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卫星与深空动态场景实时仿真系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星与深空动态场景的实时仿真对于航空航天、军事国防等领域有着重要意义.现提出了一个深空动态场景的绘制方法,该方法综合了计算机图形学和天文学的知识,建立了基于天文学星表的深空场景模型,计算出卫星及各星体的运行轨迹,实现了卫星目标和深空场景的真实感合成,并采用一系列加速绘制技术,最终实现了深空动态场景的实时生成和交互式虚拟漫游.  相似文献   

当前单类卫星应用存在一定短板,难以满足新一代信息服务实时化、智能化、多元化的需求,为了突破通导遥卫星单系统应用壁垒,构建通导遥融合的实时信息服务机制,为发展实时信息服务提供有效途径,文章首先总结了国内外卫星通导遥融合发展概况,剖析了当前通导遥融合面临的问题与需求,提出了基于卫星通导遥融合的实时信息服务系统的总体架构并详细介绍了三大分系统(实时感知与传输网络、数据智能处理与分析中心、实时信息应用与服务平台),最后选择应急抢险救灾和海洋监测2个典型场景进行初步应用实践探讨,验证了在试验场景中基于卫星通导遥融合的实时信息服务系统具备分钟级的响应效率优势,在复杂环境下具备1 h内的响应速度。  相似文献   

深空探测的进展与我国深空探测的发展战略   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文通过对大量国内外深空探测资料的收集整理、分析和总结,对深空探测的五个重点领域-月球探测、火星探测、水星和金星探测,巨行星及其卫星探测,小行星及彗星探测的进展和探测成果分别进行了论述,并在此基础上提出了我国深空探测的发展战略,特别是对月球和火星的探测。根据国际上深空探测的发展趋势和我国科技发展水平,目前深空探测的目的是进一步深入认识太阳系各类天体,探讨太阳系的起源与演化,深空探测的重点是月球与火星,而对巨行星的卫星,小行星与彗星侧重探测水体与生命活动信息,探讨太阳系生命的起源与变化,我国深空探测近期应以月球探测为主导,取得突破性进展,筹备火星探测的预研究,选准科学目标,水星与金星、巨行星的卫星和小行星和彗星的探测,不是深空探测的主潮流,可适当参加国际合作,以期取得进展。  相似文献   

深空探测通信技术发展趋势及思考   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
张乃通  李晖  张钦宇 《宇航学报》2007,28(4):786-793
阐述了深空探测通信的重要地位和意义,就深空探测通信中的主要问题和特点开展论述,分析了深空探测通信的国内外研究现状。提出了利用地球静止轨道卫星编队的方法构建我国自主的天基连续测控和通信系统的构想,并以月球为中继、利用地月系统内的拉格朗日点开展深空探测。建议当前开展深空探测通信中星际互联网络体系结构、高效信道编码技术和空间协议研究的构想。  相似文献   

针对我国难以全天候24小时对探测器连续测控和通信,以及建立全球性深空网络困难的问题,提出利用地球静止轨道卫星编队进行深空导航的构想。两个静止轨道卫星编队相距一定角度,可以完成对深空探测器进行全天候连续导航定位。卫星编队采用无源反向导航的方法,多颗卫星协同工作,共同完成导航任务。分析表明该天基导航系统的几何参数精度因子受时间测量误差均方差和基线长度变化影响较大。编队的构型对定位精度有很大影响,其中基线长度不能过小,时间测量误差均方差不能过大,否则定位误差会急剧增加,伴随卫星椭圆轨道偏心率也存在一定界限。增加伴随卫星数量也有利于提高系统的定位精度。  相似文献   

卫星控制系统地面实时故障诊断专家系统SCRDES   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍一个可用于卫星地面检测及卫星飞行状态地面监测的实时故障诊断专家系统SCRDES。该系统以卫星姿态控制系统为对象,总结了原理性、结构性知识和专家经验型知识,采用深、浅层知识的混合模型,引入特征量及其动态属性的概念,有效地表达了闭环系统动态特征;采用数据处理与知识处理并行工作的系统结构,实现了在线实时故障诊断。SCRDES是AI和ES技术在航天领域及动态过程领域中应用的新探索。  相似文献   

