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The present work displays the observations of an afternoon detached aurora along with ionospheric high-latitude trough. The event was observed by DMSP F17 on 19 September 2014. The afternoon detached aurora was isolated from the auroral oval and was located between 12:00–18:00 magnetic local time (MLT) and 65–70° geomagnetic latitude (MLAT). Particle observations indicate that the afternoon detached aurora was produced by energetic ring current ions with energies above ~10 keV where the main ion energy was likely to be above the upper limit of DMSP measurement (~30 keV). Magnetometer observation from the ground implies that the energetic ions were likely scattered by EMIC waves. Both the detached aurora and the auroral oval are found to be well inside the high-latitude trough with MLAT between ~64° and ~76° (68–80° GLAT). The auroral oval corresponds to a westward (sunward) plasma drift. It is expected that the westward drift transports the low-density plasma in the nightside toward the dayside, leading to the high-latitude trough formation. The afternoon detached aurora was well equatorward of the high-latitude trough, and the corresponding plasma drift was nearly zero. The plasma associated with the detached aurora is expected to be stagnant, and broaden the high-latitude trough equatorward.  相似文献   

This review presents numerous recent examples of interesting variations in the composition and intensity of the hot ion flux (10 eV - 15 keV/e) provided by the AUREOL-3 satellite as a function of latitude and local time during periods of magnetic activity. In particular, these results reveal that although H+ is the most abundant ion during magnetically quiet periods, the ion composition of hot plasma at ionospheric altitudes is quite variable, and depends strongly on magnetic activity; results obtained during main and recovery phases of several magnetic storms demonstrate clearly (below 15 keV/Q) the great importance of the low altitude ionospheric source (H+, O+, and to a lesser degree He+) particularly at low latitudes (L ~ 3 - 4) where the flux of O+ ions becomes very large and even dominates. The results of the AUREOL-3 ion spectrometers establish the fact that upflowing suprathermal ionospheric ions (Ei < 100 eV/e) appear over large regions of the auroral ionosphere, the polar caps, and the polar cusp, as well as in or at the boundary of the plasmasphere during magnetospheric substorms or magnetic storms, and may consequently contribute significantly to the plasma sheet and to the inner storm time ring current. Most of the properties of the storm time ring current found by the GEOS, SCATHA, and ISEE satellites apply to lower altitudes, although the role of the ionospheric and/or plasmaspheric source appears accentuated.  相似文献   

The positive ion composition and electron density were measured in the lower ionosphere above Kiruna in salvo A of CAMP (Cold Arctic Mesopause Project). The CAMP/P (S37/P) payload carrying a magnetic ion spectrometer, positive ion and electron probes, and propagation experiments was launched on 3 August 1982 2332 UT during extended Noctilucent Clouds (NLC) and auroral activities over Kiruna. The measured electron density was 5×103cm?3 at 80 km and 2.5×105cm?3 at 90 km. The increase of ion and electron densities in the D- and E-region during twilight was caused by precipitating auroral particles. The height distribution of the positive ions measured by the mass spectrometer in the mass range 19–280 amu is different from a winter flight with similar auroral conditions. Below 85.5 km proton hydrates H+(H2O)3 ? H+(H2O)8 were the dominant ions. The heaviest proton hydrates H+(H2O)7 and H+(H2O)8 were most abundant at 82–85.5 km, the altitude of visible NLC. Above 85.5 km O2+ and NO+ became dominant. A small metal ion layer was observed between 90.5–93 km with a maximum ion density of 10% of the total positive ion density at 91 km altitude. The metal ion density disappeared within about a km below 90.5 km.  相似文献   

