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Single stage Stirling coolers providing refrigeration at around 80 K have been developed for space use and are now being produced commercially. Development work is now concentrating on multistage coolers for temperatures below 30 K. This paper describes results from a two stage cooler built at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and preliminary tests on a closed cycle 4 K cooler.  相似文献   

We highlight the effect on space-telescope temperatures of thedirectionality of the radiative properties of materials, by showing results from a Monte-Carlo simulation of telescope cooling. The need for further measurements of directional properties is stressed.  相似文献   

Applications of Brayton cycle technology to space power   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Closed Brayton Cycle (CBC) power conversion cycle can be used with a wide range of heat sources for space power applications. These heat sources include solar concentrator, radioisotope, and reactor. With a solar concentrator, a solar dynamic ground demonstration test using existing Brayton components is being assembled for testing at NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC). This 2-kWe system has a turbine inlet temperature of 1015 K and is a complete end-to-end simulation of the Space Station Freedom solar dynamic design. With a radioisotope heat source, a 1-kWe Dynamic Isotope Power System (DIPS) is under development using an existing turboalternator compressor (TAC) for testing at the same NASA-LeRC facility. This DIPS unit is being developed as a replacement to Radioisotopic Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) to conserve the Pu-238 supply for interplanetary exploration. With a reactor heat source, many studies have been performed coupling the SP-100 reactor with a Brayton power conversion cycle. Applications for this reactor/CBC system include global communications satellites and electric propulsion for interplanetary exploration. applications. The CBC consists of a heater, turboalternator compressor (TAC), cooler, and recuperator. A mixture of He and Xe is used as the working fluid in the CBC system. The He provides superior heat transfer characteristics in the heater, cooler, and recuperator. The Xe adjusts the molecular weight to provide superior aerodynamic performance for maximized turbine and compressor efficiency. Cycle studies are performed to select the optimum He/Xe molecular weight or He to Xe mixture ratio. The following presents the characteristics and advantages of using the CBC for space power applications, CBC development status, characteristics and applications of the CBC with each of the heat sources, and finally performance projections  相似文献   

Test requirements, which are generally collected in multiple disparate formats throughout the life cycle of an electronic product, could be used in various applications that reduce test and development cycle times and increase the confidence in the final test program. Unfortunately, test requirements are seldom captured in a consistent format that may be processed by a computer, thus eliminating the possibility of using such requirements in an engineering application. Additionally, such an approach disallows test requirements captured in one segment of the product life cycle to be reused in subsequent life cycle stages. This paper describes a model-based methodology, specifically the Test Requirements Model (TeRM), which can be shown to facilitate the transfer of test-related product information between various stages of the life cycle. This transportability, in conjunction with an exchange format that can be processed by a computer, permits test requirement information to support value-added applications in the engineering process throughout the life cycle of a product  相似文献   

基于协调近似表示空间的航空发动机故障诊断   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
航空发动机故障诊断的一个主要目标即是求出具有最大分布的故障类型,协调近似表示空间为统一处理不同信息系统提供了工具,并且考虑到航空发动机故障是典型的小样本问题,因此针对航空发动机故障诊断决策信息系统,在求取其基于最大分布的协调近似表示空间的基础上,引入规则融合方法得到所有不同条件下的决策规则,并将其用于历史故障数据的分析,得到了高的识别率,从实践的角度证明了该方法的有效性以及融合所得规则的普适性.   相似文献   

The radar payload on a space-based radar (SBR) satellite could require tens of kilowatts of power distributed to many small loads over a large area. This poses special problems for the power distribution and control system (PDCS). A study that examined the power requirements of an SBR spacecraft is reported. A baseline prime power system, generating about 30 kW, was derived. The proposed distribution network would transmit 240 V at 20 kHz. The voltage would be downconverted in one converter for about 100 transmit/receive modules. The design considerations are discussed, and the baseline PDCS is described  相似文献   

对于现代带电传操纵系统飞机,其人-机闭环系统是非线性高阶复杂系统.针对带电传操纵系统人-机闭环系统稳定性问题,运用遗传算法在频域内对人-机闭环高阶系统进行了等效拟配,提出应用根轨迹法对拟配得到的低阶等效系统进行稳定性分析.仿真结果表明,用遗传算法进行等效拟配能够避免初值选择问题,拟配精度较高.所提方法能够考虑到驾驶员环...  相似文献   

依据梁的振动理论,推导了叶尖振幅a与叶片自振频率f乘积af值,来表征叶片振动应力;基于某型航空发动机压气机叶片材料试片超高周疲劳试验结果,结合af值理论,推断该叶片高周疲劳寿命.对该叶片进行1阶弯曲高周疲劳试验,结果显示:af值为1 700,1 800,1 900mm/s时,超高周试验疲劳试片和实际叶片的疲劳寿命均在1×107,0.7×107,0.5×107周次附近,即超高周疲劳试验试片和实际叶片的疲劳寿命基本一致.  相似文献   

