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This paper presents some of the results that have been obtained from the Kitt Peak observations of coronal holes and the NRL observations of coronal transients during the recent years near sunspot maximum (1979–1981). On the average, low-latitude coronal holes of comparable size contained 3 times more flux near sunspot maximum than near the previous minimum. In the outer corona, transients occurred at the observed rate of at least 2 per day, and quiet conditions persisted during less than 15 % of the observed days. We describe a sample of the more than 800 events that we have observed so far, including the observation of a comet apparently colliding with the Sun.Paper presented at the IX-th Lindau Workshop The Source Region of the Solar Wind.Visiting Astronomer, KPNO.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The solar wind emanating from coronal holes (CH) constitutes a quasi-stationary flow whose properties change only slowly with the evolution of the hole itself. Some of the properties of the wind from coronal holes depend on whether the source is a large polar coronal hole or a small near-equatorial hole. The speed of polar CH flows is usually between 700 and 800 km/s, whereas the speed from the small equatorial CH flows is generally lower and can be <400 km/s. At 1 AU, the average particle and energy fluxes from polar CH are 2.5×108 cm–2 sec–1 and 2.0 erg cm–2 s–1. This particle flux is significantly less than the 4×108 cm–2 sec–1 observed in the slow, interstream wind, but the energy fluxes are approximately the same. Both the particle and energy fluxes from small equatorial holes are somewhat smaller than the fluxes from the large polar coronal holes.Many of the properties of the wind from coronal holes can be explained, at least qualitatively, as being the result of the effect of the large flux of outward-propagating Alfvén waves observed in CH flows. The different ion species have roughly equal thermal speeds which are also close to the Alfvén speed. The velocity of heavy ions exceeds the proton velocity by the Alfvén speed, as if the heavy ions were surfing on the waves carried by the proton fluid.The elemental composition of the CH wind is less fractionated, having a smaller enhancement of elements with low first-ionization potentials than the interstream wind, the wind from coronal mass ejections, or solar energetic particles. There is also evidence of fine-structure in the ratio of the gas and magnetic pressures which maps back to a scale size of roughly 1° at the Sun, similar to some of the fine structures in coronal holes such as plumes, macrospicules, and the supergranulation.  相似文献   

Models of plasma flow in a coronal hole fall naturally into four classes. These are: (i) radial flow on a streamline along which the divergence is assumed to vary differently than as the square of the radial distance from the Sun; (ii) global flow along streamlines determined in some independent manner; (iii) empirical models originating in, or based strongly on observation; (iv) dynamic models using magnetic and plasma boundary conditions low in the corona to find both the geometry of streamlines and the flow field.To date, models both of ideal coronal holes and of specific observed coronal holes indicate that flow velocities above 100 km s+1, and temperatures of perhaps 2 × 106K are possible at 2R heliocentric distance, where densities of 2 × 105 cm+3 have been reported. These velocities are at, or just above the sound speed, although still sub-Alfvénic. There is also general agreement among models of large polar holes that conversion of mechanical wave energy flux into solar wind kinetic energy is occurring in the 2R to 5R range, perhaps occurs even further outwards, and that the magnitude and extent of this energy deposition depends on the size and on the geometrical divergence of the hole.However, each model exhibits distinct weaknesses counteracted only by the complimentary nature of the various types of models. Models in class (i) are simply not global representations, but are tractable when dealing with complex forms of the energy equation or with several ion species. Class (ii) models lack any geometrical information beyond the ad hoc assumption of known streamline geometry, but have the same advantages as those in class (i). Class (iii) models cannot determine streamline geometry within a hole and do not extend further from the Sun than the available data — although they place important constraints on models in the other classes. Class (iv) models are limited to simple forms of the energy equation and/or to quasi-radial flow, but are the only models producing self-consistent streamline geometries through inclusion of transverse magnetic stresses in the momentum equation.Most limitations in coronal hole flow models can be eliminated by using known numerical techniques to combine models in classes (i), (ii), and (iv). This would allow detailed models of coronal holes and corresponding interplanetary conditions to be developed for specific time periods, at the cost of flexibility and possibly also general conceptual understanding. Nevertheless, the concept of a coronal hole is now reasonably well established, and acceptable modelling approaches are rapidly filling the literature. It can be anticipated that the evolution of these models, together with present and future observations, will bring us much nearer to understanding coronal energetics and dynamics.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

Models of the transition region — corona — solar wind system are investigated in order to find the coronal helium abundance and to study the role played by coronal helium in controlling the the solar wind proton flux. The thermal force on -particles in the transition region sets the flow of helium into the corona. The frictional coupling between -particles and protons and/or the electric polarization field determines the proton flux in the solar wind as well as the fate of the coronal helium content.  相似文献   

