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Multispectral data covering an area near Marysvale, Utah, collected with the airborne National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 24-channel Bendix multispectral scanner, were analyzed to detect areas of hydrothermally altered, potentially mineralized rocks. Spectral bands were selected for analysis that approximate those of the Landsat 4 Thematic Mapper and which are diagnostic of the presence of hydrothermally derived products. Hydrothermally altered rocks, particularly volcanic rocks affected by solutions rich in sulfuric acid, are commonly characterized by concentrations of argillic minerals such as alunite and kaolinite. These minerals are important for identifying hydrothermally altered rocks in multispectral images because they have intense absorption bands centered near a wavelength of 2.2 μm. Unaltered volcanic rocks commonly do not contain these minerals and hence do not have the absorption bands.A color-composite image was constructed using the following spectral band ratios: 1.6μm/2.2μm, 1.6μm/0.48μm, and 0.67μm/1.0μm. The particular bands were chosen to emphasize the spectral contrasts that exist for argillic versus non-argillic rocks, limonitic versus nonlimonitic rocks, and rocks versus vegetation, respectively. The color-ratio composite successfully distinguished most types of altered rocks from unaltered rocks. Some previously unrecognized areas of hydrothermal alteration were mapped. The altered rocks included those having high alunite and/or kaolinite content, siliceous rocks containing some kaolinite, and ash-fall tuffs containing zeolitic minerals. The color-ratio-composite image allowed further division of these rocks into limonitic and nonlimonitic phases. The image did not allow separation of highly siliceous or hematitically altered rocks containing no clays or alunite from unaltered rocks.A color-coded density slice image of the 1.6μm/2.2μm band ratio allowed further discrimination among the altered units. Areas containing zeolites and some ash-fall tuffs containing montmorillonite were readily recognized on the color-coded density slice as having less intense 2.2-μm absorption than areas of highly altered rocks. The areas of most intense absorption, as depicted in the color-coded density slice, are dominated by highly altered rocks containing large amounts of alunite and kaolinite. These areas form an annulus, approximately 10 km in diameter, which surrounds a quartz monzonite intrusive body of Miocene age. The patterns of most intense alteration are interpreted as the remnants of paleohydrothermal convective cells set into motion during the emplacement of the central intrusive body.  相似文献   

The Landsat 4 and 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) provides increased spatial, spectral, and radiometric capability relative to the Multispectral Scanner (MSS). Visual inspection of TM imagery confirms this. Land cover detail is evident that would be of use in watershed management and planning activities. Specific studies have been conducted in Georgia, West Virginia, Michigan and Maryland to compare MSS and TM for urbanizing watersheds, wetlands, and floodplain mapping situations. These studies show that only modest improvements in classification accuracy (Anderson Level I/II) have been achieved using existing classification approaches. An attempt to identify the visibly apparent interstate highways and secondary and residential streets in TM data via conventional approaches failed due to an inability to derive separable spectral signatures. The basis for a non-parametric approach to classification is presented in which roads are identified by locating linear local minima in the greenness transformed dimension. Preliminary results indicate that such a method provides more reliable road locations than MSS or TM used singly.  相似文献   

The July 1982 launch of Landsat-4 was immediately followed by a two-year comprehensive set of detailed investigations sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The Landsat Image Data Quality Analysis (LIDQA) research plans for these investigations were specified prior to launch, so that minimum time would be lost in assessing the performance of the long-awaited Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor that Landsat-4 carried in addition to a fourth Multispectral Scanner (MSS). The LIDQA investigations have been substantially completed, and have shown that the TM is a very good spaceborne multispectral radiometer, and has met or exceeded most of its design goals. TM's new short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectral capability yielded improved mineral and plant discrimination compared to the MSS, as anticipated by ground-based and airborne TM simulations. Moreover, the improved spatial resolution and geometric accuracy of Landsat-4 and the TM have resulted in satellite image maps exceeding 1:100,000 U.S. map accuracy standards. Finally, based on an information entropy measure, principal component analysis, and classification results, TM data has been shown to approach its theoretical limit in information content per pixel, exceeding the MSS by at least a factor of two.  相似文献   

