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对国际标准ISO/IEC 15288、NASA、ESA、Do D的全寿命周期模型进行了介绍,分析了NASA、ESA、Do D在大型复杂系统全寿命周期中应用系统工程过程的方法、主要任务和输出,总结了不同机构全寿命周期模型和系统工程过程的特点,为我国航天系统全寿命周期理论方法的研究和工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

NASA开始为航天飞机退役减员 5月1日。NASA开始首轮裁员,并将在9月前最终取消900个岗位,因为NASA将在2010年执行航天飞机舰队的退役计划。  相似文献   

美公布《NASA空间技术路线图与优先事项》 2月1日,美国国家研究委员会(NRC)在历经1年分析后,公布了《NASA空间技术路线图与优先事项:恢复NASA的技术优势,为空间新时代铺平道路》报告。该报告是对2010年路线图草案的反馈,将帮助NASA排列出研究事项的优先顺序。委员会是基于NASA为新技术投资的每年约5~10亿美元的“可能”水平而考虑。  相似文献   

美国国家研究委员会(NRC)历经1年分析,于2012年2月1日公布了《NASA太空技术路线图与优先事项:恢复NASA的技术优势,为太空新纪元铺平道路》报告。该报告是对2010年路线图草案的反馈,将帮助NASA排列出研究事项的优先顺序。委员会是按照NASA为新技术投资的"可能"水平约每  相似文献   

固体火箭发动机喷射物中的熔渣是航天器防护和空间碎片风险评估关注的对象之一。文章首先介绍国外熔渣建模试验数据及理论模型,主要有NASA熔渣模型、MASTER2005熔渣子模型(以下简称MASTER模型)和麻省理工大学林肯实验室的MIT/LL熔渣模型;再利用NASA和MASTER模型分析熔渣尺寸-数量和质量特性。MASTER模型给出的熔渣数量和质量均低于NASA模型;且MASTER模型认为约91.8%的熔渣尺寸处于25~200 mm区间;尺寸大于250 mm的熔渣质量占熔渣总质量的88%,但其数量只占熔渣总数量的6.3%。以上研究结果为进一步分析熔渣对空间碎片环境的影响奠定了基础,对我国自主开展熔渣模型研究也有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

扬起的月尘颗粒沉积在月球探测器的太阳电池表面,可导致其性能下降。文章基于层叠遮挡理论,建立了一种月尘遮蔽光线透射的理论模型,利用该模型开展了模拟月尘颗粒形状与粒径对遮蔽效果影响的分析和计算,并与NASA的同类模型进行了对比分析。分析结果显示:2种模型给出的相对透过率随沉积月尘面密度的变化趋势相同,均呈指数型衰减关系;在随月尘形状、粒径、透过率的变化方面,2种模型存在差异。利用月尘沉积与吸附试验装置实施了模拟月尘沉积试验,验证了所建立模型的正确性,其预测准确度优于NASA模型。  相似文献   

前不久,美国新任总统奥巴马发布了2010财年预算议案。其中,NASA将获得187亿美元的资金。另外在最近的经济刺激法案中,NASA还获得了10亿美元,这样,白宫共计向NASA拨款197亿美元,1:152008年增长24亿美元。其中获得资助的项目主要包括:1.全球气候变化研究项目,支持NASA部署一个全球气候变化的研究及监测系统;2.太空探索项目。包括载人航天和机器人——NASA将把航天员送返月球,同时还将支持太阳系和宇宙机器人探索项目;3.支持2010年底航天飞机退役前的安全飞行,如果航天飞机在2010年底之前仍完全安全,  相似文献   

美国航空航天局(NASA)的科技信息工作是在NASA科技信息纲领(STIP)的指导和规范下组织实施的。NASA科技信息纲领的制定始于1958年NASA成立之时,是NASA科技信息工作宗旨、任务、目标、制度和发展战略的集中体现,也是美国联邦政府科技信息纲领的重要组成部分,其组织与实施是NASA四大主要任务之一。经过近50年的发展,NASA在工程和研发活动中取得了大量成果并积累了许多科技信息产品和文献。这些科技信息产品和文献在NASA的各项任务中发挥了不可估量的作用。  相似文献   

2008年在NASA庆祝成立50周年之际,“凤凰”.号圆满完成火星任务,“哈勃”发现绕遥远恒星运行的行星,而且国际空间站建设接近尾声,NASA与印度合作进行探月科学任务并在重返月球任务上取得较大进展。在地球,NASA研究人员观测到了北极海冰持续减少、“战神-1”火箭通过重要设计关口、发现了引起北极光闪亮亚暴的原因并且为研制最新技术水平的泳衣提供了帮助。以下是2008年NASA十大科学成就:  相似文献   

