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The World Climate Programme (WCP), in dealing with the complex topic of climate, is highly dependent on observations and measurements of many parameters and phenomena occurring from the surface of the Earth to the top of the atmosphere, and global in extent. Satellite observations and measurements are therefore critical to the success of many different components in the WCP. The present network of polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites represents nearly 25 years of international co-operation and now constitutes a part of the Global Observing System of the World Weather Watch. The WCP can satisfy a number of its observation and measurement requirements by making use of this existing satellite network. This can be done either through use of the operational products produced for near-real time applications or through use of the satellite data stored in the archives. An awareness of how to interact with the sources, combined with knowledge about the limitations and deficiencies of satellite data and products, are critical for scientists working in climate research and applications. Among the most important characteristics of satellite observations and measurements for the WCP are the global coverage, consistency and continuity of the data sets.  相似文献   

Measurements of the spectral radiance of the earth's atmosphere from satellites can be related to the vertical structures of temperature and humidity. Derived profiles of these quantities are compared with radiosonde and rocketsonde observations, as well as with horizontal and vertical cross-sections of the atmosphere. In some regions of the atmosphere, particularly where large gradients are found, significant differences occur. A method for overcoming these by use of Typical Shape Functions is discussed. Transmittances computed from theory require modifications which are not well defined, and radiances measured from some satellite instruments disagree with computed values in ways which suggest calibration or instrument problems.  相似文献   

The Clouds and Earth Radiant Energy System (CERES) project’s objectives are to measure the reflected solar radiance (shortwave) and Earth-emitted (longwave) radiances and from these measurements to compute the shortwave and longwave radiation fluxes at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and the surface and radiation divergence within the atmosphere. The fluxes at TOA are to be retrieved to an accuracy of 2%. Improved bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs) have been developed to compute the fluxes at TOA from the measured radiances with errors reduced from ERBE by a factor of two or more. Instruments aboard the Terra and Aqua spacecraft provide sampling at four local times. In order to further reduce temporal sampling errors, data are used from the geostationary meteorological satellites to account for changes of scenes between observations by the CERES radiometers.  相似文献   

The dynamical features of the climate system result from the interaction of the atmosphere with the surface. The hope for improving climate prediction, on seasonal and interannual time scales, is based on the premise that slowly varying boundary conditions force well defined predictable patterns of general circulation.It is now recognized that in models of surface climate over land, surface properties should not be regarded as constants and that it is important to specify a realistic value of the surface albedo1 in order to correctly estimate the amount of solar radiation absorbed at the surface. The albedo is also considered by some as an internal dependent parameter of climate, since it time integrates the effects of changes in more variable quantities, such as rainfall.The global nature of the links between forcing and response imply global monitoring of the parameters which control the transfer and feedback of the energy at the surface/atmosphere interface. Satellites can play an important role in resolving the difficult problem of properly representing the average surface albedo over large areas. However, satellites measure only the earth-atmosphere reflectance in narrow spectral intervals, narrow solid angles, and in most cases at a fixed local time. To derive from these observations the effective surface albedo, one has to compute the total reflected planetary flux, integrated over the whole solar spectrum, over all the viewing angles, and over time. A transformation from top of the atmosphere to the surface is also required.In this presentation the implications of atmospheric corrections, bidirectional reflectance, and transformations from narrow spectral bands to the total solar spectrum for albedo derivations will be addressed. Also, the various attempts to derive surface reflectivity and surface albedo from satellites will be reviewed.  相似文献   

The planetary outgoing longwave radiation has been estimated since 1974 from two different series of NOAA operational polar spacecraft. The first series provided data from June 1974 through February 1978 and was designated “SR” for the scaning radiometers used at that time. This data set has been used in a variety of radiation budget and climate studies, such as that by Ohring and Gruber, 1983. The second satellite system is the currently operational TIROS-N series of satellites. Data from this series began in January 1979 and are continuing. In both systems, estimates of the outgoing longwave radiation are obtained from narrow spectral interval (10–12 μm) window radiances. A comparison is made of the estimates from the two different series of satellites in order to arrive at an assessment of their compatibility. This is important since the SR observations were taken at approximately 0900 and 2100 local times, while the TIROS-N data alternate between 0730-1930 and 0300-1500 local times. In addition, there is a period of overlap between the TIROS-N data and the broad band (5–50 μm) Nimbus 7 EArth radiation budget data. A comparison of those two data sets indiciate excellent agreement generally within about 1–2 Wm?2 on the monthly means on global and hemispherical scales. Comparisons of zonal averages indicate maximum differences as large as 9 Wm?2.Evidence is presented to suggest that observations taken at different local observing times may be biased by the diurnal variation of emitted flux, even on global scales.  相似文献   

