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If life were present on Mars to day, it would face potentially lethal environmental conditions such as a lack of water, frigid temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, and soil oxidants. In addition, the Viking missions did not detect near-surface organic carbon available for assimilation. Autotrophic organisms that lived under a protective layer of sand or gravel would be able to circumvent the ultraviolet radiation and lack of fixed carbon. Two terrestrial photosynthetic near-surface microbial communities have been identified, one in the inter- and supertidal of Laguna Ojo de Liebre (Baja California Sur, Mexico) and one in the acidic gravel near several small geysers in Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, U.S.A.). Both communities have been studied with respect to their ability to fix carbon under different conditions, including elevated levels of inorganic carbon. Although these sand communities have not been exposed to the entire suite of Martian environmental conditions simultaneously, such communities can provide a useful model ecosystem for a potential extant Martian biota.  相似文献   

An initial experiment in the Laboratory Biosphere facility, Santa Fe, New Mexico, was conducted May-August 2002 using a soil-based system with light levels (at 12 h per day) of 58-mol m-2 d-1. The crop tested was soybean, cultivar Hoyt, which produced an aboveground biomass of 2510 grams. Dynamics of a number of trace gases showed that methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen gas had initial increases that were substantially reduced in concentration by the end of the experiment. Methane was reduced from 209 ppm to 11 ppm, and nitrous oxide from 5 ppm to 1.4 ppm in the last 40 days of the closure experiment. Ethylene was at elevated levels compared to ambient during the flowering/fruiting phase of the crop. Soil respiration from the 5.37 m2 (1.46 m3) soil component was estimated at 23.4 ppm h-1 or 1.28 g CO2 h-1 or 5.7 g CO2 m-2 d-1. Phytorespiration peaked near the time of fruiting at about 160 ppm h-1. At the height of plant growth, photosynthesis CO2 draw down was as high as 3950 ppm d-1, and averaged 265 ppm h-1 (whole day averages) during lighted hours with a range of 156-390 ppm h-1. During this period, the chamber required injections of CO2 to continue plant growth. Oxygen levels rose along with the injections of carbon dioxide. Upon several occasions, CO2 was allowed to be drawn down to severely limiting levels, bottoming at around 150 ppm. A strong positive correlation (about 0.05 ppm h-1 ppm-1 with r2 about 0.9 for the range 1000-5000 ppm) was observed between atmospheric CO2 concentration and the rate of fixation up to concentrations of around 8800 ppm CO2.  相似文献   

With the currently available geological record at band, the existence of life on this planet as from at least 3.8 Gyr ago seems so firmly established as to be virtually unassailable. Specifically, various disparate lines of evidence have merged to indicate (1) that the surface of the Archaean Earth had hosted prolific microbial ecosystems as is testified by a quasi-continuous record of microbialites ("stromatolites") and associated microfossils of prokaryotic affinity over 3.5, if not 3.8 Gyr of geological history, and (2) that the sedimentary carbon record has preserved the isotopic signature of autotrophic (notably photosynthetic) carbon fixation over the same time span. With the observed enrichment of isotopically light carbon in sedimentary organic matter largely consonant with the bias in favor of 12C during photosynthesis, the mainstream of the carbon isotope record can be best explained as geochemical manifestation of the isotope discriminating properties of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase reaction of the Calvin cycle suggesting an extreme degree of evolutionary conservatism in the biochemistry of autotrophic carbon fixation. As a consequence, partial biological control of the geochemical carbon cycle was established already during Early Archaean times and fully operative by the time of formation of the Earth's earliest sediments.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation into the variability and predictability of the maximum height of the ionospheric F2 layer, hmF2 over the South African region. Data from three South African stations, namely Madimbo (22.4°S, 26.5°E, dip angle: −61.47°), Grahamstown (33.3°S, 26.5°E, dip angle: −64.08°) and Louisvale (28.5°S, 21.2°E, dip angle: −65.44°) were used in this study. The results indicate that hmF2 shows a larger variability around midnight than during the daytime for all seasons. Monthly median hmF2 values were used in all cases and were compared with predictions from the IRI-2007 model, using the URSI (Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale) coefficient option. The analysis covers the diurnal and seasonal hourly hmF2 values for the selected months and time sectors e.g. January, July, April and October for 2003 and 2005. The time ranges between (03h00–23h00 UT; LT = UT + 2h) representing the local sunrise, midday, sunset and midnight hours. The time covers sunrise, midday, sunrise, and midnight hours (03–06h00 UT, 07–11h00 UT, sunrise 16–18h00 UT and 22–23h00 UT; LT = UT + 2h). The dependence of the results on solar activity levels was also investigated. The IRI-2007 predictions follow fairly well the diurnal and seasonal variation patterns of the observed hmF2 values at all the stations. However, the IRI-2007 model overestimates and underestimates the hmF2 value during different months for all the solar activity periods.  相似文献   