Energetic ion composition measurements have now been performed from earth orbiting satellites for more than a decade. As early as 1972 we knew that energetic (keV) ions of terrestrial origin represented a non-negligible component of the storm time ring current. We have now assembled a significant body of knowledge concerning energetic ion composition throughout much of the earth's magnetosphere. We know that terrestrial ions are a common component of the hot equatorial magnetospheric plasma in the ring current and the plasma sheet out to ? 23 RE. During periods of enhanced geomagnetic activity this component may become dominant. There is also clear evidence that the terrestrial component (specifically O+) is strongly dependent on solar cycle. Terrestrial ion source, transport, and acceleration regions have been identified in the polar auroral region, over the polar caps, in the magnetospheric boundary layers, and within the magnetotail lobes and plasma sheet boundary layer. Combining our present knowledge of these various magnetospheric ion populations, it is concluded that the primary terrestrial ion circulation pattern associated with enhanced geomagnetic activity involves direct injection from the auroral ion acceleration region into the plasma sheet boundary layer and central plasma sheet. The observed terrestrial component of the magnetospheric boundary layer and magnetotail lobes are inadequate to provide the required influx. They may, however, contribute significantly to the maintenence of the plasma sheet terrestrial ion population, particularly during periods of reduced geomagnetic activity. It is further concluded, on the basis of the relative energy distributions of H+ and O+ in the plasma sheet, that O+ probably contributes significantly to the ring current population at energies inaccessible to present ion composition instrumentation (? 30 keV).  相似文献   

Data were obtained from the measurements of optical emissions, ion drift, DC magnetic field and energetic particles, on board INTERCOSMOS - BULGARIA - 1300 satellite. In two cases of night-time passes through auroral oval, an estimate has been made of the energy input by particle precipitation and Joule heating. In order to determine the Joule heating, the Pedersen currents flowing in the lower ionosphere were determined. In orbits 231 and 203 Pedersen currents of 0.94 Am?1 and 0.71 am?1 were observed. From these values estimates of Joule heating rates of2 × 10?7Wm?3 and8 × 10?7Wm?3 were obtained. The integral energy deposited by the precipitated particles was also estimated in the current systems regions. The possibility for identification of the auroral electrojet based only on satellite data is pointed out.  相似文献   

The plasma diagnostic experiments on the AUREOL-3 satellite have revealed flows of low energy 0+ ions deep inside the night plasmasphere during a large substorm. Flux gradients of the 0+ ions were accompanied by enhancements of ELF electric field noise. The appearance of suprathermal ions at L ? 2.5 – 3 is interpreted within the framework of electrostatic ion-cyclotron acceleration of ionospheric ions in the diffuse auroral zone /12/ followed by a radial displacement of these ions inside the plasmasphere driven by azimuthal electric fields during substorm activity. Electrostatic oscillations observed inside the plasmasphere are apparently associated with gradient instability at the sharp boundaries of suprathermal ion flows.  相似文献   

We report the measurements of the response of a delta-doped Charge Coupled Device (CCD) in imaging mode to beams of charged and neutral particles. That is, the detector imaged the incident beam over its 1024 × 1024 pixels, integrating the number of particles counted in each pixel during the exposure period. In order to count individual particles the exposure time would have had to be reduced considerably compared to the typical ?5 s used in these studies. Our CCD thus operated in a different manner than do conventional particle detectors such as the CEM and MCP that normally are used in a particle counting mode. The measurements were carried out over an energy range from 0.8 to 30 keV. The species investigated include H, H+, He+, N+, N2+, and Ar+. The energy and ion mass covered wider ranges than previous measurements for the CCD. The results of these measurements show, as in the case of the previous measurement, for a given ion the CCD response increases with energy and for a given particle energy the response decreases with increasing mass of the particle. These results are in agreement with predictions of the theory of the range of ions in solids. The results also show the possibility for the application of the delta doped CCD as a detector for low energy particle measurements for space plasma physics applications.  相似文献   

A major uncertainty concerning the origins of plasma sheet ions is due to the fact that terrestrial H+ can have similar fluxes and energies as H+ from the solar wind. The situation is especially ambiguous during magnetically quiet conditions (AE < 60γ) when H+ typically contributes more than 90% of the plasma sheet ion population. In this study we examine that problem using a large data set obtained by the ISEE-1 Plasma Composition Experiment. The data suggest that one component of the H+ increases in energy with increasing activity, roughly in proportion to 14 the energy of the He++, whereas the other H+ component has about the same energy at all activity levels, as do the O+ and the He+. If we can assume that the H+ of solar wind origin on the average has about the same energy-per-nucleon as the He++, which is presumably almost entirely from the solar wind, then the data imply that as much as 20–30% of the H+ can be of terrestrial origin even during quiet conditions.  相似文献   

