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这次会议的主要任务是贯彻集团公司第六次工作会议精神,围绕重点型号工程质量管理和质量整顿、质量文化建设、全面推进六西格玛管理这3大主题,部署今年和今后几年的质量工作。一、2004年质量工作回顾2004年,在上级机关的正确领导下,在部队和民航用户的大力支持下,集团公司认真贯彻国防科工委2004年质量工作会议、集团公司第五次工作会议精神和“诚信经营,品质一流”的集团理念,落实国防科工委、总装备部、空军装备部关于重点型号工程质量工作的一系列会议精神和文件要求,加强了对重点型号工程研制的质量控制,开展了航空产品的质量整顿和创精…  相似文献   

12002年质量工作回顾2002年是集团公司发展史上极为重要的一年,各项工作都取得了比较好的成绩。集团公司的重点型号研制取得了新的成绩,民用飞机开发有了重大突破;产品结构调整初见成效,车辆产销创历史最好水平;集团公司战略性调整与重组上市取得重大进展;企业扭亏脱困成效显著,集团公司实现了整体扭亏为盈的质的转变。对此,国务院领导给予了高度评价。这些成绩是在上级领导及有关部门的关心支持下,经过集团公司广大干部、职工克服困难,真抓实干,顽强拼搏所取得的成果,也包含着质量战线干部职工的努力和贡献。2002年集团公司质量工作紧紧围…  相似文献   

2013年1月16日,中航工业2013年质量工作会在京召开。会议回顾了集团公司2012年质量工作,总结经验教训,研究分析形势,动员部署了2013年质量工作。总装军兵种部,总装综合计划部合同监督管理局,国防科工局科技与质量司,总参陆航部装备局,海军装备部航订部,空装科研订货部等部门有关领导,中航工业总经理谭瑞松,副总经理徐占斌、高建设,纪检组长孙卫福出席会议。徐占斌在题为《转变观念创新管理提升质量核心竞争力》的报告中,对集团公司2012年质量工作情况进行了简要回顾。2012年是集团公司"质量效益年",各单位将强化"五种意识"、立足"五个凡事"、  相似文献   

8月12日,中航二集团质量工作专题会议在河南新乡召开。会议总结了今年上半年集团公司军用航空产品质量整顿工作和六西格玛管理以及质量文化建设推进情况,分析了质量形势,部署了下半年质量工作。集团公司质量部和机载部部门领导及所属部分企事业单位主管领导50余人出席了会议。会议认为,上半年各企事业单位认真贯彻落实集团公司质量工作会议精神,大力开展航空产品质量整顿,积极推进质量文化建设和六西格玛管理,狠抓研制、生产过程的质量控制,各项质量工作取得明显进展,集团公司总体质量状况保持平衡。中航二集团上半年总体质量状态保持稳定…  相似文献   

2002年3月5~7日,中国航空工业第二集团公司质量工作会议在北京召开。中国航空工业第二集团公司、国家质检总局、国防科工委、总装备部军兵种部、总参陆航局、空军装备部、海军装备部、武警司令部、中航第一集团公司质量管理部的有关领导出席会议并作了重要讲话。会议的中心议题是:进一步贯彻集团公司第三次工作会议要求,认真贯彻落实国防科工委“三十条决定”和“十八条规定”,部署2002年质量工作任务,以抓好高新工程质量为重点,提高集团公司质量效益为目标,切实转变作风,改进质量管理体系,创出具有中航第二集团公司特色的质量管…  相似文献   

本刊讯2008年2月27日至28日,中国航空工业第二集团公司2008年质量工作会议在北京召开。会议总结了2007年集团公司质量工作,部署了2008年集团公司质量工作。举办了专家讲座和经验交流。  相似文献   

1 2006年质量工作回顾 2006年集团公司在进行质量安全教育整顿的基础上开展了航空产品质量检查整改工作,同时,以用户为关注焦点,加强了重点型号、支柱民品的质量管理,进一步推进了六西格玛管理、质量文化建设和质量体系建设,对集团公司完成科研生产任务、实现经营目标起到了促进作用.  相似文献   

质量文化是中航第一集团公司集团文化的重量要组成部分。把质量文化建设作为集团文化建设的重要内容和质量体系建设的新起点、思想政治工作和经济工作的结合点 ,是集团公司的一项重要举措。要全面贯彻落实好国防科工委《关于加强国防科技工业质量工作若干问题的决定》及中航第一集团公司“关于在全集团公司开展企业文化建设和质量文化建设”的有关精神 ,就必须以质量文化为导向 ,推进全面质量管理 ,走质量兴业的发展道路。为确保质量文化建设活动持续有效的进行 ,空空导弹研究院成立了以院长李立坤为组长的质量文化建设领导小组 ,明确了院质…  相似文献   

集团公司2007年质量工作会议的主要内容是:围绕集团公司2007年的工作重点,认真贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记关于质量工作的重要指示精神,总结集团公司2006年质量工作,部署2007年的质量工作.  相似文献   

