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The Porous Tube Plant Nutrient Delivery System or PTPNDS (U.S. Patent #4,926,585) has been under development for the past six years with the goal of providing a means for culturing plants in microgravity, specifically providing water and nutrients to the roots. Direct applications of the PTPNDS include plant space biology investigations on the Space Shuttle and plant research for life support in Space Station Freedom. In the past, we investigated various configurations, the suitability of different porous materials, and the effects of pressure and pore size on plant growth. Current work is focused on characterizing the physical operation of the system, examining the effects of solution aeration, and developing prototype configurations for the Plant Growth Unit (PGU), the flight system for the Shuttle mid-deck. Future developments will involve testing on KC-135 parabolic flights, the design of flight hardware and testing aboard the Space Shuttle.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial cell loss has been observed in rats flown on Space Lab 3, Cosmos 1887, Cosmos 2044 and in mice following irradiation with X-ray or with high energy (HZE) particle beams. Spermatogonial loss is determined by cell counting in maturation stage 6 seminiferous [correction of seminferous] tubules. With the exception of Iron, laboratory irradiation experiments (with mice) revealed a similar pattern of spermatogonial loss proportional to the radiation dose at levels less than 0.1 Gy. Helium and Argon irradiation resulted in a 5% loss of spermatogonia after only 0.01 Gy exposure. However, significant spermatogonial loss (45%) occured at this radiation level with Iron particle beams. The loss of spermatogonia during each space flight was less than 10% when compared to control (non-flight) animals. This loss, although small, was significant. Although radiation may be a contributing factor in the loss of spermatogonia during space flight, exposure levels, as determined by dosimetry, were not significant to account for the total cell loss observed.  相似文献   

A number of space-based experiments have been conducted to assess the impact of microgravity on plant growth and development. In general, these experiments did not identify any profound impact of microgravity on plant growth and development, though investigations to study seed development have indicated difficulty in plants completing their reproductive cycle. However, it was not clear whether the lack of seed production was due to gravity effects or some other environmental condition prevailing in the unit used for conducting the experiment. The ASTROCULTURE (TM) flight unit contains a totally enclosed plant chamber in which all the critically important environmental conditions are controlled. Normal wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth and development in the ASTROCULTURE (TM) flight unit was observed during a ground experiment conducted prior to the space experiment. Subsequent to the ground experiment, the flight unit was transported to MIR by STS-89, as part of the U.S. Shuttle/MIR program, in an attempt to determine if super dwarf wheat plants that were germinated in microgravity would grow normally and produce seeds. The experiment was initiated on-orbit after the flight unit was transferred from the Space Shuttle to MIR. The ASTROCULTURE (TM) flight unit performed nominally for the first 24 hours after the flight unit was activated, and then the unit stopped functioning abruptly. Since it was not possible to return the unit to nominal operation it was decided to terminate the experiment. On return of the flight unit, it was confirmed that the control computer of the ASTROCULTURE (TM) flight unit sustained a radiation hit that affected the control software embedded in the computer. This experience points out that at high orbital inclinations, such as that of MIR and that projected for the International Space Station, the danger of encountering harmful radiation effects are likely unless the electronic components of the flight hardware are resistant to such impacts.  相似文献   

The second flight of the International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2) on Space Shuttle flight STS-65 provided a unique opportunity for the intercomparison of a wide variety of radiation measurement techniques. Although this was not a coordinated or planned campaign, by sheer chance, a number of space radiation experiments from several countries were flown on this mission. There were active radiation measuring instruments from Japan and US, and passive detectors from US, Russia, Japan, and Germany. These detectors were distributed throughout the Space Shuttle volume: payload bay, middeck, flight deck, and Spacelab. STS-65 was launched on July 8, 1994, in a 28.45 degrees x 306 km orbit for a duration of 14 d 17 hr and 55 min. The crew doses varied from 0.935 mGy to 1.235 mGy. A factor of two variation was observed between various passive detectors mounted inside the habitable Shuttle volume. There is reasonable agreement between the galactic cosmic ray dose, dose equivalent and LET spectra measured by the tissue equivalent proportional counter flown in the payload bay with model calculations. There are significant differences in the measurements of LET spectra measured by different groups. The neutron spectrum in the 1-20 MeV region was measured. Using fluence-dose conversion factors, the neutron dose and dose equivalent rates were 11 +/- 2.7 microGy/day and 95 +/- 23.5 microSv/day respectively. The average east-west asymmetry of trapped proton (>3OMeV) and (>60 MeV) dose rate was 3.3 and 1.9 respectively.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the function of the circadian timing system in space, the circadian rhythm of conidiation of the fungus Neurospora crassa was monitored in constant darkness on the STS 9 flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia. During the first 7 days of spaceflight many tubes showed a marked reduction in the apparent amplitude of the conidiation rhythm, and some cultures appeared arrhythmic. There was more variability in the growth rate and circadian rhythms of individual cultures in space than is usually seen on earth. The results of this experiment indicate that while the circadian rhythm of Neurospora conidiation can persist outside of the Earth's environment, either the timekeeping process or its expression is altered in space.  相似文献   

