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LISA Pathfinder is an ESA mission due to be launched in the next two years. The gravity gradiometer onboard has the sensitivity required to test predictions by gravitational theories proposed as alternatives to Dark Matter such as TeVeS. Within the Solar System measurable effects are predicted only in the vicinity of gravitational saddle points (SP). For this reason it has been proposed to fly LPF by the Earth–Sun SP, at some 259,000 km from Earth. This could be done in an extension to the nominal mission which uses a Lissajous orbit about the Earth–Sun L1 point. The responsibility for LPF mission design lies with ESA/ESOC, who have designed the transfer trajectories, orbits about L1, and station keeping strategies. This article describes an analysis performed by Astrium to support a suggestion for a possible mission extension to a saddle point crossing. With only very limited fuel availability, reaching the saddle point is a significant challenge. In this article, we present recent advances in the work on trajectory design. It is demonstrated that reaching the SP is feasible once the LPF mission is completed. Furthermore, in a significant enhancement, it is demonstrated that trajectories including more than one SP flyby are possible, thus improving the science return for this proposed mission extension.  相似文献   

ESA technology reference studies are used as a process to identify key technologies and technical challenges of potential future missions not yet in the science programme. This paper reports on the study of the Fundamental Physics Explorer (FPE), a re-usable platform targeted to small missions testing fundamental laws of physics in space. The study addresses three specific areas of interest: special and general relativity tests based on atomic clocks, experiments on the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP), and studies of Bose–Einstein condensates under microgravity conditions. Starting from preliminary science objectives and payload requirements, three reference missions in the small/medium class range are discussed, based on a re-adaptation of the LISA Pathfinder spacecraft. A 700/3600 km elliptic orbit has been selected to conduct clock tests of special and general relativity, a 700 km circular orbit to perform experiments on the Weak Equivalence Principle and to study Bose–Einstein condensates, each mission being based on a three-axis stabilised spacecraft. It was determined that adaptation of LISA Pathfinder would be required in order to meet the demands of the FPE missions. Moreover it was established that specific payload and spacecraft technology development would be required to realise such a programme.  相似文献   

The LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) mission has been selected by the European Space Agency’s Science Programme Committee as the third large-class mission of the Cosmic Vision Programme, addressing the science theme of the Gravitational Universe. With a planned launch date in 2034, LISA will be the first ever space-borne Gravitational Wave observatory, relying on laser interferometry between three spacecraft orbiting the Sun in a triangular formation. Airbus is currently leading an industrial Phase A system study on behalf of the European Space Agency. The paper will address the astrodynamics challenges associated with the LISA constellation design, driven by tight requirements on the geometric quality metrics of the near equilateral formation.  相似文献   

LISA Pathfinder is a technology demonstrator space mission, aimed at testing key technologies for detecting gravitational waves in space. The mission is the precursor of LISA, the first space gravitational waves observatory, whose launch is scheduled for 2034. The LISA Pathfinder scientific payload includes two gravitational reference sensors (GRSs), each one containing a test mass (TM), which is the sensing body of the experiment. A mission critical task is to set each TM into a pure geodesic motion, i.e. guaranteeing an extremely low acceleration noise in the sub-Hertz frequency bandwidth. The grabbing positioning and release mechanism (GPRM), responsible for the injection of the TM into a geodesic trajectory, was widely tested on ground, with the limitations imposed by the 1-g environment. The experiments showed that the mechanism, working in its nominal conditions, is capable of releasing the TM into free-fall fulfilling the very strict constraint imposed on the TM residual velocity, in order to allow its capture on behalf of the electrostatic actuation.However, the first in-flight releases produced unexpected residual velocity components, for both the TMs. Moreover, all the residual velocity components were greater than maximum value set by the requirements. The main suspect is that unexpected contacts took place between the TM and the surroundings bodies. As a consequence, ad hoc manual release procedures had to be adopted for the few following injections performed during the nominal mission. These procedures still resulted in non compliant TM states which were captured only after impacts. However, such procedures seem not practicable for LISA, both for the limited repeatability of the system and for the unmanageable time lag of the telemetry/telecommand signals (about 4400 s). For this reason, at the end of the mission, the GPRM was deeply tested in-flight, performing a large number of releases, according to different strategies. The tests were carried out in order to understand the unexpected dynamics and limit its effects on the final injection. Some risk mitigation maneuvers have been tested aimed at minimizing the vibration of the system at the release and improving the alignment between the mechanism and the TM. However, no overall optimal release strategy to be implemented in LISA could be found, because the two GPRMs behaved differently.  相似文献   

