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考虑行星引力在其卫星探测器大气制动过程中的显著摄动,建立了基于Milankovitch参数的平均轨道动力学模型并对土卫六探测器进行仿真。首先,将轨道参数转换为无奇异的Milankovitch参数,考虑探测卫星的大气阻力、扁率摄动以及行星引力摄动,建立了半解析轨道方程。其次,以土卫六探测器为对象,选择不同的土星初始方位角进行有大气和无大气情况下的数值仿真,并进行比较分析。结果表明,土星初始方位角的选择会引起土卫六大气制动轨道偏心率和近拱点高度在不同范围内震荡,极大地影响大气制动效果。   相似文献   

对日地平动点附近的航天器编队控制问题进行研究,为解决基于局部线性化模型设计轨道保持控制器时存在的控制精度不高、模型精确性过度依赖等问题,提出基于圆型限制性三体问题的日-地/月系统L_2点附近主从式航天器编队飞行的相对位置控制问题的解决方法.将主航天器设定在Halo轨道上,从航天器利用自抗扰控制方法控制在主航天器周围,编队系统内的未知动力学和外部扰动由扩张状态观测器获得,并利用非线性误差反馈对其进行补偿.数值仿真结果显示采用0.1μN到10 m N的控制力即可使航天器相对位置误差控制在位置精度要求范围内,同时在存在未知干扰的情况下该方法依然具有很好的鲁棒性,从而验证优越性.  相似文献   

To achieve hovering, a spacecraft thrusts continuously to induce an equilibrium state at a desired position. Due to the constraints on the quantity of propellant onboard, long-time hovering around low-Earth orbits (LEO) is hardly achievable using traditional chemical propulsion. The Lorentz force, acting on an electrostatically charged spacecraft as it moves through a planetary magnetic field, provides a new propellantless method for orbital maneuvers. This paper investigates the feasibility of using the induced Lorentz force as an auxiliary means of propulsion for spacecraft hovering. Assuming that the Earth’s magnetic field is a dipole that rotates with the Earth, a dynamical model that characterizes the relative motion of Lorentz spacecraft is derived to analyze the required open-loop control acceleration for hovering. Based on this dynamical model, we first present the hovering configurations that could achieve propellantless hovering and the corresponding required specific charge of a Lorentz spacecraft. For other configurations, optimal open-loop control laws that minimize the control energy consumption are designed. Likewise, the optimal trajectories of required specific charge and control acceleration are both presented. The effect of orbital inclination on the expenditure of control energy is also analyzed. Further, we also develop a closed-loop control approach for propellantless hovering. Numerical results prove the validity of proposed control methods for hovering and show that hovering around low-Earth orbits would be achievable if the required specific charge of a Lorentz spacecraft becomes feasible in the future. Typically, hovering radially several kilometers above a target in LEO requires specific charges on the order of 0.1 C/kg.  相似文献   

文章阐述了嫦娥一号卫星地月转移阶段(从星箭分离到进入使命轨道)的高可靠、高精度自主变轨控制方案,介绍了飞行轨道、轨控策略及控制参数优化、星上自主变轨控制的系统设计和相关参数的地面标定等,给出了在轨飞行试验的验证结果。  相似文献   

Since the Sun-Earth libration points L1 and L2 are regarded as ideal locations for space science missions and candidate gateways for future crewed interplanetary missions, capturing near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) around the Sun-Earth L1/L2 points has generated significant interest. Therefore, this paper proposes the concept of coupling together a flyby of the Earth and then capturing small NEAs onto Sun–Earth L1/L2 periodic orbits. In this capture strategy, the Sun-Earth circular restricted three-body problem (CRTBP) is used to calculate target Lypaunov orbits and their invariant manifolds. A periapsis map is then employed to determine the required perigee of the Earth flyby. Moreover, depending on the perigee distance of the flyby, Earth flybys with and without aerobraking are investigated to design a transfer trajectory capturing a small NEA from its initial orbit to the stable manifolds associated with Sun-Earth L1/L2 periodic orbits. Finally, a global optimization is carried out, based on a detailed design procedure for NEA capture using an Earth flyby. Results show that the NEA capture strategies using an Earth flyby with and without aerobraking both have the potential to be of lower cost in terms of energy requirements than a direct NEA capture strategy without the Earth flyby. Moreover, NEA capture with an Earth flyby also has the potential for a shorter flight time compared to the NEA capture strategy without the Earth flyby.  相似文献   

使用SGCMGs航天器滑模姿态容错控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于滑模控制与自适应理论,对使用单框架控制力矩陀螺群(SGCMGs)的刚性航天器的被动姿态容错控制问题进行了研究。首先建立了含有陀螺框架转速故障的系统数学模型。然后将框架转速直接作为控制量并应用滑模控制理论设计了容错控制器,同时控制器中还设计了自适应律对故障信息和干扰进行估计。由此,可在故障和干扰的先验信息未知的情况下,实现对航天器无故障和有故障情况下的姿态稳定控制,且具有较强的鲁棒性。最后,对2种构型单框架控制力矩陀螺群的不同故障模式进行数学仿真,验证了该控制方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