Simple models of terrestrial ecosystems with a limited number of components are an efficient tool to study the main laws of functioning of populations, including microbial ones, and their communities, as components of natural ecosystems, under variable environmental conditions. Among other factors are the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and limitation of plants' growth by biogenic elements. The main types of ecosystems' responses to changes in environmental conditions (a change in CO2 concentration) have been demonstrated in a "plants-rhizospheric microorganisms-artificial soil" simple experimental system. The mathematical model of interactions between plants and microorganisms under normal and elevated atmospheric CO2 and limitation by nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) yielded a qualitative agreement between calculated and experimental values of limiting substances concentrations and release rates of exudates.  相似文献   

In order to predict carbon sequestration of vegetation with the future rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration, [CO2] and temperature, long term effects of high [CO2] and high temperature on responses of both photosynthesis and transpiration of plants as a whole community to environmental parameters need to be elucidated. Especially in the last decade, many studies on photosynthetic acclimation to elevated [CO2] at gene, cell, tissue or leaf level for only vegetative growth phase (i.e. before formation of reproductive organs) have been conducted all over the world. However, CO2 acclimation studies at population or community level for a whole growing season are thus far very rare. Data obtained from repeatable experiments at population or community level for a whole growing season are necessary for modeling carbon sequestration of a plant community. On the other hand, in order to stabilize material circulation in the artificial ecological system of Closed Ecology Experiment Facilities (CEEF), it is necessary to predict material exchange rates in the biological systems. In particular, the material exchange rate in higher plant systems is highly variable during growth periods and there is a strong dependence on environmental conditions. For this reason, dependencies of both CO2 exchange rate and transpiration rate of three rice populations grown from seed under differing conditions of [CO2] and day/night air temperature (350 microL CO2 L-1, 24/17 degrees C (population A); 700 microL CO2 L-1, 24/17 degrees C (population B) and 700 microL CO2 L-1, 26/19 degrees C (population C)) upon PPFD, leaf temperature and [CO2] were investigated every two weeks during whole growing season. Growth of leaf lamina, leaf sheath, panicle and root was also compared. From this experiment, it was elucidated that acclimation of instantaneous photosynthetic response of rice population to [CO2] occurs in vegetative phase through changes in ratio of leaf area to whole plant dry weight, LAR. But, in reproductive growth phase (i.e. after initiation of panicle formation), the difference between photosynthetic response to [CO2] of population A and that of population B decreased. Although LAR of population C was almost always less than that of population A, there was no difference between the photosynthetic response to [CO2] of population A at 24 degrees C and that of population C at 26 degrees C for its whole growth period. These results are useful to make a model to predict carbon sequestration of rice community, which is an important type of vegetation especially in Asia in future global environmental change.  相似文献   

The total electron content (TEC) derived from GNSS measurements at a trans-hemispheric meridional chain of ground stations around 95°E longitude are used to study the quiet time inter-hemispheric structure and dynamics of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) during the period March 2015 to February 2016. The stations are Dibrugarh (27.5°N, 95°E, 43° dip), Kohima (25.6°N, 94.1°E, 39° dip), Aizawl (23.7°N, 92.8°E, 36° dip), Port Blair (11.63°N, 92.71°E, 9° dip) and Cocos Islands (12.2°S, 96.8°E, 43° dip). The observation shows that the northern crest of the EIA lies in the south of 23°N (Aizawl) in all seasons but recedes further south towards the equator during December solstice. The largest poleward expansion of the northern (southern) EIA is observed in the March equinox (December solstice). The equinoctial and hemispherical asymmetry of TEC is noted. The winter anomaly is observed in the northern hemisphere but not in the southern hemisphere. The highest midday TEC over any station is observed in the March equinox. The TEC in southern summer (December solstice) is significantly higher than that in the northern summer (June solstice). The observed northern EIA contracts equatorward in the postsunset period of solstice but the southern EIA persists late into the midnight in the December solstice. The asymmetry may be attributed to the different geographic location of the magnetically conjugate stations. The SAMI3 simulations broadly capture the EIA structure and the inter-hemispheric asymmetry during solstices. The difference between observations and the SAMI3 is higher in March equinox and December solstice. The higher E?×?B vertical drift in the 90–100°E sector and the large geographic-geomagnetic offset in observing stations may have contributed to the observed differences.  相似文献   

