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Vovchenko  V. V.  Galperin  Yu. I.  Chugunin  D. V.  Dubouloz  N. 《Cosmic Research》2000,38(6):547-556
A new population of dispersed suprathermal ions descending into the ionosphere is discovered in the cusp region from theINTERBALL-2 measurements at altitudes of 2–3R E. The proton energies of the population are below the low energy cut-off of the main dispersed proton population of the magnetosheath origin, and its intensity and density are also much lower. For IMF B z 2 nT the region of the population observations is located partly coincident with (or sometimes poleward from) the main proton population of the cusp proper. The pitch-angle velocity dispersion in the population during a 2-min satellite rotation manifests itself as a typical pitch-angle V together with a velocity dispersion due to poleward convection. The satellite passes chosen for the detailed analysis and modeling lay approximately along the cusp/cleft band from afternoon till prenoon MLT sectors, thus emphasizing the pitch-angle dispersion role with respect to the dispersion due to convection. This allows one to observe the suprathermal proton population during several tens of minutes over the MLT range of 3 h around noon, i.e., similarly to the MLT extension of the cusp proper. A remarkable space/time stability of this new population is due to its low velocity (tens of km/s) and/or velocity diffusion in the flux tubes of the cusp proper. We have performed both backward tracing of proton trajectories in the Tsyganenko-96 model, and kinetic modeling of the kinematic variations of the distribution function for protons along their way from the bi-Maxwellian source in the form of a heating wall till the satellite. The parameters of the model were adjusted to the observed energy–time spectrograms. They consistently indicate the origin of the descending suprathermal proton population at intermediate altitudes of 5R E, i.e., within cusp flux tubes but well below the magnetopause. Some published measurements from the POLAR satellite in the cusp region at altitudes of 4–5R E seem to be consistent with the supposition of crossing the source region of this population, variable in space and time (though these measurements were interpreted in a different manner).  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of the shape and location of the magnetopause according to the INTERBALL-1 satellite data for the period 1995–1997 is carried out. The instants of crossing the magnetosphere boundaries obtained by the plasma and magnetic data are compared with computations based on three empirical models, namely, Petrinec and Russel, 1996; Shue et al., 1997; and Shue et al., 1998. The state of the interplanetary medium (dynamic pressure of the solar wind plasma P d and the B z component of the interplanetary magnetic field) was determined by the measurements onboard the WIND spacecraft. We estimate the accuracy of the considered models for different groups of boundary crossings: single, multiple with small duration (less than 40 min), and multiple with large duration (more than 40 min). It is demonstrated that the small-scale motions of the boundary (<1R E) are observed more often in the dayside magnetosphere, especially near the cusp region. Large-scale boundary oscillations (>1R E) are more common in the tail region of the magnetosphere, namely, its flanks. Various models give similar results: about 50% of all events have deviations by more than 1R E from the model locations. In some cases, the deviation of the measured location of the magnetosphere boundary from the model prediction may be as large as 5–6R E for all three models considered, the actual boundary being more often located nearer to the Earth than the result of model computations. The best model is that of Shue et al., 1998, but it does not differ significantly from the other models.  相似文献   

The bursts of long-wave radio emission in the 100–1500 kHz frequency band detected onboard the INTERBALL-1 satellite during strong chromosphere solar flares in 2000 are analyzed. The bursts exhibit large amplitude and duration. A comparison of the bursts with phenomena in the optical, x-ray, and radio bands is carried out.  相似文献   

外露式星载光电设备在轨热分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用节点网络/控制容积法结合蒙持卡罗法求解星载光电设备的瞬态温度场.建立了光电设备热传导与热辐射的耦合求解方程,将外热流和内热源等因素以源项形式纳入方程中,并引入控制函数使方程适用于设备工作与不工作两种状态.虚拟面技术解决了设备非封闭性给计算带来的困难,同时可处理设备接收外热流时存在的遮挡及多次反射问题.对光电设备中反射镜组采取不同的处理方法,发现光学表面的镜射处理与漫射处理对温度场计算结果影响很大.  相似文献   

Frolov  V. L.  Luk’yanova  R. Yu.  Ryabov  A. O.  Bolotin  I. A. 《Cosmic Research》2021,59(4):231-249
Cosmic Research - We have analyzed the experimental data obtained in 2016–2019 from the measurements of plasma disturbances and electric currents induced at ionospheric altitudes upon the...  相似文献   

