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The scattering properties of the spokes in Saturn's rings suggest that they consist of micron-sized dust particles. We suggest that these grains are elevated above the ring plane by electrostatic charging. We show that electrostatic levitation requires a sufficiently large plasma density near the rings. If the plasma density near the rings exceeds a few 102 cm?3 levitation may occur at significant rates in the strong electric fields which exist in the wall-sheaths at the ring. Once the dust particles are elevated they drift relative to the plasma (except at synchronous orbit). This relative motion constitutes a current which causes a polarization electric field if the plasma is azimuthally inhomogeneous. The dense plasma will drift radially in response to this electric field and cause levitation of more dust particles as it moves along. It leaves a radially aligned trail of elevated dust particles—the spokes. One way of producing dense plasma is by meteor impact on the rings. We discuss the mechanisms of ring charging, electrostatic levitation and the currents in the plasma-dust mixture. We show that for reasonable conditions spokes of more than 10,000 km radial length can be formed in less than five minutes. We also show that under the same conditions the electrostatic levitation model predicts a dust grain population which peaks at a size of 0.6 microns and can reach optical depths of 0.1.  相似文献   

We report results from analysis of data from Pioneer Saturn's Imaging Photopolarimeter. These include the discovery of a new ring and satellite, the structure of the atmosphere of Saturn and Titan, the inhomogeneous nature of Saturn's rings, and a model for the rings' formation and bimodal particle size distribution.  相似文献   

A variety of physical processes can erode the surfaces of planetary ring particles. According to current estimates, the most efficient of these over the bulk of Saturn's rings is hypervelocity impact by 100 micron to one centimeter radius meteoroids. The atoms, molecules, and fragments ejected from ring particles by erosion arc across the rings along elliptical orbits to produce a tenuous halo of solid ejecta and an extensive gaseous atmosphere. Continuous exchange of ejecta between different ring regions can lead to net radial transport of mass and angular momentum. The equations governing this ballistic transport process are presented and discussed. Both numerical and analytic studies of idealized ring systems illustrate that ballistic transport can cause significant mass redistribution in the rings, especially near regions of high density contrast, such as the inner edges of the A and B rings. Ejecta exchanges can also alter local particle sizes and compositions and may produce pulverized regoliths at least several centimeters deep. The meteoroid erosion rate is so high that significant global torques and mass loss are possible on times shorter than a solar system life time.  相似文献   

Planetary rings     
The individual ring systems are described with dust/magnetosphere interactions high-lighted somewhat. Jupiter's main ring is tenuous and enveloped by the magnetosphere; it principally contains micron-sized silicate grains. A vertically-extended, radially-localized “halo” of submicron particles lies inward of the main ring while a newly-discovered very faint ring lies outside it. The classical Saturnian system is composed of water ice chunks with sizes principally between cm and meters. Satellite resonances determine some ring structure but most is not understood. The faint exterior rings (E, G, F and one just identified between the A and F rings) are intimately associated with magnetospheric particles and contain mainly small grains, which are also prominent in the “spokes” located in the dense, middle portion of the B ring. Most of the nine narrow Uranian rings are slightly inclined and eccentric, and presumably lie within the putative Uranian magnetosphere. Particles are likely carbonaceous; sizes are thought to be larger than microns.  相似文献   

The Voyager observations of electrical discharges in Saturn's rings strongly support earlier speculations on the role played by electrostatics, magnetic fields, and lightning phenomena in the primitive solar system. They also suggest conditions then by direct analogy rather than by extrapolating backwards through time from conditions now. The observed discharges show a pronounced 10h periodicity, which suggests a source in Keplerian orbit at 1.80 ± 0.01 Saturn radii (1 RS = 60,330 km). In that region, the B ring is thicker than optical depth 1.8 for about 5,000 km. At 1.805 ± 0.001 Saturn radii, however, the ring is virtually transparent for a gap of width 200 m. We conclude that a small satellite orbits Saturn at that radius and clears the gap. The gap edges must prevent diffusive filling of the gap by fine material which is especially abundant at this position in the rings and would otherwise destroy the gap in minutes. The discharges represent the satellite's interaction with the outer edge of the gap. Spoke formation may involve the interaction of ring material in the vicinity of the gap.  相似文献   