National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) has developed aquatic animal experiment facilities for NASA Space Shuttle use. Vestibular Function Experiment Unit (VFEU) was firstly designed and developed for physiological research using carp in Spacelab-J (SL-J, STS-47) mission. It was modified as Aquatic Animal Experiment Unit (AAEU) to accommodate small aquatic animals, such as medaka and newt, for second International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2, STS-65) mission. Then, VFEU was improved to accommodate marine fish and to perform neurobiological experiment for Neurolab (STS-90) and STS-95 missions. We have also developed and used water purification system which was adapted to each facility. Based on these experiences of Space Shuttle missions, we are studying to develop advanced aquatic animal experiment facility for both Space Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS).  相似文献   

Plans for the various missions in which men and women are expected to participate during the next 10 years are outlined. Such missions include flights of up to three months duration in low earth orbit as well as possible short excursions to geosynchronous orbit. Research activities are described which cover the full spectrum of physiological and psychological responses to space flight. These activities are shown to contribute to the ongoing Shuttle program and the future Space Station. The paper includes a summary of the major technical thrusts needed to support extended habitation in space.  相似文献   

The National Electric Company of Venezuela, C.A.D.A.F.E., is sponsoring the development of this experiment which represents Venezuela's first scientific experiment in space.The apparatus for the automatic casting of polymer thin films will be contained in NASA's payload No. G-559 of the Get Away Special program for a future orbital space flight in the U.S. Space Shuttle.Semi-permeable polymer membranes have important applications in a variety of fields, such as medecine, energy, and pharmaceuticals, and in general fluid separation processes such as reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration, and electro-dialysis.The casting of semi-permeable membranes in space will help to identify the roles of convection in determining the strucutre of these membranes.  相似文献   

The Space Life Sciences Training Program (SLSTP) is an intensive, six-week training program held every summer since 1985 at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC). A major goal of the SLSTP is to develop a cadre of qualified scientists and engineers to support future space life sciences and engineering challenges. Hand-picked, undergraduate college students participate in lectures, laboratory sessions, facility tours, and special projects: including work on actual Space Shuttle flight experiments and baseline data collection. At NASA Headquarters (HQ), the SLSTP is jointly sponsored by the Life Sciences Division and the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs: it has been very successful in attracting minority students and women to the fields of space science and engineering. In honor of the International Space Year (ISY), 17 international students participated in this summer's program. An SLSTP Symposium was held in Washington D.C., just prior to the World Space Congress. The Symposium attracted over 150 SLSTP graduates for a day of scientific discussions and briefings concerning educational and employment opportunities within NASA and the aerospace community. Future plans for the SLSTP include expansion to the Johnson Space Center in 1995.  相似文献   

We use the CORSIKA package (Heck et al., 1998) and AMS-01 flight data (Alcaraz et al., 2000) to evaluate the distribution of secondary particles in the Earth atmosphere. Distribution covers all longitudes and latitudes of STS-91 Space Shuttle flight trajectory to Mir Space Station. Moreover distribution covers all depth in the atmosphere in the evaluated area. We show distributions for e−, e+, μ+, μ−, gammas, hadrons and Cherenkov light from primary protons and helium component of cosmic rays flux. Our results compare favorably with other estimates made by different techniques.  相似文献   

