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We compared the IRI values of Te, Ne, Ti, O+, H+, He+, O2+, and NO+ with AE-C values, obtained from the Goddard Comprehensive Ionosphere Database (GCID), composed of data from the satellites, AE-B, OGO-6, ISIS-2, AE-C, AE-D, and AE-E. O+ - H+ transition levels were derived from the IRI and AE-C altitude profiles. Some discrepancies were found between IRI and the AE-C data. The IRI electron density was found to be about a factor of 2 higher than the data. The H+ composition agreed best among the IRI ions, with an average AE-C/IRI ratio of 1.05. The temperatures of both electrons and ions agreed quite well: the average ratios of AE-C/IRI was found to be .99 for electrons and 1.17 for ions.  相似文献   

Employing Atmsophere Explorer-C measurements made in 1974, just prior to solar minimum, Brace and Theis /1/ demonstrated that a remarkably consistent inverse relationship existed between the electron density Ne and temperature Te in the F-region. In this paper we use later data from AE-C, taken when solar activity was rising (1975–1978), and Dynamics Explorer-2 data taken at solar maximum (1981), to examine how the temperature and density relationship changes with solar activity. We find that the solar maximum Te is a factor of two larger than the solar minimum Te for the same values of Ne. Te does not necessarily increase with solar activity, however, because Ne increases enough to approximately cancel the effect of higher solar extreme ultraviolet heating. We find that the effect of solar activity can be accounted for by a simple function of the F10.7 cm index that multiplies the solar minimum equation of Brace and Theis /1/.  相似文献   

The incoherent scatter radar (ISR) facility in Kharkov, Ukraine (49.6°N, 36.3°E) measures vertical profiles of electron density, electron and ion temperature, and ion composition of the ionospheric plasma up to 1100 km altitude. Acquired measurements constitute an accurate ionospheric reference dataset for validation of the variety of models and alternative measurement techniques. We describe preliminary results of comparing the Kharkov ISR profiles to the international reference ionosphere (IRI), an empirical model recognized for its reliable representation of the monthly-median climatology of the density and temperature profiles during quiet-time conditions, with certain extensions to the storm times. We limited our comparison to only quiet geomagnetic conditions during the autumnal equinoxes of 2007 and 2008. Overall, we observe good qualitative agreement between model and data both in time and with altitude. Magnitude-wise, the measured and modeled electron density and plasma temperatures profiles appear different. We discovered that representation accuracy improves significantly when IRI is driven by observed-averaged values of the solar activity index rather than their predictions. This result motivated us to study IRI performance throughout protracted solar minimum of the 24th cycle. The paper summarizes our observations and recommendations for optimal use of the IRI.  相似文献   

The unusually deep and extended solar minimum of cycle 23/24 made it very difficult to predict the solar indices 1 or 2 years into the future. Most of the predictions were proven wrong by the actual observed indices. IRI gets its solar, magnetic, and ionospheric indices from an indices file that is updated twice a year. In recent years, due to the unusual solar minimum, predictions had to be corrected downward with every new indices update. In this paper we analyse how much the uncertainties in the predictability of solar activity indices affect the IRI outcome and how the IRI values calculated with predicted and observed indices compared to the actual measurements. Monthly median values of F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) derived from the ionosonde measurements at the mid-latitude ionospheric station Juliusruh were compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2007) model predictions. The analysis found that IRI provides reliable results that compare well with actual measurements, when the definite (observed and adjusted) indices of solar activity are used, while IRI values based on earlier predictions of these indices noticeably overestimated the measurements during the solar minimum. One of the principal objectives of this paper is to direct attention of IRI users to update their solar activity indices files regularly. Use of an older index file can lead to serious IRI overestimations of F-region electron density during the recent extended solar minimum.  相似文献   

The Di Giovanni/Radicella model (DGR) /1/ determines a bottom side electron densty profile alone from the set of routinely scaled ionogram parameters foE, foF1, foF2 and M(3000)F2 and the total electron content; the smoothed sunspot number R12 appears in the calculation. Present designations are DGR2/2/ and DRR3 /3/ [see Appendix]; they are valid in the northern hemisphere. DGR is compared with electron density profiles derived from ionograms obtained at Juliusruh (54.6°N, 13.4°E), and with the (URSI-based) IRI90 at different conditiones. Experimental total electron content (TEC) data are compared to both models. At the considered station, the profiles obtained by both models are reasonably in agreement amongst themselves and with the experimental data.

