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This review focuses on the processes that energize and trigger M- and X-class solar flares and associated flux-rope destabilizations. Numerical modeling of specific solar regions is hampered by uncertain coronal-field reconstructions and by poorly understood magnetic reconnection; these limitations result in uncertain estimates of field topology, energy, and helicity. The primary advances in understanding field destabilizations therefore come from the combination of generic numerical experiments with interpretation of sets of observations. These suggest a critical role for the emergence of twisted flux ropes into pre-existing strong field for many, if not all, of the active regions that produce M- or X-class flares. The flux and internal twist of the emerging ropes appear to play as important a role in determining whether an eruption will develop predominantly as flare, confined eruption, or CME, as do the properties of the embedding field. Based on reviewed literature, I outline a scenario for major flares and eruptions that combines flux-rope emergence, mass draining, near-surface reconnection, and the interaction with the surrounding field. Whether deterministic forecasting is in principle possible remains to be seen: to date no reliable such forecasts can be made. Large-sample studies based on long-duration, comprehensive observations of active regions from their emergence through their flaring phase are needed to help us better understand these complex phenomena.  相似文献   

Emergence of complex magnetic flux in the solar active regions lead to several observational effects such as a change in sunspot area and flux embalance in photospheric magnetograms. The flux emergence also results in twisted magnetic field lines that add to free energy content. The magnetic field configuration of these active regions relax to near potential-field configuration after energy release through solar flares and coronal mass ejections. In this paper, we study the relation of flare productivity of active regions with their evolution of magnetic flux emergence, flux imbalance and free energy content. We use the sunspot area and number for flux emergence study as they contain most of the concentrated magnetic flux in the active region. The magnetic flux imbalance and the free energy are estimated using the HMI/SDO magnetograms and Virial theorem method. We find that the active regions that undergo large changes in sunspot area are most flare productive. The active regions become flary when the free energy content exceeds 50% of the total energy. Although, the flary active regions show magnetic flux imbalance, it is hard to predict flare activity based on this parameter alone.  相似文献   

Active regions on the solar surface are known to possess magnetic helicity, which is predominantly negative in the northern hemisphere and positive in the southern hemisphere. Choudhuri et al. [Choudhuri, A.R. On the connection between mean field dynamo theory and flux tubes. Solar Phys. 215, 31–55, 2003] proposed that the magnetic helicity arises due to the wrapping up of the poloidal field of the convection zone around rising flux tubes which form active regions. Choudhuri [Choudhuri, A.R., Chatterjee, P., Nandy, D. Helicity of solar active regions from a dynamo model. ApJ 615, L57–L60, 2004] used this idea to calculate magnetic helicity from their solar dynamo model. Apart from getting broad agreements with observational data, they also predict that the hemispheric helicity rule may be violated at the beginning of a solar cycle. Chatterjee et al. [Chatterjee, P., Choudhuri, A.R., Petrovay, K. Development of twist in an emerging magnetic flux tube by poloidal field accretion. A&A 449, 781–789, 2006] study the penetration of the wrapped poloidal field into the rising flux tube due to turbulent diffusion using a simple 1-d model. They find that the extent of penetration of the wrapped field will depend on how weak the magnetic field inside the rising flux tube becomes before its emergence. They conclude that more detailed observational data will throw light on the physical conditions of flux tubes just before their emergence to the photosphere.  相似文献   

We use our semi-analytic solution of the nonlinear force-free field equation to construct three-dimensional magnetic fields that are applicable to the solar corona and study their statistical properties for estimating the degree of braiding exhibited by these fields. We present a new formula for calculating the winding number and compare it with the formula for the crossing number. The comparison is shown for a toy model of two helices and for realistic cases of nonlinear force-free fields; conceptually the formulae are nearly the same but the resulting distributions calculated for a given topology can be different. We also calculate linkages, which are useful topological quantities that are independent measures of the contribution of magnetic braiding to the total free energy and relative helicity of the field. Finally, we derive new analytical bounds for the free energy and relative helicity for the field configurations in terms of the linking number. These bounds will be of utility in estimating the braided energy available for nano-flares or for eruptions.  相似文献   

A series of three flares of GOES class M, M and C, and a CME were observed on 20 January 2004 occurring in close succession in NOAA 10540. Types II, III, and N radio bursts were associated. We use the combined observations from TRACE, EIT, Hα images from Kwasan Observatory, MDI magnetograms, GOES, and radio observations from Culgoora and Wind/ WAVES to understand the complex development of this event. We reach three main conclusions. First, we link the first two impulsive flares to tether-cutting reconnections and the launch of the CME. This complex observation shows that impulsive quadrupolar flares can be eruptive. Second, we relate the last of the flares, an LDE, to the relaxation phase following forced reconnections between the erupting flux rope and neighbouring magnetic field lines, when reconnection reverses and restores some of the pre-eruption magnetic connectivities. Finally, we show that reconnection with the magnetic structure of a previous CME launched about 8 h earlier injects electrons into open field lines having a local dip and apex (located at about six solar radii height). This is observed as an N-burst at decametre radio wavelengths. The dipped shape of these field lines is due to large-scale magnetic reconnection between expanding magnetic loops and open field lines of a neighbouring streamer. This particular situation explains why this is the first N-burst ever observed at long radio wavelengths.  相似文献   