Remote sensing satellite data plays a vital role and capable in detecting minerals and discriminating rock types for explorations of mineral resources and geological studies. Study of spectral absorption characters of remotely sensed data are under consideration by the exploration and mining companies, and demonstrating the spectral absorption characters of carbonates on the cost-effective multispectral image (rather than the hyperspectral, Lidar image) for easy understanding of all geologists and exploration communities of carbonates is very much important. The present work is an integrated study and an outcome of recently published works on the economic important carbonate rocks, includes limestone, marl, listwaenites and carbonatites occurred in parts of the Sultanate of Oman. It demonstrates the spectral sensitivity of such rocks for simple interpretation over satellite data and describes and distinguishes them based on the absorptions of carbonate minerals in the spectral bands of advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) for mapping and exploration studies. The study results that the ASTER spectral band 8 discriminates the carbonate rocks due to the presence of predominantly occurred carbonate minerals; the ASTER band 5 distinguishes the limestones and marls (more hydroxyl clay minerals) from listwaenite (hydrothermally altered rock) due to the presence of altered minerals and the ASTER band 4 detects carbonatites (ultramafic intrusive alkaline rocks) which contain relatively more silicates. The study on the intensity of the total absorptions against the reflections of these rocks shows that the limestones and marls have low intensity in absorptions (and high reflection values) due to the presence of carbonate minerals (calcite and dolomite) occurred in different proportions. The listwaenites and carbonatites have high intensity of absorptions (low reflection values) due to the occurrence of Mn-oxide in listwaenites and carbonates in carbonatites apart the influence of major carbonate minerals that occurred predominantly in these rocks. The study of ASTER thermal infrared (TIR) spectral bands distinguished the marls have low emissivity of energy due to the presence of hydroxyl bearing alumina-silicate minerals from the other rocks such as limestones, listwaenites and carbonatites which have high emissivity due to the absence of hydroxyl bearing alumina-silicate minerals and the presence of carbonate minerals and carbonates.  相似文献   

Visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy has proven a powerful tool for exploring the geology of Mars. Most of this data has been obtained from Earth, but the technique is ideally suited to orbital application, as proposed for the U.S. Mars Geoscience/Climatology Orbiter mission. Spectral reflectance in the near-UV and visible is highly diagnostic of ferric-iron mineralogy, and has shown that Fe3+ in the ubiquitous bright dust and soil is amorphous or poorly-crystalline. Other iron-oxide minerals, indicative of other modes or episodes of crustal alteration, may be found in spatially localized deposits. Clay minerals (hydroxylated silicates) have diagnostic vibrational absorptions throughout the near-infrared. While some form of bound water and/or OH has been known on Mars for many years, a new result presented here is the identification of structural OH in a dilute or poorly crystalline magnesian clay. Salts such as carbonates, sulfates, and nitrates have not yet been detected in martian soils but have diagnostic spectral features in the 3- to 4-μm region, best suited to Mars-orbital observation. Analysis of reflectance spectra of low-albedo regions is a primary source of evidence for a basaltic or ultramafic crust, with identification of abundant clinopyroxene and possible detection of other mafic minerals. The distinctive near-infrared spectral shape of dark regions indicates that the dark materials commonly consist of relatively unaltered rocks or rock fragments very thinly coated by (or mixed with) bright oxidized material similar to the global dust. Visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy is also a sensitive technique for detecting and analyzing water ice, as has been demonstrated on Mars by observations of the north polar cap.  相似文献   