In the LISA Pathfinder mission, the grabbing positioning and release mechanism will perform a critical phase, which is the injection of a test mass into a perfect free-fall condition (also called geodesic trajectory). A possible failure is the test mass remaining adhered to the mechanism or released with an excessive velocity, which would hinder the subsequent capacitive control to the desired geodesic status.  相似文献   

High accuracy differenced phase delay can be obtained by observing multiple point frequencies of two spacecraft using the same beam Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technology. Its contribution in lunar spacecraft precision orbit determination has been performed during the Japanese lunar exploration mission SELENE. In consideration that there will be an orbiter and a return capsule flying around the moon during the Chinese lunar exploration future mission Chang’E-3, the contributions of the same beam VLBI in spacecraft precision orbit determination and lunar gravity field solution have been investigated. Our results show that the accuracy of precision orbit determination can be improved more than one order of magnitude after including the same beam VLBI measurements. There are significant improvements in accuracy of low and medium degree coefficients of lunar gravity field model obtained from combination of two way range and Doppler and the same beam VLBI measurements than the one that only uses two way range and Doppler data, and the accuracy of precision orbit determination can reach meter level.  相似文献   

In order to attain the requisite sensitivity for LISA, laser frequency noise must be suppressed below the secondary noises such as the optical path noise, acceleration noise etc. In a previous paper (Dhurandhar, S.V., Nayak, K.R., Vinet, J.-Y. Time delay interferometry for LISA with one arm dysfunctional. Class. Quantum Grav. 27, 135013, 2010), we have found a large family of second-generation analytic solutions of time delay interferometry with one arm dysfunctional, and we also estimated the laser noise due to residual time-delay semi-analytically from orbit perturbations due to Earth. Since other planets and solar-system bodies also perturb the orbits of LISA spacecraft and affect the time delay interferometry (TDI), we simulate the time delay numerically in this paper for all solutions with the generation number n ? 3. We have worked out a set of 3-year optimized mission orbits of LISA spacecraft starting at January 1, 2021 using the CGC2.7 ephemeris framework. We then use this numerical solution to calculate the residual optical path differences in the second-generation solutions of our previous paper, and compare with the semi-analytic error estimate. The accuracy of this calculation is better than 1 cm (or 30 ps). The maximum path length difference, for all configuration calculated, is below 1 m (3 ns). This is well below the limit under which the laser frequency noise is required to be suppressed. The numerical simulation in this paper can be applied to other space-borne interferometers for gravitational wave detection with the simplification of having only one interferometer.  相似文献   

对于停留在日地系统L2的“嫦娥2号”探测器,其后续飞行方案有多个选项,例如主动撞月或重返月球轨道、返回地球轨道或再入大气、飞往地月系统L1/L2或日地系统L1、进入深空飞越近地小行星(最终,“嫦娥2号”于2012年12月13日成功地实现了对Toutatis小行星的近距离飞越)。探讨上述的飞行方案需要对飞行轨道进行初步设计,总的速度脉冲限制在100 m/s以内并且需要考虑探测器同时受到太阳、地球、月球的引力作用。本研究设计了探测器从日地系统L2出发借力月球实现Toutatis小行星飞越的飞行方案,与直接飞越方案相比,借力月球可以进一步节省探测器的燃料消耗,其等效速度脉冲设计值为58.47 m/s。  相似文献   

