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We have analyzed XMM-Newton archive data for five clusters of galaxies (redshifts 0.223–0.313) covering a wide range of dynamical states, from relaxed objects to clusters undergoing several mergers. We present here temperature maps of the X-ray gas together with a preliminary interpretation of the formation history of these clusters.  相似文献   

We investigate the dark matter distributions in the central region of two clusters of galaxies (A1835 and MKW3S) using Chandra data. N-body simulations in the standard cold dark matter (CDM) model predict the dark matter distribution shows a cuspy dark matter profile: ρ(r) ∝ r, with in the range 1–2, while observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies seem to favor the presence of a relatively flat core: 0 <  < 1. To investigate the dark matter distributions in the central region of clusters of galaxies, we analyze the Chandra data of A1835 and MKW3S with a deprojection method. We derive the mass profiles without the assumption of analytical models. We examine the inner slope of derived mass profiles assuming the dark matter profile is described with a power-law expression. The values of the slope are 0.95 ± 0.10 for A1835 and 1.33 ± 0.12 for MKW3S within the radius of 200 kpc. These are consistent with the result of the CDM simulations. However, within the radius of 100 kpc, the value of is less than unity for A1835 (0.47 ± 0.31). Our result implies that the central dark matter profile of some clusters cannot be described by CDM halos.  相似文献   

To study the distribution of galaxies in the Universe data on their positions magnitudes and redshifts are needed. A review of all large samples of galaxy counts, galaxy catalogues and redshift surveys as well as catalogues and redshifts of clusters is given. It is shown that the sky has been unevenly studied, the strongest asimmetry being between the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Particular attention is paid to the Zwicky near clusters. It is shown that only 14% have a well determined redshift and at least 28% are not single clusters but superposition of two or more groups.From an analysis of the available literature it appears that 1) there is more data about redshifts and positions of galaxies than are normally used. 2) The available data are far from uniform and complete.It is argued that a lot more new observations are needed before one can confidently draw conclusions about the structure of the Universe.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to compare optical properties of Abell clusters with X-ray sources.  相似文献   

We discuss the detection of soft excess X-ray emission in a sample of 19 clusters of galaxies observed by XMM-Newton. In 6/19 clusters evidence for a soft X-ray excess is found. Four of these clusters show soft X-ray and O VII line emission from gas with a temperature of 0.2 keV. The centroid of this oxygen line is consistent with the redshift of the cluster. The intensity and spatial extend of the soft excess agrees with previous PSPC measurements. These observations are interpreted as emission from warm-hot intergalactic medium filaments, with density enhancements near the cluster centers, consistent with theoretical predictions. In the other two soft excess clusters a non-thermal origin is consistent with the data.  相似文献   

We present BAX, Base de Données amas de galaxies X (http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/bax), a project aiming at building a comprehensive database dedicated to X-rays clusters of galaxies allowing detailed information retrieval. BAX provides the user with basic data published in the literature on X-rays clusters of galaxies as well as with information concerning the physical properties in the X-rays domain or at other wavelengths. BAX allows individual studies on selected clusters as well as building up homogenous samples, from known X-rays clusters for which selection criteria are chosen through web interfaces. We expect BAX to become a useful tool for astronomy community in order to optimize the cluster science return using data from both ground based facilities like MEGACAM (CFHT), VIRMOS (VLT) and space missions like XMM, Chandra and Planck.  相似文献   

We have statistically investigated the infrared luminosity of clusters of galaxies in comparison with the known tracers of the cluster mass like the X-ray luminosity and the cluster richness (e.g. the number of member galaxies). Our results show that there is a clear positive correlation of the infrared luminosity with the cluster mass. Quantitatively speaking, the infrared luminosity is on average 20 times higher than the X-ray luminosity. Moreover, the infrared luminosity increases with the redshift. This probably shows that a major part of this infrared luminosity is due to star formation in the member galaxies. Another possible contribution would be the thermal emission from dust particles in the diffuse intracluster medium. However our method does not allow us to infer conclusions about this second hypothesis. Depending on their size and abundance, such particles would contribute to the infrared luminosity of galaxy cluster and have an impact on the cooling function of the baryons and thus on the formation of the large scale structures. This is an important cosmological question which still remains open.  相似文献   

