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The U.S. Air Force Real Time Nephanalysis (RT NEPH) is incorporated into the NMC Medium Range Forecast Model (MRF) to explore the impact of cloudiness on the model's radiation parameterization. After transfering to MRF model coordinate, RT NEPH is in qualitative agreement with ERBE Scene ID. The zero-hour “forecast” of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) of 00GMT Nov. 9, 1984 is compared with that derived from NOAA AVHRR observation and the preliminary ERBE result. The comparison shows that the greater difference in OLR are from cloudy sky regions, in spite of qualitative agreement on the structures. The result suggests that for proper simulation of OLR, a refinement of the model cloud parameterization or nephanalysis on the prescribed data would be more effective than on radiative transfer scheme.  相似文献   

Components of the earth radiation budget have been calculated on a regular basis since June 1974 (except for a 10 month gap in data in 1978) based on measurements by the scanning radiometers and the advanced very high resolution radiometers on the operational NOAA polar orbiting satellites. A new base set of monthly and seasonal averages of outgoing longwave radiation has been prepared by NOAA's Climate Analysis Center (CAC) for the entire period of record through November 1983. Anomalies relative to these new normals have now been constructed for each month and season in the entire record.In this presentation, some of the more prominent anomalies of outgoing longwave radiation over the past decade are discussed. A major concentration is on the tropics and subtropics where there have been very substantial radiation variations associated with major shifts in convective cloudiness accompanying El Niño/Southern Oscillation events.  相似文献   

Cloudiness modulates the radiation budget at the top of the Earth-atmosphere system. For radiation balance studies, for climate diagnostic studies, and for climate modeling studies, it is important to know the sensitivity of both the outgoing longwave radiation and the net (absorbed solar minus outgoing longwave) radiation of the system to changes in cloudiness on a global basis. Based on a 45 month series of NOAA satellite scanning radiometer observations, estimates of the global distribution of these sensitivity parameters are obtained.  相似文献   

METEOSAT observations in the thermal infrared “window” and “water vapor” channels, as well as in the visible channel, reveal diurnal variations over large areas which remain significant in the monthly means. The variations in the infrared correspond to diurnal cycles in the surface skin temperature (over land) and in cloud cover (over both land and sea) at various levels, and they must appear as a more or less significant diurnal variation in the integrated longwave emission to space of the Earth-atmosphere system. The diurnal cycle in the reflected shortwave radiation is influenced by these meteorological variations as well as by the astronomical cycle and the anisotropic reflectance. These must be taken into account in studies of Earth Radiation Budget variations. Using nearly simultaneous and spatially coincident pixel data from the ERBE scanner on ERBS and from METEOSAT in November 1984, we construct provisional transfer functions relating the narrow-band METEOSAT infrared observations to the longwave radiant exitance at the top of the atmosphere. We apply these transfer functions to the METEOSAT ISCCP B2 data sets for the summers of 1983–1985, and compare the resulting longwave radiant exitance estimates, with particular attention to the diurnal variation, which should be relatively insensitive to the inaccuracy inherent in applying the provisional (November 1984) transfer functions to the 1983–1985 data.  相似文献   

Cloud amounts data of a five year period manually digitized from meteorological satellite imagery are used for cloud statistics over the European region. Spatial and temporal structure functions of the cloud field are computed and analysed for the seasons. The results give a numerical representation of the effects of the general circulation and the geographical-physical conditions on cloudiness.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of anomalies, which are defined as differences of seasonal means from the data set seasonal means, in the Earth's radiation budget from the analysis of nine years of ten day mean observations derived from the NOAA polar orbiter satellites for the period, 1974–1983. We estimate that the standard deviation in the outgoing longwave flux for this period is less than 12 Wm?2 and typically 7 Wm?2. The results show that there are several geographical areas for which the standard deviation is in excess of 20 Wm?2; in such regions the radiation budget anomalies exceeded these due to natural atmospheric variability. In this paper we discuss the relationship of these anomalies with climatic change.  相似文献   

