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In simple energy balance climate models all physical and dynamical processes are parameterized in terms of the single unknown variable: the surface temperature. To simulate the ice-albedo feedback, the surface albedo is usually assumed to be a function of surface temperature. But to compute the absorbed solar radiation in such models one requires the top-of-the atmosphere albedo: the planetary albedo. In the present study, a simple linear relationship is derived between planetary albedo and surface albedo for the case of clear skies. The relationship is based upon a regression equation derived from simulations and has a standard error of estimate of 0.028. The estimation of planetary albedo from surface albedo is checked by comparing zonally averaged clear-sky planetary albedos, estimated from zonally averaged surface albedos, to satellite determinations of zonally averaged minimum albedos for monthly mean conditions. The minimum albedos are assumed to be representative of the clear-sky planetary albedos. The results show root-mean square differences of 0.05 between the estimated clear-sky planetary albedos and the minimum albedos.More accurate relationships can be obtained if one uses an additional parameter - the solar zenith angle. In this case, the standard errors of estimate are reduced to 0.017 for a zenith angle of 0°, 0.018 for a zenith angle of 60° and 0.021 for a zenith angle of 85°.  相似文献   

At the estimation of the sensitivity three variable parameters must be taken into account: cloud amount, cloud albedo and cloud-top height. Cloud albedo is considered to be a parameter that varies according to a given formula. The effective cloud amount and outgoing longwave flux from cloudy atmosphere have been computed on the basis of the satellite measured planetary albedo and the outgoing flux data, using additional information about planetary albedo and the outgoing longwave flux in clear-sky conditions. The latter quantities have been computed from the mean contemporary climatic data. The estimation of the sensitivity is carried out in two cases: if the effective cloud amount and cloud-top height variations are independent or not. The corresponding statistical tests are presented.  相似文献   

New and current algorithms for estimating the broadband planetary albedo from NOAA satellite narrowband observations are testes by applying them to retrospective NOAA-9 AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution) data of 2 July 1985. For comparison, broadband SW fluxes taken by the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) instrument, also on NOAA-9 are used as reference values. In contrast to the current scene-independent model, the new algorithms are all scene-dependent, but differ in the way they are classified by surface, cloud amount and albedo indices. The current operational model produces a global bias of magnitude 5 W/m2 and a strong latitudinal dependence in error. The scene-dependent algorithms yield global biases of less than ±3 W/m2 and have little latitudinal dependence over most of the globe.  相似文献   

A nonlinear mixture model for the interpretation of mixed pixels in remote sensing satellite images is proposed. The proposed model is a Monte Carlo ray-tracing model that takes into account interactions among the ground cover materials (multiple reflections among the materials on the surface). The proposed model also takes into account topographic features (slope) of the ground surface. As an example, Top of the Atmosphere (TOA) radiance of mixed pixels of forested areas which are composed of grasses and trees are simulated with the proposed model and compared to actual remote sensing satellite data of ASTER/VNIR over these forested areas. It was found that the influence due to multiple scattering interactions between trees depends on the tree distance and ranges from 8% to 10%. It is also found that the proposed model is useful to interpret mixed pixels. Namely, it is suggested that actual reflectance of the trees is higher than apparent reflectance that is calculated with the satellite data. Also it is suggested that it is possible to estimate forest parameters such as tree distance, tree shape.  相似文献   

Remote sensing from satellites continues to have a very large impact on the activities of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and continues to provide very great benefits to meteorological services throughout the world. Meteorological satellites provide remotely sensed data which can be converted into meteorological measurements such as cloud cover, cloud motion vectors, surface temperature, vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and humidity, snow and ice cover, ozone and various radiation measurements. The meteorological satellites are part of the global operations of the World Weather Watch Programme which serves as the basic programme of the WMO by supporting other programmes and activities. Satellite measurements are critical to the success of many different components in the World Climate Programme. Special projects are being designed for the 1990s to take advantage of the data from satellite systems designed primarily to provide land or ocean observations. The Applications of Meteorology Programme makes use of remotely sensed data to provide products and services to agricultural, aeronautical and marine activities. The transfer of knowledge and technology in satellite remote sensing applications are important elements of the Technical Co-operation and the Education and Training Programmes.  相似文献   

