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For the distant giant planets, Uranus and Neptune, the observation of aurorae may be the best astronomical technique for the detection of planetary magnetic fields, with implications for the structure and composition of their interiors. Aurorae may be detected by emssion of H I Ly α (1216 Å) and by H2 bands near 1600 Å. The latter are important for very faint aurorae because there is essentially no planetary, interplanetary or geocoronal scattering of sunlight to contaminate the signal. For Uranus, present IUE results suggest the presence of a strong aurora at Ly α, but the background and instrument noise levels are very high compared to the apparent signal. At 1600 Å, the IUE instrument noise renders the H2 emission bands on Uranus marginal at best. No aurora has yet been observed on Neptune. For Jupiter, where the existence and general characteristics of the magnetic field are well established, there is disagreement between ground-based infrared and space-borne ultraviolet observations of the location of the aurorae. For all four giant planets, Space Telescope can improve upon the quality of current optical observations. For spectroscopy, the low resolution mode of the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) is particularly well suited to auroral observations because of its spectral range, adequate resolution and high sensitivity. For ultraviolet imaging through appropriate filters, the ST spatial resolution, expected to be of order 5 hundredths of an arc second, is also well suited to determine the spatial properties of the aurorae.  相似文献   

地球自转对北极黄河站观测日侧极光弧运动的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用北极黄河站全天空极光数据,采用AACGM模型,将日侧极光弧映射到地磁坐标系,定量计算地球自转导致的极光弧运动速度.对于任意一条极光弧,其偏斜角定义为极光弧方向与当地地磁东西方向的夹角.研究发现,地球自转产生的速度由极光弧离开天顶的距离和偏斜角决定,其中偏斜角的影响更为重要,其还决定速度的方向.在4年的观测数据中,提取超过40000张出现极光弧的图像,计算极光弧偏斜角.计算结果表明,日侧极光弧的偏斜角随磁地方时增大而逐渐减小,并在大约10:00MLT(磁地方时)附近发生反转.由于偏斜角的反转,地球自转产生的极光弧运动在晨侧多为极向运动,到午后多为赤道向运动.相比午前,午后的运动更为明显,最大速度可超过300m·-1.   相似文献   

The distribution of He+, O+, and charge-exchanged auroral protons can be obtained by tomographic deconvolution of resonantly scattered solar 304, 834 and 1216 Å signals, respectively, by these ions in the sunlit magnetosphere. The Doppler shifts of the emission features, if any, can be used to infer the energies of these ions. This concept have been verified for the case of plasmaspheric He+ ions by the Extreme Ultraviolet telescope on board the Apollo-Soyuz mission. Our calculations for the OII834Å line are in agreement with the observations by the STP78-1 satellite experiment. One Spacelab I experiment has observed “hot emissions” near 1216Å which are predicted by the charge exchange of auroral protons with geocoronal neutral hydrogen atoms. We discuss results of a simulation of expected intensities from various observing conditions and describe the design of an instrument capable of verifying the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Ion beams observed in the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL), cusp, and on the auroral zone field lines are expected to have spatial gradients in their drift velocity. Generation of kinetic Alfvén waves by velocity shear of the ion beams is discussed. It is shown that a hot ion beam can excite both a resonant kinetic Alfvén wave instability and a non-resonant coupled Alfvén-ion acoustic instability. For typical parameters, observed on the auroral field lines in the altitude range of 5–7 RE (where RE is the Earth’s radius), the frequency of the velocity shear modes, in the satellite frame of reference, lie in the ultra-low frequency (ULF) range. The noise due to velocity shear driven Alfvén modes is electromagnetic in nature, and has a finite parallel electric field component.  相似文献   

In this paper, the y-component of magnetic field line curvature in the plasma sheet was analyzed, and two kinds of shear structures of the flapping current sheet were found, i.e. symmetric and antisymmetric. The alternating bending orientations of the guiding field are exactly corresponding to alternating north-south asymmetries of the bouncing ion population in the sheet center. Those alternating asymmetric plasma sources consequently induce the current sheet flapping motion as a driver. In addition, a substantial particle population with downward motion was observed in the center of a bifurcated current sheet. This population is identified as the quasi-adiabatic particles, and provides a net current opposite to the conventional cross-tail current.   相似文献   