We first briefly review the current trend in the studies of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), then summarize some recent efforts in understanding the CME initiation. Emphasis has been put on the studies of Earth-directed CMEs whose associated surface activity and large scale magnetic source have been well identified. The data analysis by combining the MDI full disc magnetograms, vector magnetograms of active regions, EUV waves and dimmings, non-thermal radio sources, and the SOHO LASCO observations has shed new light in understanding the CME magnetism. However, the current studies seem to invoke new observations in a few aspects: (1) The observations which enable us to trace CMEs from the earliest associated surface activity to its initial acceleration and key development in the low corona in the height of 1–3 R; (2) The imaging spectroscopic observations which can be used to diagnose the early plasma outflow and the line-of-sight velocity in understanding the kinematics of CMEs; (3) The accurate timing from primary magnetic energy release, manifested by chromospheric activity, non-thermal radio bursts, and EUV, X-ray and γ-ray emissions, to the CME initiation, early acceleration and propagation, and the consequences in the interplanetary space and magnetosphere. The Kuafu Mission will meet the basic requirement for the new observations in CME initiation studies and serve as a monitor of space weather of the Sun–Earth system.  相似文献   

We observationally deduce the inductive electric field in the photosphere for the first time from the horizontal velocities computed by local correlation tracking (LCT) technique and the vector magnetic fields derived from vector magnetograms. We study the relationship between E and powerful flares (X-class) of four active regions (ARs): NOAA 10720, 10486, 9077 and 8100. It is found that the kernels of flares are roughly located near the inversion lines where maxima of E are observed. Our results show that E relates to the accumulation of non-potentiality in the photosphere and the transportation of non-potentiality from the photosphere to the corona.  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are among the most magnificent solar eruptions, are a major driver of space weather and can thus affect diverse human technologies. Different processes have been proposed to explain the initiation and release of CMEs from solar active regions (ARs), without reaching consensus on which is the predominant scenario, and thus rendering impossible to accurately predict when a CME is going to erupt from a given AR. To investigate AR magnetic properties that favor CMEs production, we employ multi-spacecraft data to analyze a long duration AR (NOAA 11089, 11100, 11106, 11112 and 11121) throughout its complete lifetime, spanning five Carrington rotations from July to November 2010. We use data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory to study the evolution of the AR magnetic properties during the five near-side passages, and a proxy to follow the magnetic flux changes when no magnetograms are available, i.e. during far-side transits. The ejectivity is studied by characterizing the angular widths, speeds and masses of 108 CMEs that we associated to the AR, when examining a 124-day period. Such an ejectivity tracking was possible thanks to the multi-viewpoint images provided by the Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory in a quasi-quadrature configuration. We also inspected the X-ray flares registered by the GOES satellite and found 162 to be associated to the AR under study. Given the substantial number of ejections studied, we use a statistical approach instead of a single-event analysis. We found three well defined periods of very high CMEs activity and two periods with no mass ejections that are preceded or accompanied by characteristic changes in the AR magnetic flux, free magnetic energy and/or presence of electric currents. Our large sample of CMEs and long term study of a single AR, provide further evidence relating AR magnetic activity to CME and Flare production.  相似文献   

We have investigated the source characteristic and coronal magnetic field structure of six impulsive solar energetic particle (SEP) events selected from Wang et al. [Wang, Y.-M., Pick, M., Mason, G.M. Coronal holes, jets, and the origin of 3He-rich particle events. ApJ 639, 495, 2006] and Pick et al. [Pick, M., Mason, G.M., Wang, Y.-M., Tan, C., Wang, L. Solar source regions for 3He-rich solar energetic particle events identified using imaging radio, optical, and energetic particle observations. ApJ 648, 1247, 2006]. Some results are obtained: first, 2 events are associated with wide (≈100°) CMEs (hereafter wide CME events), another 4 events are associated with narrow (?40°) CMEs (hereafter narrow CME events); second, the coronal magnetic field configuration of narrow CME events appear more simple than that of the wide CME events; third, the photospheric magnetic field evolutions of all these events show new emergence of fluxes, while one case also shows magnetic flux cancellation; fourth, the EUV jets usually occurred very close to the footpoint of the magnetic field loop, while meter type III bursts occurred near or at the top of the loop and higher than EUV jets. Furthermore, the heights of type III bursts are estimated from the result of the coronal magnetic field extrapolations.  相似文献   