The role of electromagnetic effects in planetary rings is reviewed. The rings consist of a collection of solid particles with a size spectrum ranging from submicron to 10's of meters (at least in the case of Saturn's rings). Due to the interaction with the ambient plasma, and solar UV radiation, the particles carry electrical charges. Interactions of particles with the planetary electromagnetic field, both singly and collectively, are described, as well as the reactions and influence on plasma transients. The latter leads to a theory for the formation of Saturn's spokes, which is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

The Pioneer 11 Infrared Radiometer instrument made observations of Saturn and its rings in broadband channels centered at 20 and 45 μm and obtained whole-disk information on Titan. A planetary average effective temperature of 96.5±2.5 K implies a total emission 2.8 times the absorbed sunlight. Correlation with radio science results implies that the molar fraction of H2 is 90±3% (assuming the rest is He). Temperatures at the 1 bar level are 137 to 140 K; regions appearing cooler may be overlain by a cloud acting as a 124 K blackbody surface. A minimum temperature averaging 87 K is reached near 0.06 bars. Ring boundaries and optical depths are consistent with those at optical wavelengths. Ring temperatures are 64–86 K on the south (illuminated) side, ~54 K on the north (unilluminated) side, and at least 67 K in Saturn's shadow. There is evidence for a south to north drop in ring temperatures. Titan's 45 μm brightness temperature is 75±5 K.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of stratospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have been retrieved from moderate resolution lunar occultation transmission spectra measured by Scanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) on board the European Environmental Satellite (ENVISAT). These measurements were taken over the high southern latitude of 50°–90° during the period of 2003–2005. To assess the accuracy of the retrieved NO2 profiles, the SCIAMACHY nighttime NO2 profiles were compared with NO2 profiles retrieved from sunrise solar occultation spectra measured by the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) and the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiments II (SAGE II) using a photochemical correction model. The validation results show good agreement of SCIAMACHY lunar occultation NO2 with scaled HALOE and SAGE II profiles. The relative mean differences (rmd) with scaled HALOE profiles are within −13% to +5% and standard deviations (rms) of the relative differences are within 3–19% between 25 and 38 km. The rmd and rms with scaled SAGE II NO2 profiles are in the range of −9 to +7 and 10–17% respectively between 22 and 39 km.  相似文献   

We have calculated the vertical structure of planetary dust rings as it results from a balance between an electrostatic force on the dust grains and the vertical component of the gravitational force from the central planet. The electrostatic force results from the charging of the dust grains by the ambient plasma and a large scale electric field due to a shielding electric field and the resulting vertical dust distribution are strongly dependent on dust size, dust and plasma density, plasma temperature and plasma ion type. The dust density distribution has a different dependence on these parameters in tenuous and in dense dust rings. We solve the relevant equations numerically and also by linearization in the limiting cases of tenuous or dense rings. Our results indicate that the effects treated in this paper may be important in both Jupiter's and Saturn's rings.  相似文献   

A short review is given on the characteristics of Jupiter's inner magnetosphere derived from radio observations in the decimetric wavelength range. A comparison of the data with sophisticated model calculations yields information on the magnetic field configuration and the electron distribution, its density, energy spectrum, and pitch angle dependence as a function of spatial coordinates. The latter information can be used to derive e.g. the radial diffusion parameters plus the effects of the satellites, Jupiter's ring, and wave-particle interactions upon the electron distribution.  相似文献   

Proportional counters (PC's) and gas scintillation proportional counters (GSPC's) currently used for detection of low energy X-rays provide information on event position and energy. Although at 1.5 keV PC's have good position resolution (~ 200 μm FWHM) they have relatively poor energy resolution (~ 40% FWHM). Conversely GSPC's have reasonable energy resolution (~ 20% FWHM), but poor spatial resolution (~ 1mm FWHM).We describe a scheme in which a parallel plate PC with a transparent anode deposited on a fibre optic substrate has been used. This allows the light emitted by electron avalanches caused by X-ray events in the PC to be detected by an image intensifier with electronic readout. Using this scheme spatial resolution better than that of conventional PC's should be attainable. In addition avalanches induced by single electrons can be resolved through observation of the time structure of the light flash. Using the ability to count the number of primary electrons created by each X-ray event, it is shown that energy resolution can be achieved which is comparable to that of the GSPC.  相似文献   