Broadband electrostatic noise (BEN) is commonly observed in different regions of the Earth’s magnetosphere, eg., auroral region, plasma sheet boundary layer, etc. The frequency of these BENs lies in the range from lower hybrid to the local electron plasma frequency and sometimes even higher. Spacecraft observations suggest that the high and low-frequency parts of BEN appear to be two different wave modes. There is a well established theory for the high-frequency part which can be explained by electrostatic solitary waves, however, low-frequency part is yet to be fully understood. The linear theory of low-frequency waves is developed in a four-component magnetized plasma consisting of three types of electrons, namely cold background electron, warm electrons, warm electron beam and ions. The electrostatic dispersion relation is solved, both analytically and numerically. For the parameters relevant to the auroral region, our analysis predict excitation of electron acoustic waves in the frequency range of 17 Hz to 2.6 kHz with transverse wavelengths in range of (1–70) km. The results from this model may be applied to explain some features of the low-frequency part of the broadband electrostatic noise observed in other regions of the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The study of the neutral sheet is of fundamental importance in understanding the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetosphere. From the earliest observation of the magnetotail, it has been found that the neutral sheet frequently appears to be in motion due to changing solar wind conditions and geomagnetic activity. Multiple crossings of the neutral sheet by spacecraft have been attributed to a flapping motion of the neutral sheet in the north–south direction, a wavy profile either along the magnetotail or the dawn–dusk direction. Cluster observations have revealed that the flapping motions of the Earth’s magnetotail are of internal origin and that kink-like waves are emitted from the central part of the tail and propagate toward the tail flanks. This flapping motion is shown here to propagate at an angle of ∼45° with xGSM. A possible assumption that the flapping could be created by a wake travelling away from a fast flow in the current sheet is rejected. Other waves in the magnetotail are found in the ULF range. One conjunction event between Cluster and DoubleStar TC1 is presented where all spacecraft show ULF wave activity at a period of approximately 5 min during fast Earthward flow. These waves are shown to be Kelvin–Helmholtz waves on the boundaries of the flow channel. Calculations show that the conversion of flow energy into magnetic energy through the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability can contribute to a significant part of flow breaking between Cluster and DoubleStar TC1.  相似文献   

极光亚暴是地球空间基本的能量输入、耦合及耗散过程,其对低热层大气中性风的影响不容忽视,对这一问题进行深入研究具有重要意义.2010年11月,中国北极黄河站(78.92°N,11.93°E)安装了一台自主研制的全天空法布里-珀罗干涉仪(FPI)并开始进行正常观测,为中国首次获得了极光亚暴期间的FPI观测数据.根据2012年越冬期间的观测情况,对2012年11月12-14日及12月09-11日两个极光亚暴事件期间的数据进行处理,计算得到了5级干涉环对应的风场.亚暴期间风场变化与地磁活动变化的对比分析表明,风速的剧烈变化可能是由地磁活动剧烈扰动造成的.针对2012年11月13日00:00UT-02:00UT和2012年12月10日05:00UT-07:30UT的亚暴事件,将全天空相机拍摄到的极光图像与FPI干涉图像对应的视线风场进行对比分析.结果表明在极光活动中,视线风速加强的方向与极光弧的方向垂直,而在极光弧的平行方向,风速相对较小.   相似文献   

A new mechanism for auroral arc formation is presented. The characteristic linear shape of auroral arcs is determined by magnetically connected plasma clouds in the distant equatorial magnetosphere. These clouds originate as high speed plasma beams in the magnetotail and in the solar wind. It is found that the free energy for driving an auroral arc can be provided by the difference of pressure between the cloud and the ambient plasma.  相似文献   

Radar, rocket and satellite measurements often indicate that there is a strong increase and subsequent decrease in the perpendicular electric field when traversing one edge of an auroral arc. The analysis of rocket measurements, presented here, shows that above an auroral arc there is a small gradient in the electric field due to polarization effects in the ionosphere, but that the strong increase at the edge of the arc can only be explained if the field-aligned currents associated with the arc are taken into account.  相似文献   