The planetary outgoing longwave radiation has been estimated since 1974 from two different series of NOAA operational polar spacecraft. The first series provided data from June 1974 through February 1978 and was designated “SR” for the scaning radiometers used at that time. This data set has been used in a variety of radiation budget and climate studies, such as that by Ohring and Gruber, 1983. The second satellite system is the currently operational TIROS-N series of satellites. Data from this series began in January 1979 and are continuing. In both systems, estimates of the outgoing longwave radiation are obtained from narrow spectral interval (10–12 μm) window radiances. A comparison is made of the estimates from the two different series of satellites in order to arrive at an assessment of their compatibility. This is important since the SR observations were taken at approximately 0900 and 2100 local times, while the TIROS-N data alternate between 0730-1930 and 0300-1500 local times. In addition, there is a period of overlap between the TIROS-N data and the broad band (5–50 μm) Nimbus 7 EArth radiation budget data. A comparison of those two data sets indiciate excellent agreement generally within about 1–2 Wm?2 on the monthly means on global and hemispherical scales. Comparisons of zonal averages indicate maximum differences as large as 9 Wm?2.Evidence is presented to suggest that observations taken at different local observing times may be biased by the diurnal variation of emitted flux, even on global scales.  相似文献   

Estimates of clear and low, middle and high cloud amount in fixed geographical regions approximately (160km)2 are being made routinely from 11.5μm radiance measurements of the Nimbus-7 Temperature-Humidity Infrared Radiometer (THIR). The purpose of validation is to determine the accuracy of the THIR cloud estimates. Validation requires that a comparison be made between the THIR estimates of cloudiness and the “true” cloudiness. The validation results reported in this paper use human analysis of concurrent but independent satellite images with surface meteorological and radiosonde observations to approximate the “true” cloudiness. Regression and error analyses are used to estimate the systematic and random errors of THIR derived clear amount.  相似文献   

Two procedure are presented for quantitative estimation of cloud cover (N), type of clouds (C), as well as base of clouds (Cb) and top of clouds (Ct) by using radiosonde data as well as satellite cloud pictures and radiation data. The data obtained in this way can be used as input data in the model for the estimation of the vertical profile of longwave radiative cooling.  相似文献   

At the estimation of the sensitivity three variable parameters must be taken into account: cloud amount, cloud albedo and cloud-top height. Cloud albedo is considered to be a parameter that varies according to a given formula. The effective cloud amount and outgoing longwave flux from cloudy atmosphere have been computed on the basis of the satellite measured planetary albedo and the outgoing flux data, using additional information about planetary albedo and the outgoing longwave flux in clear-sky conditions. The latter quantities have been computed from the mean contemporary climatic data. The estimation of the sensitivity is carried out in two cases: if the effective cloud amount and cloud-top height variations are independent or not. The corresponding statistical tests are presented.  相似文献   

The Bologna meteor radar was operational during two winter campaigns, from 6 January 1982 to 1 February 1982 and from 10 December 1982 to 2 February 1983. As occurrence of minor stratospheric warmings has been reported for these intervals, possible effects on meteor wind over Bologna related to this kind of warming are pointed out. Zonal and meridional prevailing winds are found to exhibit the maximum peak to peak value in their oscillations when a minor stratospheric warming reaches such an intensity that ΔT(90°N–60°N) at 10 mbar is reversed. Diurnal and semidiurnal tides exhibit usual amplitude variations, but the semidiurnal tide has a noticeable phase shift at the time of a minor warming occurrence, while a similar shift is less evident in the diurnal tide phase.  相似文献   

In this study downward longwave (LW) atmospheric radiation data for the period of 2014–2020 were used to search for short-term periodicities using fast Fourier transform (FFT). Several local peaks in the power spectrum density were found and established. The time series exhibits a series of significant peaks (exceeding the 95% confidence limit), such as at 273 days, 227 days, 200 days, 178 days, 157 days, 110 days, 120 days, 87 days, 73 days, 53–56 days, 35–30 days, 25–27 days, 21 days, 13 days, and 9–10 days.Moreover, cosmic ray data from KACST muon detector and the Oulu neutron monitor, as well as the data for the solar radio flux at 10.7 cm (F10.7 cm), Dst index, and solar wind speed for the same period as the LW data, were used to look for common cyclic variations and periodicities matching those found in the LW radiation. This was done to investigate the possible effect of the solar activity parameters on LW radiation. Several common periodicities were observed in the spectra of all the variables considered, such as 227 days, 154–157 days, 25–27 days, and 21 days. Some of the periodicities found in the LW radiation spectrum can be attributed to the modulation of the cosmic ray intensity by solar activity. Others are attributed to the disturbances in the interplanetary magnetic field. Based on the spectral results, we suggest that the solar signals may directly or indirectly affect the variations of the downward longwave radiation, which in turn may affect climate change.  相似文献   

The ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) began its operational data collection phase on 1 July 1983. Considerable research efforts ensured that the compression of basic satellite data did not reduce the information content on cloudiness. At present an operational algorithm has been developed and tested with data from several months, where as a target for very intensive use by the research community the data from April 1985 are selected. These concur with a simultaneous data set of the ERBE.Special efforts are now underway to map also clouds over both polar regions and may lead to the development of new specific algorithms. Several preliminary results are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Increases in CO2 and trace gases in the earth's atmosphere can lead to changes in the radiative balance of the earth's atmosphere in two ways. Changes in the amount of these constituents leads directly to changes in outgoing longwave radiation. This change in outgoing longwave radiation causes the thermal structure of the atmosphere to change. These changes in thermal structure can then alter the distribution of outgoing longwave radiation. Changes in the distribution and amount of outgoing radiation due to various increases in CO2 and trace gases are presented from a model with a spectral resolution of 5 cm−1. The effects of stratospheric aerosols, and the use of general circulation models for detecting changes in the radiative balance are discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper has investigated the associations of solar activity (SA), represented by total solar irradiance (TSI), galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and terrestrial climate parameters in particular the global cloudiness and global surface temperature. To that end, we have analysed thirty five years (1983–2018) data of these parameters and have applied the Granger-causality test in order to assess whether there is any potential predictability power of one indicator to the other. The correlations among the involved parameters are tested using Vector Auto Regression (VAR) model and variance decomposition method. As a result of the above analysis, we have found that the TSI is an important factor and has contributed about 8.77 ± 0.42% in the cosmic ray intensity variations. In case of cloud cover variations, the other three parameters (TSI, cosmic ray and global surface temperature) have played a significant role. Further, the TSI changes have contributed 1.68 ± 0.03% fluctuations in the variance of the cloud cover while the cosmic ray intensity and global surface temperature have contributed about 4.89 ± 0.08% and 10.87 ± 1.41% respectively. In case of the global surface temperature anomaly both TSI and cloud covers have contributed about 5.07 ± 0.47% and 14.42 ± 2.13% fluctuations respectively. Additionally, we have also assessed the impact of internal climate oscillations like multivariate ENSO index (MEI), north Atlantic oscillations (NAO) and quasi biennial oscillations (QBO) on cloud cover variations. The contribution of these internal oscillations e.g. ENSO, NAO and QBO in cloud cover variation were reported as 7.48 ± 1.02%, 5.51 ± 0.16% and 1.36 ± 0.43% respectively.  相似文献   

An attempt for digital processing of analog images taken in the infrared channel (10.5–11.5 μm) from TIROS-N is presented. The data digitized to 8-bits are normalized by using SR Data Manipulator. The investigated period is November 3–4, 1979. The geographic rectification moves the data into a polar stereographic map. To estimate the cloud heights empirical relationships are applied. The following characteristics of the cloud field are produced: the cloud amount, the dominant cloud-type, the daily variation of IR brightness temperature and the cloud texture. The results are visualized on a colour display.  相似文献   

Using the D1 method in the LF range, monthly mean zonal and meridional winds in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere height range are measured continuously at Collm, Germany. The wind data are accompanied by reference height measurements since 1983, allowing the construction of an empirical long-term climatology of mean winds and tidal amplitudes and phases at 52N, 15E, which covers the height range of 80–110 km in winter, and about 83–107 km in summer. The climatology includes the time interval from 1983 to date, thus covering nearly two solar cycles. Vertical wind parameter profiles can also be constructed for individual years, so that from the time series interannual variability and long-term trends can be deduced. Here, we present the results for 2003 in comparison with the climatological means.  相似文献   

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