在工作中只发挥极限能力的20%~30%,在受到充分激励的情况下,员工在工作  相似文献   

观念是直接影响企业生存和发展的关键性因素,在全球经济日益一体化的今天,大多数企业中,全力以赴掠夺和竞争的时代结束了,取而代之的是,各国许多企业正在认识到他们必须相互合作才能取得先机,争得主动。本文以价值链理论带来的启示结合一些企业营销成功之道,就完善关于营销理念作了简要论述。  相似文献   

A major factor that will drive the definition and design of future avionics systems is affordability. Affordability is being addressed on numerous fronts such as hardware re-use, software re-use, COTS leveraging, and reduced cycle times. Each of these thrusts provide potential cost saving along with unique challenges. What is needed is a process that integrates these initiatives while ensuring the overall system objectives are achieved. An Open Systems-based process is key to integrating these initiatives and balancing affordability and system performance goals. Although Open Systems are being widely recognized as a key to affordability, most interpret Open Systems as a set of system attributes that need to be achieved. There are numerous claims of vendors saying they have an Open Systems architecture; or how their system will evolve to an Open Systems architecture. This emphasis is not on increasing affordability, but on attaching a politically-correct label to their product. In this paper, we focus on the Open Systems process as the key to affordability. An Open Systems process is based on Open Systems principles. This paper discusses the Open Systems principles and process in detail and shows how this process integrates numerous affordability initiatives  相似文献   

A major factor that will drive the definition and design of future avionics systems is affordability. Affordability is being addressed on numerous fronts such as hardware re-use, software re-use, COTS leveraging, and reduced cycle times. Each of these thrusts provide potential cost savings along with unique challenges. What is needed is a process that integrates these initiatives while ensuring the overall system objectives are achieved. An Open Systems-based process is key to integrating these initiatives and balancing affordability and system performance goals. Although Open Systems are being widely recognized as a key to affordability, most interpret Open Systems as a set of system attributes that need to be achieved. There are numerous claims of vendors saying they have an Open Systems architecture or how their system will evolve to an Open Systems architecture. This emphasis is not on increasing affordability but on attaching a politically correct label to their product. In this paper, we focus on the Open Systems process as the key to affordability. An Open Systems process is based on Open Systems principles. This paper discusses the Open Systems principles and process in detail and shows how this process integrates numerous affordability initiatives  相似文献   

论述在高师手风琴教学中结合教育心理学所采用的一些教学法。通过“知识———技能———解决问题———创造性思维”这四个步骤 ,层层深入地设计各种教学方式 ,以达到提高学生学习效率、增大其学习积极性的目的。  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2000,2(1):36-37
Over the last 20 years we have seen the development of many initiatives around the concept of small satellites for low cost missions using the available or expected low cost launch opportunities. What are the main lines of the French Space Agency's policy for the coming years?  相似文献   

完善农村社会保障体系是“十七大”的目标之一,也是我国社会保障体系的重要组成部分,对于构建和谐社会意义重大。通过对农村社会保障的演变过程回顾,分析了现行农村社会保障存在的问题及其成因,阐述改革应遵循的原则,提出完善农村社会保障体系的构想。  相似文献   

范平  范玉青 《航空学报》2008,29(3):707-715
 波音公司面临着来自空客公司的巨大挑战,企业战略性创新才是公司成功的关键。为此波音公司的全部战略性研究集中在扩大产品的差异性上,体现在3个方面:电子化(e-Enabled)运营环境、整体复合材料机身部件的制造技术和支持波音787客机的全球协同环境(GCE)。  相似文献   

波音公司面临着来自空客公司的巨大挑战,企业战略性创新才是公司成功的关键.为此波音公司的全部战略性研究集中在扩大产品的差异性上,体现在3个方面:电子化(e-Enabled)运营环境、整体复合材料机身部件的制造技术和支持波音787客机的全球协同环境(GCE).  相似文献   

The goal of mission-oriented theory is to develop techniques and models which can be used by experimentalists and theorists to interpret spacecraft measurements, deducing from them the maximum amount of information about both local and large-scale dynamics. To be effective, theorists and experimentalists must express their results in a common format. A reasonable starting point is for mission theorists to adopt the format currently used by experimentalists. To this end we have developed new diagnostics for plasma kinetic simulations, which display the results in formats very similar to those commonly used to present satellite wave and particle measurements. We have used a simulation of broadband electrostatic noise to demonstrate how, by comparing simulation results with observations, we can infer quantities which cannot be measured, such as the wave mode. We are also developing the capability of creating data streams from virtual spacecraft located in the simulation region. For example, we used a kinetic magnetopause simulation to explore the ways in which simulations can assist in the interpretation of single and multiple satellite measurements in regions of strong spatial inhomogeneity. To address directly the mission objective of measuring global transport, global MHD models are employed. In order to facilitate the initial comparison with ISTP satellites, time histories of simulated generic states of the magnetosphere will be stored on optical disks; these will then be used to create dynamical displays of both local parameters and the global configuration. Finally we demonstrate the use of data based phenomenological magnetic field models in single particle trajectory calculations to describe large-scale kinetic properties of the magnetospheric plasma. We briefly discuss the success of large-scale kinetic calculations in delineating the structure of the plasma sheet, and present some possible ISTP research initiatives which can be used to determine the structure of the very distant tail and the entry of plasma into the tail.  相似文献   

中国-美国航空市场的自由化进程,是中国国际航空市场政策演变的典型代表,其发展趋势对远程宽体客机的市场走向也具有重大影响。2003年,中国民航局提出逐步开放航空市场的目标,并开始融入国际航空市场自由化的潮流,自此,中国民航开始调整国际政策以支持航空自由化和国际合作。但是,中国枢纽的发展目标仍然受到了来自邻国—首尔和东京枢纽的激烈竞争。2004年和2007年签署的协议对中美航空市场产生了深远的影响,旅客运输量有了惊人的增长,市场竞争也显著加强。  相似文献   

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