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全球导航卫星系统反射计(GNSS-R)是近年来兴起的一种被动式遥感手段,可用于提高海洋盐度(SSS)反演精度。首先,在回顾辐射计亮温模型和GNSS-R散射功率模型,并建立星载仿真场景的基础上,研究了GNSS-R辅助辐射计探测海洋盐度的性能,使辐射计工作于GPS L1频点1 575.42 MHz时,通过共用天线和射频前端可以降低星载设备的质量和功耗,但对海洋盐度大于25 psu的条件下,垂直和水平极化的亮温对海洋盐度的灵敏度分别下降约0.1和0.08 K/psu;其次,分析了GPS L1反射信号对辐射计的干扰,发现在仿真场景下当辐射亮温变化1 K时,GPS L1反射信号引入了小于2.5×10-4 K的误差;再者,讨论了不同入射角情况下定义的垂直和水平极化的GNSS-R观测量对亮温校正量的灵敏度,结果表明随入射角增大,水平、垂直极化信号的观测量对亮温校正量的灵敏度分别呈现下降和上升趋势;最后,分析了定义的GNSS-R观测量对亮温校正量的灵敏度与空间分辨率之间的关系,得出了高灵敏度、高空间分辨率反演算法的研究对星载GNSS-R辅助辐射计海洋盐度探测至关重要的结论。  相似文献   

A new strategy of precise orbit determination (POD) for GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) satellite using SATRE (SAtellite Time and Ranging Equipment) is presented. Two observation modes are proposed and different channels of the same instruments are used to construct different observation modes, one mode receiving time signals from their own station and the other mode receiving time signals from each other for two stations called pairs of combined observations. Using data from such a tracking network in China, the results for both modes are compared. The precise orbit determination for the Sino-1 satellite using the data from 6 June 2005 to 13 June 2005 has been carried out in this work. The RMS (Root-Mean-Square) of observing residuals for 3-day solutions with the former mode is better than 9.1 cm. The RMS of observing residuals for 3-day solutions with the latter mode is better than 4.8 cm, much better than the former mode. Orbital overlapping (3-day orbit solution with 1-day orbit overlap) tests show that the RMS of the orbit difference for the former mode is 0.16 m in the radial direction, 0.53 m in the along-track direction, 0.97 m in the cross-track direction and 1.12 m in the 3-dimension position and the RMS of the orbit difference for the latter mode is 0.36 m in the radial direction, 0.89 m in the along-track direction, 1.18 m in the cross-track direction and 1.52 m in the 3-dimension position, almost the same as the former mode. All the experiments indicate that a meter-level accuracy of orbit determination for geostationary satellite is achievable.  相似文献   

低轨航天器弹道系数估算及热层大气模型误差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用低轨(LEO)航天器在轨期间两行轨道根数(TLEs)数据,结合经验大气密度模型NRLMSISE00,反演计算得到其在轨期间的弹道系数B’,以31年B’的平均值代替弹道系数真值,分别通过标准球形目标卫星对比以及物理参数基本相同的非球形目标卫星对比,对弹道系数真值进行了检验;利用不同外形目标卫星弹道系数在不同太阳活动周内的变化规律,结合太阳和地磁活动变化,估计经验大气密度模型的误差分布. 结果表明,利用反演弹道系数31年的平均值来代替真值,其在理论值的正常误差范围内;大气密度模型误差在210~526km高度范围内存在相同的变化趋势,且模型误差随高度增加而增大;在短周期内B’变化与太阳活动指数F10.7存在反相关性;密度模型不能有效模拟2008年出现的大气密度异常低. 以上结果表明,经验大气密度模型结果需要修正,尤其是在太阳活动峰年和谷年,此外,磁暴期间模型误差的修正对卫星定轨和轨道预报等也具有重要意义.  相似文献   

基于GLONASS星历的预报轨道的误差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推导了协议地球坐标系下的卫星运动方程.通过分析由GLONASS(Global Navigation Satellite System)广播星历参数确定的卫星预报轨道的拟合精度,指出了摄动力模型的简化、积分器的选择,以及忽略了极移影响等因素是引起拟合误差的主要因素,其中摄动力模型的简化起最主要的作用.通过对卫星轨道运动方程积分30?min,可知由摄动力模型的简化、积分器和忽略极移影响等因素引起的拟合误差分别为0.827?m,0.224?m和0.025?m.要提高预报轨道拟合的精度,关键是要对摄动力简化特别是地球引力摄动高阶项的截断以及日月引力场简化造成的轨道预报精度损失加以控制.  相似文献   

A space-based augmentation system (SBAS) provides real-time correction data for global navigation satellite system (GNSS) users near ground. In order to use the SBAS ionosphere correction for low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, the correction should be scaled down for the LEO altitude. This scale factor varies with ionosphere distribution and it is hard to determine the value at LEO in real time. We propose a real-time scale factor determination method by using Galileo GNSS’s NeQuick G model. A LEO satellite GPS data and SBAS data received on ground were used to evaluate the performance of the NeQuick G derived variable scale factor. The NeQuick G derived scale factor shows a significant accuracy improvement over NeQuick G model or pre-determined constant scale factor. It improves a vertical positioning accuracy of the LEO satellite. The error mean reductions of the vertical positioning over NeQuick G and the constant scale factor are 31.5% and 11.7%, respectively.  相似文献   

提出了一种支持向量回归机(SVRM)辅助的北斗地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星反射信号土壤湿度反演方法。使用全球导航卫星系统反射信号(GNSS-R)右旋圆极化(RHCP)天线和左旋圆极化(LHCP)天线接收体制进行了地基实验,采集了北斗GEO卫星直射、反射信号原始数据,并从中提取直射、反射信号的相关功率,结合北斗GEO卫星的高度角与方位角信息作为输入,烘干称重法获取的土壤湿度作为输出对使用径向基(RBF)核函数的ε-SVRM进行了训练。独立测试集上的结果表明,SVRM辅助的北斗GEO卫星反射信号土壤湿度反演方法获取的土壤湿度结果与烘干称重法获取的土壤湿度参考值误差控制在3%以内,线性回归方程决定系数为0.897 9,均方根误差RMSE为1.492 6%,证明了该方法具有良好的泛化特性,实际应用中效果良好。   相似文献   

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