在以往航天器研制中,一般通过增加配重的方式对航天器质心偏移进行补偿.这种质心补偿方式占用了运载火箭承载能力资源,降低了航天器的有效承载能力.针对常规质心补偿方式的弱点,利用电推进航天器上氙气高密度填充的特点,提出了一种通过氙气瓶温度控制对航天器质心偏移进行补偿的方法,减少了航天器配重的使用需求.氙气瓶温差对航天器质心偏...  相似文献   

In the last decades there have been an increasing interest in improving the accuracy of spacecraft navigation and trajectory data. In the course of this plan some anomalies have been found that cannot, in principle, be explained in the context of the most accurate orbital models including all known effects from classical dynamics and general relativity. Of particular interest for its puzzling nature, and the lack of any accepted explanation for the moment, is the flyby anomaly discovered in some spacecraft flybys of the Earth over the course of twenty years. This anomaly manifest itself as the impossibility of matching the pre and post-encounter Doppler tracking and ranging data within a single orbit but, on the contrary, a difference of a few mm/s in the asymptotic velocities is required to perform the fitting.Nevertheless, no dedicated missions have been carried out to elucidate the origin of this phenomenon with the objective either of revising our understanding of gravity or to improve the accuracy of spacecraft Doppler tracking by revealing a conventional origin.With the occasion of the Juno mission arrival at Jupiter and the close flybys of this planet, that are currently been performed, we have developed an orbital model suited to the time window close to the perijove. This model shows that an anomalous acceleration of a few mm/s2 is also present in this case. The chance for overlooked conventional or possible unconventional explanations is discussed.  相似文献   

The navigation of the ESA spacecraft Giotto to its encounter with comet P/Halley on 14 March 1986 required just 10% of the fuel available. Although the spacecraft was damaged by dust impacts during its close flyby at the nucleus of P/Halley it was retargeted to return close to Earth to maintain the option to extend the mission to encounter another comet, P/Grigg-Skjellerup on 10 July 1992.

On 2 April 1986 the spacecraft was put into hibernation configuration and had been orbiting the Sun in the ecliptic with an orbital period of 10 months. On 19 February 1990 it was reactivated, spacecraft subsystems and the payload checked out to determine its health status.

On 2 July 1990 Giotto performed succesfully the first-ever Earth gravity assist manoeuvre of a spacecraft approaching the Earth from deep space and was retargeted for comet P/Grigg--Skjellerup. It was concluded that the spacecraft is ready to provide valuable data during a potential encounter with a second comet.  相似文献   

The present paper has the goal of mapping orbits, with respect to the perturbations, for a spacecraft traveling around the asteroid 2001SN263. This asteroid is a triple system, which center of mass is in an elliptic orbit around the Sun. The perturbations considered in the present model are the ones due to the oblateness of the central body, the gravity field of the two satellite bodies (Beta and Gamma), the Sun, the Moon, the asteroids Vesta, Pallas and Ceres and all the planets of the Solar System. This mapping is important, because it shows the relative importance of each force for a given orbit for the spacecraft, helping to make a decision about which forces need to be included in the model for a given accuracy and nominal orbit. Another important application of this type of mapping is to find orbits that are less perturbed, since it is expected that those orbits have good potential to require a smaller number of station-keeping maneuvers. Simulations under different conditions are made to find those orbits. The main reason to study those trajectories is that, currently, there are several institutions in Brazil studying the possibility to make a mission to send a spacecraft to this asteroid (the so-called ASTER mission), because there are many important scientific studies that can be performed in that system. The results showed that Gamma is the main perturbing body, followed by Beta (10 times smaller) and the group Sun–Mars-oblateness of Alpha, with perturbations 1000 times weaker than the effects of Gamma. The other bodies have perturbations 107 times smaller. The results also showed that circular and polar orbits are less perturbed, when compared to elliptical and equatorial orbits. Regarding the semi-major axis, an internal orbit is the best choice, followed by a larger external orbit. The inclination of the orbit plays an important role, and there are values for the inclination where the perturbations show minimum and maximum values, so it is important to make a good decision on those values.  相似文献   