Investigation results of a diffuse aurora (DA) and stable auroral red (SAR) arc dynamics based on spectrophotometric observations at the Yakutsk meridian (199°E geomagnetic longitude) are presented. The relationship of an equatorward extension of DA in the 557.7 nm emission to a substorm growth phase during the magnetospheric convection intensification after the turn of IMF BZ to the south is shown. The formation of SAR arc during the substorm expansion phase is investigated. The association of SAR arc dynamics with the development of asymmetric ring current (substorm injection) during the main phase of a storm is analyzed. It is shown how the pulsating precipitations of energetic ring current particles develop in the outer plasmasphere based on photometric observations.  相似文献   

The relationships between the magnetic disturbance onsets, aurora dynamics and particles injections at the geostationary orbit have been analyzed in detail for 25 sawtooth substorms. It is shown that inconsistency between the above signatures of the substorms onset is typical of the powerful sawtooth substorms, unlike the isolated (“classical”) magnetospheric substorms. The distinguishing feature of the aurora in case of saw-tooth substorms is permanently high level of auroral activity irrespective of the magnetic disturbance onsets and the double oval structure of the aurora display. The close relationship between the aurora behavior and the particle injections at geostationary orbit is also broken. The conclusion is made, that the classical concept of the substorm development, put forward by Akasofu (1964) for isolated substorms, is not workable in cases of the sawtooth disturbances, when the powerful solar wind energy pumping into the magnetosphere provides a permanent powerful aurora particle precipitation into the auroral zone.  相似文献   

The CESR Toulouse - IKI Moscow particle instrument package aboard the AUREOL-3 satellite consists of a complete set of charged particle spectrometers which measure electron and ion fluxes from 15 eV to 25 keV in 128 steps and in 11 directions. In addition, 4 channel spectrometers (2 electron and 2 ion channels in parallel) allow high time resolution measurements (up to 10 msec) with onboard calculation of auto and cross correlation functions. For higher energies (40 – 280 keV), solid-state spectrometers are used to measure electron and proton fluxes in 4 channels in parallel. In addition, two Geiger counters are used for the determination of the trapping boundaries. Two mass-energy ion spectrometers (1 to 32 A.M.U., 0.02 – 15 keV) are placed with viewing angles which allow a distinction between nearly isotropic auroral proton precipitation and conical beams accelerated in the auroral ionosphere. Auroral and airglow photometry is performed aboard the AUREOL-3 satellite by a set of 3 parallel directed photometers with tiltable interference filters for 6300 Å, 4278 Å and Doppler shifte Hβ emissions. Various modes of energy, angular and mass scanning, correlation function calculation and various Soviet and French telemetry regimes provide the possibility of choosing the sequences of measurements according to particular experimental programs along the orbit. Finally, examples of data from inflight measurements using the above instruments are presented and briefly discussed, showing several interesting features.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the zones of energetic particle precipitation at middle and low latitudes observed during and after magnetic storm injection events. Satellite measurements of the equatorial zone ion flux (~ 103 - 104 cm?2 s?1 sr?1 for E > 45 keV at 240 km) are consistent with the development of a temporary low altitude ion radiation belt at the magnetic equator. In the midlatitude ion zone the flux (~ 103 - 105 ions cm?2 s?1 sr?1 for E > 45 keV at 220 km) is directly related to magnetic activity while the midlatitude electron zone flux has a delayed response (~ 4 days).  相似文献   

In a model of the plasmasphere, coupled time-dependent continuity, momentum and energy equations are solved for thermal O+, H+ and electrons. The field-aligned mass flow coupling and thermal coupling of conjugate ionsopheres via the protonosphere are studied. For solstice conditions, thermal coupling between conjugate hemispheres gives rise to very strong upward flows of O+ in the topside ionosphere of the summer hemisphere at the time of sunrise in the conjugate (winter) ionosphere; a less marked effect (but with downward flow) occurs in the summer ionosphere at winter sunset. In addition, there are strong upward and downward flows of O+ at local sunrise and sunset, respectively, in both hemispheres. At both L = 1.5 and L = 3, the 24-hour time-integrated interhemispheric H+ flux is in the summer - winter direction. At L = 1.5 its magnitude is in good agreement with the magnitude of the time- integrated field-aligned plasma (O+ + H+) flux at 1000 km altitude; there is no such agreement at L = 3.  相似文献   