Remote sensing from satellites continues to have a very large impact on the activities of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and continues to provide very great benefits to meteorological services throughout the world. Meteorological satellites provide remotely sensed data which can be converted into meteorological measurements such as cloud cover, cloud motion vectors, surface temperature, vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and humidity, snow and ice cover, ozone and various radiation measurements. The meteorological satellites are part of the global operations of the World Weather Watch Programme which serves as the basic programme of the WMO by supporting other programmes and activities. Satellite measurements are critical to the success of many different components in the World Climate Programme. Special projects are being designed for the 1990s to take advantage of the data from satellite systems designed primarily to provide land or ocean observations. The Applications of Meteorology Programme makes use of remotely sensed data to provide products and services to agricultural, aeronautical and marine activities. The transfer of knowledge and technology in satellite remote sensing applications are important elements of the Technical Co-operation and the Education and Training Programmes.  相似文献   

The Swarm mission was selected as the 5th mission in ESA’s Earth Explorer Programme in 2004. This mission aims at measuring the Earth’s magnetic field with unprecedented accuracy. This will be done by a constellation of three satellites, where two will fly at lower altitude, measuring the gradient of the magnetic field, and one satellite will fly at higher altitude. The measured magnetic field is the sum of many contributions including both magnetic fields and currents in the Earth’s interior and electrical currents in Geospace. In order to separate all these sources electric field and plasma measurements will also be made to complement the primary magnetic field measurements. Together these will allow the deduction of information on a series of solid earth processes responsible for the creation of the fields measured. The completeness of the measurements on each satellite and the constellation aspect, however, implies simultaneous observations of a unique set of important electrodynamical parameters crucial for the understanding of the physical processes in Geospace, which are an important part of the objectives of the International Living With a Star Programme, ILWS. In this paper an overview of the Swarm science objectives, the mission concept, the scientific instrumentation, and the expected contribution to the ILWS programme will be summarized.  相似文献   

为使卫星在飞过特定经纬度地面上空时对应特定的空间基线形式,系统的其他参数常受制于诸多限制,只有编队构型可以进行更为自由的设计。以双星编队为例,研究了基于轨道摄动理论的编队飞行模型;分析了编队飞行InSAR卫星的轨道设计约束条件与设计目标;提出了四种轨道构型方案并对其测高性能进行比较;并分析了地球扁率摄动因素对编队构型及InSAR测高性能的影响。  相似文献   

The devastating Sumatra tsunami in 2004 demonstrated the need for a tsunami early warning system in the Indian Ocean. Such a system has been installed within the German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS) project. Tsunamis are a global phenomenon and for global observations satellites are predestined. Within the GITEWS project a feasibility study on a future tsunami detection system from space has therefore been carried out. The Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry (GNSS-R) is an innovative way of using GNSS signals for remote sensing. It uses ocean reflected GNSS signals for sea surface altimetry. With a dedicated Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellation of satellites equipped with GNSS-R receivers, densely spaced sea surface height measurements could be established to detect tsunamis. Some general considerations on the geometry between LEO and GNSS are made in this simulation study. It exemplary analyzes the detection performance of a GNSS-R constellation at 900 km altitude and 60° inclination angle when applied to the Sumatra tsunami as it occurred in 2004. GPS is assumed as signal source and the combination with GLONASS and Galileo signals is investigated. It can be demonstrated, that the combination of GPS and Galileo is advantageous for constellations with few satellites while the combination with GLONASS is preferable for constellations with many satellites. If all three GNSS are combined, the best detection performance can be expected for all scenarios considered. In this case an 18 satellite constellation will detect the Sumatra tsunami within 17 min with certainty, while it takes 53 min if only GPS is considered.  相似文献   