Orbital potential field measurements are sensitive to regional variations in earth density and magnetization that occur over scales of a few hundred kilometers or greater. Global field models currently available are able to distinguish gravity variations of ±5 milligal over distances of ~1,000 km and magnetic variations of ±6 gamma over distances of ~300 km at the earth's surface. Regional variations in field strength have been detected in orbital measurements that are not apparent in higher resolution, low altitude surveys. NASA is presently studying a spacecraft mission known as GRAVSAT/MAGSAT, which would be the first satellite mission to perform a simultaneous survey of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields at low orbital altitudes. GRAVSAT/MAGSAT has been proposed for launch during the latter nineteen-eighties, and it would measure gravity field strength to an accuracy of 1 milligal and magnetic field strength to an accuracy of 2 gamma (scalar)/5 gamma (vector components) over a distance of roughly 100 km. Even greater improvements in the accuracy and spatial resolution of orbital surveys are anticipated during the nineteen-nineties with the development of potential field gradiometers and a tethered satellite system that can be deployed from the Space Shuttle to altitudes of 120 km above the earth's surface.  相似文献   

Lunar final approach navigation is critical for pin-point lunar landing in future missions. This study investigates the use of lunar gravity gradient measurements for autonomous navigation of a lunar probe during the final approach phase. As the spacecraft approaches the Moon, the strength of gravity gradient signals improves. A spaceborne gravity gradiometer can precisely measure local gravity gradients, and the latest lunar gravity model GL1500E is used to provide reference values. The employed truncation degree and order of the gravity model are increased stepwise considering the decreasing altitude of the spacecraft in order to reach a compromise between computational costs and model accuracy. An iterative Kalman filter is developed for coupled orbit and attitude estimation using gravity gradient measurements and attitude quaternions obtained from star sensors. A simulated spacecraft with a gradiometer noise level of 0.01 E is considered. Simulation results show that the spacecraft’s position converges rapidly and achieves an accuracy of less than 100 m at the last epoch.  相似文献   

A mission to Mars and small solar system bodies is presently studied as a possible collaboration between INTERCOSMOS, CNES, ESA and eventually other participants. The VESTA concept, based on the same strategy as the successful VEGA mission, is more ambitious, as two spacecrafts separate soon after launch: a soviet spacecraft, dedicated to the study of Mars, and a spacecraft dedicated to the study of small bodies, under the responsibility of CNES and ESA. This spacecraft would use Mars gravity assists to visit up to 4 small bodies in less than 5 years. The mission is duplicated, which means that up to 8 small bodies could be studied (e.g. 6 main belt asteroids, 1 apollo-amor asteroid and 1 short period comet). Low relative velocities (< 3.5 km/s) should allow to drop a penetrator on two large main belt asteroids, such as 4 Vesta and 1 Ceres (1994 launch).  相似文献   

基于我国未来木星系探测任务需求,初步设计了任务轨迹。以目前的发射能力,要实现木星的环绕探测必将利用行星借力,需设计借力轨迹。首先将脉冲变轨的轨迹设计问题转化为参数优化问题,在满足2029—2032年间发射并且飞行时间不超过7年的约束条件下,使用PSO算法对发射时刻、借力时刻、深空机动时刻、到达时刻等参数进行优化,使得探测器需提供的总速度增量最小。探测器进入木星系后,利用木卫3借力捕获至环木大椭圆轨道,又利用木卫4构造共振借力,最终捕获至木卫4的环绕轨道。在此基础上,还考虑了天王星飞越的拓展任务,天王星探测器在到达木星时与木星系探测器分离,利用木星借力可无消耗飞往天王星,并在2043年完成天王星的飞越探测任务。  相似文献   