We present a detailed study of the distribution and of the internal structure of the inverted-V electron precipitation commonly detected in the 500 – 2000 km altitude range aboard the AUREOL-3 satellite. These structured precipitations are statistically observed inside the auroral oval with a maximum occurence in the nightside sector. They correspond to primary electron fluxes peaked at energies generally below 10 keV. It is shown that, as predicted by kinetic theories, most inverted-V structures present a clear relationship between the field-aligned current density carried by the 1 – 20 keV primary electrons and the potential drop inferred from particle distribution functions. Furthermore the study demonstrates the existence of strong electron heating, related to the energy gain, when the current density exceeds some threshold of about 1 – 5 μA(m)?2.  相似文献   

The first results of the comparison of subauroral luminosity dynamics in 557,7 and 630,0 nm emission with simultaneous measurements of the ionospheric drift in the F2 region with a digisonde DPS-4 at the Yakutsk meridian (CGMC: 55–60N, 200°E) at Kp = 2–6 are presented. It is shown from the analysis of individual events that during the magnetospheric convection intensification after the turn of the IMF Bz – component to the south the equatorward extension of diffuse aurora takes place. At the same time the westward ionospheric drift velocity increases both in the diffuse aurora region and much equatorward of it due to the occurrence of the northward polarization electric field. We suppose that the generation of polarization field can be associated with the development of the region 2 FAC during the intensification of magnetospheric convection. The comparison of ground-based observations with measurements of the plasma drift aboard the DMSP-F15 satellite has been carried out.  相似文献   

As an important loss mechanism of radiation belt electrons, electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves show up as three distinct frequency bands below the hydrogen (H+), helium (He+), and oxygen (O+) ion gyrofrequencies. Compared to O+-band EMIC waves, H+- and He+-band emissions generally occur more frequently and result in more efficient scattering removal of <~5?MeV relativistic electrons. Therefore, knowledge about the occurrence of these two bands is important for understanding the evolution of the relativistic electron population. To evaluate the occurrence pattern and wave properties of H+- and He+-band EMIC waves when they occur concurrently, we investigate 64 events of multi-band EMIC emissions identified from high quality Van Allen Probes wave data. Our quantitative results demonstrate a strong occurrence dependence of the multi-band EMIC emissions on magnetic local time (MLT) and L-shell to mainly concentrate on the dayside region of L?=?~4–6. We also find that the average magnetic field amplitude of H+-band waves is larger than that of He+-band waves only when L?<?4.5 and AE1?<?300?nT, and He+-band emissions are more intense under all other conditions. In contrast to 5 events that have average H+-band amplitude over 2 nT, 19 events exhibit >2 nT He+-band amplitude, indicating that the He+-band waves can be more easily amplified than the H+-band waves under the same circumstances. For simultaneous occurrences of the two EMIC wave bands, their frequencies vary with L-shell and geomagnetic activity: the peak wave frequency of H+-band emissions varies between 0.25 and 0.8 fcp with the average between 0.25 and 0.6 fcp, while that of He+-band emissions varies between 0.03 and 0.23 fcp with the average between 0.05 and 0.15 fcp. These newly observed occurrence features of simultaneous H+- and He+-band EMIC emissions provide improved information to quantify the overall contribution of multi-band EMIC waves to the loss processes of radiation belt electrons.  相似文献   

Model calculations of the dayside ionosphere of Venus are presented. The coupled continuity and momentum equations were solved for O2+, O+, CO2+, C+, N+, He+, and H+ density distributions, which are compared with measurements from the Pioneer Venus ion mass spectrometer. The agreement between the model results and the measurements is good for some species, such as O+, and rather poor for others, such as N+, indicating that our understanding of the dayside ion composition of Venus is incomplete. The coupled heat conduction equations for ions and electrons were solved and the calculated temperatures compared with Pioneer Venus measurements. It is shown that fluctuations in the magnetic field have a significant effect on the energy balance of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

喉区极光是一种发生在电离层对流喉区附近的极光现象,是极光卵向低纬侧延伸出的南北向分立结构,其可能对应由磁鞘高速流与磁层顶作用引发的磁层顶重联过程.喉区极光研究对深入理解太阳风-磁层-电离层耦合过程具有重要意义.从长期观测所积累的大量全天空极光观测数据中准确高效识别出喉区极光结构,是开展喉区极光统计研究的基础.本文利用北...  相似文献   

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