The stellar occultation technique is a clean and powerful means of detecting and quantifying minor gases in the earth's atmosphere. The results obtained are totally insensitive to knowledge of the absolute flux of the star, and are not influenced by instrument calibration problems. Pioneering observations of nocturnal mesospheric ozone and thermospheric molecular oxygen by the stellar occultation technique were made in 1970 and 1971 with the Wisconsin stellar photometers on board the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory-2. A limb crossing geometry was used. The high resolution Princeton ultraviolet spectrometer aboard Copernicus was used in the summers of 1975, 1976 and 1977 to measure altitude profiles of molecular hydrogen, atomic chlorine and nitric oxide in addition to ozone and molecular oxygen. A limb grazing geometry was employed. The ozone densities show wide variation from orbit to orbit and particularly betewen the OAO-2 and Copernicus observations. A H2 density of 1×108 cm?3 at 95 km, and a NO density less than 106 cm?3 for altitudes greater than 85 km were measured.  相似文献   

Saturn lies at nearly twice Jupiter's distance from the Sun and nearly all parts of its system are characterized by much smaller scales than those which are important in the case of Jupiter. This appears in the structures of the planet's atmosphere, in the sizes of classical satellites other than Titan vis-à-vis those of the Galilean satellites, in the plethora of small Saturnian satellites, especially Lagrangian co-orbiters, in the structure of Saturn's F-Ring as contrasted with that of Jupiter's Ring and finally in the highly structured detail in Saturn's Rings, much finer than seriously considered in past theoretical discussions. Uranus' Rings were unknown until five years ago. The discovery and observation of these rings have revived contributions to theory originally intended for application to Saturn's Rings. Models have also been generated for eccentric rings for application to Uranus' Rings which also apply to those of Saturn. These two classes of model are reviewed in the present paper along with the first tentative steps made down the road to unravelling the complexity of Saturn's Rings.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the regular variations of the ionosphere, the least-squares harmonic estimation is applied to the time series of ionospheric electron densities derived from about five years of Global Positioning System radio occultation observations by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC satellites. The analysis is done for different latitudes and altitudes in the region of Iran. The least-squares harmonic estimation is found to be a powerful tool for the frequency analysis of the completely unevenly spaced time series of radio occultation measurements. Although the obtained results are slightly different from the exact expected cycles (i.e. annual and diurnal components with their Fourier decompositions, and the 27-day period) due to the low horizontal resolution of radio occultation measurements, high vertical resolution of the observations enables us to detect not only the total electron content variations but also periodic patterns of electron densities at different altitudes of the ionosphere. The dominant diurnal and annual signals together with their Fourier series decompositions are obtained, which are consistent with the previous analyses on the total electron content. In the equatorial anomaly band, the annual component is weaker than its Fourier decomposition periods. In particular, the semiannual period dominates the annual component, indicating the relationship between the semiannual variation of the electron densities and the ionospheric equatorial anomaly. From detection of the phases of the components, it is revealed that the annual signal generally has its maximum value in summers at high altitudes, and in the winters at low altitudes. This is probably due to the higher [O/N2] ratios in winter than in the summer in the lower ionosphere. Furthermore, the semiannual component mostly peaks around solstices or about a month before/after them.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the stability of a ring of bodies of equal mass uniformly distributed around a large oblate central mass. The purpose of this and previous papers is to shed light on the stability of Saturn’s rings. Previous papers have been limited by the assumptions that (1) all ring bodies are at the same distance from the central body, (2) the central body acts like a point mass (i.e., is a perfect sphere), and (3) the ring bodies all have the same mass and are evenly spaced around the ring. The third limitation is probably the least important; as long as there are a large number of masses and the mass distribution is approximately uniform then the system should behave as a system of equally-spaced, equal-mass bodies. The first main purpose of this paper is to remove the second limitation. But, the paper also aims to address limitation (1). Recent computer simulations of single-ring systems have shown that the threshold for stability, as determined by a linear stability analysis, matches precisely the stability threshold predicted by simulation. In other words, a linear stability analysis while presumably just a mathematical abstraction actually tells us something quite real. Furthermore, simulations of multi-ring systems suggest that instability comes from azimuthal perturbations; small azimuthal changes are more destabilizing that small radial perturbations. Hence, in this paper, we also consider the situation where the central body consists not just of an oblate central mass but also incorporates a flat ring representing in aggregate all ring bodies at radii other than the one under consideration. The central oblate body together with a flat ring is modeled simply by introducing two oblateness terms to the gravitational potential associated with the central mass. The subsequent analysis is almost identical to the case of a single oblateness term. For Saturn, the oblateness of the central mass is six orders of magnitude more significant than the rings at other radii as a destabilizing influence.  相似文献   