以某对地观测星座任务为背景,对基于电推进的组网卫星自主轨道保持控制方法进行研究.由地面进行标称轨道递推并定期上注,星上考虑地球非球形J2项摄动进行本星和标称星拟平均轨道参数递推,采用单边极限环方法进行面内相位保持控制.针对长期运行在对日定向模式的倾斜轨道且固定太阳翼卫星,考虑能源、程控任务、轨道偏心率等约束,设计了卫星...  相似文献   

同一卫星观测平台上的不同偏振遥感器,可通过数据融合获取更高质量的探测结果。基于该设想,搭建了由高精度偏振扫描仪(POSP)和同时偏振相机(SIPC)构成的同平台偏振仪器航空验证系统,并完成了飞行实验。文章系统阐述了其系统构成、数据预处理、视场匹配和交叉定标方法,评估并展示了部分航空验证结果。结果表明:POSP和SIPC视场匹配误差约为0.12个POSP像元;通过偏振交叉定标、均匀陆地地表这2个仪器辐亮度偏差为2.54%,偏振度偏差为0.013,验证了双偏振仪器探测数据的有效性和交叉定标的可行性。为星载偏振交火探测系统设计、数据预处理、偏振交叉定标方法和在轨应用评价等提供了依据和支持。  相似文献   

Flat probes of the ZOND–ZARYAD instrument, which operated on the MIR orbital complex (OC), form a counterprobe (reference surface) configuration in which the alternating component of the net probe current is measured. There is no potential difference between the spacecraft (SC) body and the probes; that is, the probes are at the floating potential (FP). By measuring the alternating component of the probe current, one cannot estimate the FP value, but we can observe small-scale FP dynamics of a single probe in the OC near-surface region and estimate the fluctuations of currents flowing onto the SC. The alternating component of the current on the probes in the OC near-surface region varies in a wide range depending on ionospheric plasma parameters, the probe orientation with respect to the velocity vector, the magnetic field vector, and the direction to the Sun in the illuminated part of the orbit. In addition to the amplitude dynamics, the frequency dynamics of the alternating component of the current onto the probes is observed.  相似文献   

针对配置电推力器的地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星,研究了以位置保持效率为指标的电推力器最佳安装位置。分析了南北、东西位置保持所需推力大小与工作时间的关系,得到推力器安装位置与位置保持可控性的定量关系。分析了电推力器安装位置与角动量卸载能力的关系,电推力器的推力方向越接近垂直,角动量卸载能力越大。以位置保持效率为最优目标,考虑卫星尺寸、位置保持可控性和角动量卸载能力等约束条件,给出了电推力器最优安装位置的确定方法:根据位置保持效率及卫星尺寸约束,确定电推力器纵向与垂向安装位置;根据位置保持可控性和角动量卸载能力等约束条件,确定电推力器横向安装位置。利用一个典型优化算例对此方法进行验证,结果表明:该优化方法能够确定满足约束条件下的电推力器最优安装位置,可为GEO卫星电推进系统的布局设计提供参考。  相似文献   

一种实时测量卫星运动像移的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对高分辨率对地观测卫星 ,介绍一种新的方法来实时测量卫星运动在焦平面上的像移。详细地说明了像移实时测量的原理 ,具体推导了像移测量的数学表达式。测量出的像移可以用来对畸变的图像进行校正 ,获得高质量的图像  相似文献   

Nose structures are objects formed by H+ particles penetrating into the inner magnetosphere [1, 2]. We present the results of experimental studies and numerical modeling of the nose structures. Statistical processing of the observations of nose structures in 1997 by the ION instrument onboard the Interball-2 satellite at heights of 10000–15000 km demonstrates that the probability of formation of the nose structures under quiet magnetic conditions (with current values K p = 0–1) in the nighttime sector of the magnetosphere is 90%. The probability of observation of the nose structures in the daytime sector equals 50% at the current value K p = 0–1, and the correlation between the observations of nose structures and K p can be improved (up to 75%) if the K p index is taken 6 h before the observed events. It is shown that nose structures are a characteristic feature not only of the substorm processes but also of quasi-stationary phenomena in the quiet magnetosphere. The nose structures observed in magnetically quiet periods are called stationary nose structures in this work. By modeling drift trajectories for protons, it is shown that the stationary nose structures are formed in all sectors of the MLT. The stationary nose structures observed by the ION instrument are modeled in the night, morning, and daytime sectors of the MLT. The relation between the stationary nose structures and ion spectral gaps is considered.  相似文献   

