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Based on a new database on positions of the auroral oval boundaries including measurements made by the IMAGE satellite in 2000–2002 with correct determination of the glow boundaries, statistical estimations of the latitudinal position of the polar cap boundary (PCB) are obtained depending on the IMF B y and B z , and the PCB evolution during a magnetic storm is analyzed. At zero IMF in the noon (midnight) sector, PCB is located approximately at 80° (76°) CGMLat. The PCB displacement along the noon-midnight meridian is controlled by the IMF B z , and in the noon (midnight) sector it is equal to 0.45° (0.15°) CGMLat when B z changes by 1 nT. The PCB displacement along the dawn-dusk meridian depends on the IMF B y , and it equals 0.1° CGMLat when B y changes by 1 nT. Accordingly, the north polar cap as a whole is shifted to the dawn (dusk) side at B y > 0 (B y <0). After northward turn of the IMF during the storm’s recovery phase, the PCB on the dayside is shifted to the north practically without time delay. The night boundary requires 25 h or more in order to be shifted to the pole to a latitude corresponding to B z > 0.  相似文献   

The first European mission to Venus (Venus Express) is described. It is based on a repeated use of the Mars Express design with minor modifications dictated in the main by more severe thermal environment at Venus. The main scientific task of the mission is global exploration of the Venusian atmosphere, circumplanetary plasma, and the planet surface from an orbiting spacecraft. The Venus Express payload includes seven instruments, five of which are inherited from the missions Mars Express and Rosetta. Two instruments were specially designed for Venus Express. The advantages of Venus Express in comparison with previous missions are in using advanced instrumentation and methods of remote sounding, as well as a spacecraft with a broad spectrum of capabilities of orbital observations.  相似文献   

Aristotelian assertive syllogistic logic (without modalities) is embedded in the author’s Lingua Cosmica. The well-known basic structures of assertions and conversions between them in this logic are represented in LINCOS. Since these representations correspond with set-theoretic operations, the latter are embedded in LINCOS as well. Based on this valid argumentation in Aristotle’s sense is obtained for four important so-called perfect figures. Their constructive (intuitionistic) verifications are of a surprisingly elegant simplicity.  相似文献   

The stability of resonance oscillations and rotations of a satellite in the plane of its orbit in the case when the difference of the moments of inertia with respect to the principal axes lying in the orbit plane is small is determined at a given rotation number m by the sign of function Φm(e), introduced by F.L. Chernous’ko in 1963. In this paper, convenient analytical representations of functions Φm(e) are described in the form of integrals and series of Bessel functions regular at e → 1?. Values of Φm(1) are calculated in explicit form. A theorem about the double asymptotic form of functions Φm(e) at m → ∞ and e → 1? is proved by the saddlepoint method.  相似文献   

Equatorial radial distributions of plasma density in the 3 < L < 9 region of Saturn’s magnetosphere, obtained from measurements on the Cassini spacecraft, are considered on the basis of diffusion theory. The concentration of particles in the magnetic tubes is found to grow with L. The external source is located at L ? 9. The particles diffuse to Saturn. In the 5 < L < 9 interval the distribution is close to equilibrium. A relation between the diffusion coefficient and the densities of internal sources and losses is obtained in this interval. Prevalence of losses over sources is very probable. Estimates of the diffusion flux and its derivative are given. If the diffusion coefficient is expressed as D LL = D o L 3 and the contencentration of particles depends on L according to a power law, the diffusion rate is constant.  相似文献   

On the basis of data, obtained by means of the ground-based solar service RSTN (Radio Solar Telescope Network) and the geostationary satellite system GOES, the relationship between the solar cosmic rays (SCR) intensity I p with the proton energy E p > 1 MeV and parameters of meter-decameter type II radio bursts in the frequency range of 25–180 MHz is studied. The process of proton acceleration by shock waves was characterized by the frequency drift velocity of radio bursts V mII and the relative difference between radio emission frequencies at the first two harmonics b. It is shown that the coefficient of correlation between I p and b increases with E p growing from 0.40 to 0.70, while a similar coefficient between I p and V mII does not exceed 0.30. Indications in favor of the two-stage SCR acceleration model are obtained.  相似文献   