The overlapping-frequency signals from different GNSS constellations are interoperable and can be integrated as one constellation in multi-GNSS positioning when inter-system bias (ISB) is properly disposed. The look-up table method for ISB calibration can enhance the model strength, maximize the number of integer-estimable ambiguities, and thus is preferred. However, the characteristics and magnitudes of the receiver code ISB and phase fractional ISB (F-ISB) are not well known and the wrong values of the biases can seriously degrade the positioning results. In this contribution, we first estimate the between-receiver code ISB and phase F-ISB of hundreds of the baselines up to around 25km in the European Permanent GNSS Network (EPN) and the Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) for the overlapping frequencies L1-E1 (L1), L5-E5a (L5) and E5b-B2b (L7). The data collected from 1st January 2016 to 1st January 2019. Second, the receiver-type and firmware-version combinations for the receivers of Trimble, Leica, Javad, Septentrio and NovAtel are carefully classified. Results show that the Septentrio receivers have consistent code and phase ISB values for the three overlapping frequencies i.e. only one value for each frequency and no receivers are different. The Leica, Trimble and Javad receivers have two or more ISB values for at least one of the three frequencies. A few receivers with biases to the groups are also found and listed. Third, the code ISB and phase F-ISB of the groups are adjusted by the least-squares method. The root mean square errors (RMSE) of the least square adjustment are 0.240 m, 0.250 m and 0.200 m for code of L1, L5 and L7 frequencies, respectively, and are 0.0009 m, 0.0015 m and 0.0031 m for phase of L1, L5 and L7 frequencies, respectively. Finally, the effects of code ISB errors on code positing are investigated with the zero-baseline MAT1_MATZ. The distance root mean square error (DRMS) of L1-E1 code positioning can be reduced by 48.2% with 5 GPS and Galileo satellites and the DRMS degrades quickly when the code ISB error is larger.  相似文献   

This study investigates the application of spectral image processing methods to ASTER data for mapping hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper mineralization and related host rock. The study area is located in the southeastern segment of the Urumieh–Dokhtar Volcanic Belt of Iran. This area has been selected because it is a potential zone for exploration of new porphyry copper deposits. Spectral transform approaches, namely principal component analysis, band ratio and minimum noise fraction were used for mapping hydrothermally altered rocks and lithological units at regional scale. Spectral mapping methods, including spectral angle mapper, linear spectral unmixing, matched filtering and mixture tuned matched filtering were applied to differentiate hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper mineralization such as phyllic, argillic and propylitic mineral assemblages.  相似文献   

The processes resulting from the introduction of the tranagenic microorganism (TM) E. coli Z905/pPHL7 into aquatic microcosms have been modeled experimentally. It has been shown that the TM E. coli is able to adapt to a long co-existence with indigenous heterotrophic microflora in variously structured microcosms. In more complex microcosms the numerical dynamics of the introduced E. coli Z905/pPHL7 population is more stable. In the TM populations staying in the microcosms for a prolonged time, changes are recorded in the phenotypic expression of plasmid genes (ampicillin resistance and the luminescence level) and chromosome genes (morphological and physiological traits). However, in our study microcosms, the recombinant plasmid persisted in the TM cells for 6 years after the introduction, and as the population adapts to the conditions of the microcosms, the efficiency of the cloned gene expression in the cells is restored. In the microcosms with high microalgal counts (10(7) cells/ml), cells with a high threshold of sensitivity to ampicillin dominate in the population of the TM E. coli Z905/pPHL7.  相似文献   

The relationship between canopy cover and spectral characteristics of the corresponding areas was studied in a semi-arid savannah environment in Kordofan, The Sudan.The canopy cover was measured in 32 test plots through air photo interpretation. Achieved values were correlated with multitemporal Landsat MSS raw data and manipulated data.The highest correlation coefficients in general were obtained between crown cover and spectral data recorded during the dry season.The inverse relationship between amount of woody vegetation and nIR reflectance (MSS 6, MSS 7) was striking. This implied that other factors than a healthy foliage characterized the spectral responses.Destructive measurements of woody biomass were carried out to establish a relationship between woody wet weight and crown diameter for future biomass studies.  相似文献   