卫星激光测距(SLR)是目前低轨卫星常用的定轨手段之一.文章以贾森-1(Jason-1)和"环境卫星"(EN VISAT)实测数据为例,讨论了不同弧段长度(1天、3天和7天)的全球网SLR数据对低轨卫星定轨精度的影响,分析了基于美国网、欧洲网和亚洲网等区域网SLR数据的低轨卫星精密定轨精度.检验定轨精度的参考轨道来自美...  相似文献   

针对GEO卫星采用电推进和化学推进系统进行变轨的问题,在给定轨道控制模型的基础上,给出实现轨道半长轴、偏心率和倾角3个参数单独调整和联合控制的控制律。结合假设的运载火箭发射能力约束,给出航天器不同入轨高度对应的初始质量。以此为约束,给出化学推进和电推进不同组合的6种GTO向GEO转移方案,并对比分析各方案完成变轨所需的时间、推进剂、速度增量以及完成变轨后的质量剩余情况,研究方法可为电推进系统在航天领域的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

分析方形四探针探针游移对其测量微区薄层电阻的影响,完成了测试薄层电阻的公式的推导,对游移后产生的误差影响进行了统计数据分析,得出了测试结果满足测试误差要求的结论.  相似文献   

分析方形四探针探针游移对其测量微区薄层电阻的影响,完成了测试薄层电阻的公式的推导,对游移后产生的误差影响进行了统计数据分析,得出了测试结果满足测试误差要求的结论。  相似文献   

Abrashkin  V. I.  Volkov  M. V.  Egorov  A. V.  Zaitsev  A. S.  Kazakova  A. E.  Sazonov  V. V. 《Cosmic Research》2003,41(6):593-612
We compare the results of two methods used to determine the angular velocity of the Foton-12 satellite and the low-frequency component of microaccelerations onboard it. The first method is based on reconstruction of the satellite's rotational motion using the data of onboard measurements of the strength of the Earth's magnetic field. The motion (time dependence of the orientation parameters and angular velocity) was found from the condition of best approximation of the measurement data by the functions calculated along the solutions to equations of attitude motion of the satellite. The solutions found were used to calculate the quasistatic component of microaccelerations at certain points of the satellite, in particular, at the point of location of an accelerometer of the QSAM system. Filtration of the low-frequency component of the angular velocity and microacceleration from the data of measurements by a sensor of angular velocity and by the accelerometer of this system served as a second method. The filtration was made using the discrete Fourier series. A spectral analysis of the functions representing the results of determining the angular velocity and microacceleration by both methods is performed. Comparing the frequencies and amplitudes of the harmonic component of these functions allowed us to estimate the accuracy of measurements made by the QSAM system in the low-frequency range.  相似文献   

秦伟泽  李秉尚 《上海航天》2005,22(Z1):61-64
阐述了风云二号(FY-2)C星测控分系统应答机子系统的功能,以及载频中心频率、工作体制、接收机输入信号电平、馈线损耗、发射性能和功耗等主要技术指标.给出了子系统的组成和工作原理.介绍了C星应答机的倍频链电路、调制器、选用固态功率放大器(SSPA),以及功率合成器放电余量增大等设计改进.试验验证及在轨运行状况表明,C星应答机工作正常,所作技术改进正确有效.  相似文献   

针对编队飞行系统中的高精度星间基线确定问题,对编队主星轨道状态与星间基线进行了关联建模.基于GPS测量的相对导航模型解和测量基线与工作基线之间的坐标转换,建立了相应模型并分别给出了误差传播关系,讨论了主星状态对星间基线确定的影响.该影响的规律和大小与多方面因素有关,其中小卫星编队与GPS星座之间的观测几何特别是编队宽度是主导因素,在宽编队情形下,为得到高精度星间基线,对于主星轨道状态的精度要求较高.  相似文献   

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