The TEC derived from the DGR3 model is in good agreement with experimental TEC, whereas, at high solar activity, IRI90 gives too high TEC values, especially during daytime.  相似文献   

The IRI model offers a choice of options for the computation of the electron density profile and electron content (TEC). Recently new options for the topside electron density profile have been developed, which have a strong impact on TEC. Therefore it is important to test massively the IRI and the new options with experimental data. A large number of permanent stations record dual frequency GPS data from which it is possible to obtain TEC values. Thirty-one worldwide distributed stations have been selected to investigate the capabilities of the IRI to reproduce experimental TEC. Data for years 2000 (high solar activity) and 2004 (medium solar activity) have been analyzed computing modeled values with the IRI-2001 and the IRI-2007-NeQuick topside options. It is found that IRI-2007-NeQuick option generally improves the estimate of the slant TEC, especially in the case of high latitudes stations during high solar activity.  相似文献   

Total electron content (TEC) over Tucumán (26.9°S, 294.6°W) measured with Faraday technique during the high solar activity year 1982, is used to check IRI 2001 TEC predictions at the southern crest of the equatorial anomaly region. Comparisons with IRI 90 are also made. The results show that in general IRI overestimates TEC values around the daily minimum and underestimates it the remaining hours. Better predictions are obtained using ground ionosonde measurements as input coefficients in the IRI model. The results suggest that for hours of maximum TEC values the electron density profile is broader than that assumed by the model. The main reason for the disagreement would be the IRI shape of the electron density profile.  相似文献   

Electron temperature data obtained aboard two satellites are compared with the IRI model. Our comparison may serve as an input to a future version of IRI. HINOTORI data show IRI90 to predict night time Te quite well with the exception of a few peculiar phenomena, in particular a morning overshoot at height around 600 km and anomalous Te observations of AKEBONO for the first time allowed to extend reliably the temperature profile up to − 8000km. This profile clearly depends on local time at all invariant latitudes. The data suggest strong influence of solar activity on electron temperature.  相似文献   

During 2008, the solar activity is extremely low. The satellite observations show that the ionospheric height and electron density is much lower than the predictions by the international reference ionosphere (IRI) model. In this paper, we compared the slant total electron content (TEC) observed by the COSMIC satellites during 2008 with the IRI model results. It is found that the IRI model with IRI2001 and IRI2001 Cor. topside options will always overestimate the electron density in both lower and higher altitudes. But the rest two topside options (NeQuick, and TTS) tend to overestimate the electron density in the F layer and underestimate it in the topside altitudes. The switch altitude between overestimation and underestimation and the latitude-local time distribution of the model deviation depend on the topside option. The current investigation might be useful for the model improvement as well as data assimilation work based on the IRI model and the LEO TEC data.  相似文献   

A global surface of O+---H+ transition level is constructed, based on published data from OGO-6, Intercosmos-2, Alouette-1, ISS-b, and TAIYO satellites. This surface covers ±60° dipole latitude, all longitudes, two levels of solar activity, summer and winter solstices, and 00 and 12 hours local time. The surface is used as input data to a mathematical model which calculates transition levels in 5-dimensional space: sunspot number (R), month (M), local time (LT), dipole latitude (DL), and longitude (LONG). This model is based on a generalized multivariable polynomial, using a system of linearly independent functions. Model transition levels are compared with averaged data from AE-E and AE-C, as well as rocket measurements from Vertical-6 and Vertical-10. The obtained analytical expression can be directly used in IRI.  相似文献   

A status report on the empirical modeling of ionospheric electron and ion temperatures is given with special emphasis on the models used in the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI).Electron temperature models have now reached a state where reliable prediction of the mean altitudinal, latitudinal and diurnal variations is possible. These models are largely based on satellite measurements, but comparisons with incoherent scatter radar measurements have shown excellent agreement. Variations with season and magnetic and solar activity seem to be small and are not yet included consistently in these models.Similar to the electron temperature, the ion temperature shows the largest variations with altitude, latitude and local time. But due to the larger mass, these variations are smoother and more steady in the case of the ions and therefore easier to model. Nevertheless, very few ion temperature models exist. The IRI model takes advantage of the observed concurrence of the ion temperature with the neutral temperature at low altitudes and with the electron temperature at high altitudes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the nighttime ionosphere climatology structure in the low latitude region and discrepancies between Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) observations and the IRI model predictions using (1) the magnetic zonal mean of electron number density as a function of altitude and magnetic latitude, (2) vertical electron density profiles at various levels of F10.7 index, (3) nighttime descent and magnitude decrease of the ionosphere, (4) point-to-point comparisons of F-peak height (hmF2) and density (NmF2), and (5) the magnetic longitudinal variations of hmF2 and NmF2. The data collected from the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Energetics, and Dynamics (TIMED) mission since its launch in December 2001 have provided great opportunities for many scientific investigations of the ionosphere. In this analysis, we investigate the climatology of the nighttime low-latitude ionosphere under low geomagnetic activity (kp ? 4) using the electron density profiles inferred from the airglow measurements obtained by the GUVI aboard the TIMED spacecraft and compared with the results obtained from IRI (International Reference Ionosphere) model-2001. The observed climatology is an essential tool for further understanding the electrodynamics in the low-latitude region and improving the model’s prediction capability. The time range of the GUVI data used in this study is from 2002 (day 053) to 2006 (day 304), and the IRI model predictions were produced at every GUVI location. The ionosphere observed is generally of greater density than what IRI predicts throughout the night for all four seasons for low and moderate solar activity while the model over-predicts the electron density near the F-region peak at high solar activity before midnight. Observations show that the height of the F-region peak has a steep descent from dusk to midnight and near midnight the height of layer is insensitive to solar conditions, significantly different than what is predicted by IRI. Longitudinal features shown in GUVI data are present in the low-latitude ionosphere after sunset and continue through to midnight after which the low-latitude ionosphere is largely zonally symmetric.  相似文献   