We suggest a new interpretation of the data on so-called SNC meteorites and delta 13C values of the calcium carbonate minerals and organic matter discovered in them. The delta 13C value of calcite (up to 15 ppt) is accounted for by the microbial reaction CO2 + H2 ---> CH4 + H2O. Methane-forming bacteria also synthesize organic carbon (in the form of biomass) from CO2, and this process is accompanied by 12C fractionation. Therefore, the organic carbon of SNC meteorites is enriched with 12C (delta 13C as low as -35 ppt). The environmental conditions under which the calcite of SNC meteorites was formed were favorable for the activity of methanogens.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated CO2 on plant growth are reviewed and the implications for crop yields in regenerative systems are discussed. There is considerable theoretical and experimental evidence indicating that the beneficial effects of CO2 are saturated at about 0.12% CO2 in air. However, CO2 can easily rise above 1% of the total gas in a closed system, and we have thus studied continuous exposure to CO2 levels as high as 2%. Elevating CO2 from 340 to 1200 micromoles mol-1 can increase the seed yield of wheat and rice by 30 to 40%; unfortunately, further CO2 elevation to 2500 micromoles mol-1 (0.25%) has consistently reduced yield by 25% compared to plants grown at 1200 micromoles mol-1; fortunately, there was only an additional 10% decrease in yield as the CO2 level was further elevated to 2% (20,000 micromoles mol-1). Yield increases in both rice and wheat were primarily the result of increased number of heads per m2, with minor effects on seed number per head and seed size. Yield increases were greatest in the highest photosynthetic photon flux. We used photosynthetic gas exchange to analyze CO2 effects on radiation interception, canopy quantum yield, and canopy carbon use efficiency. We were surprised to find that radiation interception during early growth was not improved by elevated CO2. As expected, CO2 increased quantum yield, but there was also a small increase in carbon use efficiency. Super-optimal CO2 levels did not reduce vegetative growth, but decreased seed set and thus yield. The reduced seed set is not visually apparent until final yield is measured. The physiological mechanism underlying CO2 toxicity is not yet known, but elevated CO2 levels (0.1 to 1% CO2) increase ethylene synthesis in some plants and ethylene is a potent inhibitor of seed set in wheat.  相似文献   

Three peanut cultivars, 'Florunner,' 'Georgia Red,' and 'New Mexico,' were grown in reach-in chambers to determine response to CO2 enrichment. CO2 treatments were ambient (400 micromol mol-1) and 700 micromol mol-1. Growth chamber conditions included 700 micromol m-2 s-1 photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), 28/22C, 7O% RH, and 12/12 h photoperiod. Growth media consisted of a 1:1 mixture (v/v) of vermiculite and sterilized sand. Six 10 L pots of each cultivar were fertilized three times per week with 250 mL of nutrient solution containing additional Ca (10 mM) and NO3 (25 mM) and watered well. Beginning 21 days after planting (DAP) and every three weeks thereafter up to 84 days, the second leaf from the growing axis (main stem) was detached to determine CO2 effect on leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA) and dry weight. Plants were harvested 97 DAP, at which time total leaf area, leaf number, plant and root weights and pod production data were taken. Numbers of pods per plant, pod fresh and dry weights, fibrous root and plant dry weights were higher for all cultivars grown at 700 micromol mol-1 than at ambient CO2. Also, leaf area for all cultivars was larger with CO2 enrichment than at ambient. SLA tended to decline with time regardless of CO2 treatment. Percentage of total sound mature kernels (%TSMK) was similar for both treatments. Plants grown at 700 micromol mol-1 CO2 had slightly more immature pods and seeds at final harvest.  相似文献   