柔性翼微型飞行器垂直阵风响应特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微型飞行器因其体积小、重量轻、使用灵活、成本低,广泛应用于军民领域的侦查、通讯、搜救等领域。在制约微型飞行器发展的诸多因素中,阵风对微型飞行器的稳定、安全飞行影响很大。在南京航空航天大学非定常风洞内,研制了一套垂直阵风装置,进行了垂直阵风的流场测试。设计制作了一种柔性翼微7型飞行器,并制作了刚性翼与其对比,在国内首次进行了微型飞行器垂直阵风实验。结果表明:柔性翼能够提高微型飞行器的失速迎角,且具有更好的纵向稳定性,有一定的垂直阵风缓和能力,有利于安全、稳定飞行。  相似文献   

针对一亚声速单级轴流压气机试验台,根据正交试验的要求设计了9种周向槽机匣处理结构.以其为载体系统地研究了槽式机匣几何结构参数对其扩稳效果的影响.正交实验结果表明:在两种换算转速下无需对所用可能组合的处理机匣结构进行试验,使用正交分析方法对试验结果进行分析都能成功预测扩稳效果最好的处理机匣结构型式.   相似文献   

In 1973, during the total solar eclipse, we flew an experiment aboard the Concorde supersonic airliner in order to investigate the possible presence of white-light coronal waves. Our experiment failed to detect any significant effects, so it became clear that such waves should be searched for by use of finer, i.e., spectroscopic methods.Proceedings of the Conference Solar Physics from Space, held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), 11–14 November 1980.  相似文献   

Parameters of expanding magnetic loops and arches and of mass flows generated by them in the corona have been computed in a 1D two-fluid approximation. Two possible trigger mechanisms of the coronal transients have been considered: (i) sudden increase of the background magnetic field strength, and (ii) heating and compression plasma inside these magnetic structures. We discuss the formation of shock waves and their dependence on dynamics and geometry of the magnetic structures.  相似文献   

Spartan 201 is a shuttle deployed spacecraft that is scheduled to perform ultraviolet spectroscopy and white light polarimetry of the extended solar corona during two 40 hour missions to occur in September 1994 and August 1995. The spectroscopy is done with an ultraviolet coronal spectrometer which measures the intensity and spectral line profile of HI Ly up to heliocentric heights of 3.5 solar radii. It also measures the intensities of the OVI doublet at 1032 and 1037 Å and of Fe XII at 1242 Å. The HI Ly line profile measurements are used to determine the random velocity distribution of coronal protons along the line-of-sight. The absolute HI Ly intensities can be used together with electron densities from the white light coronagraph to estimate electron temperatures from hydrogen ionization balance calculations, and bulk outflow velocities from models of Doppler dimmed resonant scattering. Intensities of minor ion lines are used to determine coronal abundances and outflow velocities of O5+. Ultraviolet spectroscopy of extended coronal regions from the 11 April 1993 mission of Spartan 201 are discussed.  相似文献   

Pfeffermann  E.  Aschenbach  B.  Bräuninger  H.  Trümper  J. 《Space Science Reviews》1981,30(1-4):251-251
Space Science Reviews -  相似文献   

The coronal magnetic field in the northern polar coronal hole in 1986 is predicted on the basis of the photospheric magnetic field observations and the horizontal current-current sheet coronal model (Zhao and Hoeksema, 1993). The predicted magnetic field intensity is stronger near the center of the hole than near the edge. The calculated expansion factor for the entire hole does not match the expansion factor of any flux tube in the hole, suggesting that it would not be appropriate to use the expansion factor for entire hole to represent the divergence of the flux tube in analyzing the acceleration and heating of the plasma in coronal holes.  相似文献   

NASA’s MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) mission will further the understanding of the formation of the planets by examining the least studied of the terrestrial planets, Mercury. During the one-year orbital phase (beginning in 2011) and three earlier flybys (2008 and 2009), the X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) onboard the MESSENGER spacecraft will measure the surface elemental composition. XRS will measure the characteristic X-ray emissions induced on the surface of Mercury by the incident solar flux. The Kα lines for the elements Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, Ti, and Fe will be detected. The 12° field-of-view of the instrument will allow a spatial resolution that ranges from 42 km at periapsis to 3200 km at apoapsis due to the spacecraft’s highly elliptical orbit. XRS will provide elemental composition measurements covering the majority of Mercury’s surface, as well as potential high-spatial-resolution measurements of features of interest. This paper summarizes XRS’s science objectives, technical design, calibration, and mission observation strategy.  相似文献   