2月25~27日,中航二集团质量工作会议在株洲召开。中航二集团、国防科工委、国家质检总局、总参陆航局、湖南省和株洲市有关部门的领导出席会议并作重要讲话。会议总结了集团公司2003年的质量工作,指出存在的问题。会议部署了集团公司2004年质量重点工作:确保重点型号工程的研制质量;开展直升机型号的质量整顿,继续抓好航空发动机和飞机大修的质量与安全整顿;创精品工程,加强航空产品批生产的质量控制,改进售后服务;以适应市场和用户要求为根本理念,加快质量工作上新台阶;深化质量管理体系建设;开展质量文化建设;强化质量信息管理。(袁俊)中…  相似文献   

从科技论文的特点看科技论文的选题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了科技文的特点及选师原则。在特点方面主要就科技论文的科学性,创造性,理论性进行了阐述,在选题方面科技论文选题的客观需要与主条件进行阐述,旨在揭示科技论文的特点与课题选择之间的关系,从而了解其特点,并据此选题,写出符合要求的科技论文。  相似文献   

简介了任务计算机调试设备配套软件在任务计算机仿真环境中的重要作用 ,对该软件设计方法和流程进行了详细的说明 ,主要介绍了VC ++6 .0环境下串行通信和显示控制软件的设计技术 ,并讨论了如何提高应用程序性能的途径。  相似文献   

Effect of a transverse plasma jet on a shock wave induced by a ramp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We conducted experiments in a wind tunnel with Mach number 2 to explore the evolution of a transverse plasma jet and its modification effect on a shock wave induced by a ramp with an angle of 24°. The transverse plasma jet was created by arc discharge in a small cylindrical cavity with a 2 mm diameter orifice. Three group tests with different actuator arrangements in the spanwise or streamwise direction upstream from the ramp were respectively studied to compare their disturbances to the shock wave. As shown by a time-resolved schlieren system, an unsteady motion of the shock wave by actuation was found: the shock wave was significantly modified by the plasma jet with an upstream motion and a reduced angle. Compared to spanwise actuation, a more intensive impact was obtained with two or three streamwise actuators working together. From shock wave structures, the control effect of the plasma jet on the shock motion based on a thermal effect, a potential cause of shock modification, was discussed. Furthermore, we performed a numerical simulation by using the Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation(IDDES) method to simulate the evolution of the transverse plasma jet plume produced by two streamwise actuators. The results show that flow structures are similar to those identified in schlieren images. Two streamwise vortices were recognized, which indicates that the higher jet plume is the result of the overlap of two streamwise jets.  相似文献   

Impulse action of a cavitation bubble on a rigid wall is studied depending on the distance between them. We determine the distances at which the periphery pressure maximums on a wall are preserved as well as the distances at which these maximums exceed the water hammer pressure.  相似文献   

We suggest a method to solve one of the model problems of aerohydrodynamics, namely, a problem of a flow about a point source, from which a fluid with density and total pressure, different from the corresponding values in the incoming flow enters. The calculations are carried out for various values of the determining parameter; and the data are compared with the known results. We revealed the advantages of the suggested method in comparison with the known ones.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet spectrum of a redshifted plasma flow appearing over a sunspot observed during the first flight of the High Resolution Telescope Spectrograph (HRTS I) is analysed, and interpreted as a radiatively cooling plasma. For most of the lines emitted from this plasma, the assumption of ionization equilibrium during the cooling is good. However for He II (and other ions with a single electron outside of closed shells), this is not the case. Integrating differential equations for the various ionization fractions of helium and the temperature allows an approximate determination of the abundance of helium relative to other elements whose lines appear in the spectrum of the plasma flow.  相似文献   

The intersections of a loxodrome (rhumb line) and a great circle are of interest for some navigational problems, but a closed-form solution cannot be formulated. An algorithm is given for computing approximations to any desired degree of accuracy using Newton's method. By using the equatorial angle φ as an independent variable all solutions can be found rapidly using the modest computational capabilities of a personal computer  相似文献   

The problem of energy-momentum in a body with a finite volume has been causing confusion in the theory of relativity, especially in relativistic thermodynamics. Its correct understanding has been given since the early years of relativity, however, erroneous misunderstandings are still found in papers and textbooks to this date. The present paper introduces a simple paradox to demonstrate the problem, and gives a brief review on a way to handle the energy-momentum correctly.  相似文献   

The natural damped frequencies of a viscous liquid in a circular cylindrical container are obtained for slipping and anchored contact line at the container wall r = a. In addition the response to translational forced excitation has been determined. The results may also be applied to viscous liquid in a micro-gravity environment, as long as the contact angle of the liquid surface to the cylindrical container wall is in the vicinity of π/2, indicating, that the free liquid surface equilibrium position remains a plane surface. It could be found that there exists in contrast to frictionless liquid a small filling range, in which the liquid performs only an aperiodic motion. The adherence condition at the side wall was replaced by the somewhat weaker condition of an anchored contact line.  相似文献   

The progress of seakeeping computations requires development of computating codes for unsteady flows around a ship or its elements. In this paper, we present a method of calculation concerning waves radiated by an oscillating surface-piercing flat plate with forward speed, with a yaw angle. By use of Green's third identity, the problem is transformed into the resolution of a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind by a panel method using Green's function. The Green's diffraction-radiation function with forward speed is used. Its numerical values are calculated by an adaptative integration procedure to reduce the computation time. The present method permits determination of the pressure jump distribution across the plate, the total forces and moments. The results obtained are compared with other numerical methods in hydrodynamics and in aerodynamics, and with experimental data obtained in a water tank.  相似文献   

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