Various experimental data acquired during the visit of Halley's comet in 1986 have shown that the amount of carbon produced due to photodissociation of parent carbon bearing species is not ample enough to explain the observations. This requires the presence of an additional source of atomic carbon. One of the possible source could be auroral-type activities resulting from the precipitation of high-energy "auroral electrons" of solar wind origin, the evidence of which have been inferred from many observations at comet Halley. We have developed a coupled chemistry-transport model to study the role of auroral and photoelectron impact as well as of chemistry on the modelling of carbon in the inner coma (< or = 10(4) km) of comet Halley. Our study suggest that electron impact dissociation of CO is the major source of carbon production in the inner coma, not the recombination of CO+ as suggested by earlier workers, while transport is the main loss process.  相似文献   

Inhibition of denitrification by ultraviolet radiation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been shown that UV-A (lambda=320-400 nm) and UV-B (lambda=280-320 nm) inhibit photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and nitrification. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects, if any, on denitrification in a microbial community inhabiting the intertidal. The community studied is the microbial mat consisting primarily of Lyngbya that inhabits the Pacific marine intertidal, Baja California, Mexico. Rates of denitrification were determined using the acetylene blockage technique. Pseudomonas fluorescens (ATCC #17400) was used as a control organism, and treated similarly to the mat samples. Samples were incubated either beneath a PAR transparent, UV opaque screen (OP3), or a mylar screen to block UV-B, or a UV transparent screen (UVT) for 2 to 3 hours. Sets of samples were also treated with nitrapyrin to inhibit nitrification, or DCMU to inhibit photosynthesis and treated similarly. Denitrification rates were greater in the UV protected samples than in the UV exposed samples the mat samples as well as for the Ps fluorescens cultures. Killed controls exhibited no activity. In the DCMU and nitrapyrin treated samples denitrification rates were the same as in the untreated samples. These data indicate that denitrification is directly inhibited by UV radiation.  相似文献   

Isotopic measurements and, more specifically, ratios of 13C to 12C in organic relative to inorganic deposits, are useful in reconstructing past biological activity on Earth. Organic matter has a lower ratio of 13C to 12C due largely to the preferential fixation of 12C over the heavier isotope by the major carbon-fixation enzyme, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, although other factors (e.g., availability of source carbon, fixation by other carboxylating enzymes and diagenesis of organic material) also contribute to fractionation. Would carbon isotope discrepancies between inorganic and organic carbon indicate past biological activity on Mars? In order to answer this question, we analyse what is known about terrestrial biologic and abiologic carbon fixation and its preservation in the fossil record, and suggest what the isotope discrimination during possible biologic and abiologic carbon fixation on Mars might have been like. Primarily because isotopic signatures of abiotically fixed carbon overlap with those of biotic fixation, but also because heterotrophy does not significantly alter the isotopic signature of ingested carbon, fractionation alone would not be definitive evidence for life. However, a narrow range of fractionation, including no fractionation, would suggest biotic processes. Never-the-less, isotopic ratios in organic deposits on Mars would be extremely useful in analysing prebiotic, if not biotic, carbon transformations on Mars.  相似文献   

Laboratory Biosphere is a 40-m3 closed life system equipped with 12,000 W of high pressure sodium lamps over planting beds with 5.37 m2 of soil. Atmospheric composition changes due to photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide and corresponding production of oxygen or the reverse, respiration, are observed in short timeframes, e.g., hourly. To focus on inherent characteristics of the crop as distinct from its area or the volume of the chamber, we report fixation and respiration rates in mmol h-1 m-2 of planted area. An 85-day crop of USU Apogee wheat under a 16-h lighted/8-h dark regime peaked in fixation rate at about 100 mmol h-1 m-2 approximately 24 days after planting. Light intensity was about 840 micromoles m-2 s-1. Dark respiration peaked at about 31 mmol h-1 m-2 at the same time. Thereafter, both fixation and respiration declined toward zero as harvest time approached. A residual soil respiration rate of about 1.9 mmol h-1 m-2 was observed in the dark closed chamber for 100 days after the harvest. A 126-day crop of Tuskegee TU-82-155 sweet potato behaved quite differently. Under a 680 micromoles m-2 s-1, 18-h lighted/6-h dark regime, fixation during lighted hours rose to a plateau ranging from about 27 to 48 mmol h-1 m-2 after 42 days and dark respiration settled into a range of 12-23 mmol h-1 m-2. These rates continued unabated until the harvest at 126 days, suggesting that tuber biomass production might have continued at about the same rate for some time beyond the harvest time that was exercised in this experiment. In both experiments CO2 levels were allowed to range widely from a few hundred to about 3000 ppm, which permitted observation of fixation rates both at varying CO2 concentrations and at each number of days after planting. This enables plotting the fixation rate as a function of both variables. Understanding the atmospheric dynamics of individual crops will be essential for design and atmospheric management of more complex CELSS which integrate the simultaneous growth of several crops as in a sustainable remote life support system.  相似文献   