The Porous Tube Plant Nutrient Delivery System (PTPNDS), a hydrophilic, microporous ceramic tube hydroponic system designed for microgravity, will be tested in a middeck locker of the Space Shuttle. The flight experiment will focus on hardware operation and assess its ability to support seed germination and early seedling growth in microgravity. The water controlling system of the PTPNDS hardware has been successfully tested during the parabolic flight of the KC-135. One challenge to the development of the space flight experiment was to devise a method of holding seeds to the cylindrical porous tube. The seed-holder must provide water and air to the seed, absorb water from the porous tube, withstand sterilization, provide a clear path for shoots and roots to emerge, and be composed of flight qualified materials. In preparation for the flight experiment, a wheat seed-holder has been designed that utilizes a cellulose acetate plug to facilitate imbibition and to hold the wheat seeds in contact with the porous tube in the correct orientation during the vibration of launch and the microgravity environment of orbit. Germination and growth studies with wheat at a range of temperatures showed that optimal moisture was 78% (by weight) in the cellulose acetate seed holders. These and other design considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

Active instruments consisting of a tissue equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) and a proton and heavy ion detector (PHIDE) have been carried on a number of Space Shuttle flights. These instruments have allowed us to map out parts of the South Atlantic Particle Anomaly (SAA) and to compare some of its features with predictions of the AP-8 energetic proton flux models. We have observed that consistent with the generally observed westward drift of the surface features of the terrestrial magnetic field the SAA has moved west by about 6.9 degrees longitude between the epoch year 1970 of the AP-8 solar maximum model and the Space Shuttle observations made twenty years later. However, calculations indicate that except for relatively brief periods following very large magnetic storms the SAA seems to occupy the same position in L-space as in 1970. After the great storm of 24 March 1991 reconfiguration of the inner radiation belt and/or proton injection into the inner belt, a second energetic proton belt was observed to form at L approximately = 2. As confirmed by a subsequent flight observations, this belt was shown to persist at least for six months. Our measurements also indicate an upward shift in the L location of the primary belt from L = 1.4 to L = 1.5. In addition we confirm through direct real time observations the existence and the approximate magnitude of the East-West effect.  相似文献   

We describe the differential energy spectrum of trapped particles measured by a solid-state charged particle telescope in the mid-deck of the Space Shuttle during the period of solar maximum. The telescope was flown in two high altitude flights at 28.5° and 57° inclination. Assuming, as is normally done, that the variations of Shuttle orientation during the missions lead to average isotropic incident spectra, the observed spectrum disagrees significantly from AP8 model calculations. This indicates the need to take into consideration the variations of solid-angle direction relative to the magnetic field. The measurements show that there is a very significant flux of secondary light ions. The energy spectra of these ions does not agree with the production spectrum from radiation transport calculations based on omni-directional AP8 Max model as an input energy spectrum.

We also describe measurements of linear energy transfer spectra using a tissue equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) flown both in the mid-deck and the payload bay of the Space Shuttle. Comparisons are made between linear energy transfer spectral measurements AP8 model-based radiation transport predictions, and thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) measurements. The absorbed dose-rate measurements using TLD's are roughly 25% lower than the TEPC-measured dose rate measurements.  相似文献   

An X2/2B level solar flare occurred on 12 August, 1989, during the last day of the flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-28). Detectors on the GOES 7 satellite observed increased X-ray fluxes at approximately 1400 GMT and a solar particle event (SPE) at approximately 1600 GMT. Measurements with the bismuth germanate (BGO) detector of the Shuttle Activation Monitor (SAM) experiment on STS-28 showed factors of two to three increases in count rates at high latitudes comparable to those seen during South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) passages beginning at about 1100 GMT. That increased activity was observed at both north and south high latitudes in the 57 degrees, 300 kilometer orbit and continued until the detector was turned off at 1800 GMT. Measurements made earlier in the flight over the same geographic coordinates did not produce the same levels of activity. This increase in activity may not be entirely accounted for by observed geomagnetic phenomena which were not related to the solar flare.  相似文献   

Space flight experiments on Chinese silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) were conducted on board the Russian 10th Biosatellite for 12 days. The samples included silkworm eggs, larvae, cocoons, pupae and moths. The processes of spinning, cocooning, mating, oviposition, larval hatching, pupation and moth emergence all completed well in space. The following effects of space flight on silkworm development were observed: The times of hatching and oviposition in the flight group were 2 to 3 days earlier than in the control group; the hatching rate of diapause eggs during space flight seemed higher than that of the control group; the life span of 2 of the 7 varieties flown was shortened; genetical variations appeared in 3 varieties. The results showed that the embryonic stage was probably the period most sensitive to the space flight environment.  相似文献   