基于蜂群算法的变循环发动机最小耗油率优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
性能寻优控制是使变循环发动机满足长寿命、低油耗和大推力需求的主要途径,也是实现飞机推进系统综合控制的关键技术.基于双外涵变循环发动机非线性数学模型,在满足发动机各部件物理约束条件和推力条件下,采用人工蜂群算法对变循环发动机典型亚声速巡航点(H=11 km,Ma=0.8)耗油率进行了寻优分析,找到了耗油率最小条件下发动机6个几何可调参数、5个发动机循环参数最优值.结果表明:亚声速巡航点的耗油率在优化后比优化前降低了4.5%,从而证实人工蜂群算法能够完成变循环发动机多维优化问题.  相似文献   

AutoCAD是机械设计人员最常用的绘图工具,功能非常强大,但常因缺乏常用结构图形库而影响绘图效率,为此,论文提出在AutoCAD环境下采用AutoCAD VBA方式对机械图形中的常用结构进行参数化设计的解决方案.由于常用结构的开发方式类似,便以轴类零件中键槽结构的主视图和剖面图为例,讲述了Access数据库的构建方法、利用ADO方式来开发数据库的过程和编程实现最终图形的过程.  相似文献   

乔洪信  樊思齐  杨立  王红宇 《推进技术》2005,26(6):548-551,576
为了解决航空发动机约束预测控制器的设计问题,针对状态空间模型,经推导将无约束的二次型性能指标式转换成有约束的二次型性能指标式,采用二次规划方法计算出有约束预测控制量。按无约束和有约束,模型匹配和不匹配分别对某型发动机进行仿真计算,取得了不同约束条件对发动机动态性能和静态性能的影响情况,并举例将仿真数据转换成物理数据。仿真结果符合物理规律,计算方法得到验证。  相似文献   

王晓琳  刘雨婷  顾聪  彭旭衡 《航空学报》2021,42(7):324673-324673
高速永磁同步电机驱动系统具有电磁时间常数小、高速区载波比低的特征,加剧了电流纹波,影响系统效率、振动噪声和电磁干扰。为降低高速永磁同步电机的电流纹波,基于SiC-MOSFET/Si-IGBT混合型逆变器设计了一种改进型低损耗空间矢量调制算法。首先,通过调整零电压矢量的生成方式和各功率器件的开关动作时序,将大部分开关动作转移至低损耗的SiC-MOSFET中,并为高损耗的Si-IGBT提供零电压开关条件,降低了逆变器损耗,提高了驱动系统的效率和可用开关频率,逆变器开关频率的提高有效降低了电机电流纹波。其次,对该算法作用时的电流纹波特性进行深入分析,在此基础上提出一种变开关频率模式的最优交轴电流纹波峰值调制算法以优化交轴电流纹波性能。然后,根据预测的交轴电流纹波峰值实时调整载波频率,通过削峰填谷的方式对交轴电流纹波进行平均,在不增加开关损耗的条件下,分散开关能量、降低转矩脉动、改善振动噪声和电磁兼容性能。所提方案的优势在于:较于传统型逆变器,逆变器开关损耗降低、效率提高,可进一步提升开关频率以改善电流纹波;较于传统空间矢量调制算法,改进了电压矢量的生成方式,并利用载波频率这一新增自由度分散能量,降低了交轴电流纹波。最后,通过仿真与实验对所提出算法的有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   

基于多智能体强化学习的空间机械臂轨迹规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵毓  管公顺  郭继峰  于晓强  颜鹏 《航空学报》2021,42(1):524151-524151
针对某型六自由度(DOF)空间漂浮机械臂对运动目标捕捉场景,开展了基于深度强化学习的在线轨迹规划方法研究。首先给出了机械臂DH (Denavit-Hartenberg)模型,考虑组合体力学耦合特性建立了多刚体运动学和动力学模型。然后提出了一种改进深度确定性策略梯度算法,以各关节为决策智能体建立了多智能体自学习系统。而后建立了"线下集中学习,线上分布执行"的空间机械臂对匀速直线运动目标捕捉训练系统,构建以目标相对距离和总操作时间为参数的奖励函数。最后通过数学仿真验证,实现了机械臂对各向匀速运动目标的快速捕捉,平均完成耗时5.4 s。与传统基于随机采样的规划算法对比,本文提出的自主决策运动规划方法求解速度和鲁棒性更优。  相似文献   

Until now most very-low-frequency (VLF) radio noise experiments in the ionosphere, magnetosphere and solar wind have been able to provide only the amplitude and spectral characteristics of VLF phenomena. Experiments using multiple receivers to measure the amplitudes and relative phases of the magnetic and electric wave components, however, can give the wave characteristics in addition. Knowledge of both the spectral and the wave characteristics are desirable in making deductions about the noise source location and mechanism and about the properties of the propagation path. Expressions are derived for obtaining the electromagnetic wave characteristics — wave normal vector, Poynting vector and wave polarization — and the electrostatic wave characteristics — wave normal direction and field magnitude — from the amplitudes and relative phases of the wave components. The antenna systems capable of measuring the necessary wave components on payloads which are not spinning, spinning, or spinning and precessing are described. Consideration is given to the experimental technique of reducing payload interference, of transferring the required data to the ground and of obtaining the desired spatial, frequency, amplitude and phase resolution.The data obtained with such an experiment may represent the superposition of signals from multiple sources and multiple paths and from interference signals. Interpretation of these results is discussed and the use of the results of obtaining information on the source location and mechanism and on the propagation path properties is described. Recently several sounding rocket and satellite experiments capable of measuring some of the wave characteristics have been flown. The results concerning the wave normal directions for several different types of VLF noise phenomena are summarized.  相似文献   