We give a short account of the most prominent structures of the intermediate corona. Then we propose an axially symmetrical model for coronal streamers, according to which charged particles move along magnetic surfaces whose sources are electrical currents situated in the vicinity of the photosphere. The simplest current configuration is a pair of coaxial, coplanar, circular, and oppositely directed currents parallel to the photosphere. Magnetic surfaces for this current distribution exhibit a helmet-shaped separatrix and a saddle point. The temperature profile along the streamer can be predicted qualitatively if one takes into account the conservation of an adiabatic invariant in the drift theory of the charged particle motion.  相似文献   

The properties of different solar wind streams depend on the large scale structure of the coronal magnetic field. We present average values and distributions of bulk parameters (density, velocity, temperature, mass flux, momentum, and kinetic and thermal energy, ratio of thermal and magnetic pressure, as well as the helium abundance) as observed on board the Prognoz 7 satellite in different types of the solar wind streams. Maximum mass flux is recorded in the streams emanating from the coronal streamers while maximum thermal and kinetic energy fluxes are observed in the streams from the coronal holes. The momentum fluxes are equal in both types of streams. The maximum ratio of thermal and magnetic pressure is observed in heliospheric current sheet. The helium abundance in streams from coronal holes is higher than in streams from streamers, and its dependences on density and mass flux are different in different types of the streams. Also, the dynamics of -particle velocity and temperature relative to protons in streams from coronal holes and streamers is discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了北航D4风洞PIV系统的布置及具体实验方案,在此基础上实现了PIV技术在前体非对称涡流动结构研究中的应用。在迎角50°、Re=0.14×10°~0.55×106时,对旋成体X/D=2和3.35截面流动结构进行研究。结果表明,随着胁数的增加截面上流动结构存在从非对称二涡向三涡发展的趋势;在亚临界区,旋涡对非对称压力分布的影响起主要作用;在临界起始发展区及临界区,边界层流动状态及其分离形态对非对称压力分布的影响起主要作用;前体非对称涡沿轴向由二涡向三涡的发展状态在临界起始发展区比亚临界区将向更上游的位置发生。  相似文献   

对表面光滑和有脊状结构的大尺度回转体模型在风洞中进行了变速度、变攻角试验,为脊状表面减阻技术的工程化应用提供了参考.对比分析发现:来流速度对脊状表面减阻效果有很大影响,减阻效果随速度增加呈现先增大后减小的趋势,在某一速度达到最佳,减阻效果提高20%;攻角对脊状表面减阻效果影响有限;脊状结构的存在对模型升力系数和俯仰力矩...  相似文献   

针对航空发动机气膜阻尼的结构设计需求,基于挤压间隙流理论和能量方程建立气膜阻尼的力学模型,由此获得气膜阻尼结构的等效刚度系数和等效阻尼系数,通过振动方程的理论推导获得放大因子的表达式.结果表明:气腔厚度、气腔初始压强、吸振薄板模态频率和安装位置是影响减振效果的关键参数.气腔最优厚度主要由附面层厚度和实际振动频率决定,需结合实际情况确定气腔厚度,以最大程度降低振动响应;气腔初始压强越高,阻尼系数越大;吸振薄板的固有频率应尽可能与叶片本体接近,并且安装在本体振动响应最大位置,以取得最好的减振效果.   相似文献   

雷金春  金捷 《推进技术》2009,30(1):63-66
在设计工况下,采用RNGk-ε湍流模型对扩张段不同射流缝几何结构的激波诱导轴对称气动矢量喷管进行了数值模拟。结果表明,流场结构的主要特征是在扩张段有一个主分离涡与一个旋向相反的射流角涡及次流与出口截面之间有一个较大的回流区。周向角,射流缝距出口截面轴向距离和轴向角是射流缝结构优化的三个关键参数,周向角为45°,射流缝距喷管出口截面轴向距离为19 mm,次流注入方向与主流方向相反时产生大的有效矢量角。  相似文献   

Empirical studies have shown that the solar wind speed at Earth is inversely correlated with the areal expansion rate of magnetic flux tubes near the Sun. Recent model calculations that include a self-consistent determination of the coronal temperature allow one to understand the physical basis of this relationship; they also suggest why the solar wind mass flux is relatively constant.  相似文献   

The heating of solar coronal loops by the resonant absorption or phase-mixing of incident wave energy is investigated in the framework of 3D nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) by means of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

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