Energetic ion composition measurements have now been performed from earth orbiting satellites for more than a decade. As early as 1972 we knew that energetic (keV) ions of terrestrial origin represented a non-negligible component of the storm time ring current. We have now assembled a significant body of knowledge concerning energetic ion composition throughout much of the earth's magnetosphere. We know that terrestrial ions are a common component of the hot equatorial magnetospheric plasma in the ring current and the plasma sheet out to ? 23 RE. During periods of enhanced geomagnetic activity this component may become dominant. There is also clear evidence that the terrestrial component (specifically O+) is strongly dependent on solar cycle. Terrestrial ion source, transport, and acceleration regions have been identified in the polar auroral region, over the polar caps, in the magnetospheric boundary layers, and within the magnetotail lobes and plasma sheet boundary layer. Combining our present knowledge of these various magnetospheric ion populations, it is concluded that the primary terrestrial ion circulation pattern associated with enhanced geomagnetic activity involves direct injection from the auroral ion acceleration region into the plasma sheet boundary layer and central plasma sheet. The observed terrestrial component of the magnetospheric boundary layer and magnetotail lobes are inadequate to provide the required influx. They may, however, contribute significantly to the maintenence of the plasma sheet terrestrial ion population, particularly during periods of reduced geomagnetic activity. It is further concluded, on the basis of the relative energy distributions of H+ and O+ in the plasma sheet, that O+ probably contributes significantly to the ring current population at energies inaccessible to present ion composition instrumentation (? 30 keV).  相似文献   

Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ultraviolet Spectrometer (PVOUVS) HI 1216Å data from six (6) orbits are analyzed. Analysis of subsolar region periapsis data show that for an exobase temperature of 305K, the exobase density is 5 ± 2(4) @cm?3 and the column abundance of atomic hydrogen between 110 and 200 km is 2.4 ± 0.8(13) cm?2. The upward flux through the exobase is determined to be 7.5 ± 2.5(7)/cm2s. Apoapsis data were analyzed for both evening and morning geometries. We conclude: (1) the observed limb profiles show a diurnal variation consistent with Brinton et al.; (2) the model temperature field provides a good fit to the morning data, but the morning temperature field must be used to match the evening data; and (3) the theoretical Ly α limb intensity profiles are sensitive to small changes in the shape and magnitude of the variation of exobase hydrogen with solar zenith angle. The solar Ly α flux at line center required to fit the magnitude of the data is 8(11) photons/cm2s Å at Venus.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of sporadic and recurrent injections of magnetospheric ions in the midnight auroral oval during substorms and of the associated ionospheric ion outflows. The source of plasma sheet precipitating ions is determined using a simple method, based on the measured relation between the ion inverse velocity and time (l = v × t). This method is applied here to two typical passes of the Interball-Auroral (IA) satellite at distances of 3 RE above the auroral regions. Substorm related ion injections are shown to be mainly due to time of flight effects. In contrast with particle trajectory computations (Sauvaud et al., 1999), the inverse velocity method does not require magnetic and electric field models and can thus be used systematically for the detection of time of flight dispersed ion structures (TDIS). This allowed us to build a large database of TDIS events and to perform a statistical analysis of their spatial distribution. For the cases presented here the source region of the injected ions is found at radial distances from 18 to 30 RE near the equatorial magnetosphere. At Interball altitudes ( 3 RE), ion injections detected at the poleward boundary of the nighside auroral oval are associated with shear Alfvén waves superimposed over large-scale quasi-static current structures. We show that the most poleward TDIS are collocated with a large outflow of ionospheric H+ and O+ displaying pitch-angle distributions peaked in the pitch-angle range 90°–120°. These ions are thus accelerated perpendicularly to the magnetic field not only in the main auroral acceleration region but also up to at least 3 RE. The expanding auroral bulge thus constitutes a significant source of H+ and O+ ions for the mid-tail magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The structure of standing Alfvén waves with large azimuthal wave numbers (m ? 1) is studied in a dipole model of the magnetosphere with rotating plasma. In the direction across magnetic shells the structure of such waves is determined by their dispersion associated with curvature of geomagnetic field lines and corresponds to the travelling wave localized between toroidal and poloidal resonant surfaces. In projection into the ionosphere (along geomagnetic field lines) this structure is similar to the structure of a discrete auroral arc. The azimuthal structure of an auroral arc is similar to azimuthal structure of Alfvén waves with m ∼ 100. Possible interaction mechanisms between the Alfvén waves and energetic electron fluxes forming auroral arcs are discussed.  相似文献   

极光卵形态提取是极光研究的重要手段.如何提高强干扰背景下的紫外极光图像极光卵形态提取精度,目前仍是一个难题.本文提出一种基于深度学习语义分割模型U-net的方法,实现了对极光卵形态的高精度提取.在Polar卫星紫外极光观测数据的实验结果表明,该方法相比于已有算法精度更高,对完整型极光卵和缺口型极光卵图像均能得到更加精确...  相似文献   