Using satellite data obtained near the equatorial plane during 12 magnetic storms with amplitudes from ?61 down to ?422 nT, the dependences of maximum in L-profile of pressure (L m) of the ring current (RC) on the current value of D st are constructed, and their analytical approximations are derived. It is established that function L m(D st ) is steeper on the phase of recovery than during the storm’s main phase. The form of the outer edge of experimental radial profiles of RC pressure is studied, and it is demonstrated to correspond to exponential growth of the total energy of RC particles on a given L shell with decreasing L. It is shown that during the storms’ main phase the ratio of plasma and magnetic field pressures at the RC maximum does not practically depend on the storm strength and L m value. This fact reflects resistance of the Earth’s magnetic field to RC expansion, and testifies that during storms the possibilities of injection to small L are limited for RC particles. During the storms’ recovery phase this ratio quickly increases with increasing L m, which reflects an increased fraction of plasma in the total pressure balance. It is demonstrated that function L m(D st ) is derived for the main phase of storms from the equations of drift motion of RC ions in electrical and magnetic fields, reflecting the dipole character of magnetic field and scale invariance of the pattern of particle convection near the RC maximum. For the recovery phase it is obtained from the Dessler-Parker-Sckopke relationship. The obtained regularities allow one to judge about the radial profile of RC pressure from ground-based magnetic measurements (data on the D st variation).  相似文献   

It is shown that the excesses in the sum of fluxes (e + + e ?) in cosmic rays in the energy range (10–1000) GeV and in the flux ratio e +/(e + + e ?) in the range > 10 GeV, observed both in recent and old experiments, can be explained by an accelerator of charged particles operating on the heliosphere periphery, in the region beyond the termination shock of the solar wind (~100 AU). Variations in the value and position of peculiarities in the spectra (e + + e ?), as well as increasing ratio of fluxes e +/(e + + e ?), can be associated with variations of solar activity (and, as a consequence, of acceleration regimes) on different phases of the 11-years solar cycle. The results of numerical simulation of capture and acceleration of charged particles by packets of plasma waves in the heliospheric magnetic field are presented.  相似文献   

Optimum doping of high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) defines a superconducting unit volume for each HTSC. For a single-mode HTSC, e.g., a cuprate with one CuO2 plane, the volume is given by Vsc=cx2, where c is the unit cell height and x the doping distance. The experimental resistivity at Tc is connected to the structure by ρ(exp)≈c×h/(2e2). Combining this result with the classical definition of resistivity leads to an equation similar to Einstein's diffusion law x2/(2τ)=h/(2Meff)=D, where τ is the relaxation time, Meff=2me and D the diffusion constant. It has also been shown that the mean free path d=x. The Einstein–Smoluchowski diffusion relation D=μkBTc provides a connection to Tc.  相似文献   

Results of the comparative analysis of the dynamics of SCR fluxes with energies of 1–100 MeV in the interplanetary environment according to the data of the ACE and Wind spacecraft and within the Earth’s magnetosphere according to the data of the GOES-15 and Electro-L satellites in the region of geostationary orbits, and POES-19 and Meteor-M1 in the region of polar caps during two increases in SCR of January 19–31, 2012, are presented. It is shown that the decrease in the efficiency of SCR penetration into the Earth’s magnetosphere in the region of the orbits under study on January 28, 2012, is related to the passage of the Earth’s magnetosphere through the interplanetary environment structure with a quasi-radial interplanetary magnetic field and a small pressure of the solar wind.  相似文献   

The problem of rarefied plasma flow near the body in highly rarefied ionized planet atmosphere is considered. Plasma is supposed to be non-isothermal, Ti ? Te. In the case of thermodynamically non-equilibrium electrons the solution of modified Korteweg-de Vries equation is estimated in the Mach cone region behind the body and it is shown that Mach cone appears to be curved.  相似文献   