Space flight has been shown to affect expression of several cell surface markers. These markers play important roles in regulation of immune responses, including CD4 and CD8. The studies have involved flight of experimental animals and humans followed by analysis of tissue samples (blood in humans, rats and monkeys, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and bone marrow in rodents). The degree and direction of the changes induced by space flight have been determined by the conditions of the flight. Also, there may be compartmentalization of the response of surface markers to space flight, with differences in the response of cells isolated from blood and local immune tissue. The same type of compartmentalization was also observed with cell adhesion molecules (integrins). In this case, the expression of integrins from lymph node cells differed from that of splenocytes isolated from rats immediately after space flight. Cell culture studies have indicated that there may be an inhibition in conversion of a precursor cell line to cells exhibiting mature macrophage characteristics after space flight, however, these experiments were limited as a result of technical difficulties. In general, it is clear that space flight results in alterations of cell surface markers. The biological significance of these changes remains to be established.  相似文献   

The geomagnetically-trapped and galactic cosmic radiation environments are two of the major sources of naturally-occurring space radiation exposure to astronauts in low earth orbit. The exposure is dependent primarily on altitude, spacecraft shielding, crew stay-times, and solar cycle effects for a 28.5 deg orbital inclination. Based on Space Shuttle experience, the calculated results of a parametric study are presented for several mission scenarios using a computerized anatomical man model and are compared with the NASA crew exposure limits for several critical body organs.  相似文献   

Spacelab is a large versatile laboratory carried in the bay of the Shuttle Orbiter. The first Spacelab mission dedicated entirely to Life Sciences is known as Spacelab 4. It is scheduled for launch in late 1985 and will remain aloft for seven days. This payload consists of 25 tentatively selected investigations combined into a comprehensive integrated exploration of the effects of acute weightlessness on living systems. An emphasis is placed on studying physiological changes that have been previously observed in manned space flight. This payload has complementary designs in the human and animal investigations in order to validate animal models of human physiology in weightlessness. The experimental subjects include humans, squirrel monkeys, laboratory rats, several species of plants, and frog eggs. The primary scientific objectives include study of the acute cephalic fluid shift, cardiovascular adaptation to weightlessness, including postflight reductions in orthostatic tolerance and exercise capacity, and changes in vestibular function, including space motion sickness, associated with weightlessness. Secondary scientific objectives include the study of red cell mass reduction, negative nitrogen balance, altered calcium metabolism, suppressed in vitro lymphocyte reactivity, gravitropism and photropism in plants, and fertilization and early development in frog eggs. The rationale behind this payload, the selection process, and details of the individual investigations are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

An experiment using plant protoplasts has been accepted for the IML-1 Space Shuttle mission scheduled for 1991. Preparatory experiments have been performed using both fast and slow rotating clinostats and in orbit to study the effect of simulated and real weightlessness on protoplast regeneration. Late access to the space vehicles before launch has required special attention since it is important to delay cell wall regeneration until the samples are in orbit. On a flight on Biokosmos 9 ("Kosmos-2044") in September 1989 some preliminary results were obtained. Compared to the ground control, the growth of both carrot and rapeseed protoplasts was decreased by 18% and 44% respectively, after 14 days in orbit. The results also indicated that there is less cell wall regeneration under micro-g conditions. Compared to the ground controls the production of cellulose in rapeseed and carrot flight samples was only 46% and 29% respectively. The production of hemicellulose in the flight samples was 63% and 67% respectively of that of the ground controls. In both cases all samples reached the stage of callus development. The peroxidase activity was also found to be lower in the flight samples than in the ground controls, and the number of different isoenzymes was decreased in the flight samples. In general, the regeneration processes were retarded in the flight samples with respect to the ground controls. From a simulation experiment for IML-1 performed in January 1990 at ESTEC, Holland, regenerated plants have been obtained. These results are discussed and compared to the results obtained on Biokosmos 9. Protoplast regeneration did not develop beyond the callus stage in either the flight or the ground control samples from the Biokosmos 9 experiment.  相似文献   

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