针对高分四号(GF-4)卫星影像波段较少导致传统云检测算法难以区分云与冰雪像元的问题,提出一种多时相多通道云检测算法。该算法首先对GF-4卫星影像进行辐射定标和配准,然后利用云与典型地表的光谱差异得到潜在云像元,之后利用序列GF-4卫星影像之间的差异识别出移动的云像元,最后利用中红外波段反演地表亮度温度来去除冰雪像元。该算法在海南、辽宁和安徽3个研究区域进行验证,并将检测结果与传统单时相云检测算法、支持向量机(SVM)云检测算法和实时差分(RTD)云检测算法的检测结果进行对比。结果表明,该算法优于其他3种云检测算法,准确识别率均达到90%以上,误检率均低于5%,有利于GF-4卫星影像的进一步利用。  相似文献   

Because space-borne radiometers do not measure the Earth’s outgoing fluxes directly, angular distribution models (ADMs) are required to relate actual radiance measurement to flux at given solar angle, satellite-viewing geometries, surface, and atmospheric conditions. The conversion of one footprint broad-band radiance into the corresponding flux requires therefore one to first characterize each footprint in terms of surface type and cloud cover properties to properly select the adequate ADM.

A snow (and sea-ice) retrieval technique based on spectral measurements from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on board Meteosat 8 is presented. It has been developed to improve the scene identification and thus the ADM selection in the near-real time processing of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) data at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. The improvement in the GERB short wave flux estimations over snow covered scene types resulting from angular conversion using dedicated snow ADMs (e.g., empirical snow ADMs and/or pre-computed theoretical snow ADM) instead of empirical snow-free ADMs is discussed.  相似文献   

The northern Sinai is a sandy semi-desert. Severe overgrazing and other anthropogenic pressures contribute to an extremely sparse vegetative cover. A 6×6 km area was fenced off in the summer of 1974, constituting an exclosure from the grazing herds and from harvesting of plants for firewood. The vegetation in this exclosure recovered rapidly. In this study, radiances and surface temperatures of the vegetated exclosure and of the surrounding anthropogenically impacted terrain were monitored for the period March–September 1981, using NOAA-6 satellite. This satellite carries the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) that measures visible and solar infrared radiances and also radiation temperatures at 11 μm band. In the digital images, the exclosure forms an easily recognized square, darker in the visible and solar infrared AVHRR channels than the surroundings. We concentrated on the corner in which there was no anthropogenic activity. Based on the ratio of the radiance over the exclosure to that over the surrounding terrain, the protrusions parameter s (vertical projection of the protrusions per unit area) has been estimated. The average value of s for the various satellite passes is 0.20 as measured in the visible channel and 0.18 as measured in the solar infrared. The radiation temperatures of the exclosure and of the surrounding terrain were analyzed. The radiation temperatures of the vegetated exclosure (sand with protruding bushes) are higher (by up to 2.5°K) than those of the surrounding terrain (that can be approximately regarded as bare sand). It is concluded that in an arid climate, under the semi-dormant conditions of vegetation (which prevail at all times except for the desert-bloom period, after a rain) the evapotranspiration is low, so that its effect on the surface temperatures is very small. Under these conditions, the surface temperatures are controlled by the surface albedo and the air flow at the surface.  相似文献   