深空测控活动具有信号空间衰减大、传输时延长、传播环境复杂等特点,电磁干扰对活动影响较大。对某型深空站电磁干扰现状开展分析,区分各类干扰源,对常用的抗电磁干扰对策方法进行研究。以电磁环境监测与管理信息系统为依据来研究电磁环境实时监测在深空站的实现,探索适宜深空站使用的电磁干扰监测方法和抗电磁干扰的对策,并从体制机制上对深空站实施有效保护。  相似文献   

本文以某卫星的姿态控制系统为对象,提出了在分系统测试和卫星总装测试中进行系统开路动态测试和实时闭路仿真测试的方法。介绍了卫星的姿态控制系统及其采用 CAMAC 标准接口的地面测试系统,讨论了动态测试中姿态模拟的手段和实时测控技术,并介绍了正在进行中的关于故障诊断方法的研究及建造“故障诊断专家系统”的一些设想。  相似文献   

刘基余 《卫星应用》2006,14(3):20-22
射电测量卫星,是一种深空探测的有效设备。本文综述了射电测量卫星的新近发展,并对我国如何研发射电测量卫星提出了建议。  相似文献   

在引力波探测任务中,针对大尺度激光建链时目标姿态动态变化以及姿态机动约束复杂的问题,提出了引力波探测卫星动态姿态规划方法。首先给出引力波探测卫星的最优目标姿态求解方法。然后,设计了随机节点启发式扩展方法和目标姿态实时更新方法,对力矩轨迹进行平滑处理,实现了动态目标姿态规划。仿真结果表明,与经典RRT姿态规划方法相比,本文提出的方法具有更高的指向精度,并且消耗能量少,可满足引力波探测卫星大尺度建链保持的任务需求。  相似文献   

刘相君  晁建刚  何宁 《宇航学报》2011,32(12):2622-2627
针对航天员太空观察感知的视景仿真,提出了一种大规模场景下航天器的光照仿真实现方法。通过对航天器的真实光照环境进行建模分析,在此基础上实现了太空场景的光照仿真,并结合太空光照环境特点采用色调映射算法进行了光照亮度调节。光照一致性分析结果表明,航天训练模拟器的视景仿真实现在满足实时性指标的前提下,有效地提高了太空场景仿真的逼真度,所采用的亮度调节方法也切实可行。这种光照仿真方法不仅适用于各种空间活动的视景仿真,对于大场景中的天文景观的仿真也同样可以达到较好效果。  相似文献   

空间绳系捕获系统捕获目标物后的组合体在拖曳离轨过程中常产生振动,为此,建立了切向连续推力作用下的空间拖曳绳系组合体面内动力学模型,并对模型进行了横向摆动与纵向振动耦合分析。针对组合体的纵向振动问题提出了一种以张力控制为内环、速度控制为外环的双闭环振动控制策略。进行了振动控制仿真分析,并根据动力学的相似性,建立地面模拟实验系统,仿真与实验结果表明该控制策略可迅速抑制组合体纵向振动、减小系绳冲击并可避免出现系绳松弛现象。  相似文献   

Petr Lla 《Acta Astronautica》1996,39(9-12):647-655
The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) was established in 1959 by the United Nations General Assembly in order to review and foster international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space and to consider legal issues arising from the exploration of outer space. Since its establishment, the Committee has addressed such issues as benefits from space activities, the definition and delimitation of outer space and the use of the geostationary orbit, implications of remote sensing, space sciences, space-based communications, navigation and meteorological systems, as well as use of nuclear power sources in outer space, space debris and spin-off benefits of space technology. At its session in 1996, a symposium on the ‘Utilization of micro- and small satellites for the expansion of low-cost space activities, taking into particular account the needs of developing countries’ was organized by COSPAR and IAF to complement discussions on this theme. It was noted at the symposium that the increasing number of small satellites, in particular the proposed introduction of multi-satellite ‘constellations’ at low orbits, would result in concentrations of satellite mass at certain regions of space around the Earth. Special provisions would be needed to minimize the probability of satellite breakups and collisions which might create more space debris and compromise the future of spaceflight.  相似文献   