Langmuir probe measurements made at solar maximum from the Dynamics Explorer-2 satellite in 1981 and 1982 are employed to examine the latitudinal variation of electron temperature, Te, at altitudes between 300 and 400 km and its response to 27 day variations of solar EUV. Comparison of these data with Te models based on the solar minimum measurements from Atmosphere Explorer-C suggest that the daytime Te does not change very much during the solar cycle, except at low latitudes where an especially large 27 day variation occurs. The 27 day component decreases from about 7°/F10.7 unit at the equator to 3°/F10.7 unit at 851V 3 middle and higher latitudes. From these DE-2 measurements, and those from AE-C, we conclude that the daytime Te near the F2 peak is more responsive to short-term (daily) variations in F10.7 than to any longer term changes that may occur between solar minimum and solar maximum. To investigate this sensitivity of the dayside ionosphere to solar activity we employ the inverse relationship of Te and Ne, that was found at solar minimum, to see if it can be used to order the Te behaviour at solar maximum. We introduce a simple quadratic correction for the F10.7 influence on Te based on the entire daytime AE-C and DE-2 data base between 300 and 400 km. Although this equation may be found useful, the systematic deviations of the DE-2 data suggest that the solar minimum model does not accurately describe the Te-Ne relationships at solar maximum, at least above 300 km where the DE-2 measurements were made. Future work with this data base should attempt to see if such a relationship exists.  相似文献   

Comparisons of various available empirical models of electron temperature are made with actual measurements from incoherent scatter radar and rocket and satellite probes, during low solar activity period. The models compared are those of Pandey et al. (1983), Brace and Theis (1978), IRI (1979) and Bilitza (1983). It is found that our model and the Brace and Theis model are closer to actual measurements than the IRI and Bilitza models.  相似文献   

TEC values obtained from TOPEX satellite were compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 2001 model estimates. The present work also shows results of the IRI model with the option of a new topside electron density distribution (NeQuick model). TOPEX TEC measurements, which include years of high and middle to low solar activity (2000 and 2004), were analyzed by binning the region covered by the satellite (±66°) every five degrees of modip. In general, there is good agreement between IRI predictions and Topex measurements. Cases with large disagreements are observed at low and high latitudes during high solar activity. Comparing the model predictions using the default IRI2001 model and the NeQuick topside option show that the default IRI 2001 version represents the observed data in a more realistic way, but appears to be less reliable at high and low latitudes in some cases.  相似文献   

Electron density obtained by IRI (topside options NeQuick and IRI-Corr) and NeQuick models in their standard versions have been compared with plasma density values measured by F13 and F15 DMSP satellites for years of different solar activities. A statistical study of the differences between modeled and experimental data has been carried out to investigate each model performance.  相似文献   

Using vertical total electron content (VTEC) measurements obtained from GPS satellite signals the capability of the NeQuick 2 and IRI Plas models to predict VTEC over the low latitude and South American sector is analyzed. In the present work both models were used to calculate VTEC up to the height of GPS satellites. Also, comparisons between the performance of IRI Plas and IRI 2007 have been done. The data correspond to June solstice and September equinox 1999 (high solar activity) and they were obtained at nine stations. The considered latitude range extends from 18.4°N to ?64.7°N and the longitude ranges from 281.3°E to 295.9°E in the South American sector. The greatest discrepancies among model predictions and the measured VTEC are obtained at low latitudes stations placed in the equatorial anomaly region. Underestimations as strong as 40?TECU [1?TECU?=?1016?m?2] can be observed at BOGT station for September equinox, when NeQuick2 model is used. The obtained results also show that: (a) for June solstice, in general the performance of IRI Plas for low latitude stations is better than that of NeQuick2 and, vice versa, for highest latitudes the performance of NeQuick2 is better than that of IRI Plas. For the stations TUCU and SANT both models have good performance; (b) for September equinox the performances of the models do not follow a clearly defined pattern as in the other season. However, it can be seen that for the region placed between the Northern peak and the valley of the equatorial anomaly, in general, the performance of IRI Plas is better than that of NeQuick2 for hours of maximum ionization. From TUCU to the South, the best TEC predictions are given by NeQuick2.The source of the observed deviations of the models has been explored in terms of CCIR foF2 determination in the available ionosonde stations in the region. Discrepancies can be also related to an unrealistic shape of the vertical electron density profile and or an erroneous prediction of the plasmaspheric contribution to the vertical total electron content. Moreover, the results of this study could be suggesting that in the case of NeQuick, the underestimation trend could be due to the lack of a proper plasmaspheric model in its topside representation. In contrast, the plasmaspheric model included in IRI, leads to clear overestimations of GPS derived TEC.  相似文献   

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