Domes, an analog of the terrestrial shield volcanoes are one of the important volcanic features found on the lunar surface. Such volcanic features are windows to better understanding of the contrasting natures of lunar volcanism, giving an insight into the source and the nature of the basaltic magmas. Marius Hills Complex is one of the most important regions in the entire lunar surface for having a complex setting of volcanic constructs with an abundant number of volcanic features like domes, cones and rilles. As a part of initiation of the study of Marius Hills volcanism, an effusive dome located to the south of Rima Galilaei, near the contact of Imbrian and Eratosthenian geological units is taken for the present study. Inferring from the Terrain Mapping Camera-Digital Elevation Model (TMC-DEM), the morphometric parameters are estimated (350 m in height, 9.62 km in diameter), and accordingly the rheological parameters are also estimated. As the signatures of multiphase eruption are not clear geomorphologically and also in topography, the dome is assumed to evolved in monogenetic eruption. The causative dike parameters of the dome are estimated, which gives upper bounds of true values of the parameters. The estimated feeder dike length (150 km) and width (233 m) implies that the source region is lying most probably in the mantle portion of moon. The crater size frequency distribution (CSFD) is applied to determine the age of the particular dome and also the surrounding mare surface so as to better construct a stratigraphic correlation. It is found that dome belongs to oldest age unit of Marius Hills region while the surrounding units are relatively younger. Using Chandrayaan-I Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) data, the surface composition for the study area is also analysed. Thus, the morphometry, rheology, dike parameters, age determination and mineralogy are found to be in good agreement with results of the earlier studies. Such a study, covering all the domes and other volcanic features in Marius Hills using high resolution data sets will provide a clear and better understanding of the volcanic history of the region and the Oceanus Procellarum Basin as well. In such a study, the application potential of high resolution Chandrayaan-I TMC image and its DEM generated from the stereo data has been useful.  相似文献   

The Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer (SMIRR) is a spectroradiometer covering the region from 0.5 to 2.5 μm in 10 channels that acquired data from spots 100 m in diameter along the subspacecraft ground track. It was flown aboard the second flight of the space shuttle Columbia, November 12–14, 1981. Data collected during orbit 16 over southern Egypt show that carbonate rocks, kaolinite, and possibly montmorillonite can be identified by their SMIRR spectral signatures and limited knowledge of the lithologic units present. Detailed analysis of SMIRR data for this area indicates that calcite, kaolinite, and montmorillonite rocks give rise to absorption features that result in characteristic 10 channel spectra.  相似文献   

The overlapping carrier frequencies L1/E1, L5/E5a and B2/E5b from GPS/Galileo/BDS allow inter-system double-differencing of observations, which shows a clear advantage over differencing of the observations of each constellation independently. However, the inter-system biases destroy the integer nature of the inter-system double-differencing ambiguities. Two methods of direct rounding and parameter estimation are used to determine the ISB value. By analyzing data collected from Curtin University from 2015 to 2018, the phase and code inter-system bias (ISB) are related to the receiver type, firmware version and the selected overlapping frequency. Upgrade of receiver firmware version results in changes of ISB values. For example, the upgrade of Javad firmware in Dec, 15, 2017 causes the difference of 0.5 cycles ISB between BDS GEO and non-GEO satellites. By comparing the three dynamic models which include white noise process, random walk process, and random constant in the parameter estimation method, the ISB determined by the random constant model is consistent with the value obtained by the direct rounding method. After the calibration of ISBs, the performances of tightly combined positioning are assessed. The success rate of ambiguity resolution and accuracy of positioning for the tight combination (TC) are significantly improved in comparison with that for the loose combination (LC) over short baselines. For L5/E5a, on which only few satellites can be observed, the maximum increase in success rates of ambiguity resolution can reach 31.7%, i.e., from 54.9% of LC to larger than 86.6% of TC, and the positioning accuracies can even be increased by 0.13 m, i.e., from 0.208 of LC to 0.074 m of TC in East direction for the mix-receiver TRIMBLE NETR9-SEPT POLARX4 in 2018.  相似文献   

