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拦截高超声速目标的异类导弹协同制导律   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
对于多导弹协同拦截高超声速目标的问题,设计了一种具有领弹-从弹拓扑结构的异类导弹协同制导律:配备有高性能导引头的领弹采用改进比例导引法拦截目标;未配备导引头的从弹利用通信手段,采用二阶一致性跟踪算法,对领弹进行跟踪。两类导弹同时命中目标,形成"多对一"的拦截态势。异构型的制导策略可以降低对导引设备的需求,具备较理想的作战效费比。领弹与从弹的弹道均源于改进比例导引法,具有较理想的弹道特性。给出了协同制导律在固定拓扑与切换拓扑下成立的充分条件。算例仿真验证了所提出的制导律能够实现对高超声速目标的协同拦截,具有良好的可行性。  相似文献   

飞机相比于攻击导弹,在飞行速度和机动性能等方面存在着劣势.为了提高其生存几率,设计了一种发射防御导弹协同对抗攻击导弹的自适应滑模制导律.该制导律本质是一种视线(Line of Sight,LOS)制导方法,通过对飞机与防御导弹和防御导弹与攻击导弹间的LOS调整以满足特定的几何关系,从而实现对攻击导弹的主动防御.最后,将所设计的制导律与比例导引进行了仿真比较.结果表明,由于与目标间的协同,所设计的制导律在机动性能和拦截性能方面具有明显的优势,且对于三方的飞行速度变化与攻击导弹的机动具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

基于终端角度约束的二阶滑模制导律设计   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
针对空地导弹具有终端角度约束条件的制导律设计问题,提出了一种在有限时间内稳定的新型二阶滑模制导律。首先,在弹目相对运动学模型基础上,将终端弹道倾角约束转化为终端视线(LOS)角度约束,作为制导系统的终端控制目标。其次,通过选取一种新型二阶滑模面,结合螺旋控制算法的思想,设计了一种二阶滑模变结构制导律,来抑制系统中的不确定性因素,从而满足零化视线角速率和制导系统的终端角度约束条件的要求。采用一种新的Lyapunov函数,基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,严格证明了制导系统在有限时间内的稳定性。最后,对空地导弹制导系统进行数字仿真,通过和一阶传统滑模制导律以及基于超螺旋算法的二阶滑模制导律进行对比分析,验证了所设计的制导律在保证制导精度的同时,更能在有限时间内提高终端约束角度的精度,并且避免了超螺旋算法中参数选取较多的问题。  相似文献   

Cooperative interception of the target with strong maneuverability by multiple missiles with weak maneuverability in the three-dimensional nonlinear model is studied. Firstly, the three-dimensional nonlinear model of cooperative guidance is established. The three-dimensional reachable region is represented composed of lateral acceleration and longitudinal acceleration in the two-dimensional coordinate system. Secondly, the problem of the multiple missile's reachable coverage area is transformed into the problem of cooperative coverage. A cooperative coverage strategy is proposed and an algorithm for quickly calculating the number of required missiles is designed. Then, the guidance law based on the cooperative coverage strategy is proposed, and it is proved that cooperative interception of the target can be achieved under the acceleration limit. Moreover, the relations among the number of missiles, the initial array position of terminal guidance and the coverage area of the target’s large maneuver are analyzed. The dynamic adjustment strategy of guidance parameters is proposed to reduce the guidance error. Finally, simulation results show that multiple missiles with low maneuverability can achieve effective interception of target with strong maneuverability through the proposed cooperative strategy and cooperative guidance method.  相似文献   

Sliding mode guidance laws based on a conventional terminal sliding mode guarantees only finite-time convergence, which verifies that the settling time is required to be estimated by selecting appropriate initial launched conditions. However, rapid convergence to a desired impact angle within a uniform bounded finite time is important in most practical guidance applications. A uniformly finite-time/fixed-time convergent guidance law means that the convergence (settling) time is predefined independently on initial conditions, that is, a closed-loop convergence time can be estimated a priori by guidance parameters. In this paper, a novel adaptive fast fixed-time sliding mode guidance law to intercept maneuver targets at a desired impact angle from any initial heading angle, with no problems of singularity and chattering, is designed. The proposed guidance law achieves system stabilization within bounded settling time independent on initial conditions and achieves more rapid convergence than those of fixed-time stable control methods by accelerating the convergence rate when the system is close to the origin. The achieved acceleration-magnitude constraints are rigorously enforced, and the chattering-free property is guaranteed by adaptive switching gains. Extensive numerical simulations are presented to validate the efficiency and superiority of the proposed guidance law for different initial engagement geometries and impact angles.  相似文献   