Many important SETI terms are either ambiguously defined or interpreted by different experts differently. Based on the author's experience with astronautical terminology (IAA multilingual space dictionary) a summary of the usual problems connected with an uniform definition of fundamental terms is attempted. In the second part several examples are quoted from the SETI literature—including the terms ETI, SETI and METI themselves, the definition of a habitable zone, of alien life, of an extraterrestrial artifact, of the Drake equation, of the Fermi-paradox, etc. In the third part of the paper a new task for the SETI social sciences community is raised, namely to collect “Lasting Universal Terms”; i.e. terms the meaning of which did not change since millennia, are independent on geographic position and also on the terrestrial environment and biology. Such terms might be preferably used in interstellar communication. All these questions are related to the manner how we might think about ETI and SETI in new ways. The paper tries to summarize the problems connected with exact SETI terminology and its potential implications for the future.  相似文献   

Variations in fluxes of quasi-trapped energetic protons were studied on the basis of the data of the CORONAS-I satellite. These variations are characterized by an increase in the proton fluxes with E P ≥ 1 MeV both in the vicinity of the geomagnetic equator and in the high-latitude region of the magnetosphere. The analysis of structural features of the proton distributions in the regions at L ~ 1–1.1; 3 < L < 4; and L > 4, was performed and made it possible to detect reliably the type of the proton flux increase in this region. The mechanisms of particle scattering leading to the precipitation of energetic protons under conditions of various types of geomagnetic disturbances are considered.  相似文献   

The variations in the deviation of the observed position of the magnetosphere boundary from its mean position predicted by the Shue at al., 1997 (Sh97) model [7] are studied as a function of the substorm activity level (the AE-index value) and magnetic storm intensity (the value of the corrected D st * index). The results obtained make it possible to state that the amplitude of motion of the magnetospheric boundary on the dayside and in the low-latitude tail is small. It is likely that the position of the boundary is either independent of the AE and D st * indices or this dependence is weak. At the same time, the boundary of the high-latitude tail shifts inward on the average by 1.5R E with an increase of the AE-index in the case of absence of magnetic storms (contraction of the magnetospheric tail). On the contrary, in the presence of magnetic storms, this boundary shifts outward by up to 3R E with an increase of the AE-index (inflation of the magnetospheric tail). It is also shown that the boundary of the high-latitude tail moves outward with an increase of the D st * index, both at low substorm activity and in periods of high substorm activity. The amplitude of the outward motion of the high-latitude tail of the magnetosphere is by a factor of two higher for moderate magnetic storms with strong substorms than for moderate magnetic storms with weak substorms.  相似文献   

This paper deals with energetically optimal multi-impulse transfers of a spacecraft in the central Newtonian gravitational field near a planet. The transfer from a point on initial orbit to the final orbit with the given angular momentum and energy constants is considered. The transfer time is bounded above.With the distance from spacecraft to planet limited and the time free, such parameters of given orbits are chosen that the 3-impulse apsidal transfer Tr is optimal with an intermediate impulse at the maximum distance. On the basis of necessary optimality conditions an algorithm is developed to numerically determine the desired optimal transfer trajectory Tt under time constraint, the apsidal trajectory Tr being taken as initial approach. From the geometry and energy viewpoints, both trajectories Tt and Tr are close to each other. The trajectory Tt is also 3-impulsive, all impulses on it are nonapsidal. The distance from the planet is larger and the sum of impulses is less for this trajectory than for the initial trajectory Tr with the same transfer time.The simplified solution of the problem is constructed producing good approximation to the exact numerical optimization results. The solution asymptotics is found when the transfer time tends to infinity.  相似文献   