The variable pressure growth chamber (VPGC) was used in a 34-day functional test to grow a wheat crop using reduced pressure (70 kPa) episodes totalling 131 hours. Primary goals of the test were to verify facility and subsystem performance at 70 kPa and to determine responses of a wheat stand to reduced pressure and modified partial pressures of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Operation and maintenance of the chamber at 70 kpa involved continuous evacuation of the chamber atmosphere, leading to CO2 influx and efflux. A model for calculating CO2-exchange rates (net photosynthesis and dark respiration) was developed and tested and involved measurements of chamber leakage to determine appropriate corrections. Measurement of chamber leakage was based on the rate of pressure change over a small pressure increment (70.3 to 72.3 kPa) with the pump disabled. Leakage values were used to correct decreases and increases in chamber CO2 concentration resulting from net photosynthesis (Ps) and dark respiration (DR), respectively. Composite leakage corrections (influx and efflux) at day 7 of the test were 9% and 19% of the changes measured for Ps and DR, respectively. On day 33, composite corrections were only 3% for Ps and 4% for DR. During the test, the chamber became progressively tighter; the leak rate at 70.3 kPa decreasing from 2.36 chamber volumes/day pretest, to 1.71 volumes/day at the beginning of the test, and 1.16 volumes/day at the end of the test. Verification of the short-term leakage tests (rate of pressure rise) were made by testing CO2 leakage with the vacuum pump enabled and disabled. Results demonstrate the suitability of the VPGC or conducting gas exhange measurements of a crop stand at reduced pressure.  相似文献   

The diurnal and seasonal changes of the variability (VR) of Maximum Useable Frequency (MUF) are compared with those of peak electron density (NmF2) at Ibadan (7.4°N, 3.9°E, 6°S dip) in the African sector. Also compared is the latitudinal effect on both characteristics by combining data from Singapore (1.3°N, 103.8°E, 17.6°S dip) in the East Asian sector and Slough (51.5°N, 359.4°E, 66.5°S dip) in the European sector. MUF VR is found to be about half of NmF2 VR at all the hours and seasons and during the solar cycle epochs considered for the three stations. While nighttime MUF VR is greater in June Solstice and September Equinox during both low and moderate solar activities and in September Equinox and December Solstice during high solar activity, nighttime NmF2 VR is greater in June Solstice and September Equinox during high solar activity and greater at the equinoxes during low and moderate solar activities. This signifies a shift in nighttime MUF peak VR from the middle six months during low and moderate solar activities to the last half of the year during high solar activity. Daytime VR of both characteristics are not observed to show any seasonal variation. MUF VR and that of NmF2 are found to increase and decrease alternately with the Zurich sunspot number (Rz) for Ibadan and Singapore. For Slough, the VR of both characteristics increases with Rz during the first half of the day. It then increases and decreases alternately with Rz during the remaining hours of the day. While nighttime MUF VR decreases with latitude, just like nighttime NmF2 VR, no latitudinal effect is found for daytime VR of both characteristics.  相似文献   

This study examines the response of the African equatorial ionospheric foF2 to different levels of geomagnetic storms, using the foF2 hourly data for the year 1989 from Ouagadougou (12.4°N, 1.5°W, dip: 2.8°N). The study also compares the observed data for the selected storm periods with the latest IRI model (IRI-2007). The foF2 values (both observed and predicted) show typical features of daytime peak and post-midnight minimum peak. The response of the ionospheric foF2 over Ouagadougou to storms events, during the night-time and post-midnight hours indicates negative responses of the ionospheric foF2, while that of the daytime hours indicates positive responses. For the investigation on the variability of the observed foF2 with respect to IRI-2007 model, with the exception of the analysis of the 20–22, October, 1989 data, where a midday peak was also observed on the first day, this study reveals two characteristic daily foF2 variability peaks: post-midnight and evening peaks. In addition, for all the geomagnetic storms considered, the URSI and CCIR coefficients of the IRI-2007 model show reasonable correspondence with each other, except for some few discrepancies. For instance, the event of 28–30 August, 1989 shows comparatively higher variability for the URSI coefficient, and at the foF2 peak values, the event of 20–22 October, 1989 shows that the CCIR coefficient is more susceptible to foF2 variability than the URSI coefficient. This study is aimed at providing African inputs for the future improvement of the IRI model.  相似文献   