An excellent review of the present understanding of the structure and formation of Jupiter's rings has recently been published by Burns et al. /1/. Therefore I will only summarize the basic ideas and open questions concerning the physical phenomena governing Jupiter's rings.  相似文献   

A radio holographic approach, developed by Pavelyev (1998), Hocke (1999), Igarashi (2000), is applied to observation of wave phenomena in the upper atmosphere using Global Positioning System — “Microlab-1” satellite (GPS/MET) radio occultation data. In the current state the radio holography approach uses the radar focused synthetic aperture principle to obtain high spatial resolution, and to remove the interference part corresponding to scattering from the upper ionosphere. High spatial resolution and accuracy of the radio halographic method is validated by means of revealing the weak signal reflected from the sea in the GPS/MET radio occultation data. The radio holographic method gives a new possibility to measure directly the vertical gradient of the electron density altitude profile in the D-layer using the radio occultation signal. The results of the application of radio holographic analysis to two GPS/MET occultation events (07 February 1997, No. 0447, 0158), in the D-region of the ionosphere, are discussed. Wave structures in the electron density concentration with a vertical spatial period of 1.4–6 km, and variations in the electron density gradient from ±5·109 to ±8·109 [1/(m3km)], have been retrieved from the D-layer data. The features observed in the vertical electron density profiles may be connected with breaking of gravity waves in the D-layer of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

Orbital potential field measurements are sensitive to regional variations in earth density and magnetization that occur over scales of a few hundred kilometers or greater. Global field models currently available are able to distinguish gravity variations of ±5 milligal over distances of ~1,000 km and magnetic variations of ±6 gamma over distances of ~300 km at the earth's surface. Regional variations in field strength have been detected in orbital measurements that are not apparent in higher resolution, low altitude surveys. NASA is presently studying a spacecraft mission known as GRAVSAT/MAGSAT, which would be the first satellite mission to perform a simultaneous survey of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields at low orbital altitudes. GRAVSAT/MAGSAT has been proposed for launch during the latter nineteen-eighties, and it would measure gravity field strength to an accuracy of 1 milligal and magnetic field strength to an accuracy of 2 gamma (scalar)/5 gamma (vector components) over a distance of roughly 100 km. Even greater improvements in the accuracy and spatial resolution of orbital surveys are anticipated during the nineteen-nineties with the development of potential field gradiometers and a tethered satellite system that can be deployed from the Space Shuttle to altitudes of 120 km above the earth's surface.  相似文献   

The mountain-based GPS radio occultation is a novel approach to lower atmospheric profiling. The experiments of the mountain-based GPS radio occultation were conducted on the top of Mt. Yaogu (29.38°N, 113.68°E, ∼1240 m) on December 17, 2003, and on the top of Mt. Jiugong (29.39°N, 114.65°E, ∼1550 m) on July 24, 2004. Based on these observation data, the scientific data processing software has been developed and is used to retrieve successfully the atmospheric refractivity profiles. The validation experiment was performed on the top of Mt. Wuling (40.60°N, 117.48°E, ∼2118 m) during August 1–29, 2005. Collocated automatic weather station and the radiosondes nearby were operated simultaneously for the comparison campaign. Results show that the radio occultation technique obtained about 40 profiles every day with the receiver antenna pointing to the south. Comparisons show that the refractivity measured by occultation agree well with those by the radiosondes, but not well with those by the automatic weather station due to their much different geographic locations of measurements. Results of these experiments suggest that the mountain-based GPS radio occultation is an economic reliable novel technique monitoring temporal and spatial variations of local lower atmospheric environments.  相似文献   

为了消除环件冷轧过程中产生的残余应力,采用弹塑性大变形有限元法对环件径向冷轧过程进行仿真.研究揭示了矩形截面铝合金环件径向冷轧工艺中总压下量不变时,芯辊进给速度对环件塑性变形大小及分布规律的影响.结果表明:进给速度相对较小时,环件鱼尾形状系数较大,随着进给速度进一步增大,鱼尾形状系数反而减小.根据塑性变形的不一致性产生残余应力的原理,进一步分析由此塑性变形规律形成的残余应力分布情况,从而为消除冷轧后残余应力提供理论依据.   相似文献   

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