In the process of exploring pre-earthquake thermal anomalies using satellite infrared data, Blackett et al. (2011) found that the previously reported anomalies before the 2001 Mw 7.7 Gujarat earthquake, in India, were related to positive biases caused by data gaps due to cloud cover and mosaicing of neighboring orbits of MODIS satellite data. They supposed that such effects could also be responsible for other cases. We noted a strip-shaped TIR anomaly on March 17th, 2010, 28?days before the Ms. 7.1 Yushu earthquake (Qin et al., 2011). Here we again investigate multi-year infrared satellite data in different bands to discriminate whether the anomaly is associated with the earthquake, or is only bias caused by the data gaps. From the water vapor images, we find lots of clouds that have TIR anomalies. However, on the cloudiness background, there is an obvious strip-shaped gap matching the tectonic faults almost perfectly. In particular, the animation loops of hourly water vapor images show that the cloud kept moving from west to east, while they never covered the strip-shaped gap. We consider that the cloud with this special spatial pattern should have implied the abnormal signals associated with the seismogenic process. Based on current physical models, the satellite IR anomalies both on TIR and water vapor bands can qualitatively be explained using synthetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a new method for simultaneous determination of cloud top height and effective cloud cover, using infrared radiance data of satellite-borne instruments. These cloud properties derived from the Selective Chopper Radiometer on the Nimbus 5 satellite are compared with nearly simultaneous observations by radiosondes and with satellite images. Encouraging results for Central-Europe during January, April, July, August and October 1974, as well as numerical simulations indicate that the method proposed here, would be useful also for global application. Another advantage of the described procedure are the small amount of computing time, and that no other data are required than 3 of infrared channel values, for each sounded spot.  相似文献   

Cirrus clouds and low clouds over snow are sometimes difficult to assess by common retrieval methods. In the case of cirrus the reason is the highly variable optical depth while low clouds have approximately the same temperature and reflection properties as snow covered mountains (or plains). An empirical interactive method is described, which allows to classify with great detail clouds of the described types and to determine the fractional coverage of each cloud type as seen from the satellite. The statistical properties of the cloud classes are determined by analyzing small areas of uniform cloudiness. The algorithms applied to pairs of spectral images is the standard maximum likelihood method.  相似文献   

The dynamical features of the climate system result from the interaction of the atmosphere with the surface. The hope for improving climate prediction, on seasonal and interannual time scales, is based on the premise that slowly varying boundary conditions force well defined predictable patterns of general circulation.It is now recognized that in models of surface climate over land, surface properties should not be regarded as constants and that it is important to specify a realistic value of the surface albedo1 in order to correctly estimate the amount of solar radiation absorbed at the surface. The albedo is also considered by some as an internal dependent parameter of climate, since it time integrates the effects of changes in more variable quantities, such as rainfall.The global nature of the links between forcing and response imply global monitoring of the parameters which control the transfer and feedback of the energy at the surface/atmosphere interface. Satellites can play an important role in resolving the difficult problem of properly representing the average surface albedo over large areas. However, satellites measure only the earth-atmosphere reflectance in narrow spectral intervals, narrow solid angles, and in most cases at a fixed local time. To derive from these observations the effective surface albedo, one has to compute the total reflected planetary flux, integrated over the whole solar spectrum, over all the viewing angles, and over time. A transformation from top of the atmosphere to the surface is also required.In this presentation the implications of atmospheric corrections, bidirectional reflectance, and transformations from narrow spectral bands to the total solar spectrum for albedo derivations will be addressed. Also, the various attempts to derive surface reflectivity and surface albedo from satellites will be reviewed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of orbits around planetary satellites, taking into account the gravitational attraction of a third-body and the non-uniform distribution of mass of the planetary satellite, is studied. The Hamiltonian considered is explicitly time-dependent. Conditions for frozen orbits are presented. Low-altitude, near-polar orbits, very desirable for scientific missions to study planetary satellites such as the Jupiter’s moon Europa, are analyzed. Lifetimes for these orbits are computed through the single and double averaged method. Comparison between the results obtained by the single and double averaged method is presented. The single-averaged model is more realistic, since it does not eliminate the term due to the equatorial ellipticity of the planetary satellite as done by the double-averaged problem. Considering the single-averaged method, we found unstable frozen orbits where the satellite does not impact with the surface of Europa for at least 200 days. We present an approach using the unaveraged disturbing potential to analyze the effects of these terms in the amplitude of the eccentricity.  相似文献   

Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) data from Nimbus-7 over the period November 1978 – June 1980 has consistently shown strong hemispheric differences when analyzed over different temporal and spatial scales. Hemispheric variations in time latitude cross sections of net and emitted radiation were found to be caused by changes in the Earth-Sun distance and continental effects.Maps of annual range for the entire Earth calculated from monthly averages showed areas of high and low variability of the different ERB parameters. The ERB of these regional areas were examined and most of the variability was found to lay in the large amplitude of the annual solar cycle. Variations in the global annual cycle of albedo /1/ are studied with respect to differences in latitudinal averaged albedo. The anomaly in the annual cycle of global averaged albedo was found to be caused by tropical albedo changes.  相似文献   

改进了月面中低纬度地区光照分析算法,以Aristarchus高原(AP)为例,使用LRO卫星获得的高分辨率、高精度的LOLA数据和DE/LE430月球行星历表,同时基于月球天平动模型,定量计算和分析了AP地区的光照特性。结果表明:AP地区的光照率都在0.35以上,平坦地区的光照条件较好,受到地形的影响不同位置的光照率相差很大。光照率最大值点(B)要比最小值点(A)高出30%以上。考虑典型的长周期天平动效应,18.6年光照数据的分析结果表明,每个位置的光照率变化较小且趋于稳定,这对月球表面演化研究是一个重要的参考。  相似文献   

光学遥感图像中云层会对地面信息进行不同程度的遮挡,造成了地表观测信息的模糊和缺失,极大地影响遥感图像的成像质量。因此,对遥感图像中云层覆盖的检测和评估是进一步分析和利用遥感图像信息的基础和关键。通过充分的调研和对比总结,梳理了20世纪90年代以来,国内外基于遥感图像的云检测方法的发展趋势和代表性工作。将基于遥感图像的云检测方法分为三类:基于光谱阈值的方法、基于经典机器学习的方法以及基于深度学习的方法。总结了当前国内外云检测公开数据集,并对比了部分代表性工作的云检测精度。此外,简要梳理了与云检测相关的云雾(霾)检测、云雪检测、云阴影检测以及云去除等方法。对当前云检测相关工作中存在的问题和未来的发展趋势进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

By using both high-resolution orthoimagery and medium-resolution Landsat satellite imagery with other geospatial information, several land surface parameters including impervious surfaces and land surface temperatures for three geographically distinct urban areas in the United States – Seattle, Washington, Tampa Bay, Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada, are obtained. Percent impervious surface is used to quantitatively define the spatial extent and development density of urban land use. Land surface temperatures were retrieved by using a single band algorithm that processes both thermal infrared satellite data and total atmospheric water vapor content. Land surface temperatures were analyzed for different land use and land cover categories in the three regions. The heterogeneity of urban land surface and associated spatial extents were shown to influence surface thermal conditions because of the removal of vegetative cover, the introduction of non-transpiring surfaces, and the reduction in evaporation over urban impervious surfaces. Fifty years of in situ climate data were integrated to assess regional climatic conditions. The spatial structure of surface heating influenced by landscape characteristics has a profound influence on regional climate conditions, especially through urban heat island effects.  相似文献   

A comprehensive statistical analysis of the cloud base height (CBH) measured by ground-based Vaisala ceilometer (CL31) has been performed to study different layers of the cloud in the lower troposphere up to 7.5?km height over Ahmedabad, western India during 2014 and 2015. The total observations (~69%) of cloud by using ceilometer show annual cloud occurrence frequency of around 64%. Seasonal variation of CBH and cloud occurrence frequency reveal that the maximum/minimum cloud cover is found during southwest (SW) Indian summer monsoon/pre-monsoon season. Three CBHs (CBH1, CBH2, and CBH3) are presented in monsoon period due to high cloud occurrence, and two CBHs (CBH1 and CBH2) are observed in other seasons due to low cloud occurrence by ceilometer over the observational site. The CBH1 (~100–2000?m) and CBH2 (500–3000?m) are observed during SW monsoon and summer season, respectively. The CBH3 is occurred usually in SW monsoon season. Moreover, the cloud cover during the day and night time shows that the occurrence of cloud is more frequent in daytime than nighttime during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon season. The statistical analysis of cloud with ground-based observations is also performed in this study that may be useful for the development/improvement of regional weather and climate models to reduce the uncertainty in the prediction.  相似文献   

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