The Total Electron Content (TEC) from four locations in the Indian sector namely, Trivandrum (8.47°N, 76.91°E, Geomag.0.63°S, 0.3° dip), Waltair (17.7° N, 83.3°E, Geomag. 6.4°N, 20° dip), Bhopal (23.28°N, 77.34°E, Geomag.14.26°N, 33.2° dip), and Delhi (28.58°N, 77.21°E, Geomag.19.2°N, 43.4° dip) during a low sunspot year of 2004 are used to study the variabilities of the TEC. The day time TEC values are higher over Waltair and Bhopal compared to those at Trivandrum and Delhi. Considerable day-to-day variations in the diurnal values of TEC are observed at the anomaly crest locations. The observed GPS-TEC has been compared with the IRI-2007 model derived TEC considering three different options (IRI-2001, IRI-2001 corrected and Ne-Quick) available in the model for the topside electron density. The TEC derived with Ne-Quick and IRI-01 corrected options show better agreement with GPS-TEC while the TEC from IRI-01 method shows larger deviations. From the correlation analysis carried out between TEC value at 1300 h LT and solar indices parameters namely sunspot number (SSN), F10.7 and EUV, it is observed that the correlation is more during equinoctial months and less during summer months. The correlation coefficients observed over the anomaly locations, Bhopal and Delhi are lower compared to those at Trivandrum and Waltair.  相似文献   

Bottomside electron density (Ne-h) profiles during midday (10–14 h) are analyzed using modern digital ionosonde observations at a low-middle latitude station, New Delhi (28.6N, 77.2E, dip 42.4N), for the period from January 2003 to December 2003, pertaining to moderate solar activity (MSA). Each individual profile is normalized with respect to the peak height and density (hmF2, NmF2) of the F2-region. These profiles are compared with those obtained from the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2001) model. Bilitza [Bilitza, D. International Reference Ionosphere 2000. Radio Sci. 36 (2), 261–275, 2001] using both the options namely: Gulyaeva’s model [Gulyaeva, T.L. Progress in ionospheric informatics based on electron density profile analysis of ionograms. Adv. Space Res. 7 (6) 39–48, 1987] and B0 Tab. option [Bilitza, D., Radicella, S.M., Reinisch, B.W., Adeniyi, J.O., Mosert Gonzalez, M.E., Zhang, S.R., Obrou, O. New B0 and B1 models for IRI. Adv. Space Res. 25 (1), 89–95, 2000]. The study reveals that during summer and equinox, the IRI model with B0 Tab. option in general, produces better agreement with the observed median profiles, while the IRI predictions using Gulyaeva’s option, overestimate the electron density distribution at all the heights below the F2-peak. However, during winter, in general, the IRI model, using both the options, reveals shows fairly good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

The productivity of higher plants is determined by the incident photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) and the efficiency of the following four physiological processes: absorption of PPF by photosynthetic tissue, carbon fixation (photosynthesis), carbon use (respiration), and carbon partitioning (harvest index). These constituent processes are analyzed to determine theoretical and potentially achievable productivity. The effects of optimal environmental and cultural factors on each of these four factors is also analyzed. Results indicate that an increase in the percentage of absorbed photons is responsible for most of the improvement in wheat yields in an optimal controlled environment. Several trials confirm that there is an almost linear increase in wheat yields with increasing PPF. An integrated PPF of 150 mol m-2 d-1 (2.5 times summer sunlight) has produced 60 g m-2 d-1 of grain. Apparently, yield would continue to increase with even higher PPF's. Energy efficiency increased with PPF to about 600 micromoles m-2 s-1, then slowly decreased. We are now seeking to improve efficiency at intermediate PPF levels (1000 micromoles m-2 s-1) before further exploring potential productivity. At intermediate and equal integrated daily PPF levels, photoperiod had little effect on yield per day or energy efficiency. Decreasing temperature from 23 degrees to 17 degrees increased yield per day by 20% but increased the life cycle from 62 to 89 days. We hope to achieve both high productivity and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

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