针对大规模设备协同系统中时间属性复杂、时间约束验证困难的特点,给出了大规模设备协同中的时间属性建模方法.针对设备操作时间和状态维持时间2种时间属性,通过在操作上附加时间属性实现了对设备操作时间的建模,通过在连接符上附加时间区间属性,实现了对状态维持时间的建模.在此模型的基础上,给出了大规模设备协同中4种基本结构的时间计算方法,并通过结构等价,将基本结构等价为一个连接符,从而实现了一个设备协同模型中所有节点的时间计算;并给出了大规模设备协同中的时间约束验证规则.通过相关比较及实验分析,验证了该方法具有更高的准确度,计算偏差较低且稳定,能够满足大规模设备协同系统的性能要求.  相似文献   

针对具有0.01 Hz极低频主模态的超大型航天器的姿态机动问题,给出利用经典的Bang-Bang轨迹规划方法、滤波轨迹规划方法和传统的相平面控制方法进行姿态机动的方案,构建了极低频超大型航天器姿态机动地面物理试验系统,对不同的姿态机动控制方法进行了试验验证.针对不同的姿态机动轨迹规划方法,采用喷气发动机或控制力矩陀螺作...  相似文献   

Rapidly cooling gas is commonly found near the centres of clusters of galaxies. The structure of the resulting gas flows is reviewed. Total gas cooling rates of several hundred M yr−1 have been observed in a number of cases. Thermal instability and the ultimate fate of the cooled gas are discussed. The cooled gas could easily have formed a massive central galaxy.  相似文献   

The magnetic field structure and the spatial characteristics of the large-scale currents in the magnetospheric tail were studied during quiet and moderately disturbed geomagnetic conditions in 2009. The magnetic field of the currents other than the tail current was calculated in terms of a paraboloid model of the Earth’s magnetosphere, A2000, and was subtracted from measurements. It was found on the base of obtained tail current magnetic field radial distribution that the inner edge of the tail current sheet is located in the night side magnetosphere, at distances of about 10 RE and of about 7 RE during quiet and disturbed periods respectively. During the disturbance of February 14, 2009 (Dstmin ∼ −35 nT), the Bx and the Bz component of the tail current magnetic field near its inner edge were about 60 nT, and −60 nT that means that strong cross-tail current have been developed. The tail current parameters at different time moments during February 14, 2009 have been estimated. Solar wind conditions during this event were consistent with those during moderate magnetic storms with minimum Dst of about −100 nT. However, the magnetospheric current systems (magnetopause and cross-tail currents) were located at larger geocentric distances than typical during the 2009 extremely quiet epoch and did not provide the expected Dst magnitude. Very small disturbance on the Earth’s surface was detected consistent with an “inflated” magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Application of the cosmic virial theorem to galaxy redshift surveys suggests an open universe - if the dark material is distributed in the same way as galaxies. Here we investigate four redshift surveys. We present new results on the amplitudes of the two- and three-point galaxy correlation functions and we estimate the relative peculiar velocities in the deep redshift survey of Kirshner and co-workers (1983). Next, we review evidence which suggests that dark material is clustered on scales comparable to the optical radii of galaxies. In particular, we use spectroscopic and photometric observations to set constraints on the mass distribution in elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

We investigated properties of four isolated giant elliptical galaxies with extended X-ray halo using ASCA data. The derived size of X-ray halo, X-ray luminosity, and gravitational mass of the dark halo are unusually large those of X-ray halo of a single galaxy, but are typical for X-ray halos of groups and poor clusters of galaxies. The measured temperatures and abundances of the X-ray halo gas in these galaxies are also similar to those of the groups and poor clusters. Based on these results we identified these galaxies as “isolated X-ray overluminous elliptical galaxy” (IOLEG). The radial profiles of dark halo in these objects were derived from X-ray data. It is found that some are similar to those of compact groups while others are the same as those of normal ellipticals. The dark halos of lOLEGs are thus indistinguishable from those of groups (and poor clusters), which appears to be consistent with a widely believed idea that lOLEGs are a product of dynamical evolution of a compact group. However, mass-to-light ratios of IOLEGs (M200/LB  100–1000) are far greater than those of Hickson compact groups M200/LB  40–60). Since it is hard to consider that total optical luminosity of a compact group decreases by an order of magnitude in the course of dynamical evolution, such difference in the observed mass-to-light ratio between IOLEGs and Hickson compact groups strongly suggests that most IOLEGs have not evolved from compact groups which are observed at present.  相似文献   

To illustrate the interaction of Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), supersymmetry (SUSY), and cosmology, a worked example is carried out. This example is the dark matter problem, or “What is the dominant matter of the Universe?” It is shown that if GUTs are assumed then the primordial perturbations are probably adiabatic, if inflation is assumed then Ω = 1 and GUTs first name is probably SUSY. If Ω = 1, big bang nucleosynthesis tells us that the bulk of the matter is non-baryonic. SUSY-GUTs gives us some possible candidate inos to which massive neutrinos, axion or planetary mass black holes can be added. These candidates can be classified hot (or warm) or cold types of dark matter. It is shown that hot gives Ω = 1 and naturally gives large scale structure but does not give small scale structure or galaxy formation times, whereas cold gives small scale structure and formation times but cannot easily yield Ω = 1. It is concluded that either a hybrid of both hot and cold or non-random phases for the perturbations may be needed.  相似文献   