太阳高纬探测器的借力飞行轨道设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
行星借力飞行技术可以节省深空探测任务的能量消耗.针对借助内行星引力向太阳高纬度发射探测器这一科学任务,分别以金星和地球为借力星体,运用圆锥曲线拼接法,通过求解兰伯特问题绘制能量等高线图,搜索多天体交会发射机会,设计探测器与借力体轨道周期之比为1∶ 1或2∶ 3的多次借力行星际轨道,获得相对黄道面成大倾角的目标轨道.分析表明,采用多天体交会借力相比单天体借力可大大降低发射能量;3次借用金星或者地球的引力可以使探测器轨道相对黄道面的倾角达到30°左右;3次地球借力轨道性能为最优,需要的地球发射能量更低,而且飞行器进入目标轨道之前的转移时间较短.   相似文献   

With the general acceptance of black holes as real entities the astrophysics community has turned its attention to studying their behavior and properties. Because of the great distance and compact size of the central engine, astronomers are limited to spectroscopic analysis. But to take a picture, or better yet a movie, of the black hole in silhouette against its accretion disk would be a triumph of exploration and scientific inquiry. Probing to the event horizon is best accomplished in the X-ray band, where material primarily radiates in the last orbits before its final plunge. Not only will the signal be bright and minimally confused in the X-ray, but the size of the required interferometer drops dramatically. We describe MAXIM, the Micro-Arcsecond X-ray Imaging Mission, which is now being studied and developed by NASA. We will explain the preliminary mission concept which will use currently existing technology to achieve spatial resolution one million times higher than that of the Hubble Space Telescope and capture the image of an event horizon in a nearby Active Galactic Nucleus. We will also describe the MAXIM Pathfinder. Designed as a stepping stone at resolution of 100 micro-arcseconds, it will demonstrate the techniques of X-ray interferometry and perform groundbreaking science like resolving the coronae of the nearby stars.  相似文献   

The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mission is more than just a return to Mars. It represents a qualitatively new type of planetary mission. This is true not only because of the capable instrumentation aboard the spacecraft and the choice of orbit and data rate, but also because of a major beneficial change in our understanding of the interplay between observation and modeling. The Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), for example, is capable of taking thousands of infrared spectra per day. The 15 micrometer carbon dioxide band in these spectra can be inverted to obtain atmospheric temperature profiles, amounting to some 15,000–25,000 separate measurements each day. In addition, radio occultations produce fewer, but much higher resolution, temperature and pressure profiles. How is such a quantity of data to be handled? Clearly not in the old-fashioned manner in which a single profile is studied at great length and detail. The quantity of data does not allow this; and the quality of the data does not support it. (A single atmospheric profile is bound to contain small-scale spatial and temporal variation—e.g., gravity waves—that cannot be removed unambiguously, as well as possible errors due to noise in the observations or non-uniqueness of the inversions). Furthermore, much of the atmospheric science of interest (winds, for example) depends on quantities like horizontal temperature gradients that are not directly observed. Instead, the data should be examined collectively with the aid of a model that incorporates our knowledge of the governing physics. Described here are the first results of such a data assimilation exercise with TES observations during the aerobraking hiatus period at Ls ≈ 200.  相似文献   

We present data from the Lexan top stacks in the Heavy Ions In Space (HIIS) experiment which was flown for six years (April 1984-Jan 1990) onboard the LDEF spacecraft in 28.5 degrees orbit at about 476 km altitude. HIIS was built of passive (i.e. no timing resolution) plastic track detectors which collected particles continuously over the entire mission. In this paper we present data on low energy heavy ions (10 < or = Z, 20MeV/nuc < E < 200 MeV/nuc). These ions are far below the geomagnetic cutoff for fully ionized ions in the LDEF orbit even after taking into account the severe cutoff suppression caused by occasional large geomagnetic storms during the LDEF mission. Our preliminary results indicate an unusual elemental composition of trapped particles in the inner magnetosphere during the LDEF mission, including both trapped anomalous cosmic ray species (Ne, Ar) and other elements (such as Mg and Fe) which are not found in the anomalous component of cosmic rays. The origin of the non-anomalous species is not understood, but they may be associated with the solar energetic particle events and geomagnetic disturbances of 1989.  相似文献   

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