Utilizing freely available MODIS NDVI and Natural color imageries of 250 m spatial resolution produced by NASA, an experiment was made to map land-cover and its change with an emphasis on vegetation cover in southeastern Sri Lanka, which plays a vital role for control of green house gas. For the change detection purpose, 1987 land cover map made by present authors from Landsat MSS image and extensive ground truth survey data was used as the base map. The result of the experiment shows that MODIS data are useful to make a land cover map of 250 m spatial resolution for tropical areas with high cloud coverage like Sri Lanka. It was found that the forest cover decrease amounted as large as 21% in 19 years time span in southeastern Sri Lanka, the prominent forest region of the country. On the other hand homestead/vegetation and mixed vegetation/scrub dominant categories increased by 13.7% and 7.1%, respectively. These changes are considered due to a large clearance of forest areas for agriculture and building houses to accommodate increasing inhabitants.  相似文献   

The problem of integrating remotely sensed images acquired from different sensor systems is primarily associated with their registration into a common reference projection. This registration problem has to be considered not only between the image data themselves but also with other data already existing in various geographical data bases.The advent of the second generation of earth observation satellites is emphasizing this situation by providing imagery in different geometric configurations. Images will be acquired from many sensors at different spatial resolutions (LANDSAT MSS and TM, SPOT HRV MLA and PLA) on different dates and modes (panchromatic, multispectral, nadir and off-nadir).In order to provide image data in a geometric format compatible with the Canadian National Topographic System, Canada is developing a Multi-Observational Satellite Image Correction System (MOSAICS) that will provide geocoded data resampled into a common reference projection. This paper presents the characteristics of the geocoded products with examples from multiple sensors and different dates, and addresses the processing requirements of the satellite ground station. It also illustrates the use of digital processing techniques to derive digital elevation information from geocoded stereo imagery.  相似文献   

Synthetic Aperture Radar data were acquired over Tunisia by Seasat in Aug. 1978 and by SIR-A in Nov. 1981. The radar images are contrasted to the Landsat scenes overlapping the same area. The Landsat images were taken in Aug. 1978 and in Sept. 1981. In this study, subareas of the SIR-A and MSS images are registered to the corresponding Seasat data (1313 lines by 1970 samples). The test site is located East of Kairouan, Tunisia. It is a low relief area with subdesertic climatic conditions. This region was selected for it has been surveyed by both Seasat and SIR-A providing perpendicular radar illumination directions. The multispectral and multitemporal coregistered data set enables comparisons between the systems (radar versus MSS, and Seasat versus SIR-A), and change detection in the desertification processes and on the surface of the playas.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a tectonlinear study of Landsat MSS images in bands, 4, 5 and 7 covering Middle Morocco are presented. The relationships between lineaments and large-scale structural patterns are studied and compared with geological and ore deposits distribution data on the area.Middle Morocco in this article comprises parts of the Moroccan Meseta, Central and Eastern High Atlas and northeastern Anti-Atlas. Rocks of all ages, from Precambrian to Quaternary, are found, and the structural evolution of the area is due to Precambrian, Variscan and Alpine orogenies. Two main lineament sets are recognized on the satellite images. These are NE-SW and NW-SE. The NW-SE set of lineaments is prominent in older Precambrian and Paleozoic terranes, whereas the NE-SW set is observed both in the old inliers and massifs as well as in the younger mountain chains. The NE-SW lineaments therefore represent reactivated fractures that should have played an important role in the tectonics and sedimentary cycles of Middle Morocco. Other lineament trends are seen only in specific regions of the study area.Several major ore deposits follow lineament trends both in the basement and cover rocks. This is particularly true of endogenic deposits in the Anti-Atlas and in the Central Paleozoic massif.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new method for uncalibrated phase delay (UPD) estimation to improve the accuracy of precise point positioning (PPP), which uses only observation station data. This means that the station used to generate the UPDs is the same station to which they are applied. First, dual-frequency observation equations based on a raw PPP model are developed. Then, the UPDs are calculated from integer linear combinations of float ambiguities. Third, with the UPD corrections, the least-squares ambiguity decorrelation adjustment (LAMBDA) method is utilized to obtain the integer ambiguities. Since only observation station data are used for UPD estimation, the partial ambiguity resolution (PAR) method is adopted to increase the possibility of finding a subset of integer ambiguities. The UPD estimation and ambiguity resolution are performed in each epoch. To obtain the correct integer ambiguity, the ratio test and success rate (bootstrapping) are used to evaluate the estimated integer ambiguity. Finally, by treating the integer ambiguities as constants, fixed solutions can be obtained. Quality control is also applied throughout the entire data processing procedure to obtain high quality float and fixed solutions. Data from 22 stations of the International Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Service (IGS) in East Asia on day of year (DOY) 206, 2017, are used to verify the feasibility of this method. The experimental results show that compared with the float solution, the proposed method can significantly improve the accuracy in the east, north and up directions by 24%, 21% and 18% for static PPP and 36%, 18% and 34% for dynamic PPP, respectively. However, the accuracy of the proposed method is still lower than that of the fixed solutions obtained by the PRIDE-PPPAR software, in which the fractional cycle bias is computed based on reference network data. These findings sufficiently show that the proposed method can offer better solution accuracy than the float solution. However, the quality of the UPDs estimated only from observation station data is not as good as that of the estimates obtained based on reference network data.  相似文献   