We describe the initial results of a programme to detect and identify extended X-ray sources found serendipitously in XMM-Newton observations. We have analyzed 186 EPIC-PN images at high galactic latitude with a limiting flux of 1 × 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1 and found 62 cluster candidates. Thanks to the enhanced sensitivity of the XMM-Newton telescopes, the new clusters found in this pilot study are on the average fainter, more compact, and more distant than those found in previous X-ray surveys. At our survey limit the surface density of clusters is about 5 deg−2. We also present the first results of an optical follow-up programme aiming at the redshift measurement of a large sample of clusters. The results of this pilot study give a first glimpse on the potential of serendipitous cluster science with XMM-Newton based on real data. The largest, yet to be fulfilled promise is the identification of a large number of high-redshift clusters for cosmological studies up to z = 1 or 1.5.  相似文献   

The kinematics of gas clouds in broad-line region of active galactic nuclei and quasars is considered. The motion of the clouds is governed by three forces — gravitational influence from the central supermassive body, radiational pressure from the continuum radiation, and resistance of the intercloud medium. Clouds moves radial but only outward motion gives a velocity field, which is in accordance with the observational data. The profiles of the permited lines are obtained in some simplify assumptions for the emissive capacity of the gas in clouds, and are in good agreement with the observational data. In the framework of the model under consideration there is a possibility to estimate some physical parameters of the nuclei such as mass of the central body and density of the intercloud medium.  相似文献   

从结构仿生的观点出发,提出了"孔壳夹芯结构"模型,通过模拟样件试验,归纳出了"孔壳夹芯结构"的压缩变形机制,得出"蛋壳夹芯结构"的承载能力主要取决于"蛋壳"的材料、结构尺寸和排列角度等因素的结论.应用薄壳理论,算出了"蛋壳"单元在承受均布压力情况下的屈曲临界压力,同时,对"蛋壳"单元建立有限元模型,进行了静力学和屈曲模态分析,为进一步的"蛋壳夹芯结构"的工程轻量化设计提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

The centers of elliptical galaxies host supermassive black holes that significantly affect the surrounding interstellar medium through feedback resulting from the accretion process. The evolution of this gas and of the nuclear emission during the galaxies’ lifetime has been studied recently with high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations. These included gas cooling and heating specific for an average AGN spectral energy distribution, a radiative efficiency declining at low mass accretion rates, and mechanical coupling between the hot gas and AGN winds. Here, we present a short summary of the observational properties resulting from the simulations, focussing on (1) the nuclear luminosity; (2) the global luminosity and temperature of the hot gas; (3) its temperature profile and X-ray brightness profile. These properties are compared with those of galaxies of the local universe, pointing out the successes of the adopted feedback and the needs for new input in the simulations.  相似文献   

分析了旋转对称结构零部件的失效特点以及对称单元数对零部件可靠性的影响,建立了能体现对称单元数的旋转对称结构零部件强度概率密度函数和累积分布函数.分别以随机载荷作用次数和时间为寿命度量指标,建立了随机载荷作用下能够全面体现载荷、强度、对称单元数、寿命指标等参数影响的旋转对称结构零部件时变可靠性模型与失效率计算模型.研究表明:在强度不退化的情况下,旋转对称结构零部件的可靠度也会随着寿命指标(载荷作用次数或时间)逐渐降低,失效率随寿命指标逐渐减小.对于具有相同对称单元的旋转对称结构零部件,随着对称单元数的增加,零部件可靠度会降低且失效率会增大.  相似文献   

随机结构功能模糊性的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对率模可靠性理论应用中结构功能函数对结构安全(模糊事件)的隶属函数往往涉及主观因素的问题,对随机结构功能的模糊性产生根源进行了初步探索:利用等效水平截集处理功能函数的各随机分量,将连续随机向量映射为标准区间向量;在标准区间向量张成的凸域及其扩展空间中,研究截集水平和基于区间分析的结构非概率可靠性指标之间的定量关系.所得的非概率可靠性指标作为截集水平的连续严格单调增函数,能反映出结构功能的内在模糊性.初步找到了依据结构功能函数自身特征建立不涉及主观因素的安全隶属函数的桥梁.   相似文献   

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