方科  张庆振  倪昆  程林  黄云涛 《航空学报》2018,39(5):321958-321958
从饱和打击任务需求出发,针对多高超声速飞行器时间协同再入制导问题进行研究,提出时间可控再入制导律和协同再入制导架构,在改善现有制导律实时性、在线约束管理等性能的基础上,重点解决再入飞行时间不可知、不可控问题,最终实现时间协同再入飞行。协同再入制导结构分为两层,其中底层提出了基于神经网络的时间可控再入制导律,以实现再入飞行时间的可知性与可控性为目标;上层根据不同再入阶段特点设计相应的协调函数,生成时间协调信息。该结构适用于集中式或分布式的通讯结构,同时上层协调策略可以根据任务需要进行有针对性的设计与拓展。最后,通过仿真验证了时间可控再入制导律对时间的可控性和协同再入制导结构的有效性。  相似文献   

The minimum-time path for intercepting a moving target with a prescribed impact angle is studied in the paper. The candidate paths from Pontryagin’s maximum principle are synthesized,so that each candidate is related to a zero of a real-valued function. It is found that the real-valued functions or their first-order derivatives can be converted to polynomials of at most fourth degree.As a result, each candidate path can be computed within a constant time by embedding a standard polynomial solver...  相似文献   

根据多普勒雷达导引头和红外成像导引头多模制导导弹弹道中段制导信息精度的特点,以非线性鲁棒控制理论为依据,设计了一种制导律.仿真结果表明,该制导律对弹目相对距离测量干扰有较好的鲁棒性,对目标大机动也有鲁棒性.因此,这种制导律可以作为多普勒雷达导引头和红外成像导引头多模制导导弹弹道中段的制导律使用.  相似文献   

传统的各种制导律都是以获得最小脱靶量为最终目标,没有考虑到导弹击中目标时刻的末端落角.为了保证非自旋再入体完成精确打击目标的任务,针对非自旋再入体垂直打击目标的制导问题,设计了一种带落角约束的扩展比例导引律.仿真研究表明,所设计的末制导律能够保证非自旋再入体命中目标时的脱靶量和末端落角都能满足要求,可以为开展近空间非自旋再入体制导问题的研究提供测试平台.  相似文献   

针对高超声速飞行器高速俯冲飞行段制导控制系统设计问题,建立了俯冲飞行段制导控制一体化低阶设计模型,提出了一种新颖的六自由度(6DoF)制导控制系统设计方法。基于目标-飞行器三维空间相对运动模型和坐标系转移关系建立了三维全耦合俯冲相对运动模型,推导得到了飞行器加速度在弹道坐标系三轴的分量与飞行器三通道角速率间的解析模型,进而结合飞行器绕质心动力学模型建立了以气动舵偏角为控制输入的俯冲飞行段制导控制一体化低阶设计模型。该制导控制一体化低阶设计模型降低了俯冲飞行段制导控制系统的模型阶数,减少了六自由度制导控制系统的设计参数,省略了传统设计方法中根据期望过载反求气动欧拉角的过程;同时利用解析模型替代了传统方法中姿态控制环路的跟踪控制过程,简化了制导控制系统的设计流程,为制导控制一体化设计提供了一种新的分析思路。数值仿真结果验证了本文提出的制导控制一体化设计方法的有效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Optimal terminal guidance for exoatmospheric interception   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this study, two optimal terminal guidance (OTG) laws, one of which takes into account the final velocity vector constraint, are developed for exoatmospheric interception using optimal control theory. In exoatmospheric interception, because the proposed guidance laws give full consideration to the effect of gravity, they consume much less fuel than the traditional guidance laws while requiring a light computational load. In the development of the guidance laws, a unified optimal guidance problem is put forward, where the final velocity vector constraint can be consid-ered or neglected by properly adjusting a parameter in the cost function. To make this problem ana-lytically solvable, a linear model is used to approximate the gravity difference, the difference of the gravitational accelerations of the target and interceptor. Additionally, an example is provided to show that some achievements of this study can be used to significantly improve the fuel efficiency of the pulsed guidance employed by the interceptor whose divert thrust level is fixed.  相似文献   

For the terminal guidance problem of missiles intercepting maneuvering targets in the three-dimensional space, the design of guidance laws for non-decoupling three-dimensional engage-ment geometry is studied. Firstly, by introducing a finite time integral sliding mode manifold, a novel guidance law based on the integral sliding mode control is presented with the target acceler-ation as a known bounded external disturbance. Then, an improved adaptive guidance law based on the integral sliding mode control without the information of the upper bound on the target accel-eration is developed, where the upper bound of the target acceleration is estimated online by a designed adaptive law. The both presented guidance laws can make sure that the elevation angular rate of the line-of-sight and the azimuth angular rate of the line-of-sight converge to zero in finite time. In the end, the results of the guidance performance for the proposed guidance laws are pre-sented by numerical simulations. Although the designed guidance laws are developed for the con-stant speed missiles, the simulation results for the time-varying speed missiles are also shown to further confirm the designed guidance laws.  相似文献   