Space systems play an important role in sustaining the development, prosperity and security of many nations. As more nations become critically reliant on space systems, questions of maintaining safety and strategic stability in outer space have come to the fore. Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures (TCBMs) for outer space activities have an important role to play in providing clarity about the intentions of States and in articulating norms of behaviour in outer space. TCBMs take several forms. They may be the elaboration of basic principles related to the exploration and use of outer space, political measures related to establishing norms of conduct, information-sharing activities to improve the transparency of outer space activities, operational practices which demonstrate a commitment to mutual cooperation in outer space, or consultative mechanisms. We present an analytical framework for evaluating potential TCBMs and illustrate the application of this framework to examples of potential operational, regulatory, treaty-based and declaratory TCBMs.  相似文献   

Outer space activities have evolved significantly. While they were previously the exclusive domain of a restricted number of states, now thanks to technological advances and the easing of governmental restrictions, space activities are carried out on a much larger scale and involve subjects of both a governmental and non-governmental nature. Furthermore, the commercial uses of outer space are making space business increasingly profitable and attractive to potential investors. As the economic value of outer space activities, as well as the number of space actors grows, it is nearly inevitable that international disputes related to the use of outer space will occur. Until recently, international space law contained little dedicated machinery to settle international outer space-related disputes. This absence significantly weakened the applicability and enforceability of space law and contributed to a climate of uncertainty. In order to address these issues, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) adopted the Optional Rules for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to Outer Space Activities on 6 December 2011. The PCA Space Rules represent a significant development in the field of space law because they provide a voluntary and binding dispute settlement method accessible to all space actors and modeled on the specific legal and economic characteristics of space activities. This paper describes the genesis of the PCA Space Rules, assesses their content and innovative character, evaluates their possible implications for the settlement of outer space disputes, and argues that they should be positively received by the outer space community.  相似文献   

The first European space conference was held in Paris from 22 to 24 April 1991. There were disappointingly few continental European delegates, which is perhaps explained by the fact that these people already know what is happening on the European space scene, something a variety of speakers attempted to cover.  相似文献   

以小卫星平台的空间动态目标探测为应用背景,采用短积分时间的凝视成像方式、LVDS并行传输的高帧频数传模式、折反式光学系统以及部分国外工业级器件的集约化设计思路,设计了星载微型凝视式可见光CCD遥感器。文章首先介绍了光学系统和电子电路的设计和性能;然后阐述了其可靠性保证技术路线,并通过整机的鉴定级环境试验验证该技术路线的可行性,最后对该遥感器性能进行测试,结果表明在总质量小于2kg,曝光时间小于2ms条件下,其静态MTF大于0.2,动态MTF大于0.16,信噪比大于49。  相似文献   

Space business competition is presently fueled by two paradoxical phenomena. First, accelerated privatization of space projects leads to the militarization of outer space. Second, this militarization process in turn leads to the increased control of space ventures by a handful of nations. In other words, commerce and the military are going hand in hand to assert national objectives in outer space, no matter what space treaties and international agreements might say, so far. This could be detrimental to the multilateral cooperation spirit that should prevail in many, if not all, outer space ventures, as a consequence of the uniqueness of that environment.  相似文献   

The thirty-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly affirmed ‘that complete and general disarmament warrants that outer space should be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and that it shall not become an arena for an arms race’.This text appears in the first of two important resolutions concerning outer space adopted by the General Assembly during its last session. Also in the first resolution, entitled ‘Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space’ (A/39/59 of 12 December 1984), the Assembly called upon all states, particularly those with major space capabilities, to contribute actively to the objective of the peaceful uses of outer space and to take immediate measures to prevent an arms race in outer space in the interest of maintaining international peace and security and promoting international cooperation and understanding.  相似文献   

The European Union draft Code of Conduct for outer space activities is one of the primary international initiatives, that are currently active, to enhance the safety, security and sustainability of outer space activities. Although the spirit underlying the instrument is commonly shared by space-faring countries, substantial disagreement exists among States as to some of its core provisions. This article proposes that the Code of Conduct should make a clear distinction between commercial activities and military activities, and adopt more balanced measures on the restriction of military activities in outer space.  相似文献   

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