基于夏氏最小二乘的轨道控制力系数辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在航天器轨道捕获、轨道维持和空间目标碰撞规避中都需要进行航天器轨道机动。针对航天器轨道机动过程中推力器的推力系数为装订常数,没有根据在轨工作实际进行优化而导致出现较大误差的情况,对控制力拟合系数进行辨识,作为修正控制参数以补偿轨道控制误差的依据,提高轨道控制精度。统计分析在轨管理的典型航天器平台及其发动机的轨道控制历史数据,分析轨道控制理论和在轨控制数据拟合建立轨道控制经验模型,用当前可测量的系统输入和输出预测系统输出的未来演变,得到不同工作情况下实际轨道控制误差与控制参数及其他主要影响因素之间关系的经验公式,为轨道控制策略决策提供参考。选取轨道半长轴控制量300m以上和300m以下的两类近地卫星,对其轨道控制历史数据进行分析,经实际数据测试,采用夏氏法进行推力系数拟合后预测的速度变化量精度较高。该种计算方法利用了轨道控制历史数据,计算方法简单,提高了轨道控制速度增量的预测精度,对轨道控制实施具有参考意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents a propellantless spacecraft rendezvous method by using the optimal combination of aerodynamic force and Lorentz force. Aerodynamic force is provided by the rotations of the plates attached to the spacecraft, and Lorentz force is achieved by modulating spacecraft's electrostatic charge. Considering the limitation of the charging level of the spacecraft and physical constraints of the plates system, an optimal open-loop rendezvous trajectory is designed, which aims to minimize the energy consumed to actuate the hybrid system. The rotation rates of the plates and the electrostatic charge are constrained in the optimization problem, which is solved via the Gauss pseudospectral method. To track the open-loop trajectory in the presence of external perturbations, a novel adaptive nonsingular terminal sliding mode controller is designed. The stability of the closed-loop system is proved by the Lyapunov-based method. Several numerical examples are conducted to verify the validity of both the open-loop and closed-loop control strategy.  相似文献   

针对绳系系统离轨稳定控制问题,开展了系绳和绳端卫星构成的绳系系统在拖拽离轨过程中系绳摆动稳定控制方法研究。在考虑拖拽离轨过程中约束下,首先建立了包含绳端卫星的姿态运动的模型,并建立了绳系系统的离轨动力学方程和便于控制器设计的简化动力学方程。其次根据模型预测原理以最优化方法设计参考轨迹,最后以模型预测控制方法为基础设计了稳定系绳摆动的非线性模型预测控制方法。使用MATLAB软件平台仿真,验证了所设计的参考轨迹能完成目标和模型预测控制器有好的跟踪能力。   相似文献   

The present study aimed to propose translational and rotational control of a chaser spacecraft in the close vicinity docking phase with a target subjected to external disturbances. For this purpose, two sliding mode controls (SMC) are developed to coordinate the relative position and attitude of two spacecraft. The chaser is guided to the tumbling target by the relative position control, approaching in the direction of the target docking port. At the same moment, the relative attitude control coordinates the chaser attitude so that it can be aligned with the target orientation. These control systems regulate the relative translational and rotational velocities to be zero when two spacecraft are docking. The robustness of the closed-loop system in the presence of external disturbances, measurement noises and uncertainties is guaranteed by analyzing and calculating the control gains via the Lyapunov function. The simulations in different scenarios indicated the effectiveness of the controller scheme and precise maneuver regarding the accuracy of docking conditions.  相似文献   

变结构航天器是目前航天领域的重要发展方向,航天器结构的变化将导致质量分布发生明显变化,这对航天器动力学建模和控制器设计都提出新的问题。针对这种情况,采用混合坐标法和拉格朗日方程建立了航天器刚柔耦合动力学模型,利用几种典型工况的参数近似得到变结构过程中动力学参数的变化规律。设计滑模控制器对航天器变结构过程进行姿态控制,为提高滑模控制器的适应性,设计模糊神经网络(FNN)自适应调节滑模控制器参数,并利用径向基函数(RBF)神经网络逼近动力学模型,得到控制力矩与姿态变化之间的近似关系,用于FNN的优化。通过仿真得到航天器变结构期间无控、滑模控制和模糊神经网络滑模控制的姿态变化,仿真结果对比验证了模糊神经网络滑模控制对于滑模控制的优势,证明了其在变结构航天器姿态控制方面的有效性。  相似文献   

火星大气对太阳辐射产生吸收和散射作用,同时还将与火星表面航天器发生对流换热.热设计时难以直接评估对流、辐射和导热三种换热对航天器的影响,从而确定主要的控温途径.在调研火星表面辐射、大气等热环境的基础上,从线性化传热系数和对流辐射比的角度对比分析了辐射、对流和导热对航天器的影响.器表辐射传热系数随光学属性和温度的变化范围...  相似文献   

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