一种攻击地面固定目标的变系数比例导引律   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
为了提高命中精度 ,减小控制能量的消耗 ,对攻击地面固定目标且速度随时间变化的追踪器 ,推导出一种以控制能量消耗最小为性能指标的最优导引律 ,其中剩余时间的估算不仅考虑到追踪器速度大小的变化 ,而且考虑了方向的变化。同时 ,为了满足某些追踪器在碰撞点垂直入射的要求 ,给出在铅垂面内攻击时具有修正项的变系数比例导引律。仿真结果表明 ,该导引律与常系数比例导引律相比 ,控制能量少 ,脱靶量小 ,命中精度高。  相似文献   

临近空间高超声速飞行器的出现和应用,为传统防空系统提出了新的挑战。提出了一种反临近空间高超声速吸气式飞行器巡航段空基拦截方案,并设计了基于末角约束比例导引法的中制导律和空基拦截弹复合制导律。仿真结果表明,改进末角约束比例导引法能充分利用拦截弹中制导段过载承受能力,有效地加快了拦截弹达到期望末视线角的速度,改善了中末交班性能;所设计的拦截方案能够对典型机动目标实施有效拦截。  相似文献   

一种无人机定距盘旋跟踪制导律及稳定性证明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张民  田鹏飞  陈欣 《航空学报》2016,37(11):3425-3434
对地面目标的定距盘旋跟踪问题是无人机(UAVs)在任务应用阶段需要面临的重要问题之一,如何在传感器信息受限的情况下完成跟踪任务是目前的研究热点。首先针对地面固定目标设计了一种仅依赖测距传感器的制导律,不再需要传统的视线角信号以及目标和无人机自身的定位信息;其次,设计了李雅普诺夫函数对该制导律的稳定性进行了严格数学证明;最后,将该制导律推广到对地面匀速和变速移动目标的跟踪制导。相比于现有制导律,所提出的制导律结构更为简洁,仅有一个设计参数,并且制导策略更为合理。仿真结果表明所提出的制导律能够实现无人机对地面固定和移动目标的稳定跟踪。  相似文献   

This paper presents the mission analysis of a tether-assisted payload retrieval from the International Space Station (ISS). The objective is to assess all relevant phases of such a mission in order to allow a comparison with a conventional mission employing a propulsive deorbitation. The controlled tether deployment procedure and the guided return flight of the released re-entry capsule are optimized. A preferable deployment strategy is identified that allows for favorable entry conditions and low flight loads. The optimal deployment trajectories serve as a basis for an optimal dynamic regulator. This approach is extended towards an adaptive concept, where artificial neural networks are applied to deployment control. For the guidance of the capsule a predictive concept is proposed that is based on the optimal re-entry trajectories identified previously. By applying these concepts, the attainable landing accuracy during return amounts to an average of 5 km, and the application of the tether system exhibits overall system mass advantages. This demonstrates that the tether-assisted return mission is a competitive alternative.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of guidance law design for the single moving mass controlled reentry vehicle when impact angle constraints and maneuvering target are taken into consideration. More specifically, a modified rolling guidance law is proposed with the interactive virtual target and the landing point prediction strategy. First, considering the fact that the roll channel can be controlled directly, the relative motion between the single moving mass controlled reentry vehicle and the ...  相似文献   

The morphing technology of hypersonic vehicle improved the flight performance by changing aerodynamic characteristics with shape deformations, but the design of guidance and control system with morphing laws remained to be explored. An Integrated of Guidance, Control and Morphing (IGCM) method for Hypersonic Morphing Vehicle (HMV) was developed in this paper. The IGCM method contributed to an effective solution of morphing characteristic to improve flight performance and reject the disturbance for guidance and control system caused by the morphing system for HMV in gliding phase. The IGCM models were established based on the motion models and aerodynamic models of the variable span vehicle. Then the IGCM method was designed by adaptive block dynamic surface back-stepping method with stability proof. The parallel controlled simulations’ results showed the effectiveness in accomplishing the flight mission of IGCM method in glide phase with smaller terminal errors. The velocity loss of HMV was reduced by 32.8% which inferred less flight time and larger terminal flight velocity than invariable span vehicle. Under the condition of large deviations of aerodynamic parameters and atmospheric density, the robustness of IGCM method with variable span was verified.  相似文献   

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