The TIROS-N operational meteorological satellite observing system will have the capability of determining global ozone amounts from two instruments by 1985. The TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) yields total ozone amounts through measurements of atmospheric infrared radiances. The Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) spectrometer yields total ozone amounts and vertical ozone profiles through measurements of the solar ultraviolet radiation backscattered by the atmosphere. The current operations plan calls for single satellites containing both instruments system with local afternoon equator crossing times. They will be launched at approximately 18 month intervals.The satellite ozone products will require verification using commonly accepted references. For total ozone, Dobson spectrophotometer determinations are to be used. For vertical profiles, no clear choice now exists among balloon-launched chemical sondes, rocket-launched optical sondes or Dobson Umkehr measurements. The applicability and use of these measurement systems are discussed with emphasis on the need for the verification data consistent with the operational satellite lifetimes.Another major source of data for verification is other satellite systems. Comparisons of vertical ozone profiles from several concurrent satellites is discussed. This includes results from SAGE, LIMS and SBUV.  相似文献   

Nowadays, nano- and micro-satellites, which are smaller than conventional large satellites, provide access to space to many satellite developers, and they are attracting interest as an application of space development because development is possible over shorter time period at a lower cost. In most of these nano- and micro-satellite missions, the satellites generally must meet strict attitude requirements for obtaining scientific data under strict constraints of power consumption, space, and weight. In many satellite missions, the jitter of a reaction wheel degrades the performance of the mission detectors and attitude sensors; therefore, jitter should be controlled or isolated to reduce its effect on sensor devices. In conventional standard-sized satellites, tip-tilt mirrors (TTMs) and isolators are used for controlling or isolating the vibrations from reaction wheels; however, it is difficult to use these devices for nano- and micro-satellite missions under the strict power, space, and mass constraints. In this research, the jitter of reaction wheels is reduced by using accurate sensors, small reaction wheels, and slow rotation frequency reaction wheel instead of TTMs and isolators. The objective of a reaction wheel in many satellite missions is the management of the satellite’s angular momentum, which increases because of attitude disturbances. If the magnitude of the disturbance is reduced in orbit or on the ground, the magnitude of the angular momentum that the reaction wheels gain from attitude disturbances in orbit becomes smaller; therefore, satellites can stabilize their attitude using only smaller reaction wheels or slow rotation speed, which cause relatively smaller vibration. In nano- and micro-satellite missions, the dominant attitude disturbance is a magnetic torque, which can be cancelled by using magnetic actuators. With the magnetic compensation, the satellite reduces the angular momentum that the reaction wheels gain, and therefore, satellites do not require large reaction wheels and higher rotation speed, which cause jitter. As a result, the satellite can reduce the effect of jitter without using conventional isolators and TTMs. Hence, the satellites can achieve precise attitude control under low power, space, and mass constraints using this proposed method. Through the example of an astronomical observation mission using nano- and micro-satellites, it is demonstrated that the jitter reduction using small reaction wheels is feasible in nano- and micro-satellites.  相似文献   

The navigation and geodetic satellites that orbit the Earth at altitudes of approximately 20,000 km are tracked routinely by many of the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) stations of the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS). In order to meet increasing demands on SLR stations for daytime and nighttime observations, any new mission needs to ensure a strong return signal so that the target is easily acquirable. The ILRS has therefore set a minimum effective cross-section of 100 million square metres for the on-board laser retro-reflector arrays (LRAs) and further recommends the use of ‘uncoated’ cubes in the arrays. Given the large number of GNSS satellites that are currently supported by SLR, it is informative to make an assessment of the relative efficiencies of the various LRAs employed. This paper uses the laser ranging observations themselves to deduce and then compare the efficiencies of the LRAs on the COMPASS-M1 navigation satellite, two satellites from the GPS and three from the GLONASS constellations, the two GIOVE test satellites from the upcoming Galileo constellation, the two Etalon geodetic spheres and the geosynchronous communications test satellite, ETS-8. All the LRAs on this set of satellites employ back-coated retro-reflector cubes, except those on the COMPASS-M1 and ETS-8 vehicles which are uncoated. A measure of return signal strength, and thus of LRA-efficiency, is calculated using the laser-range full-rate data archive from 2007 to 2010, scaled to remove the effects of variations in satellite range, atmospheric attenuation and retro-reflector target total surface area. Observations from five SLR stations are used in this study; they are Herstmonceux (UK), Yarragadee (Australia), Monument Peak and McDonald (USA) and Wettzell (Germany). Careful consideration is given to the treatment of the observations from each station in order to take account of local working practices and system upgrades. The results show that the uncoated retro-reflector cubes offer significant improvements in efficiency.  相似文献   