A review of the behavior of water in the Mars atmosphere and subsurface is appropriate now that data from the Mariner and Viking spacecraft have been analyzed and discussed for several years following completion of those missions. Observations and analyses pertinent to the seasonal cycle of water vapor in the atmosphere of Mars are reviewed, with attention toward transport of water and the seasonal exchange of water between the atmosphere and various non-atmospheric reservoirs. Possible seasonally-accessible sources and sinks for water include water ice on or within the seasonal and residual polar caps; surface or subsurface ice in the high-latitude regions of the planet; adsorbed or chemically-bound water within the near-surface regolith; or surface or subsurface liquid water. The stability of water within each of these reservoirs is discussed, as are the mechanisms for driving exchange of the water with the atmosphere and the timescales for exchange. Specific conclusions are reached about the distribution of water and the viability of each mechanism as a seasonal reservoir. Discussion is also included of the behaviour of water on longer timescales, driven by the variations in solar forcing due to the quasi-periodic variations of the orbital obliquity. Finally, specific suggestions are made for future observations from spacecraft which would further define or constrain the seasonal cycle of water.  相似文献   

贾庆轩  王宣  陈钢  孙汉旭  郭雯 《航空学报》2018,39(8):422000-422000
为了使太空机械臂在关节锁定故障后仍能继续完成后续任务,提出一种基于位姿可达空间的太空机械臂容错路径规划方法。基于牛顿-拉夫逊法计算太空机械臂关节人为限位,完成满足任务需求的退化工作空间求解,通过构造姿态可达度指标,在退化工作空间的基础上建立故障机械臂基坐标系下的位姿可达空间。通过在代价函数中增加最小奇异值代价项改进传统A*算法,基于改进A*算法在所建立的位姿可达空间内完成太空机械臂容错路径规划。所提方法综合了位姿可达空间与改进A*算法各自的优势,实现了关节锁定故障太空机械臂同时满足避奇异与位姿可达要求的轨迹搜索。通过建立7自由度太空机械臂运动学模型开展数值仿真研究,仿真结果验证了所提容错路径规划方法的有效性。  相似文献   

采用BP神经网络逼近算法,推导、建立了预定关机点及落点坐标与需要速度间的映射关系,并装订上弹,使关机点附近对应的每一个位置都能够映射出相应的需要速度矢量,利用闭路制导关机及导引方法对导弹实施控制。提出了基于BP神经网络制导的数据制备方法,将大量的弹道数据改为以神经网络形式进行制备,有效地缩小了数据存储空间及弹载计算机的计算时间。仿真结果表明,基于BP神经网路的制导方法能够大大提高导弹的制导精度,相应的诸元数据制备方法能够准确地实现神经网络在弹上的映射功能,为该制导方法在弹上的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

传统的空间目标监测是建立在单目标状态估计基础之上,在面对突发产生的大量空间碎片时,由于碎片尺寸小,且密集分布以"群"的方式出现,传统单目标处理方法很难奏效。以"群"整体作为处理对象,基于随机有限集(RFS)技术,对"群"的状态特征进行估计。为了解决漏检目标密度分配问题和轨迹关联问题,提出一种面向量测的改进集势概率假设密度(CPHD)滤波器,并结合滤波后的信息处理过程,完成了对低轨空间碎片群的目标密度分布、群内目标数以及群内显著目标的状态估计。在仿真实验中,提出的滤波器表现明显优于传统滤波器和标准CPHD滤波器,且在某些传统滤波器和标准CPHD滤波器已失效的情况下,所提技术仍能有效工作。  相似文献   

孟礼  武小悦 《航空动力学报》2016,31(5):1065-1072
基于顺序二元决策图(OBDD)理论,针对航天测控系统(TT&C系统)特点定义了新的OBDD数据结构,提出了一种考虑设备可修的TT&C系统任务可靠性分析方法.通过将各测控站的时间窗口划分为不同阶段,分析各阶段内设备逻辑关系并构建阶段OBDD模型,然后将所有阶段OBDD模型合并为最终的任务OBDD模型.采用连续时间Markov链(CTMC)分析可修设备的状态转移行为,基于新的OBDD数据结构给出了任务可靠性计算算法.与Markov方法和仿真方法的对比分析结果表明:所提出的方法能够精确计算设备可修的TT&C系统任务可靠性,设备数量多于30个时算法效率高于Markov方法.   相似文献   

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