本文给出哈雷彗星在1986年3月25日至4月2日之间JHK波段测光和1.3—2.6微米分光观测结果。测光结果表明,3月22日彗星爆发在近红外波段也造成了明显的光变,但恢复正常光度的时间要滞后一些,且光变较之可见光波段要平缓.并指出在爆发期间,彗星除光变外尚有色变。分光观测到彗星在1.4、1.9微米的水发射线和位于2.6微米之外的可能的OH发射线。   相似文献   

Color composite TM film products which include TM5, TM4, and a visible band (TM1, TM2, or TM3) are superior to composites which exclude TM4 for discriminating most forest and agricultural cover types and estimating area proportions for inventory and sampling purposes. Clustering a subset of TM data results in a spectral class map which groups diverse forest cover types into spectrally and ecologically similar areas suitable for use as a stratification base in traditional forest inventory practices. Analysis of simulated Thematic Mapper data indicate that the location and number of TM spectral bands are suitable for detecting differences in major soil properties and characterizing soil spectral curve form and magnitude.  相似文献   

In road transport, continuous high-accuracy positioning is required in real time. To ensure the proper functioning and safety of vehicular applications, integrity monitoring (IM) is needed to protect from the positioning errors under a certain alert limit (AL) with a pre-defined probability of misleading information (MI). In this study, a detailed threat model is developed for real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning application of short baselines. The model distinguishes between ambiguity-float and -fixed scenarios, and considers the influences of phase and code multipath as well as between-receiver atmospheric residuals. With the float ambiguities temporally constrained, the bias contribution that propagates with time-updated ambiguities was studied analytically for the horizontal protection level (HPL) in IM. Based on real data from both static and kinematic experiments, HPL was computed along the direction of the semi-major axis of the horizontal error ellipse. In ambiguity-float and -fixed cases, the HPL was mostly several meters and decimetres, respectively. It was found that time-propagated biases play a dominant role in the ambiguity-float HPL, and among them, phase and code multipath had in general the largest contributions. For ambiguity-fixed case, the phase multipath was found to play a dominant role in the HPL. This shows the importance of considering the biases in the RTK IM for both the ambiguity-float and -fixed scenarios. Given a horizontal alert limit (HAL) of 5 m, the availabilities of ambiguity-float solutions were low, i.e., below 50% for the static roof tests and below 5% for the kinematic road tests. For the ambiguity-fixed scenario, with HAL at 0.5 m, integrity availability was nearly 100% for the static roof tests and above 85% for the kinematic road tests.  相似文献   

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