受命评审NASA载人航天计划的一个评审委员会9月8日向白宫和NASA局长递交了其评审结果的概括报告。这份12页的文件给出了五大基本选项.其中两个选项以NASA现行的航天飞机替代计划为基础.即继续开展“星座”计划。NASA目前正在“星座”计划下研制“奥利安”载人飞船和“战神”1运载火箭.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2013,82(2):484-498
Many governmental space activities need to be planned with a time horizon that extends beyond the comfort zone of reliable technology development assessments and predictions. In an environment of accelerating technological change, a methodological approach to addressing non-core technology trends and potentially disruptive, game-changing developments not yet linked to the space sector is increasingly important to complement efforts in core technology R&D planning.Various models and organisational setups aimed at fulfilling this purpose are in existence. These include, with varying levels of relevance to space, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC, operational form 1998 to 2007 and recently re-established), the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defence, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Medialab, the early versions of Starlab, the Lockheed Skunk Works and the European Space Agency's Advanced Concepts Team.Some of these organisations have been reviewed and assessed individually, though systematic comparison of their methods, approaches and results have not been published. This may be due in part to the relatively sparse scientific literature on organisational parameters for enabling disruptive innovation as well as to the lack of commonly agreed indicators for the evaluation of their performance. Furthermore, innovation support systems in the space sector are organised differently than in traditional, open competitive markets, which serve as the basis for most scholarly literature on the organisation of innovation. The present paper is intended to advance and stimulate discussion on the organisation of disruptive innovation mechanisms specifically for the space sector. It uses the examples of the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts and the ESA Advanced Concepts Team, analyses their respective approaches and compares their results, leading to the proposal of measures for the analysis and eventual evaluation of research for disruptive innovation in the space sector.  相似文献   

In May 2007, what was then the Space Life Sciences Directorate published the 2007 Space Life Sciences Strategy for Human Space Exploration, setting the course for development and implementation of new business models and significant advances in external collaboration over the next five years. The strategy was updated on the basis of these accomplishments and reissued as the NASA Human Health and Performance Strategy in 2012, and continues to drive new approaches to innovation for the directorate. This short paper describes the successful execution of the strategy, driving organizational change through open innovation efforts and collaborative projects, including efforts of the NASA Human Health and Performance Center (NHHPC).  相似文献   

M D Ross 《Acta Astronautica》2001,49(3-10):441-445
Safety of astronauts during long-term space exploration is a priority for NASA. This paper describes efforts to produce Earth-based models for providing expert medical advice when unforeseen medical emergencies occur on spacecraft. These models are Virtual Collaborative Clinics that reach into remote sites using telecommunications and emerging stereo-imaging and sensor technologies.  相似文献   

In 1996 the NASA Advisory Council asked for a comprehensive look at future launch projections out to the year 2030 and beyond. In response to this request NASA sponsored a study at The Aerospace Corporation to develop long-range space transportation models for future commercial and government applications, and to analyze the design considerations and desired characteristics for future space transportation systems. Follow-ons to present space missions as well as a wide array of potential new space applications are considered in the study. This paper summarizes the space transportation system characteristics required to enable various classes of future missions. High reliability and the ability to achieve high flight rates per vehicle are shown to be key attributes for achieving more economical launch systems. Technical, economic and policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

In 1996 the NASA Advisory Council asked for a comprehensive look at future launch projections out to the year 2030 and beyond. In response to this request NASA sponsored a study at The Aerospace Corporation to develop long-range space transportation models for future commercial and government applications, and to analyze the design considerations and desired characteristics for future space transportation systems. Follow-ons to present space missions as well as a wide array of potential new space applications are considered in the study. This paper summarizes the space transportation system characteristics required to enable various classes of future missions. High reliability and the ability to achieve high flight rates per vehicle are shown to be key attributes for achieving more economical launch systems. Technical, economic and policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》2014,30(4):190-192
The external and internal environments of NASA have been shifting, necessitating new approaches to problem solving and innovation. Based on a strategic alignment analysis, and an understanding of NASA's internal and external contexts, we have two modest proposals: First, give NASA flexibility to manage its human resources and infrastructure based on market-based, competitive, performance-oriented principles. Second, it is time for NASA to become a real network organization. One that is properly integrated both internally (across NASA centers) as well as externally with whatever organizations have superior space-related knowledge and technology, wherever they are.  相似文献   

Radiation exposure estimates for crew members on the surface of Mars may vary widely because of the large variations in terrain altitude. The maximum altitude difference between the highest (top of Olympus Mons) and the lowest (bottom of the Hellas impact basin) points on Mars is about 32 km. In this work estimates of radiation exposures as a function of altitude, from the Hellas impact basin to Olympus Mons, are made for a solar particle event proton radiation environment comparable to the Carrington event of 1859. We assume that the proton energy distribution for this Carrington-type event is similar to that of the Band Function fit of the February 1956 event. In this work we use the HZETRN 2010 radiation transport code, originally developed at NASA Langley Research Center, and the Computerized Anatomical Male and Female human geometry models to estimate exposures for aluminum shield areal densities similar to those provided by a spacesuit, surface lander, and permanent habitat as a function of altitude in the Mars atmosphere. Comparisons of the predicted organ exposures with current NASA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) are made.  相似文献   

归因于空间环境的航天器故障与异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然空间环境对航天器设计、研制和运行的影响是NASA马歇尔空间飞行中心系统分析和集成实验室电磁与航空宇宙环境部组织编写的一系列NASA RP报告的主题.其中,NASA RP-1390详细概述了天然空间环境7个主要环境因素,包括它们的简单定义、相关的型号计划事项以及对各种航天器分系统的影响.该报告提供100多个从1974...  相似文献   

归因于空间环境的航天器故障与异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然空间环境对航天器设计、研制和运行的影响是NASA马歇尔空间飞行中心系统分析和集成实验室电磁与航空宇宙环境部组织编写的一系列NASA RP报告的主题。其中,NASA RP-1390详细概述了天然空间环境7个主要环境因素,包括它们的简单定义、相关的型号计划事项以及对各种航天器分系统的影响。该报告提供100多个从1974~1994年间发生的归因于天然空间环境的航天器故障和异常的案例,统计分析天然空间环境及其对航天器的影响。文章是对这篇报告的介绍与点评。  相似文献   

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