We present an automated system for detecting, tracking, and cataloging emerging active regions throughout their evolution and decay using SOHO Michelson Doppler Interferometer (MDI) magnetograms. The SolarMonitor Active Region Tracking (SMART) algorithm relies on consecutive image differencing to remove both quiet-Sun and transient magnetic features, and region-growing techniques to group flux concentrations into classifiable features. We determine magnetic properties such as region size, total flux, flux imbalance, flux emergence rate, Schrijver’s R-value, R (a modified version of R), and Falconer’s measurement of non-potentiality. A persistence algorithm is used to associate developed active regions with emerging flux regions in previous measurements, and to track regions beyond the limb through multiple solar rotations. We find that the total number and area of magnetic regions on disk vary with the sunspot cycle. While sunspot numbers are a proxy to the solar magnetic field, SMART offers a direct diagnostic of the surface magnetic field and its variation over timescale of hours to years. SMART will form the basis of the active region extraction and tracking algorithm for the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO).  相似文献   

利用中国科学院北京天文台怀柔太阳磁场望远镜,对日面中心宁静区光球和色球磁场进行了长时间的积分观测。通过对光球、色球以及色球不同层次的长时间积分的观测发现,网络磁元从光球到色球扩展不大,并且部分内网络磁元升到了色球。这些结果对描述太阳磁场的两大模型提出了挑战。   相似文献   

Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope brought plenty of high quality images, it provides a good chance to research coronal loops, especially for transequatorial loops (TLs). In this paper, we focus on the statistical results of TLs including static properties and dynamic properties.

There are two types of classification about TLs: according to configuration and according to magnetic polarities of footpoints, respectively. The footpoints of TLs never root in sunspot, in a general way, they exist in moderately strong field. The mean separation value of TLs is close to 30° and the separation value varies with solar cycle. The helicity patterns of active regions connected by TLs are discussed, the mean twist value of TLs is close to zero. The formation of TLs is generally thought to be caused by magnetic reconnection, the relationship of TLs eruption with flare and CME is introduced.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, dynamo theorists seem to be converging on a basic scenario as to how the solar dynamo operates. The strong toroidal component of the magnetic field is produced in the tachocline, from where it rises due to magnetic buoyancy to produce active regions at the solar surface. The decay of tilted bipolar active regions at the surface gives rise to the poloidal component, which is first advected poleward by the meridional circulation and then taken below the surface to the tachocline where it can be stretched to produce the toroidal component. The mathematical formulation of this basic model, however, involves the specification of some parameters which are still uncertain. We review these remaining uncertainties which have resulted in disagreements amongst various research groups and have made it impossible to still arrive at something that can be called a standard model of the solar dynamo.  相似文献   

The systematic investigation of the three components of the magnetic field is made on 6629 vector magnetograms obtained with the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope at Huairou Solar Observing Station over 18 years 1988–2005. The sign distribution of these values has been analyzed over the solar hemispheres and the solar activity cycle as follows:  相似文献   

Studying the statistical correlation between the solar flare productivity and photospheric magnetic fields is very important and necessary. It is helpful to set up a practical flare forecast model based on magnetic properties and improve the physical understanding of solar flare eruptions. In the previous study ([Cui, Y.M., Li, R., Zhang, L.Y., He, Y.L., Wang, H.N. Correlation between solar flare productivity and photospheric magnetic field properties 1. Maximum horizontal gradient, length of neutral line, number of singular points. Sol. Phys. 237, 45–59, 2006]; from now on we refer to this paper as ‘Paper I’), three measures of the maximum horizontal gradient, the length of the neutral line, and the number of singular points are computed from 23990 SOHO/MDI longitudinal magnetograms. The statistical relationship between the solar flare productivity and these three measures is well fitted with sigmoid functions. In the current work, the three measures of the length of strong-shear neutral line, total unsigned current, and total unsigned current helicity are computed from 1353 vector magnetograms observed at Huairou Solar Observing Station. The relationship between the solar flare productivity and the current three measures can also be well fitted with sigmoid functions. These results are expected to be beneficial to future operational flare forecasting models.  相似文献   

We build a single vertical straight magnetic fluxtube spanning the solar photosphere and the transition region which does not expand with height. We assume that the fluxtube containing twisted magnetic fields is in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium within a realistic stratified atmosphere subject to solar gravity. Incorporating specific forms of current density and gas pressure in the Grad–Shafranov equation, we solve the magnetic flux function, and find it to be separable with a Coulomb wave function in radial direction while the vertical part of the solution decreases exponentially. We employ improved fluxtube boundary conditions and take a realistic ambient external pressure for the photosphere to transition region, to derive a family of solutions for reasonable values of the fluxtube radius and magnetic field strength at the base of the axis that are the free parameters in our model. We find that our model estimates are consistent with the magnetic field strength and the radii of Magnetic bright points (MBPs) as estimated from observations. We also derive thermodynamic quantities inside the fluxtube.  相似文献   

