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Observations of interstellar gas in front of stars near the Sun are briefly reviewed to obtain for the properties of the local fluff: n−0.1 cm−3, ne 0.003 cm−3, T−11, 500 °K, and B−3−5 μG. The velocity vector obtained from He° λ584 backscattered data (V, 1, b) = (−25 km s−1, 3°, +17°) appears to adequately describe the heliocentric upwind velocity vector for the local fluff.  相似文献   

In preparation for microgravity experiments, we studied the kinetics of gravitropism in seedlings of wild-type (WT) Arabidopsis and three starch-deficient mutants. One of these mutants is starchless (ACG 21) while the other two are intermediate starch mutants (ACG 20 and ACG 27). In root cap cells, ACG 20 and 27 have 51% and 60% of the WT amount of starch, respectively. However, in endodermal cells of the hypocotyl, ACG 20 has a greater amount of starch than ACG 27. WT roots and hypocotyls were much more responsive to gravity than were the respective organs of the starchless mutant, and the intermediate starch mutants exhibited reduced gravitropism but had responses that were close to that of the WT. In roots, ACG 27 (more starch) was more responsive than ACG 20 (less starch), while in hypocotyls, ACG 20 (more starch) had a greater response than ACG 27 (less starch). Taken together, our data are consistent with the starch-statolith hypothesis for gravity perception in that the degree of graviresponsiveness is proportional to the total mass of plastids per cell. These results also suggest that (in roots) 51-60% starch is close to the threshold amount of starch needed for full gravitropism and that the gravity sensing system is "overbuilt."  相似文献   

The problem of optimum solar proxy is important for long-term and/or climatological studies of ionospheric parameters. Here we focus on possibly different optimum solar proxies for different ionospheric parameters, as they are affected by partly different spectral ranges of solar ionizing radiation. We use yearly average values of foF2 and foE of four European stations with long (1976–2014) and high-quality data (Juliusruh, Pruhonice, Rome, Slough/Chilton), and the global total electron content (G-TEC). Four solar proxies are used: F10.7, Mg II, solar Lymna-alpha flux Fα and sunspot numbers. The most important finding is that the optimum solar proxies are different for different ionospheric parameters. The most suitable solar proxy for foF2 is found to be Mg II, whereas for foE F10.7 evidently outperforms Mg II. Fα and sunspot numbers perform slightly worse but none of four solar proxies performs poorly. F10.7 is favored for G-TEC, to some extent surprisingly, as previous results favored rather Mg II.  相似文献   

The poleward edge of the main ionospheric trough can often be regarded as the ionospheric signature of the equatorward boundary of the plasma sheet. We use Advanced Ionospheric Sounder observations of the poleward edge from Halley, Antarctica (76°S, 27°W; L=4.2) to investigate some aspects of its dynamics with respect to changes of magnetospheric and solar wind conditions. We find that there is frequently rapid equatorward motion of the poleward edge from ∼20 minutes before to ∼30 minutes after the onset of the main phase of a substorm. These observations are discussed in terms of the dynamics of the plasma sheet during substorm activity. Another class of rapid equatorward motion of the poleward edge of the trough has no apparent cause in the magnetosphere or solar wind. Possible explanations involving longitudinal structure of the trough or small-scale structure of the solar wind are considered.  相似文献   

The solar EUV irradiance is of key importance for space weather. Most of the time, however, surrogate quantities such as EUV indices have to be used by lack of continuous and spectrally resolved measurements of the irradiance. The ability of such proxies to reproduce the irradiance from different solar atmospheric layers is usually investigated by comparing patterns of temporal correlations. We consider instead a statistical approach. The TIMED/SEE experiment, which has been continuously operating since February 2002, allows for the first time to compare in a statistical manner the EUV spectral irradiance to five EUV proxies: the sunspot number, the f10.7, Ca K, and Mg II indices, and the He I equivalent width.  相似文献   

We examined some 75 observations from the low-altitude Earth orbiting DMSP, Ørsted and CHAMP satellites which were taken in the region of the nominal cusp. Our objective was to determine whether the actually observed cusp locations as inferred from magnetosheath-like particle precipitation (“particle cusp”) and intense small-scale magnetic field variations (“current cusp”), respectively, were identical and were consistent with the statistically expected latitude of the cusp derived from a huge number of charged particle spectrograms (“statistical cusp”).  相似文献   

ISEE-1 and 2 observations from about 20 Re down the near-Earth magnetotail indicate the presence of magnetic flux ropes in the neutral sheet. Magnetic and electric field and fast plasma data show that these structures convect across the spacecraft at speeds of 200–600-km/s, and have scale sizes of roughly 3–5-Re. The rope axis orientation is approximately cross-tail. Their magnetic structure is similar to Venus ionospheric flux ropes, and to flux transfer events at the dayside magnetopause. These structures may arise from patchy reconnection or tearing mode reconnection within the plasma sheet.  相似文献   