The Drake equation, first proposed by Frank D. Drake in 1961, is the foundational equation of SETI. It yields an estimate of the number N of extraterrestrial communicating civilizations in the Galaxy given by the product N=Ns×fp×ne×fl×fi×fc×fL, where: Ns is the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy; fp is the fraction of stars that have planetary systems; ne is the number of planets in a given system that are ecologically suitable for life; fl is the fraction of otherwise suitable planets on which life actually arises; fi is the fraction of inhabited planets on which an intelligent form of life evolves; fc is the fraction of planets inhabited by intelligent beings on which a communicative technical civilization develops; and fL is the fraction of planetary lifetime graced by a technical civilization.The first three terms may be called “the astrophysical terms” in the Drake equation since their numerical value is provided by astrophysical considerations. The fourth term, fl, may be called “the origin-of-life term” and entails biology. The last three terms may be called “the societal terms” inasmuch as their respective numerical values are provided by anthropology, telecommunication science and “futuristic science”, respectively.In this paper, we seek to provide a statistical estimate of the three societal terms in the Drake equation basing our calculations on the Statistical Drake Equation first proposed by this author at the 2008 IAC. In that paper the author extended the simple 7-factor product so as to embody Statistics. He proved that, no matter which probability distribution may be assigned to each factor, if the number of factors tends to infinity, then the random variable N follows the lognormal distribution (central limit theorem of Statistics). This author also proved at the 2009 IAC that the Dole (1964) [7] equation, yielding the number of Habitable Planets for Man in the Galaxy, has the same mathematical structure as the Drake equation. So the number of Habitable Planets follows the lognormal distribution as well. But the Dole equation is described by the first FOUR factors of the Drake equation. Thus, we may “divide” the 7-factor Drake equation by the 4-factor Dole equation getting the probability distribution of the last-3-factor Drake equation, i.e. the probability distribution of the SOCIETAL TERMS ONLY. These we study in detail in this paper, achieving new statistical results about the SOCIETAL ASPECTS OF SETI.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-five college undergraduates from Syracuse University were surveyed to assess the relationship between their scientific literacy and attitudes to US space exploration. The students were divided into four sections based on majors: basic sciences (n = 41), health sciences (n = 29), political science (n = 36) and other (n = 49). As a whole the students had high scientific knowledge and overall support for human space exploration. There was a significant correlation (rho = 0.33, P < 0.01) between the dependent variables, suggesting that those with the highest scientific literacy looked more favorably upon US space exploration. When evaluated by college major, significant correlations were evident for political science and health science majors only (P < 0.05). There were no differences in scientific literacy scores between males and females and among the various college majors (P > 0.05). Attitudes towards US space exploration varied by sex only, indicating that males were more supportive than females (P < 0.05). These data suggest that individuals with adequate scientific literacy tend to look more favorably upon space exploration. Further research should be done to assess these factors in other populations, as well as to develop strategies to improve scientific literacy and shape positive attitudes towards space exploration in the US population.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(5):247-250
In most of the modern on-ground data processing systems for remote sensing the digital signal conversions, on the analogy of the analog signal, are defined over a field of complex numbers, C, as the digital signal values (as well as those of the analog one) may be regarded as a subset of the field. Such an approach requires substantial computing and hardware expenses. For a signal defined in the finite range N (N = 0, 1, …, n − 1) most of the algorithms require the number of operations proportional to log N, N, N2 and even to greater powers of N. That is why the building up of the data processing system mathematical model with a minute number of computations, as well as the computations organization, is a problem of great importance. It is not always necessary to build up a model using transformations over the field C. These transformations may be also defined over some other (abstract) fields, e.g. over the finite field GF(p) or finite residue ring moduli M, ZM. This approach gives numerous advantages. They are discussed in the presented paper along with limitations of the approach. A series of the data processing system models are described. The design concepts for the on-ground images processing equipment are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have performed spectral processing of the data of experiments on radio sounding of circumsolar plasma by coherent S- and X-band signals from the spacecraft Ulysses, Mars Express, Rosetta, and Venus Express carried out from 1991 to 2009. The experiments were realized in the mode of coherent response, when a signal stabilized by the hydrogen standard is transmitted from the ground station to a spacecraft, received by the onboard systems, and retransmitted to the Earth with conserved coherence. Thus, the signal sounding the coronal plasma passes twice through the medium: on the propagation path ground station — spacecraft and on the same path in the opposite direction. The spectra of frequency fluctuations in both the bands are obtained and, using them, the radial dependences of fluctuation intensities are found, which can be approximated by a power law. It is shown that the ratio of intensities of frequency fluctuations in the S- and X-bands is comparable with the theoretical value and characterizes the degree of correlation of irregularities of the electron density along the propagation path ground station — spacecraft and back. Analysis of the correlation of frequency fluctuations on the two paths allows one to get a lower estimate of the outer scale of the circumsolar plasma turbulence. For heliocentric distances R = 10 solar radii (R S ) the outer scale is larger than 0.25R S .  相似文献   

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