The atmosphere of the Sun is highly structured and dynamic in nature. From the photosphere and chromosphere into the transition region and the corona plasma-β changes from above to below one, i.e., while in the lower atmosphere the energy density of the plasma dominates, in the upper atmosphere the magnetic field plays the governing role – one might speak of a “magnetic transition”. Therefore the dynamics of the overshooting convection in the photosphere, the granulation, is shuffling the magnetic field around in the photosphere. This leads not only to a (re-)structuring of the magnetic field in the upper atmosphere, but induces also the dynamic reaction of the coronal plasma, e.g., due to reconnection events. Therefore the (complex) structure and the interaction of various magnetic patches is crucial to understand the structure, dynamics and heating of coronal plasma as well as its acceleration into the solar wind.

The present article will emphasize the need for three-dimensional modeling accounting for the complexity of the solar atmosphere to understand these processes. Some advances on 3D modeling of the upper solar atmosphere in magnetically closed as well as open regions will be presented together with diagnostic tools to compare these models to observations. This highlights the recent success of these models which in many respects closely match the observations.  相似文献   

Almost 10 years of solar submillimeter observations have shown new aspects of solar activity, such as the presence of rapid solar spikes associated with the launch of coronal mass ejections and an increasing submillimeter spectral component in flares. We analyse the singular microwave–submillimeter spectrum of an M class solar flare on 20 December, 2002. Flux density observations measured by Sun patrol telescopes and the Solar Submillimeter Telescope are used to build the radio spectrum, which is fitted using Ramaty’s code. At submillimeter frequencies the spectrum shows a component different from the microwave classical burst. The fitting is achieved proposing two homogeneous sources of emission. This theoretical fitting is in agreement with differential precipitation through a magnetically asymmetric loop or set of loops. From a coronal magnetic field model we infer an asymmetric magnetic structure at the flare location. The model proposed to quantify the differential precipitation rates due to the asymmetry results in a total precipitation ratio Q2/Q1≈104–105, where Q1(Q2) represents the total precipitation in the loop foot with the high (low) magnetic field intensity. This ratio agrees with the electron total number ratio of the two sources proposed to fit the radio spectrum.  相似文献   

The SOHO/MDI data provide the uniform time series of the synoptic magnetic maps which cover the period of the cycle 23 and the beginning of the cycle 24. It is very interesting period because of the long and deep solar minimum between the cycles 23 and 24. Synoptic structure of the solar magnetic field shows variability during solar cycles. It is known that the magnetic activity contributes to the solar irradiance. The axisymmetrical distribution of the magnetic flux (Fig. 3c) is closely associated with the ‘butterfly’ diagram in the EUV emission (Benevolenskaya et al., 2001). And, also, the magnetic field (B) shows the non-uniform distributions of the solar activity with longitude, so-called ‘active zones’, and ‘coronal holes’ in the mid-latitude. Polar coronal holes are forming after the solar maxima and they persist during the solar minima. SOHO/EIT data in the emission of Fe XII (195 Å) could be a proxy for the coronal holes tracking. The active longitudinal zones or active longitude exist due to the reappearance of the activity and it is clearly seen in the synoptic structure of the solar cycle. On the descending branch of the solar cycle 23 active zones are less pronounced comparing with previous cycles 20, 21 and 22. Moreover, the weak polar magnetic field precedes the long and deep solar minimum. In this paper we have discussed the development of solar cycles 23 and 24 in details.  相似文献   

Using full-disk observations obtained with the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, we present variations of the solar acoustic mode frequencies caused by the solar activity cycle. High-degree (100 < ? < 900) solar acoustic modes were analyzed using global helioseismology analysis techniques over most of solar cycle 23. We followed the methodology described in details in [Korzennik, S.G., Rabello-Soares, M.C., Schou, J. On the determination of Michelson Doppler Imager high-degree mode frequencies. ApJ 602, 481–515, 2004] to infer unbiased estimates of high-degree mode parameters ([see also Rabello-Soares, M.C., Korzennik, S.G., Schou, J. High-degree mode frequencies: changes with solar cycle. ESA SP-624, 2006]). We have removed most of the known instrumental and observational effects that affect specifically high-degree modes. We show that the high-degree changes are in good agreement with the medium-degree results, except for years when the instrument was highly defocused. We analyzed and discuss the effect of defocusing on high-degree estimation. Our results for high-degree modes confirm that the frequency shift scaled by the relative mode inertia is a function of frequency and it is independent of degree.  相似文献   

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