δ = (O/N2)exp/(O/N2)mod ratios are analysed for the polar thermosphere depending on the season and the heliogeophysical activity where (O/N2)exp values are measured at high latitudes with radiofrequency mass spectrometers at MP-12 rocket launchings and (O/N2)mod values are calculated for the corresponding conditions of every experiment from 4 models (DTM, MSIS-77, MSIS-83 and Köhnlein model (KL)).The analysis reveals certain regularities in variations for different models. In summer δDTM does not depend on the heliogeophysical activity and is within a factor of 2–3 for the polar cap and the daytime cusp at 150 km; during the polar night δDTM depends on the geomagnetic disturbance and varies with the solar activity cycle.The δMSIS-77 and δKL values have little dependence on the heliogeophysical conditions and have approximately the same seasonal variations. During the polar night δMSIS-83 corresponds to 1 ± 0.25 at high and low solar activity. The increase in δ dispersion for every model considered is noted at low solar activity in the morning and evening sectors of the auroral oval.  相似文献   

Time variations of the magnetic field of the Sun, seen as a star (the data 1968–2018, with more than 27 thousand daily measurements of the solar mean magnetic field), allowed to specify the rotation period of the gravitating solar mass: 27.027(6)?days, synodic. This indicates a presumably unknown physical connection between motions of the Sun and the Earth: in the course of a year our star accomplishes nearly 27 half-revolutions, while the planet itself performs an identical number of its spinnings during one complete axial revolution of the Sun. True origin of this strange Sun–Earth resonance is unknown, but it is supposed the phenomenon might be caused by slight coherent perturbations of gravity within the solar system.  相似文献   

Chang'E-1,the orbiter circling the moon 200km above the moon surface,is the first Chinese Lunar exploration satellite.The satellite was successfully launched on 24th October 2007.There are 8 kinds of scientific payloads onboard,including the stereo camera,the laser altimeter,the Sagnac-based interferometer image spectrometer,the Gamma ray spectrometer,the X-ray spectrom-eter,the microwave radiometer,the high energy particle detector,the solar wind plasma detector and a supporting payload data management system.Chang'E-1 opened her eyes to look at the moon and took the first batch of lunar pictures after her stereo camera was switched on in 20th November 2007.Henceforth all the instruments are successfully switched on one by one.After a period of parameter adjustment and initial check out,all scientific instruments are now in their normal operating phase.In this paper,the payloads and the initial observation results are introduced.  相似文献   

It was 100 years ago (on August 7, 1920), that the comprehensive mathematical foundations of climate change research, written by a Serbian researcher, Milutin Milankovitch, were published. A later interpreter and developer of his results, Georg (in Hungarian: György) Bacsák (Pozsony/Pressburg/Bratislava, June 5, 1870 - Fonyód, March 4, 1970) was born 150 years ago and died at the age of one hundred, half a century ago. In this commemorative paper we look back to special circumstances in revealing the secrets of ice ages that had puzzled scientists for at least several centuries. Recently, after 100 years, the Milankovitch theory, including related short-term forcings (ranging from interannual, multidecadal to millennial timescales) has not only been confirmed, but its climate forcing mechanism has also been identified and proposed. Owing to the uniqueness of the problem, the science of the orbital forcing of climate change can be proclaimed to be essentially settled.  相似文献   

The shape of flux profiles of gradual solar energetic particle (SEP) events depends on several not well-understood factors, such as the strength of the associated shock, the relative position of the observer in space with respect to the traveling shock, the existence of a background seed particle population, the interplanetary conditions for particle transport, as well as the particle energy. Here, we focus on two of these factors: the influence of the shock strength and the relative position of the observer. We performed a 3D simulation of the propagation of a coronal/interplanetary CME-driven shock in the framework of ideal MHD modeling. We analyze the passage of this shock by nine spacecraft located at ∼0.4 AU (Mercury’s orbit) and at different longitudes and latitudes. We study the evolution of the plasma conditions in the shock front region magnetically connected to each spacecraft, that is the region of the shock front scanned by the “cobpoint” (Heras et al., 1995), as the shock propagates away from the Sun. Particularly, we discuss the influence of the latitude of the observer on the injection rate of shock-accelerated particles and, hence, on the resulting proton flux profiles to be detected by each spacecraft.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate temporal and spatial magnetosphere response to the impact of interplanetary (IP) shocks with different inclinations and speeds on the Earth’s magnetosphere. A data set with more than 500 IP shocks is used to identify positive sudden impulse (SI+) events as expressed by the SuperMAG partial ring current index. The SI+ rise time (RT), defined as the time interval between compression onset and maximum SI+ signature, is obtained for each event. We use RT and a model suggested by Takeuchi et al. (2002) to calculate the geoeffective magnetospheric distance (GMD) in the shock propagation direction as a function of shock impact angle and speed for each event. GMD is a generalization of the geoeffective magnetosphere length (GML) suggested by Takeuchi et al. (2002), defined from the subsolar point along the X line toward the tail. We estimate statistical GMD and GML values which are then reported for the first time. We also show that, similarly to well-known results for RT, the highest correlation coefficient for the GMD and impact angle is found for shocks with high speeds and small impact angles, and the faster and more frontal the shock, the smaller the GMD. This result indicates that the magnetospheric response depends heavily on shock impact angle. With these results, we argue that the prediction and forecasting of space weather events, such as those caused by coronal mass ejections, will not be accurately accomplished if the disturbances’ angles of impact are not considered as an important parameter within model and observation scheme capabilities.  相似文献   