The feasibility of determining cirrus “emissivity” from combined stereoscopic and infrared satellite observations in conjunction with radiosounding data is investigated for a particular case study. Simultaneous visible images obtained during SESAME-1979 from two geosynchronous GOES meteorological satellites were processed on the NASA/Goddard interactive system (AOIPS) and were used to determine the stereo cloud top height ZC as described by Hasler [1]. Iso-contours of radiances were outlined on the corresponding infrared image. Total brightness temperature TB and ground surface brightness temperature TS were inferred from the radiances. The special SESAME network of radiosoundings was used to determine the cloud top temperature TCLD at the level defined by ZC. The “effective cirrus emissivity” NE where N is the fractional cirrus cloudiness and E is the emissivity in a GOES infrared picture element of about 10 km × 10 km is then computed from TB, TS and TCLD.  相似文献   

The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument is the first to measure the earth radiation budget from a geostationary orbit. This allows a full sampling of the diurnal cycle of radiation and clouds – which is important for climate studies, as well as detailed process studies, e.g. the lifecycle of clouds or particular aerosol events such as desert storms. GERB data is now for the first time released as Edition 1 data for public scientific use. In this paper we summarise the algorithms used for the Edition 1 GERB data processing and the main validation results. Based on the comparison with the independent CERES instrument, the Edition 1 GERB accuracy is 5% for the reflected solar radiances and 2% for the emitted thermal radiances.  相似文献   

全球海表流场多尺度结构观测卫星计划(Ocean Surface Current multiscale Observation Mission, OSCOM)首次提出海表流场、海面风场和海浪谱(简称 “流–风–浪”)一体化探测的多普勒散射计(Doppler Scatterometer, DOPS)测量原理和系统体制。OSCOM采用Ka-Ku双频多波束圆锥扫描体制的真实孔径雷达,将实现超过1000 km观测刈幅、公里级分辨率的“流–风–浪”一体化卫星直接观测。OSCOM将突破海洋亚中尺度非平衡态动力学、海洋多尺度相互作用、海气耦合的研究瓶颈,支撑实现海洋系统科学、气候变化等理论研究的重大突破。未来,应用OSCOM海表流速观测的模式改进,将奠定海洋非平衡态过程数值模拟、同化和预报的动力学基础,实现海洋和海气耦合模式的重大改进。通过与多源数据融合,OSCOM海流观测的应用将为海洋生物地球化学循环、碳收支研究和国家重大任务提供支撑。OSCOM科学卫星的实施对于我国地球系统科学和卫星对地观测重大应用的突破有至关重要的意义,有望带动我国应用卫星的发展从追赶、并行走向领跑。   相似文献   

For accurate measurements of sea surface temperature in the 11 μm window region, it is necessary to eliminate the effect of atmospheric absorption. A technique using observations from different angles is one of the methods of eliminating this atmospheric effect. This technique is not possible at present, using a single satellite; but using two geosynchronous satellites, it is possible to observe a common area from two different elevation angles. To correct for atmospheric effects, therefore, we compared the infrared data obtained from observations at about the same time (less than a minute apart) on the equator using the GMS-1 and GMS-2 satellites which had about 20° longitudinal separation. It was found that if the infrared spectral wavelength channel of one geosynchronous satellite is selected to be different from that of the other, it is possible to improve the two-satellite observation technique of estimating water vapor content in a tropical atmosphere. This technique corresponds to split window measurements by the AVHRR radiometer on board the NOAA-7 satellite.  相似文献   

The Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect is a proposed explanation for the observed rotation behavior of inactive satellites in Earth orbit. This paper further explores the YORP effect for highly asymmetric inactive satellites. Satellite models are developed to represent the GOES 8 and GOES 10 satellites, both of which are currently inactive in geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO). A simple satellite model for the GOES 8 satellite is used to analyze the short period variations of the angular velocity and obliquity as a result of the YORP effect. A more complex model for the rotational dynamics of the GOES 8 and GOES 10 satellites are developed to probe their sensitivity and to match observed spin periods and states of these satellites. The simulated rotation periods are compared to observations for both satellites. The comparison between YORP theory and observed rotation rates for both satellites show that the YORP effect could be the cause for the observed rotational behavior. The YORP model also predicts a novel state for the GOES 8 satellite, namely that it could periodically fall into a tumbling rotation state. Recent observations of this satellite are consistent with this prediction.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical processes responsible for cometary ionospheres are now beginning to be understood, due to comparisons between theoretical results and recently obtained in situ observations of the ionospheric plasma and magnetic field of comet Halley. The contact surface which separates outflowing cometary plasma from solar wind controlled cometary plasma can be explained in terms of a balance between the magnetic pressure gradient force and ion-neutral drag. An analytic expression for the magnetic field in the vicinity of the contact surface is given in this paper.  相似文献   

Broadband electrostatic noise (BEN) is commonly observed in different regions of the Earth’s magnetosphere, eg., auroral region, plasma sheet boundary layer, etc. The frequency of these BENs lies in the range from lower hybrid to the local electron plasma frequency and sometimes even higher. Spacecraft observations suggest that the high and low-frequency parts of BEN appear to be two different wave modes. There is a well established theory for the high-frequency part which can be explained by electrostatic solitary waves, however, low-frequency part is yet to be fully understood. The linear theory of low-frequency waves is developed in a four-component magnetized plasma consisting of three types of electrons, namely cold background electron, warm electrons, warm electron beam and ions. The electrostatic dispersion relation is solved, both analytically and numerically. For the parameters relevant to the auroral region, our analysis predict excitation of electron acoustic waves in the frequency range of 17 Hz to 2.6 kHz with transverse wavelengths in range of (1–70) km. The results from this model may be applied to explain some features of the low-frequency part of the broadband electrostatic noise observed in other regions of the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The northern Sinai is a sandy semi-desert. Severe overgrazing and other anthropogenic pressures contribute to an extremely sparse vegetative cover. A 6×6 km area was fenced off in the summer of 1974, constituting an exclosure from the grazing herds and from harvesting of plants for firewood. The vegetation in this exclosure recovered rapidly. In this study, radiances and surface temperatures of the vegetated exclosure and of the surrounding anthropogenically impacted terrain were monitored for the period March–September 1981, using NOAA-6 satellite. This satellite carries the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) that measures visible and solar infrared radiances and also radiation temperatures at 11 μm band. In the digital images, the exclosure forms an easily recognized square, darker in the visible and solar infrared AVHRR channels than the surroundings. We concentrated on the corner in which there was no anthropogenic activity. Based on the ratio of the radiance over the exclosure to that over the surrounding terrain, the protrusions parameter s (vertical projection of the protrusions per unit area) has been estimated. The average value of s for the various satellite passes is 0.20 as measured in the visible channel and 0.18 as measured in the solar infrared. The radiation temperatures of the exclosure and of the surrounding terrain were analyzed. The radiation temperatures of the vegetated exclosure (sand with protruding bushes) are higher (by up to 2.5°K) than those of the surrounding terrain (that can be approximately regarded as bare sand). It is concluded that in an arid climate, under the semi-dormant conditions of vegetation (which prevail at all times except for the desert-bloom period, after a rain) the evapotranspiration is low, so that its effect on the surface temperatures is very small. Under these conditions, the surface temperatures are controlled by the surface albedo and the air flow at the surface.  相似文献   

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