We extend our large-scale kinetic (LSK) simulation of the magnetotail by including the global electrostatic effects generated by the field-aligned motion of electrons. Differences in electron and ion dynamics result in significant electrostatic fields near the current sheet (especially near X-lines) and in the auroral zone. In addition, Eƒ and E alter the ion precipitation profile and affect particle loss from the system through the flanks and downtail. This work provides a basis for including transverse electron currents in our calculations.  相似文献   

To understand the connection among the subclasses of BL Lac Objects, FR I radio galaxies and Flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), here the correlations of the bolometric luminosities with redshifts and brightness temperatures of these objects are studied. The bolometric luminosities vary linearly with redshifts, but few objects are scattered at high redshift. The bolometric luminosity versus brightness temperature distribution shows a correlation between these two components, except a few scattered objects, mostly RBLs. The bolometric luminosities and brightness temperatures of FR I radio galaxies with low redshift (<0.1) and low spectral index (αrx < 0.75) are comparable to those of XBLs and those characteristics of FR I radio galaxies, with relatively high redshift (>0.2) and high spectral index, can be comparable with RBLs with low redshift (z < 0.5) and low bolometric luminosity. Those scattered RBLs with high redshifts (z > 0.5) are believed to be in complex environment with companion galaxies, most of these RBLs are still unresolved. The bolometric luminosity and brightness temperature of these scattered RBLs are comparable to those of quasars. The FSRQs are at high redshifts and bolometric luminosities and the brightness temperatures are also high relative to BL Lac Objects. These results support the FRI/BL Lac unification scheme. It suggests that, the FR I radio galaxies may be the parent populations of the BL Lac Objects, but it needs more investigation to confirm the unification of FR I radio galaxies, XBLs and RBLs.  相似文献   

The paper deals with five selected issues of the dynamical coupling of the near-Earth plasma sheet and magnetosphere, (1) substorm initiation, (2) dipolarization, (3) pressure release of the outer magnetosphere via the auroral energy conversion process, (4) magnetization of the very high beta plasma assembling at the inner edge of the tail, and (5) penetration of energetic particles into the ring current below L 4. One outstanding and strongly debated subject is not discussed here, the origin of the substorm current wedge. The main conclusions (or personal preferences) are: (1) the substorm is initiated by formation of a near-Earth neutral line; (2) dipolarization occurs through magnetic flux transport by the earthward reconnection flow and not by current diffusion; (3) the auroral energy conversion process, the “auroral pressure valve”, contributes substantially to the pressure release during the substorms; (4) high beta ( 10) plasma breaks up into smaller scale blobs under slow magnetization; and (5) deep and prolonged penetration of hot plasma sheet plasma into the middle magnetosphere produces currents and electric fields which lead to the growth of the storm-time ring current.  相似文献   

The paper describes the method and initial results of assimilating the auroral peak E-region density (NmE) and the auroral equatorward boundary (EB) into the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI). The NmE and EB are obtained using a FUV based auroral model or FUV measurements in near real-time. Initial results show that the auroral NmE is often significantly larger than the NmE due to the solar EUV. This indicates the importance of including the contribution of precipitating electrons in IRI. The global equatorial boundary helps to improve the specification of the sub-auroral ionosphere trough in IRI. An IDL software package has been developed to interactively display the IRI parameters with assimilated NmE and EB. It can serve as an operational tool for space weather monitoring.  相似文献   

We present initial results on solar granulation, pores and sunspots from the white-light films obtained by the Solar Optical Universal Polarimeter (SOUP) instrument on Spacelab 2. SOUP contains a 30-cm Cassegrain telescope, an active secondary mirror for image stabilization, and a white-light optical system with 35-mm film and video cameras. Outputs from the fine guidance servo provided engineering data on the performance of the ESA Instrument Pointing System (IPS). Several hours of movies were taken at various disk and limb positions in quiet and active regions. The images are diffraction-limited at 0.5 arc second resolution and are, of course, free of atmospheric seeing and distortion. Properties of the granulation in magnetic and non-magnetic regions are compared and are found to differ significantly in size, rate of intensity variation, and lifetime. In quiet sun on the order of fifty percent of the area has at least one “exploding granule” occurring in it during a 25 minute period. Local correlation tracking has detected several types of transverse flows, including systematic outflow from the penumbral boundary of a spot, motion of penumbral filaments, and cellular flow patterns of supergranular and mesogranular size. Feature tracking has shown that in quiet sun the average granule fragment has a velocity of about one kilometer per second.  相似文献   

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