The Virtual Habitat (V-HAB), is a Life Support System (LSS) simulation, created to perform dynamic simulation of LSS’s for future human spaceflight missions. It allows the testing of LSS robustness by means of computer simulations, e.g. of worst case scenarios.  相似文献   

Satellite-based limb occultation measurements are well suited for the detection and mapping of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) and cirrus clouds. PSCs are of fundamental importance for the formation of the Antarctic ozone hole that occurs every year since the early 1980s in Southern Hemisphere spring. Despite progress in the observation, modeling and understanding of PSCs in recent years, there are still important questions which remain to be resolved, e.g. PSC microphysics, composition, formation mechanisms and long-term changes in occurrence. In addition, it has recently become clear that cirrus clouds significantly affect the global energy balance and climate, due to their influence on atmospheric thermal structure.  相似文献   

The long outstanding question of where the heliospheric (solar) modulation of galactic cosmic rays actually begins, in terms of spatial position, as well as at what high kinetic energy, can now be answered. Both answers are possible by using the results of an advanced numerical model, together with appropriate observations. Voyager 1 has been exploring the outskirts of the heliosphere and is presently entering what can be called the very local interstellar medium. It has been generally expected, and accepted, that once the heliopause is crossed, the local interstellar spectrum (LIS) should be measured in situ by the Voyager spacecraft. However, we show that this may not be the case and that modulation effects on galactic cosmic rays can persist well beyond the heliopause. For example, proton observations at 100 MeV close to the heliopause can be lower by ∼25% to 40% than the LIS, depending on solar modulation conditions. It is also illustrated quantitatively that significant solar modulation diminishes above ∼50 GeV at Earth. It is found that cosmic ray observations above this energy contain less that 5%5% solar modulation effects and should therefore reflect the LIS for galactic cosmic rays. Input spectra, in other words the very LIS, for solar modulation models are now constrained by in situ observations and can therefore not any longer be treated arbitrarily. It is also possible for the first time to determine the lower limit of the very LIS from a few MeV/nuc to very high energies.  相似文献   

Recent observations of daytime 150 km echoes made from Gadanki have revealed ‘descending layer type’ echoing pattern, which are remarkably different from their well known ‘necklace’ pattern. These descending layer type echoing pattern have close resemblance to those of the nighttime valley region echoes that are presumably linked with the intermediate layer formed by the meridional wind shear associated with the semidiurnal/terdiurnal tidal winds. The observed close resemblance between the two echoing patterns reminds the plausible role of the semidiurnal/terdiurnal tidal wind and metallic ions in the governing physical processes. We present a comparative anatomy of these two echoing phenomena by making a close examination of the radar observations from Gadanki. Importantly, we bring out the similarities and dissimilarities in their characteristics and discuss the results in the light of currently available theoretical frameworks in an effort to further our understanding on the origin of these echoing phenomena, which have been addressed so far in isolation.  相似文献   

Radiative cooling in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere is predominantly from 15-μm emissions of CO2. Above t 120 km, complete NLTE cooling from NO becomes more important. Above 100 km, both the CO2 and the NO cooling are proportional to concentrations of atomic oxygen which are dynamically controlled and poorly characterized by observations. Furthermore, the rate for energy exchange between O and CO2(ν2 = 1) is very poorly known. CO2 is close to LTE throughout the mesosphere, but small departures from LTE between 65 and 80 km may be important for questions of remote sensing. Remote sensing for trace gases, e.g., O3 and H2O, must consider NLTE effects in the mesosphere. A global mean column model for aeronomy processes above 65 km gives a reasonable agreement with observed temperatures, suggesting that radiative balance may be possible without the need for including eddy cooling or gravity wave heating.  相似文献   

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